Monday, September 11, 2017

Shani in the First house of a Horoscope (Saturn in the 1st House of a Birth-Chart)

“Sincere Dutiful Conservative!”

SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach

The 1sth house: Self, Image, Health, Overall Robustness, Appearance, how others perceive you, daily duties, daily commute, self-strength

A highly dutiful planet like Shani in the Dharma-Trikon house (1-5-9) of the 1st obviously shows sincere and serious approach. Their approach is Shanai Shanai means slowly slowly, step by step in a conservative manner. Theatrics or dramatization is not their thing unless they have strong Sagittarius or Leo influence (Moon Sun Mars etc). It shows health is just OK in the childhood and it improves as they grow up. They are conservative and hence usually tomorrow is always better than yesterday unless you are looking at fateful configuration in the chart which points to intense past life karma but some intense planets in rashi-gandaant etc. But still after that period or tough luck – they get back on track relentlessly and surely. In a rashi like Meen it can increase lethargy and this Shani can make them downright lazy and “Nirutsaahi” but eventually they do find some tide or an opportunity to get busy and become busy from then to forever! :)  Consistency and perseverance is this Shani’s biggest quality. Hard-work is second nature and it is needed also. Gym or sports is not the most natural thing to them unless highly strong Mangal influence is there but they NEED it - they do need Gym or any strength increasing stuff they can get their hands on. They do need tonics in the childhood and also very careful and strength inducing diet. Nothing dramatic – just routine stuff which gives them enough nutrition and so on. Shani shows lack of outright physical strength so such yoga gym etc is useful to fill this deficit as they grow up. As this Shani is too serious, even in Mithun or Tula it takes them a lot of achievements to “lighten up” and take it lightly or humor people or sit with people on katta for time pass chit-chat etc. They use their all actions carefully and to some purpose as they have learnt they don’t have excess energy like 1st house Mangal or Surya! So whatever they have is used and focused to the right things.

This Shani makes person deliberately slow and they do slow down other people too. Reviews, Auditing & asking lawyerly questions is their forte. The best position for lawyers but more for judges as it is more of a duty house as it belongs to Dharma-Trikon. Doing what is necessary and requited not what they love to do or like to do. Rather it is duty and responsibility is what they like to do. Taking responsibility is their nature.

Shani represents masses, so good mass-mentality awareness, good people or rather worker or poor people leadership comes to them naturally but in a step by step manner. Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Margaret Thatcher and so on had 1st house Shani. Vajpayee and Thatcher Uchcha Shani 1st house and Indira Gandhi in Kirk rashi (emotions of masses). Yashawant Rao Chavan who is till regardless as THE role model for Maha Purogami leaders had Vrishabh Shani with Chandra in the first house. This Shani actually takes on a designation and a responsible position to perform a duty. Sharad Pawar has Shani with Moon (6th to Lagna). So anything with mass leadership or political leadership with people contact, Shani is ultra-important. Mass-economics or overall economics also comes under Shani core Karakatva. Of course, Budh has its own role and Mangal Uranus bring in technology for that but economics of masses is under Shani. Needless to say, LAW is the most important aspect for this Shani. Whatever the field, eventually they need to know the law of the land to do big things. Rather, all representatives of people are called lawmakers and the houses are supposed to Govern and make law is direct connection with the people. That is why people’s wishes are reflected in elections first thru such people with strong Shani and then they become the law thru these people using BUDH’s Chanakya niti, Mangal’s comradery/daring/drive, Guru’s knowledge and sense of good direction to make the law morally correct and finally using the Surya (authorities) to sign it to make it a law. It all starts with the masses – the SHANI. In short – study of LAW of the land is NECESSITY for this Shani for higher achievements.

Shani is Dirghodyogi – long-term benefits, long-term goals and objectives and hence they are usually big. Covertly ambitious, making their need as people need or rather most of the times, spotting people need to ride the wave and ride the people sentiments and needs to achieve their own goals. Consumer mentality – What people want is known very well by them. They have an acute sense and rather purpose or actions to understand how mases live, masses act and what masses think. This consumer or people mentality makes them valuable for organizations or parties or their surroundings. People trust their interests in these 1st Shani people’s hand.

