Sunday, July 2, 2017

August2017 Horoscope: Rashi-Bhavishya for all Rashi (All Signs August2017) - AstroMNC

Posts 15 13 10 are the active ones and currently applicable. All times are Indian Standard time GMT plus 5:30 

[16] Weekly Horoscope until Sept 3rd posted:

[15] VRISHCHIK (Scorpio) and MEEN (Pisces) Moon Signs rashi be careful from and take less risks etc from August 26th 3:08AM Saturday early morning to 13:19PM Monday August 28 2017. VRISHICHIK will see expense and need for correction of errors and omissions of the past 6 and even past 25 days. Some travels mostly against wish possible. MEEN shows fatigue and misaligned efforts, running around like Ethan Hunt of Mission Impossible. KUMBH starts 6+ good days ahead. Nesh will see partnerships and collaborations, meting partners at home. Vrishabh will see social events, maternal family connects and travel for cousins. Mithun will see kids related time and family attention, KIRK to rest & rejuvenate, SINGH to see expression, travel and presentation and some expense, Kanya to see incremental gains and income from family. TULA back on track with energy. Dhanu to see income and rather easy money. Makar to see workplace influence and stress and productivity.

Mangal in Rashi-Gandant from August 24 to August27 very close to Rahu. Rahu in Rashi-Gandant and Shani in Rashi-Gandant in Vrishchik. These are NOT the best things for some bad things near water sources such as cyclones or some intense events near water sources. Until end of August it is better to be watchful with where people gather en-mass and more so near water sources.

[13] Mars (Mangal) will move to Leo (Singh) on August 27th early morning and it stays there until Oct 13th 2017 aprx 5 pm. This is adverse for VIRGO (Kanya) and MAKAR (Capricorn) Moon Signs. Need to drive in day time and also vehicles to be serviced right away if pending. Check air pressure & oil level etc every week. Need to check what siblings are doing and if they need your help. For Kanya it shows expense on or due to vehicles, need to obey traffic rules and service and checkup vehicles if pending right away. Also, it shows you need to spend time money and efforts on siblings and their needs. For Capricorn, it shows fatigue, peeda, minor injury etc possibility.

KANYA Uttara& MAKAR Uttarashadha will see this more from August 27 to Sept15th
KANYA HASTA & Makar Shravan will see this more from Sept15 to Oct5
KANYA Chitra & Makar Dhanishtha will see this from Oct 5 to Oct 13.

This might be applicable lot more to India and such chaotic countries and lesser so for western sorted out countries but still subway timings, traffic gridlock etc could happen so need to plan ahead to spend more time.

[10] KANHYA and MAKAR Adversity: SUN has moved to Singh / Leo Sign on August17th 2017 India very early morning. This is adverse for KANYA (Virgo) and MAKATR (Capricorn) moon -signs until Sept16 2017. This is great for Sagittarius (Dhanu) and SINGH (Leo) moon signs. It shows income for Tula (Libra). It shows 3 months of good support from seniors and Govt approvals etc for DHANU. It shows increasing influence and stress for Vrishchik (power) and shows travel, quick picnics presentations for etc Mithun. For Kirk it shows incremental benefits and income.

KANYA and MAKAR need to watch out with what seniors, Govt and authorities want. Obey traffic rules and be on the right side of the LAW legal matters not matter what. Overt respect to authorities with “Sir” “Dear Sir” and body language respect will go a long way. KANYA will see expense and corrections of omissions and errors of the past 3 months. Need to watch what seniors want. MAKAR will see confrontations with seniors with assignments or some untimely mistake could make matters worse for you. The mantra is “Let me review and I will get back to you” than outright arguments.

Chandra Nakshatra:
Uttara in Kanya & Uttarashadha in Makar to see more issues from August17 to August30.
Hasta and Shravan Nakshatra folks to see more issues from Augst30 to Sept10
Chitra and Dhanishtha to see more issues from Sept11 to Sept16

[14] TULA & KUMBH to be careful and less risk etc from Wednesday India 8pm Aug 23rd to 3:07 AM India early morning of Aug26th Saturday moaning. Avoid adventure sports and expense to be watched carefully. Kumbh to see fatigue and unnecessary running around where Tula could see expense which is well placed actually. Makar starts 6+ good days ahead. Mesh sees maternal folks and cousins, Vrishabh to spend time with kids and some great success. Mithun to rest rejuvenate and spend time with near & dear folks, Kirk to see presentations and quick travels, Singh to see incremental income, Kanya back on-track with energy but still watch seniors and drive carefully and get vehicles serviced etc.,

[12] KANYA and MAKAR to watch out from Monday 15:51PM India August 21 to 20:00PM India Wednesday August 23. Kanya shows expense and scolding by seniors or Govt or police etc – correct errors of the past 5 and more so 25 days. MAKAR shows some fatigue and Govt folks making you invest more effort money etc than usual for a routine or not so routine work! MEEN – Watch health. Rest of the signs – AISH KARIYO 😊 😊

