Monday, July 24, 2017

Mathematics & Chess Champions: #Maryam #Mirzakhani

Mathematics & Chess Champions: #Maryam #Mirzakhani
I have written about relation of Budh/Mercury connection with Mars (Mangal) or signs of Mangal. I have taken her birth-time as 10AM Tehran just for illustration purposes. It shows Budh/Mercury in Aries (Mesh). Mercury in Aries is Gary Kasparov, Korpov and so on. Mercury Sun in Scorpio is Vishwanathan Anand. So Mercury and Mars are very much related to the math and chess stuff. Maryam has Mercury in Aries too. She has Sun Mercury in Aries. Ketu is in the very first degree of Aries (Rashi-Gandant) which shows something with brain and head or nervous system with the maternal grandfather (intense events).

Her chart:
 aspect is very close on Sun & Mercury. Chandra-Rahu could show lack pf patience but Shani/Saturn drushti on Budh/Mercury Surya and MORE so KETU in the very first degree of Aries does show a very high brain activity and a busy mind. The date of 3 ruled by Guru shows broad approach thought leadership and academics & individual achievers. The total addition of 14 again is BUDH/MERCURY which is conductive for numbers anyways. Uranus bang opposite Mercury only increases the speed of the mind and also keeps it very busy – unconventional, unorthodox and challenging the status-quo.

She had a breast cancer - -so may be Makar/Capricorn lagna or rather even Mithun/Gemini ascendant/lagna with Surya Ketu Budh/Mercury in the 4th house. Don't know for sure. She developed the breast cancer in 2013 when transit Shani/Saturn/ was traveling on her Chandra-Rahu-Uranus and was opposite/drushti on her Surya-Budh/Mercury-Ketu and also her natal . Will try to find her birth-time. He forehead is quite decent size.

"Stanford mathematics Professor Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and to-date only female winner of the Fields Medal since its inception in 1936, died Friday, July 14. She had been battling breast cancer since 2013; the disease spread to her liver and bones in 2016. Mirzakhani was 40 years old. She died at Stanford Hospital."


  1. Sir great prediction...I have gone through ur 2011 blog on shani mangala conjunction...all is very true...I also have shani mangala yuti in 12 th house ...I don't have any sibling ...plz can u elaborate on karmic debt in me...and how it can be corrected.. My DOB is 5-7-78 12:35pm Kanpur... Plz reply

  2. Sir great prediction...I have gone through ur 2011 blog on shani mangala conjunction...all is very true...I also have shani mangala yuti in 12 th house ...I don't have any sibling ...plz can u elaborate on karmic debt in me...and how it can be corrected.. My DOB is 5-7-78 12:35pm Kanpur... Plz reply

  3. Mars Mercury conjunction does lead to explosion of analytical capabilities. Venus Mars conjunction leads to explosion of passion, which when channelized for constructive work/hobbies can lead to great results. (from personal experience - Mars/Venus/Mercury conjunction in leo aspected by aquarius moon)

  4. Why not Virgo ascendant ? L1, L12 will be in eight house along with ketu, indicator of short life or sudden events at a minimum. Cancer was detected at start of mercury Mahadasha in 2013 (Planet in L8), and death occurred in 2017 in mercury Ketu. Eight house also has uccha surya with mercury which enabled her to unlock mysteries in mathematical world.

    1. Also virgo ascendant is indicator of analytical abilities.

    2. Yes highly likely.... Virgo or more to Gemini Ascendant as her face shows more of a gemini influence but yes Kanya and Mithun lagna shows higher probabililties

    3. But unfortunately it will be almost impossible to reliably verify. Even most information on the web you can't trust the birth time. And that is my frustration.

    4. Question to you much of physical characteristic is influenced by ascendant ? I have aquarius ascendant with moon in it, but I am short in stature. But as far as other personality traits go...influence of moon in aquarius(a busy moon) is very visible - generally come across an absent minded genius or intellectual.

    5. Where is Shani and also Aquarius taller in Shatataraka more than Dhanistha or poorvabhadrapada...

    6. Ascendant is 9 degress shatabhisha. Moon is 2 degress in Dhanista. Shani in cancer 14 degress Pashyamai. Sun in cancer 24 deg. Rahu co lord of aquarius in Tula in swati with uranus at 13 and 9 degress respectively. Also venus 9 degress leo (exact 180 degress aspect to ascendant), merc, maars in leo at 16 and 26 degrees. So almost all planets close to ascendant or ascendant lord. Jupiter Taurus 4 degrees.
