Friday, November 17, 2017

Astrology & FOCUS

Astrology & FOCUS: No Fate but What we make (really??) -  PART 1

FOCUS is an important & an interesting word I guess even Psychologically. As ability to focus is an imp quality or a virtue of a successful man. Focus ensures success in some specific subject. Focus is out of passion usually and curiosity and extreme interest too. Passion makes a person ensure focus on a specific subject. But focus also means you can ignore some parts of your life or career!? Like Sachin's focus on cricket ensured his education was ignored or some nerd's scholarship ensures the guy doesn't show up on sports field. Zuckerberg is hardly seen on a picnic or say talking about economy or election or 10 different topics. In short, we are supposed to get X from life. So we can either have this X = x1 +x2 + x3 + x4 etc etc and so on OR we have have X = x1 + x2 only ignoring rest of the x3 x4 etc. OR some geniuses spend time only on X -- ! :) They an eccentric & "focused" so much that ALL they get from life is only from one subject.

Sign of Gemini (Raj Kapoor, Kishore Kumar moon sign) shows multiple interests, all-rounder persona and lesser attention span. Tula (Bachchan Akshay) shows balance and harmony so extreme success in one field is possible but it comes with a balanced life. Scorpio shows extreme passion (Modi) & focus and hence shows too much into one subject. Kumbh is absent minded professor which can excel in one subject for sure as the mind is always thinking. Meen is dispassionate and aloof and gives way to Sun or ascendant or rashi-swami to take over -- (as a sign -- they can easily focus and tune to spirituality. Sinvha is inspirational and stable also so they can focus very well. Taurus also can easily focus! Stable / Sthir signs focus well.

NOW use LOGIC to combine things: Gemini Moon and Scorpio Sun -- usually PhD or Masters at least or two degrees but maybe 2 subjects with a lot lot more focus and deep study but Scorpio quietness and not sharing somewhat overridden with talkative stuff. Leo Sun and Scorpio Sun (Dilip Saab) shows tremendous intensity and focus.

(A) Any horoscope easily shows the areas of focus for a person. When you have too many planets with their rashi-swami with them -- it shows FOCUS! :)
 Too many planets in Kanya with Budh (Bachchan) or Modi with Moon with Mangal in Scorpio and Dipika with Moon with Shukra in Libra with Ketu.

(B) Apart from this one sign too many planets is also imp Nava-Pancham yog. Any planet 5 or 9 to other planet "assists" the focus and supplement it by increasing speed of the achievement. So you can see Sachin Mars uchcha in Makar and Shani the owner of it in Vrishabh rashi increasing the power or his Guru and Mangal in Makar so much. Too many planets in Makar and Shani in Leo will reduce the power of Makar planets.

(C) But obviously too many planets in one house and rashi will ensure that the houses that are NEXT to them and 8th to them and 6th to them are ignored by the person! The focus on travel - -the 3rd house will reduce "Waastu Saoukhya" as they would not stay at home! :) Too much expression comes with travel (3rd house) so of course using the couch at home is not possible. Similarly, if 4th house is too powerful means the person is supposed to get SUKH lots of it -- then obviously the 9th house is less imp (travel) and also income (11th) or gains house is severely limited. as there is no focus in that house.

So, the life is about balance (or imbalance) -- if you want Bhagyoday (the 9th house) which comes with travel and travel alone -- you cannot expect to be at the same place always! :)

As you can see "focus" is an interesting word!

Astrology & FOCUS: No Fate but What we make (really??) - PART 2
We have seen that some of the most successful charts have Moon in the 1st 5th or the 9th house there by making Ascendant sign (lagna) in sync (Nava-Pancham, 9:5) with the Moon sign. The same applies to a large extent to moon in the 3rd and the 11th house too as it becomes the Laabh-Yog (3:11). Obviously, the destiny (asc) and desire (Moon) being in sync does help immensely. Having Moon degree as close to asc degree in such cases has its own positive impact. It shows ACUTE effect and the topic of this article – FOCUS.

As you can see the genius and the greatest people around – THE FOCUS is the single most aspect of their success. Sachin Tendulkar batted and practiced for hours, Kasparov says that you have go to LOVE the process itself! Virat says he had to work hard for his talent. However, working hard on multiple things would make you an all-rounder but not a genius. I have been chasing astrology since 1991 and today I have say 6000+ likes on the AstroMNC FB page and have say 20,000 or more hits on the website. However, in all these years from 1991, I was into Engineering and then my job and cricket too. Add to that listening to music, watching movies, watching politics and debating with friends incessantly. Assume I had spent ZERO time on these things are had concentrated on career and say Astrology. Today the hits to the site would have been lakhs/millions and likes to FB page also in the same range..!! So again, what creates FOCUS in the chart?