[11] SINGH (Leo) and DHANU (Sagittarius) Moon Signs need to be careful from Saturday August 19, 13:38 (pm) India to Monday 15:51 (pm) India, August 21st 2017.Singh with accidents, expense, law, traffic rules, seniors authorities Govt and so on. Dhanu all those things but instead of expense -- fatigue and health issues and too much of hard-work and stress etc. Singh ego hurt and Dhanu body hurt! :) :) rest of the signs - AISH Karo..! : ) :)

[9] Moon has moved to Mithun at 11:56AM India Thursday August 17 2017. It stays there till 13:37 (PM) Saturday August 19th. This is adverse for VRISHCHIIK (Scorpio) and KIRK (Cancer) Moon Signs. RemedyTake it easy and don’t make it worse if something at all happens (nothing major – minor errors and omissions
MESH: Travel, Expression, Writing, Presentations, Success, Quick achievements. Kids attention
VRISHABH: Incremental income, family time, rest rejuvenation
GEMINI: Back on track after 2 days running around, good energy and expression, quick travels
KIRK: Expense, Investments etc, Take it easy and carefully
SINGH: Income, Good health and energy
KANYA: Workplace influence, Productivity, Uttara second navamansh watch seniors. Govt, ruled, law etc
TULA: Start of vert good 6+ days ahead, Good income and travel and start of good new things.
VRISHCHIK: Fatigue, Obstacles, Errors Omissions possible – Remedy is to reduce the speed and take it easy
DHANU: Collaborations, Spouse time, good developments
MAKAR: Maternal connect, heath – stomach upset, Uttarashadha watch what seniors and Govt wants, obey rules etc
KUMBH: Kids/Spouse time, good training / learning, quick execution success
MEEN: Rest Rejuvenation, mom/native maternal family time.

[8] Mars / Mangal enters KIRK rashi on July 11th, 2017 at 2:28pm IST. It stays there until 7:55AM IST August 27th, 2017.  This is tough for SINGH and DHANU moon signs. This means issues with vehicles, friends, siblings, land matters. Some expense is seen for these matters. Injuries and accidents are possible in this period if not being careful. Take care of long due services or work needed for vehicles, adventure sport gears or so on. Avoid taking risks with water or mountains or adventure sports etc in this period.
(1) Magha and Moola need to be careful “more” from July11th to July31st
(2) Poorva and Poorvashadha to be careful more from August 1st to August 21st
(3) Uttara (of Singh) and Uttarashadha of Dhanu to be careful more from August 22nd to August 27th

For Mesh it shows rest rejuvenation and native place, Vrishabh it shows parakrami, expression, travel etc, Mithun it shows incremental gains, cash, trading gains etc, Kirk it shows coming back on track with energy and optimism and end of adversity from Mangal. This change is good for Kanya (income/real estate/land) and Tula it shows workplace influence and power, Vrishchik (travels) with natural support from friends siblings sports and vehicles. Makar it shows focus on spouse, relationships and also collaborations with friends. For Kumbh it shows success over competition and income but body heat - -need to eat on time. For Meen it shows tactical success, achievements, sports and kids time.

[8] Happy Janmashtami!!
The only instance where the God himself took birth as a Human Being - not messenger but the GOD himself and left his Ashirwaad to all Mankind in the ABSOLUTE Truth -- BhagWadGeeta!! Lord Krishna used Uchcha Rashi (Moon sign) of Vrishabh (Taurus) for his birth! He must have a great sense of ridicule! :)

Happy Independence Day!!
Regardless of the Horoscope of 15th August 1947 --- India is ruled by Makar rashi. Shani Sadesati starting Nov2017 for next 7+ years but Guru will help till Oct2019 helping overall happiness index. The 10th Guru and 12th Shani would be stressful from Sept2017 to Sept2018. As it would show "reporting-to" or working with people of lesser ability and lesser stuff!! (naPaal?!?). It does show stress but the Oct2018 to Oct2019 will show blessings of Guru and all this steam would help achieve progress. Late 2019 and 2020 could be a mayhem like Harshad Mehta of the 90s. Shani's impact of 12th movement would be seen MAXIMUM in H2-2019. 2019 mid to mid2020 would be particularly tough for the stock market.

[7] Mithun (Gemini) and Tula (Libra) moon signs will have tough time from 9:37AM India Tuesday Morning August 15, 2017 to 11:55 AM morning Thursday August 17th 2017. Tula will see fatigue but some good travel and easy income whereas Mithun will see expense for family, food and house and correcting mistakes of past 6 days.

Mesh will have good food and speech & presentation. Vrishabh comes back on track with energy & optimism and sanity. Kirk will see income and gains and also investments and connects with abroad or distant people. Singh will see workplace influence and income and results. Kanya will enter 6+ good days ahead with workplace productivity in these two days. Vrishchik good for partnerships and spouse time. Dhanu good for social events, maternal connects but more so spouse time. Makar is taking kids to the maternal people or simply time spent with kids. Kumbh is about rest rejuvenation and also kids time or learning/training time. Meen is about expression, presentation, travel with cousins to the maternal place but more so with colleagues.

