Saturday, November 11, 2017

Monthly Horoscope Nov2017 (Weekly November Horoscope)

Monthly Horoscope Nov2017 (Weekly November Horoscope)

Nothing can negate or override your birth-time Horoscope but the following text can add or subtract from it to some extent and more so shows your own conscious or subconscious state and what YOU think how you are doing!
1.     All Timings are IST – Convert to whichever time zone you are in.
2.     Based ONLY on Moon Sign – Health could be more related to Ascendant. One can also check from Ascendant

Significant Planetary Changes:

Things are going to fall in place now for you. Time flies! I saw Mesh people getting into groove and in charge in the late 1988 and till 1995 they rocked. Folks like Bill Clinton, Lalkrishna Advani, Sharad Pawar, Imran Khan (cricketer) rocked during this period. Now this time is coming back to MESH folks. You are in a long-term bull run now. Next 5 years and 7 years belong to you. The month of November after 16th recommends to take care of Seniors, Govt, police, court etc matters with patience and calm. Handle them with tact & diplomacy. Get imp Govt related work done by Nov16th. Till Dec 16th Govt and Seniors would be at odds with you. Ashwini Nakshatra is having good time now with Guru blessings: expansion and collaborations, partnerships, married life or marriage stuff and so on. Mangal in the 6th house still gives some body heat and health issues but it shows success over competition. The 8th house Budh shows some stress on nervous system and brain. 9th Shani will bring in new mass-base, new consumer base etc which will stay with you for next 7 years ahead. Guru Shukra 7th great for romantic stuff and marriage related developments. SHANI Mangal Kendra yog affects everyone but for you it could show minor injury, strained muscle etc etc. Handle vehicles carefully.

Till Nov16th Surya helps with success over competition. Shani is making you work alone and more so to Krittika for now. Guru is making you check health aspects for the long-term. 6 Guru and 8th Shani are major adversities that need patience, hard-work and Karmanyewaadhikaraste. The fruits WILL come in 7th guru and 9th Guru sooner than later. Just the matter of putting air in the pressure cooker. Hard-Work has no substitute once you have chosen your job and line. Shani forces to take care of inheritance matters. Shukra in the 6th house shows good maternal relative connect but shows upset stomach or some health issues. SHANI Mangal Kendra yog affects everyone but for you it could show minor injury, strained muscle etc etc. Handle vehicles carefully. But this is more acute for kids and their issues and also inheritance stuff. It is matter of just pushing ahead with hard work but it is more of working ALONE and not with a lot of people reporting to you. LEARN New things and they will be your saviors. RAHU KETU are showering blessings on you as good-will of your families from both the sides help you thru connections or directly monetary stuff.

Guru blessings and Shani tests! Guru shows dream come true success for now to Mrig and also a bit to Ardra but Shani shows some tussle with spouse, partnerships and collaborations. Shani Mangal Kendra is showing domestic trouble going out of hand and hence needs patience. Check safety equipment of house and also check vehicles servicing etc needs. Surya Shukra Guru 5th shows inspirational work and execution and success – some artistic stuff and creative thinking is highly likely. Budh 6th shows stress on nervous system and over thinking - -LET IT GO! :) Guru 5th is amazing as it is going to bless you success for sure regardless of Shani. So Guru will give new responsibility and Shani will reduce mass-base and keep relevant mass-base only.

Guru suggest SLOW period and Shani will change your social, career circle completely, new people, consumers to come in life which need very careful assessment and structured approach. 4th Guru gives advice from experts and meeting with near & dear to heart folks. Surya Shukra 4th adds to stagnancy till Nnov16th. Surya movement from mid-month starts something new and gives good success. Shani Mangal Kendra means some tussle with siblings or cousins but some injury in travel to them or you also. Driving needs to be with patience and without hurry no matter what. Great time for home décor and attention to domestic stuff improvement.

Great times are here: achche din! Well mostly! :) Guru moving 3rd gives you the work you like to do and increases your profile by a notch. Shukra and Surya in the 3rd house only add to these effects with your impact on surroundings is higher in this month. Lots of travel and more so to the artists it is the best of the best month. Shani Mangal Kendra suggest investments carefully and also check what kids want. Great time for presentations, expression, writing and publishing. Shani recommends attention to details and micro-management. Pride of Leo was affected from Nov2014 to Oct2017. It will be now slowly restored. Nov 8 (late) and Nov 9 10 were not good. Rest of the month ahead good looks good now.