Shani drushti in the 3rd house shows delayed siblings or lesser siblings, shows obligation towards the siblings. Drushti on the 7th house recommends a bit late marriage and obligation towards spouse and partnerships. The same is about the 10th drushti on the career or father’s house. Major success is seen after the ages of 30 step by step. Also shows some obligation towards the father or your field of career being different than that of the father. Surya Mangal or Rahu etc planets in the 3 7 10 houses show dramatic events and intense events with the spouse, father or siblings. IN acute degrees, they could show lesser life either longevity or married life etc etc. Delayed marriage in such cases is HIGHLY necessary (Surya Shani or Shukra in the 7th). Also 10th house Surya Mangal etc show tussle with the father or authorities and Govt and some break away and splits of family business due to these tussles in the families. 3rd house intense planets even show miscarriages to the mom or intense events with the siblings or even cousins.

Shani in intense degrees of last 3 of water signs or first 3 of water signs can shows intense health issues. Or even Shani drushti on planets in Such intense degrees show acute health and intense events. Any HURRY caused in life by anything results in losses. Lagnesh in Shani drushti adds to the health issues and lagnesh in intense degrees too shows the same.

(1)    Gym, Tonic, Increasing physical fitness SLOWLY but surely in the childhood. (Gym and health is the BEST Hanuman Upasana)
(2)    Help marriage bureaus – donate money and efforts etc, help people get and stay married, participate ACTIVELY in friend and relatives’ marriages.
(3)    Awareness of law – studying law is imp.

Important Configurations:
[A] These things below will be much lesser in intensity if Shani degree is not close to Ascendant degree. Or Shani is aspected by Guru, Shani is NOT aspected by Mars or with Raahu or Ketu. Or say Shani is not wakri or worse stambhi which gets ignored. Shani has good speed & is not with Surya (Astangat). Shani is Raajyogkarak of friendly with Lagna-Rashi or Chandra-Rashi. The owner of Shani’s rashi “well-placed” and or in Guru drushti.

[B] The following things will be lot worse if Shani is with Mangal or has Mangal drushti. No Guru drushti, Wakri Shani is with Rahu or Ketu or Surya. If it has very less speed. Owner of Shani is wakri or is 6 8 12 from Shani or in Mangal or even Shani’s drushti! (Recursion!) :)  The worse or better the karma the more & more acute planetary formations in a natal chart.


  1. What effects are seen if 1st house shani is with guru in kanya lagna. Moon in 12th house. . Surya mangal in 8th. Shukra budh in 9th and ketu in 5th???

  2. Shani mangal moon in first house. Shani and mangal both wakri and very close ( less than 4 degree)..No manashanti.. any remedy ??

  3. Saturn in aries but retrogate in first house.what does it signify?

  4. Please post something on CONJUCTION.......I have sun-shani-ketu in LAGNA(ASC) with Gemini lagna

    1. Also, which GRAHA will lead in case of it based on DEGREE or something else

  5. Shani in 1at house at 8 degree in Scorpio, Ascendant 13.42 degree, Jupiter in cancer 9th house at 20 degree, Mars ( 8 degree) conjunct mercury 13 degree in 7th house, Sun in 6th house 29 degree and Ketu in Pisces in 5th house at 13 degree. This is like a combination of what you stated above. What will happen here.

  6. Hi Milind!
    You are very good in your explanations.You should have been a Professor.God Bless.
    Mahesh Nair

  7. Hi Milind
    Your study on astrology is in depth and your articles are lucid,indicating not only your command on the subject but that you enjoy doing it.
    God bless you

  8. You are too good in interpretations and your abilities to unfold them is simple yet very pointed. Thanks for your blogs; I personally learn a lot. Thanks Again - God Bless