MISC Post: There are only two navamansh or only two parts of 3'20" each (3.334 degrees) in the Zodiac where their Rashi-Swami and Nakshatra-Swami is the same. Hence, they do give very definite "outcomes" ("phal").
(1) One of the last navamansh of Singh /Leo i.e. the last 3.33 degrees of Singh rashi. Both Singh rashi and nakshatra of Uttara owned by Surya / Sun.
(2) The second one is the first navamansh of Meen / Pisces rashi. Where Poorva-Bhadrapada nakshatra is owned by Guru and the rashi is also owned by Guru.
So you can see why Ayanansh are important and how CUSPS are not much relevant when it comes to signs. Uttara in Leo and Uttara in Virgo behave very differently. Similarly, Poorva-Bhadrapada is absent minded genius & intellectual in Kumbh but it is downright bhullakkad and emotional in Meen.

[11] Sun is changing today to Kirk (Cancer) rashi 3:56pm IST July 16th 2017 it stays there until August 16th. This is tough for Moon Sign #Leo (Singh/Sinha) and #Sagittarius (Dhanu) --- handle seniors, authorities and police etc matters with tact and diplomacy.
Sun enters Cancer (Kirk) now. Acute and more specific impact will be seen on the constellations as follows:
(1) Magha and Moola until 30th July
(2) Poorva and Poorvashadha -- from 30th July to 13th August.
(3) Uttara (Leo) and Uttarashadha (Dhanu) from 13th August to 16th August
Scorpio (Vrishchik) gets seniors support and increasing harmony with authorities for the next 3 months. Tula has 2 more months of such support whereas Kanya has one more month of the best possible support from seniors until 16th August. Kumbh will have success over competition. Kirk will see much needed energy and drive to do things. Vrishabh might see quick travels and picnics and presentations etc. Mesh settles at homely environment and native after a month-long frequent travels until July 16th.

 [6] Sunday morning 5:51AM August 13th India to 9:36AM TUESDAY India August 15th 2017 is not the best for Vrishabh (Taurus) and Kanya (Virgo) moon signs. For Vrishabh it shows expense and travel to meet siblings and maternal relatives. for Kanya it is about fatigue and overworked situation but shows support from income and gains. Good for real estate etc and vehicle gains.

Singh Leo starts 6+ good days ahead. For Mithun it's gains and income and investments. For Mesh it's back to form and energy, Kirk it is workplace influence and creating momentum, Tula it is relationships and spouse time and workplace collaborations, Vrishchik it is dinner social events and travel to meet maternal or native friends folks. Dhanu is about quick success but watch vehicles and seniors and obey traffic / laws. Makar is rest rejuvenation and also spouse family time. Kumbh travel to meet siblings friends and maternal folks. Meen it is about incremental gains and good food and family time.

[5] From midnight August 10th i.e. 00:09 Hrs India Friday to 5:50AM India August 12th Saturday morning Moon is going to be in Meen (Pisces) rashi. This is tough for Singh (Leo) and MESH (Aries) moon signs for these 2+ days.
MESH: Expense but good investments, health expense
VRISHABH: Income, Multiple gains, kids shining
GEMINI: Workplace productivity, Stress but happening, meeting connecting with close seniors
KIRK: Start of very good 6+days ahead. Travel to meet mentor type people, presentations and good luck
SINGH: Peeda, Fatigue, Easy money possible, inheritance
KANYA: Partnerships, Spouse time, good image, Good duty!
TULA: Social events, Maternal mama mousi connect, rather cousins from both maternal paternal connect
VRISHCHIK: Execution success, Income, Success, Kids doing well. Kid’s success!
DHANU: Rest, Rejuvenation, connect with parents and also seniors or experts/Gur type people
MAKAR: Travel, Good presentations, Picnics, Siblings time
KUMBH: Incremental income, Good investments, Family time and good food.
MEEN: Back on track with energy & optimism. Execution, Good image and recognition for work done.

[4] From 4:16PM India Tuesday August 8, 2017 to next 2+ days KIRK (Cancer) & MEEN (Pisces) moon signs need to be watchful. Kirk might have fatigue and misaligned efforts & running around whereas Meen would see expense and course-correction by working on mistakes of the past 6 days. This is until Midnight of Thursday India.
MESH: Income, Gains, Hereditary issues to Krittika
VRISHABH: Workplace productivity, Influence, meeting seniors/dad, Mrig to check wife related issues
GEMINI: Start of 6+ days ahead, Good travel and connects, Success over competition for Punarvasu
KIRK: Peeda, Fatigue, Misaligned efforts, running around for under-estimated efforts! Ashlesha to watch kids
SINGH: Collaborations, Partnerships, Spouse time, Watch Govt, vehicles & seniors, Uttara to take care of mom,
KANYA: Social events, Dinner etc and upset stomach, Travel to meet powerful people for Chitra
TULA: Achievements, Quick success, Kids time, Good food, Vishakha to watch investments
VRISHCHIK: Mom time, rest rejuvenation, Jyeshtha to watch mom and kidney or reprod organ issues!
DHANU: Travel, Presentations, Siblings, cousins, expense for Uttarashadha
MAKAR: Income, Gains, Good food, Support from older guys for Dhanishtha
KUMBH: Back on track with energy and optimism, efficiency and productivity, PoorvaBhadrapada workplace stress
MEEN: Expense, Investments, Correction of omissions and errors of the past 6 days, Revati to get new mass base and travel to meet older senior people.