The 2nd Guru is going to increase your income slowly and it would be permanent wealth gains and not just a onetime payoff. Shani 4th can show some domestic troubles and attention to intra-company, intra-department or tussles within your own sphere of influence the way Manmohan experienced from Aug2012 to Nov2014. Needs patience for relatives as they throw tantrums. The month of November shows good income due to Surya Shukra also with Budh. Surya moving to Vrishchik Nov16th increases its power. Good for fruitful travels, presentations and increased influence. Mangal in rashi adds energy & optimism and also makes you a bit more reactive. RAHU KETU are showering blessings on you as good-will of your families from both the sides help you thru connections or directly monetary stuff. Some unpaid karma of your paternal family will be paid off to you.

Back to optimism from exile of 12th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017. If not seeing improvement right away you would see them in due course for sure. End of Sadesati and Guru back to rashi are HUGE long term positive indicators. Higher position and permanent position. Political power as you would know what exactly masses or employees or customers want. You have critical mass of people with you now. You will use them well. The month of November is feel good without direct benefits. The monetary benefits start from Nov16th when Sun changes to the 2nd house. Mangal in expense house in Shani drushti troubles with vehicles and travel and also siblings and hurt eyes and ankle/feet etc. Physical adventures need high preparation and anticipation of some issues. Nov 13 late and 14 15 are not the best days. Vehicles and sports or physical injury etc related point is very imp.

Its tough! Not that it matters to you! :) Surya troubles till Nov 16th with Govt, police and court matters. Handle them patiently. Shukra also 12th shows expense on vanity and !!!! :) Guru with it means you will not go too extreme. Good for single folks though (with money). Time for investing in yourself and studying and so on. Learn new thing and increase your knowledge else next 11 months too tough! Shani 2nd will show mistakes previous ones with the investments. Invest for long term and not gambling etc at all. Mangal 11th helps with real estate vehicles etc but drive carefully as Shani Mangal Kendra shows some hurt to eyes and legs for you. Surya helps from Nov 16th but till them some hostility with seniors is possible. Handle with patience. 2nd Shani – use words carefully else communication gap would hurt more than actual problems.

Shani in rashi (Sadesati) gives stress and responsibilities which you might or might not like. Guru 11th is blessing you MASSIVELY and mid Oct to Mid Nov you should see good results and opportunities more for Moola nakshatra though. Poorvashadha will start seeing more from Nov mid and December. Surya is helping with Govt approvals and seniors support etc till Nov 16th -get such things done before that. From Nov16 to Dec16 you will need to watch what seniors what and need. Handle any disputes with seniors and govt etc with tact & diplomacy. Mangal in the 10th house gives power & influence at the workplace. Gives you energy and drive to overachieve. Shani drushti on Mangal adds to issues and tussle with colleagues and with seniors. Need to keep debates healthy and constructive. The 12th Budh shows some stress on nervous system and brain.

Sadesati start is offset by some good movements of planets till Dec16th. Good results are seen in November due to 10th house Surya and Shukra. Lot of productivity at workplace and getting thing done. Support from seniors and also from opposite sex at workplace. Need to consult experts else you will have a tough time. Listen to experts’ advice else work 15 hours instead of 8! Take care of belongings in travel, luggage etc or some imp documents etc getting misplaced etc. Nov 11 12 are a bit tough. 12th Shani and 9th Mangal can shows travels both as per your wish and against your wish!

Its your time!! Just the way Michael Jackson had in the 80s. You will ROCK now. Start of many NEW things to give you higher positions and strategic stuff is likely now. Next 3 years belong to you. Shani will give you major pay-offs and great income. 9th Guru will give promotion and higher responsibilities. Good travel which is bhagyakarak and successful. Until Nov16tth good travel which improves your importance is seen. Mangal in the 8th house in Shani drushti shows being EXTRA careful with vehicles traffic and physical adventures etc. Nov13 late and 14 15 shows some tough time & unnecessary fatigue. Nov15th late night you enter great 7 days ahead.


8th Guru fatigue 10 Shani stress! 8th Surya Stress and seniors jumping on you. Need to get thru November somehow and more so till at least Nov 16th! :) Things would be a “bit” better from Nov 16th. Too much chaos will be seen all across every area of life right now. Patience and hard work are the key for now! Things would look better from Nov16 17 are tough with too much hard work and fatigue. 7 days from Nov 18th are quite good.


  1. Thanks a lot Milind bhai. Was eagerly waiting for Nov predictions.

  2. Highly appreciated for your free service to humanity ����
