Tuesday, February 27, 2018

XI JINPING: Quick Astro Comments

Astro-View XI JINPING: Assumed 15 June 1953 – Time Place not known.  Commenting on planetary formations only

P.S. He is Kirk rashi and maybe Chandra Ketu making emotional and insecure from time to time. VP Singh was Chandra Ketu and had major issues with abrupt decision making. JINPING is also Surya Mangal yuti which makes one defiant and dictatorial. Actually, FEB2017 to JUNE2017 and Nov2017 to Dec2019 shows some coup against him and a tough time for him in a way with authorities and Govt and such. It would be interesting how he deals with it. Usually leaders are killed off or appear dead mysteriously under such periods! Surya Mangal natal and Shani transit does show some tussle and unrest at Govt and governance levels which he might suppress etc. Regardless, India as a nation needs to be ready as he might divert internal politics problems to border which is a soft target anyways! Vargottam Shani in Kanya aspects on Surya Mangal are not close but they do show some issues and fights & tussles mentioned above with seniors and Govt and authorities at the ages of 22nd , 52rd and also 30th 59h and 67th.  (The date of 15 Shukra helps not taking extreme actions and also total of 3 shows Guru – thought leadership so it should help not having extreme actions).

XI Jinping trying to extend beyond 2 terms and changing law for that it ominous. Dictatorial folks always create wars and war like situation anytime they think they are losing control. In a long run, they do lose control sometime as it is natural. The possibility of war or regular battles with China has just gone up multi-fold in the future. XI JNPING extending his term is reason enough to increase our military presence and might. This will also make Trump and USA happy! :D

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