[3] For the next 2+ days KUMBH (Aquarius) and MITHUN (Gemini) Moon Signs need to be watchful as some adversity is seen. Moon entered Makar (Capricorn) 6:11AM morning August 6 2017 and stays there till 4:15PM afternoon Tuesday India August 8, 2017.

MESH: Workplace influence, Travel to meet seniors or dad possible. Workplace productivity, stress
VRISHABH: Start of 6+ good days ahead, Good New things to start, Natural support from surroundings, Collaborations. Mrig to see some spouse issues
GEMINI: Fatigue & peeda, Traffic delays and so on. Patience is the key, (Success over competition for Punarvasu)
KIRK: Collaborations, Spouse and family time, kids need attention (more so for Ashlesha)
SINGH: Social events, Dinner, Maternal / Mama mousi etc folks connection, Uttara to take care of mom, Watch vehicles & seniors
KANYA: Achievements, Success, Kids doing very well, Chitra to see some travel for siblings or meeting powerful people
TULA: Rest Rejuvenation, native. mom time, Vishakha to check investments
VRISHCHIK: Travel, Expression, Presentation, Writing, Jyeshtha to watch self-health (kidney reprod organs etc)
DHANU: Income, Gains, Good food, Family time, expensive restaurant for Uttarashadha, Watch vehicles & seniors
MAKAR: Back on track with energy & optimism, Income for Dhanishtha
KUMBH: Expense, Investments for workplace, Delays and corrections of errors & omissions of past 6 dyas
MEEN: Income, Gains, Good time, Revati to get new mass base & increase of people under

[2] Next 2.5 days are somewhat tough for MAKAR (Capricorn)--expense and VRISHABH (Taurus)--fatigue moon signs. Moon enters DHANU from 6:14 PM India evening August 3rd to 6:10AM India Morning August 6th Sunday 2017. Remedy is to be loving and patient and plan to spend more time for usual work. Time and money is exchangeable! :)  Out of this Thursday evening India to 9PM Friday India is MOOLA nakshatra. Usually what happens in Moola nakshatra goes back to Mool-Pad (original state – back to square-one) like Trump’s statements! :) So be prepared to REVISIT things and reappear for some things that get approvals in this period.

MESH: Start of 6+ good days ahead, Travel to meet experts possible, Watch health/stomach
VRISHABH: Fatigue, Running around without much outcome,
GEMINI: Collaborations, Spouse time, partnerships, meeting mom or close to heart folks
KIRK: Maternal folks, travel to meet cousins or siblings, dinner social events etc
SINGH: Kids time, execution, training impart or undergo, good speech and inspirational work
KANYA: Rest Rejuvenation, good image near native place
TULA: Travel, Expression, Writing and some Waad-W-waad controversy due to that! Travel / siblings connect abroad
VRISHCHIK: Income, incremental success, GAINS, Mouke pe chouka – earn as much as you can now and invest wisely!
DHANU: Back on track slowly, workplace stress and productivity, image/recognition but stress
MAKAR: Expense of time money and efforts to meet someone influential or getting knowledge, Rework errors and omissions of past 6 days.
KUMBH: Income, Gains, hereditary or inheritance gains possible
MEEN: Workplace image stress productivity, collaborations and partnerships

[1] Moon entered Scorpio / Vrishchik sign at Tuesday 5:39AM India August 1, 2017. It stays there until Wednesday 6:13PM evening India Aug3, 2017. This is tough for DHANU & MESH moon signs for these 2+ days.
MESH: Fatigue, lack of sleep possible, proximity to native will help, anxiety due to staleness
VRISHABH: Spouse time, Collaborations, partnerships, travel with or for the spouse or marriage aspects
GEMINI: Social events dinner, maternal family meet, Good food, good to raise money for land or vehicles
KIRK:  Kids times, Execution success, Energy and push!
SINGH: Rest rejuvenation and native place time, watch vehicles and seniors and traffic rules etc
KANYA: Travel for gains, income thru presentations, help from friend siblings and seniors or Govt
TULA: Income, Family time, workplace support from colleagues
VRISHCHIK: Back on track with energy & optimism, travel possible, good long-term decisions
DHANU: Expense, Avoid vehicle or land property deals, ensure good expense/investments, drive carefully
MAKAR: Income, Gains from friends and partnerships, things you love to work on and not have to
KUMBH: Workplace influence, productivity, success over competition
MEEN: Start of 6+ good days ahead, Natural support, strategy and execution hand in hand.