A simple answer is:
The planets that are in the same degree as the ascendant degree show great effectiveness (good bad ugly) and show the maximum impact – YES in a way it IS related to BHAVARAMBH and hence CUSP kundali is very important. BUT my case studies and research is further beyond the cusp and bhavarambh. Yes it is combination of bhavarambh and cusp kundali. BUT, the same degree as ascendant might not mean bhavarambh every time. The areas or karakatva or the ownership of houses of that planet(s) shows the area, the topic and the subject of the FOCUS the person would have! Of course, a “well placed” planet needs to be given the most importance. A badly placed planet could show acute failure in chasing those areas of subjects.  For this topic, we will as per advice of management Guru Peter Drucker, “focus” on the strengths. As per him, hard-work on strength makes you genius and hard-work on weaknesses at best can make you mediocre! J J

So career guidance becomes easier? The first and foremost would be the KARAKATVA of the planet. Say one had Mangal in the 1 3 5 7 9 11 house at the same degree as the asc. Mangal is sports, engineering, gym, war, friends, siblings, blood, iron bronze and so on. Mangal in these house in uchcha or friendly sign and in Guru drushti would STOP your quest for the best career for the chart..! Now you can understand why the accurate birth time is needed? It shows asc degree and hence shows the most important and significant planets for a chart! This is the reason, Mars /Mangal in Aries or Capricorn or Sagittarius in first 3 degree or last 3 degrees gives great great sports ability BUT doesn’t give it as the career as it is “ignored” by the person’s destiny (surroundings, access to coaches, family obligations, economic conditions and so on). I have a friend “Samir” from Nashik, he has Mars in the 1.5 degrees of Sagittarius – he did gym – had a great body strength, his batting was marvelous, running ridiculous, played football very well, badminton also extra-ordinary. As ascendant degree is 28th in Gemini and Mars in the 7th house in 2nd degree – despite such ability it never became a career option! Sad but True! For me I have mars in 2nd degree of Gemini – bowled really well and hardly ever met a batsman I found difficult to bowl at (given the exposure) and also could play TT and rather any game you could throw at me.. Could bowl off or leg-spin, fast etc etc. As Mars in the 2nd degree but lagna in the 23th degree – it was not meant to be..! So there’’s your hint to come up with correct birth time for a well-known cricketer or a sports-person: The ascendant degree and Mars degree should be similar! J J

For those wanting Govt or high position jobs – SURYA in 1 3 5 7 9 10 11 houses would give that but as it is fiercely competitive field – one can guess who would get there first??! J Similarly, Shukra the owner of the art.  Bollywood music movies paintings etc etc. Budh the owner of trading, negotiations, caricature, cartoons, expression and so on.

The planets in the same degree as the Moon degree do show desire for focus and hence slowly but surely, they build the ability and success eventually. So of course, yes the planets as same degree as Moon sign do have a huge impact.

Again too quote my example: Moon Raahu and Neptune in the first house: Ascendant 22:xx degrees. Moon 26:XX degrees and Raahu 27:XX degrees, Neptune 15:XX degrees. Obviously Moon Rahu are in the same nakshatra as Ascendant and hence very effective. Moon wants publicity, acknowledgement in the first house – Raahu only adds to this desire for publicity and attention. SURYA in the 5th house is the same degree as Moon and Raahu… So Surya which is Vargottam and in the 5th house becomes THE MOST important planet for the chart! Surya Vargottam in Meen shows multiple interests, all-rounder and of course 5th Surya and Surya Meen shows astrology (bhaakit, forecasting ability).

You can see that your Mahadasha or Antardasha of Transit (Gochar) is the MOST effective for planets that are the same degree of lagna and then Chandra! The reason is obvious: you are most active and most focused and consistently working on the THINGS shown by those planets and as Lord Krishna (Singularity and the only God) says - -Karmani Adhikaraste!! Your destiny & desires are reflected in your chart and they do PULL you towards them in their Mahadasha Antardasha and Transits. Can you resist, yes but think again…! You can resist but you can’t stop the world from moving on with the next best option! J

Regardless of WHAT is shown by your chart – Karmani Adhikaraste is THE universal thruth!! Your chart only shows WHERE you would OR you would want to work hard!  J

Different Topic Quickly:
The age of 12, 18 and then 24, 30 shows a person knowledge and maturity reaching next levels and the age of 29.5 shows person has paid back most of his past life karma back! So you can see that sports people have massive success or win world cups etc when they are this age. Also, these are the ages when it is the best time to start something in life as you are well directed and well matured.


  1. "Mangal in these house in uchcha or friendly sign and in Guru drushti would STOP your quest for the best career for the chart.." Could you elaborate why?

  2. Very interesting article sir.We need more astrologers like you who make astrology relevant in modern times.Your passion for astrology can be felt by your analysis of smallest of the details.Bravo!Keep the good work going!