[17] Moon enters Kanya/Virgo India time 10:23AM Thursday morning July27th, 2017. It stays there till 18:26 (6:26PM) India Saturday July 29th, 2017. This is tough for TULA / Libra and KUMBH / Aquarius moon signs for these 2+ days.
MESH: Maternal folks, mom time, social events dinner and upset stomach, Good restaurant visit possible
VRISHABH: Success, Execution Success, Kids doing good, Inspirational work, Get and give Good guidance
GEMINI: Rest, Rejuvenation. mom time, family time, Good food & restaurants with family and friends.
KIRK:  Expression, Presentations, Picnics, Travels, Good success, Work that you love to do.
SINGH: Investment gains, Good investments, Family times and expense for family, Handle seniors and drive carefully
KANYA: Back on track with energy and optimism, Good income & support from friends vehicles and land property etc
TULA: Expense but well directed, Correction or errors & omissions of the past 6 days or even 25 days
VRISHCHIK: Income Gains, Desire fulfillment, wonderful time! Kids doing well,
DHANU: Workplace Productivity, stress but happening, meeting good folks at workplace, good near dear seniors / Gurus
MAKAR: Start of great 6+ days ahead, Meeting elderly and higher knowledge people, new things to start, good opportunities
KUMBH: Fatigue, misaligned efforts, Good alternate medicines and spiritual or such Guru meetings, Sudden easy income
MEEN: Collaborations / partnerships, Spouse time, Good image, work that you love to do, Kids will do well.

 [16] Moon enters Leo / Singh sign at 6:01 AM India Tuesday morning July 25th, 2017. It stays there till 10:22AM Thursday morning July27th, 2017. This is tough for moon signs of Kanya / Virgo and Makar /Capricorn for these 2+ days.
MESH: Execution, Kids time, Good for taking a training and meeting seniors.
VRISHABH: Travel with or to meet mom, siblings time, Rest rejuvenation and meeting good people
GEMINI: Travel, Picnic, Presentations, Expression, Good for artists, Income
KIRK:  Income, Family time, good food, responsibilities
SINGH: Back on track with optimism & energy – still drive carefully and handle seniors or Govt etc tactfully
KANYA: Expense but for some income! :) It is more of an advance & investment from the future profit!  :)
TULA: Gains, Income, Workplace efficiency
VRISHCHIK: power, productivity, stress but happening, meeting dad possible
DHANU: Start of good 6+ days ahead. Travel and new things but handle seniors and vehicles carefully
MAKAR: Fatigue, Sleep well and take enough sleep. Sudden gains due to partners possible
KUMBH: Collaborations, spouse time, partnerships, success over competition but fatigue
MEEN: Maternal folks time, mama mousi, social event and upset stomach, Kids need attention.

[15] Moon enters KIRK (Cancer) at 4:29AM July 23rd 2017 Sunday India early morning time. It stays there until 6:00AM July 25th 2017 India Tuesday morning. This is tough for SINGH (Leo) and DHANU (Sagittarius) Moon signs for these 2+ days.
MESH: Rest Rejuvenation fully! :) Drinks with seniors & colleagues!
VRISHABH: Expression, Presentation, picnic, travels, siblings and also quarrels – good for sports folks
GEMINI: Income, Gains, investments, family time – mostly maternal
KIRK:  Back on track with optimism & energy, lot of positivity and moving around.
SINGH: Expense, Watch Seniors, Watch friends, Drive slow, obey rules of traffic avoid long travels IF possible.
KANYA: Income – multiple gains and feel good – lot of people to help!
TULA: Workplace productivity and energy, influence at workplace great – meeting dad or seniors at workplace possible
VRISHCHIK: Start of good 6+ days ahead, Good luck - -capitalize on it.
DHANU: Fatigue and running around unnecessarily. Expense and nonsense/nuisance value period! :)
MAKAR: Spouse partnerships time, arguments but collaborations with siblings & friends, good for group sports
KUMBH: Dinner, Social events and even POLITICAL dinners! Dinner for power! Success over competition – Upset stomach and upset health! Too much action!
MEEN: Kids time, training imparting or getting trained, good execution

[14] Moon in MITHUN from 4:11AM IST (Friday) July 21 2017 to 4:28 July 23 2017 (Sunday). This is tough for Vrishchik and Kirk moon sign.
MESH: Travel, Picnic, Inspirational work, presentations, kids time
VRISHABH: Family time, Good food, good gains
GEMINI: Back on track with energy and optimism, expression, travel picnic possible
KIRK:  Expense, Fatigue, family time
SINGH: Income, Good Image, Meeting elder people/siblings
KANYA: Workplace productivity, influence, lot of work, Uttara first Charan watch help
TULA: Start of very good 6+ days ahead. Travel, gains, new things to start
VRISHCHIK: Fatigue, Take enough sleep, rest, delays – patience needed
DHANU: Good collaborations, Spouse time, partnerships, Travel
MAKAR: Social events, Dinner, Upset stomach, maternal people connect, Uttarashadha fist Charan watch health take enough sleep
KUMBH: Kids & spouse time, good execution, Good success
MEEN: Rest rejuvenation, connect with mom and maternal folks

[13] Moon in Vrishabh from 3:17AM July 19th to 4:10 AM IST July 21st 2017. This is tough for Mithun with expenses and Tula with fatigue.
MESH: Income, family time, Good food, Jewelry, perfumes
VRISHABH: Back on track with energy and optimism. Good clothing and impression of personality
GEMINI: Expense but good investment, abroad connection with influential people, expense on vanity/luxuries
KIRK:  Income, gains, feel good
SINGH: Workplace support from ladies, productivity and influence at workplace
KANYA: Start of very good 6+ days ahead, Travel very good and fruitful!
TULA: Fatigue but sudden gains possible, Watch health though!
VRISHCHIK: Spouse, Collaborations, partnerships
DHANU: Maternal folks connect, dinner, upset stomach,
MAKAR: Execution success, Kids doing very well artistic stuff and inspirational stuff.
KUMBH: Rest Rejuvenation, Home décor and meeting good people – inheritance luck
MEEN: Travel with spouse & mom, presentations, quick travels and feel good!

[12] Moon enters MESH at 12:20AM IST July 17th, 2017, it stays there until 3:16AM IST July 19th, 2017. This is tough for VRISHABH & KANYA rashi for these 2+ days.
MESH: Back on track with energy and optimism, Rest Rejuvenation and proximity to native or near dear folks
VRISHABH: Expense, Travel to meet cousins & even presentations or artistic programs possible, hectic
GEMINI: Income, gains, good spicy food, Help from friends and cousins
KIRK:  Workplace influence, Good momentum and drive from your side
SINGH: Start of good 6+ days ahead, Travel to meet upper management folks or even cousins
KANYA: Fatigue, Sleep enough, Drink enough water, Easy gains from land property or vehicles and friends and cousins etc
TULA: Spouse time, collaborations at workplace, Support from colleagues and siblings and friends.
VRISHCHIK: Social events, meeting with friends, travel possibilities
DHANU: Quick success, Execution, Intelligence but watch vehicles and some tussle with siblings or friends possible
MAKAR: Rest Rejuvenation, spouse time, collaborations with friends and colleagues
KUMBH: Presentations, Quick Travels, Success over competition, Good luck
MEEN: Family time, good food, kids’ attention, Gains
[10] Moon entered MEEN at 6:33PM July 14th 2017 IST and it will stay there until 12:19AM IST July 17th 2017. This is tough for MESH and SINGH moon signs. Moon in Guru drushti is great for all folks regardless of signs as it means well directed efforts.
MESH: Expense for health, maternal or paternal uncles/aunty etc
VRISHABH: Multiple Gains, Great time, Kids and education and success and so on!
GEMINI: Workplace influence, meeting near & dear ones from workplace or seniors at workplace, “Sukh” overall
KIRK:  Start of 6+ good days ahead, Good travel, expression, presentation, meeting good souls, New opportunities
SINGH: Fatigue, need sleep, easy gains and good luck with inheritance matters
KANYA: Good collaborations, Spouse time, Good for marriage stuff, Good image
TULA: Social events, Dinner, expense for relatives, Watch health
VRISHCHIK: Achievements, Good speculations, Gains, Success, Good news from kids and education field
DHANU: Meeting near & dear ones, influential people, mom time but also some good mentors, Good books
MAKAR: Travel, Picnic, Expression, Presentations, Great for artists
KUMBH: Gains, Family times, good food, Income: investments, Inheritance matters luck
MEEN: Back on track with energy & optimism, well directed efforts, image and publicity and people connect.

[9] Moon entered KUMBH at 10:03 Wednesday July 12th, 2017 and it will stay there until 6:33 PM IST July 14th, 2017. This is tough for MEEN (Pisces) and KIRK (Cancer) moon signs.
MESH: Income, Gains and Pro environment, Inheritance issues to trouble to Krittika nakshatra
VRISHABH:  Workplace productivity and influence, partnerships troubles to Mrig nakshatra
GEMINI: Start of very good 6+days ahead, Travel to meet maternal folks possible or mama mousi; Brand New people in career for Punarvasu folks
KIRK:  Fatigue, need enough sleep, rest enough, misaligned efforts; kids need attention especially for Ashlesha
SINGH: Spouse time, partnerships collaborations, Mom time for Uttara folks; Attention to domestic stuff
KANYA: Social events, Dinner, Upset stomach, King maker sort of power to the Chitra folks
TULA: Kids time, good execution, intelligent stuff, investments and family attention to Vishakha folks
VRISHCHIK: Rest Rejuvenation and family time and mom attention especially to Jyeshtha folks
DHANU: Travels, Presentations, Expression, Siblings, picnic, Uttarashadha too have travels against wish & expense
MAKAR: Income, Family time, Good food, Gains from older folks for Dhanishtha
KUMBH: Back to energy & optimism, Image and publicity; Poorvabhadrapada to see workplace influence but older people blocking the way- you need them and also can’t stand them! :)
MEEN: Expense for travel to meet older people, New people coming in career for Revati, Expense and losses in travel -take care of luggage especially! Lock  the car and park it in light! :)

[7] Moon enters MAKAR 11:25 pm IST Sunday July 9th, 2017. It stays there until 10:02 AM Wednesday July 12th, 2017. This is tough for KUMBH & MITHUN moon signs for these 2+ days.
MESH: Productivity, Workplace influence but stress, inheritance issues, good time with the father or seniors
VRISHABH:  Start of very good 6+ days ahead, Travel with or for spouse possible or to meet older people, Start of some new things
GEMINI: Fatigue, Tough physically, some quick gains, maternal people connect more so for Punarvasu, Watch relationships /spouse interface.
KIRK:  Spouse & kids, Partnerships, collaborations, Kids worry more for Ashlesha, work that you like to do
SINGH: Social events, Dinner with near & dear ones or maternal folks, mom time -- mom needs attention for Uttara
KANYA: Quick achievements, Success, Great news from kids and siblings, Chitra needs to watch siblings and travel issues
TULA: Rest & Rejuvenation, Meeting mom or native folks, New Long-term investments for Vishakha
VRISHCHIK: Travel, Expression, Presentation, People contact, hard work, drive carefully for Jyeshtha!
DHANU: Family time, Good speech and Good food, Good food at expensive places for Uttarashadha, Expense for family, investments abroad
MAKAR: Back on track with optimism and energy – income and gains from older people.
KUMBH: Expense for workplace influence and rutaba – older people at workplace will be tough for PoorvaBhadrapada. Correcting errors and omissions of the past 7 days and even 27 days!
MEEN: Income, Gains, Income from older folks, support from older folks, new things and new mass base for Revati.

[6] Moon enters DHANU 11:22AM July 7th Friday morning IST. It stays there until 11:24PM Sunday July 9th IST. This is tough for MAKAR & VRISHABH moon sign. From Friday 11:22AM to 2:12PM IST Sunday July 8th it is in intense MOOLA nakshatra. Some real big irreversible decisions and START of a few things could be delayed if possible in this period of Moola nakshatra. Wars, necessary must do things and so on DO NOT come under this exclusion—what MUST be done must be done! But if there is no harm and choice available then could be awaited.

MESH: Start of 6+ good days ahead. Travel to meet maternal people or even a good doctor possible
VRISHABH:  Tough, Fatigue, but some easy gains or speculative gains, good news from kids
GEMINI: Partnerships, Collaborations, Spouse time, meeting near & dear folks, friends etc
KIRK:  Social events, Dinner, upset stomach, maternal people connect, travel with siblings or for siblings or cousins possible.
SINGH: Teaching Training taking or imparting, Good income, speculative gains, Kids doing well
KANYA: Rest & Rejuvenation, Meeting Mom and near & dear folks, Meeting close to heart folks.
TULA: Travel, Presentation, Fatigue and expense due to travel, expense on knowledge and Guru type people
VRISHCHIK: Income, Gains, Fresh investments but older investments giving gains, Good quality food & family time
DHANU: Back on track with optimism and energy, workplace productivity, stress but hope!
MAKAR: Expense, unwanted travel, unnecessary travel, Invest and don’t just spend, correct omissions & errors of past 3 but also past 25 days!
KUMBH: Income, Gains, Inheritance resolutions, easy money possible, alternate medicines like homeopathy might work
MEEN: Stress but happening, workplace productivity and partnerships, getting things done at workplace with partnerships and group activities, Good quality time with your father

[5] Moon enters VRISHCHIK tonight at 10:43pm IST Tuesday July 4th 2017. It stays there until 11:21AM July 7th 2017 Friday. This is tough for moon signs of DHANU and MESH for these 2+ days.
MESH: Fatigue, Take enough sleep, Krittika of Mesh handle senior citizens well! :) Health issues, Travel fatigue
VRISHABH: Spouse time, Collaborations, partnerships, Mrig of Vrishabh to be careful with older people ladies or guys! ;) Family time for Mrig folks
GEMINI: Social events, dinner etc, maternal family, Upset stomach for Punarvasu especially 6th/7th. Debates and arguments possible with maternal folks
KIRK: Kids time, Good Execution, Expense investments for kids, Students should pay more attention, Ashlesha to watch kids a bit more on 6th / 7th
SINGH: Rest Rejuvenation and some domestic leftover issues from 2016 2017, Mom time, gains and good time from friends at the native place
KANYA: Travel with and against your wish, Expression, Presentations, Good for artists, sibling worry for Chitra of Kanya!
TULA: Income, Travel with and for Family, Family time, good food, Vishakha to watch investments and only long-term ones.
VRISHCHIK: Back on track with energy & optimism, watch vehicles and take enough sleep, Avoid body heat, eat guulkand
DHANU: Expense, Correction of errors & omissions for the last 25 days, go slow and show patience, Avoid road rage
MAKAR: Gains, Income from competition and also elder people blessings, Success over competition, be fair
KUMBH: Happening but stress, Need advice & help from seniors/elderly people especially for PoorvaBhadrapada, workplace high productivity
MEEN: Start of very good 6+ days ahead, travel to meet near & dear ones possible, siblings good time, Travel to meet seniors possible.

[4] BUDH (mercury) Has changed to KIRK July 3rd 2017. As Guru is in Kanya rashi and now Budh Rashi-Swami of Kanya in the 11th house (gains) from Guru. This formation of 3:11 (Laabh Yog) is very good as it increases the effectiveness of Guru. This is great for folks who are waiting for good results of Guru movement especially Kanya, Vrishchik, Makar, Vrishabh and Meen. This is actually good for everybody as any Labh-Yog in Gochar planets is very good for everybody regardless of the chart. Budh will stay in KIRK until July 21. The speed is GREAT for Budh - which bodes well for all folks.

[3] Moon entered TULA rashi at 10:51AM Sunday July 2nd, 2017. It stays there until 10:42 PM July 4th Tuesday night India. This is adverse for moon signs of VRISHCHIK and MEEN.
MESH: Spouse time, partnerships, collaborations, family time and gains, Investments especially for Ashwini nakshatra
VRISHABH: Social events, Dinner, maternal family connect, Upset stomach, Some fame visibility especially for Krittika
GEMINI: Kids time, education / training time, expense for kids (Mrig), Execution Success, indulgent behavior
KIRK: Rest Rejuvenation, mom time, good luck with property and vehicles and near native place
SINGH: Expression, Writing, Picnic, Travel, Presentation for workplace (Magha), increased workplace influence
KANYA: Income, Gains, Travel with or for family, good food, good investments, good diplomatic speech
TULA: Back on track with energy & optimism, But watch health and take enough especially for Chitra nakshatra
VRISHCHIK: Expense for spouse/partnerships, indulgent behavior, time pass etc, cover omissions mistake of the past 7 days and also past 27 days. Handle seniors well and drive carefully
DHANU: Income, Gains from maternal family or a service sector, Pro time
MAKAR: Workplace influence increase but stress, achievements, training activities, good luck with seniors, success over competition
KUMBH: Start of good 6+ days ahead, Travel to meet mom or near/dear folks possible, Meeting good people
MEEN: Fatigue, Need sleep, no risks in travel or vehicles, some real bad-luck or strange events in travel possible, unforeseen stuff – keep extra time aside for travels especially.

[2] Mangal / Mars has changed to Gemini today on May 27th, 2017 01:05AM IST (after midnight). It will stay there until July 11th, 2017 around 2:30 pm (IST). This is adverse to the moon signs of KIRK (Cancer) and VRISHCHIK (Scorpio). Both signs need to ensure their vehicles are serviced, up to date, air pressure and oil, coolant levels etc are appropriate. Drive carefully - -not slow and not fast but just with the mood of the traffic. PREMANE GHYA! :) Be loving to the fellow commuters. Assume your siblings, your family members are driving in the streets! :) Avoid road-rage, arguments. For KIRK it is more about expense and for Vrishchik is shows some injury & expense and some “peeda”.

[1] SUN in MITHIUN until JULY 16th: Moon sign VRISHCHIK (Scorpio) and Moon Sign KIRK (Cancer) :
Sun (Surya) enters Gemini (Mithun) tonight June 15th at 05:04 AM India (Lahiri ayanansh). It stays there until July 16, 3:54 PM IST. This means moon sign VRISHCHIK (Scorpio) and Moon Sign KIRK (Cancer) need to handle seniors, police, RTO, father, Govt or any person with authority with tact & diplomacy. You could get in the wrong zone with the seniors – you need to show patience while dealing in such situation. Understand / anticipate what they want and try to be proactive to care of the things.

This ends bad Sun movements for TULA & MITHUN, It started 3 great months of support from seniors to TULA. Shows gains from seniors and govt etc to Sinvha. Shows success over competition for Makar. Kumbh it shows tactical success and quick executions. Increase in power to Kanya. Rest signs it it is neutral sorts.

Nakshatra/Constellation: Close degrees: Intense issues
(1) Vishakha (of Vrishchik only) & Punarvasu (of KIRK only) will see acute issues from June 15 to June 19.
(2) Anuradha and Pushya would have acute issues from June 19 to July 3
(3) Jyeshtha & Ashlesha would have acute issues from July 3 to July 16 morning.
Easier way to calculate exact time is to add your moon sign degrees (days) to June 15! Subtract 2 and Add 2 and you get 4/5 days period of ultra-stand-off period.


  1. Milind ji ,Thanks for July predictions.
    I need personal consultation.
    Requesting to share all required details.
    Pls share your email id.
    Ravindra Gulumkar

    1. Sure please use

    2. Enough???? Some thing missing in Tula
      Reference Moon enter Tula

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Take enough sleep for Tula Chitra nakshtra

  2. sir can i get consultation from you.

  3. Hello Sir, I'm waiting for personal analysis since October 2016. Already paid your fees. I sent several msgs but it seems they didn't reach you. Please respond.

    1. I am amazed..! :( How did i miss this one? Can you please email to

  4. मिलिंद भाई तुम लाजवाब हो यार

  5. Hai sir ,this is not in regular format and also feeling difficult to understand...please present daily,weekly,,monthly,,,,like other sites..thanku for u r services.

    1. OK.. Will start Weekly and Monthly also along with these timely updates.

  6. Can you please update post 11 regarding Sun entering Kark rashi

    1. yes made it non yellow now-- the yellow highlight posts are the active ones
