Thursday, March 29, 2018

Birth Time accuracy importance and example

Birth time accuracy importance and related Corrections

Required Data for creating a horoscope: Date time place (2) the first independent breath is the time, not cutting the cord or anything else. At the first independent birth the 40 billion or whatever cells get programmed! :)(3) exact time is useful if lagna rashi or lagna nakshatra or navamansh is changing... later all birth time rectification and correction methods have their own issues! :) but usually for all practical purposes -- 2/3 mins doesn't matter as much as long as above-mentioned things are not changing!

(1) For twins chat analysis and I had said that one would/should go to engineering and one to medicine --- navamansh Dhanu lagna 5th Mangal engineering and navamansh Vrishchik lagna (elder one) and 6th Mangal medicine :) :) ------->>>> and it happened that way in the same week and these folks read my analysis after the admissions were already done and were surprised :) :) also the question was asked by a relative of theirs so they checking this analysis was highly a remote possibility late alone get influenced by it! :)

(2) Sometime in 2005 then PATNI Computers, a guy walk to me and says proudly "No Astrologer knows by lagna-rashi" as it can't be sure from the birth-time! After 5 minutes of talking to him I told him that he was Gemini lagna (with the information that he was 26th Nov born) and. It ws not Kirk or "sandhi lagna" as some folks put it! It was obvious (to me) after some talks for 5 mins! This solved his one more issue as Gemini lagna time also made his moon nakshatra as Chitra and not Hasta! As it was also changing in those 2/3 mins! It was creating huge issues in match making for him. This also solved his marriage GoonMelan dilemma. He was walking with a bat in his hand and came to my desk and casually stated "what's this Sandhi Lagna". Being 26th -- 8 Shani born he liked his astrologer and doctors as older people with gray hair! :) so he was surprised (this was 2005) with this analysis. I knew he was 6th Surya and not 5th Surya for sure and his nose was Gemini lagna and not Kirk :) :) He was ULTRA-KHADUS due to 6th Surya and Scorpio Surya and also 26th (8) Shani born! :)

METHODS: There are various methods for birth-time corrections as below
(1) Body/Health / Sharir-Lakshana - Which body part gets hit in accidents and where. FACE -- segregate Sun and Moon sign influence on the face and try to "see" the 3rd sign if you can - -- this is tricky almost impossible if it is Meen lagna! :)
(2) Above (1) PLUS -- by the behavior pattern - check which house Surya is as 3rd house and 4th house Surya are HUGELY different and also 2nd house and 3rd house Surya are totally different (2nd house Imran khan cricketer voice) and 3rd house Kapil Dev. This is tricky if Surya is also the same house to Chandra -- so to lagna and to Surya --- it WILL have similar pattern in behavior.
(3) EVENT in life-time -- Every lagna has some specific house owner and kaarak planets the same. So, events could help. They are VERY tricky for sure as marriage can happen in L7 AD or Shukra AD or GURU AD Shukra maha or Shukra AD Guru Maha or transit Guru drushti on BOTH L7 and Shukra or 7th house & L7 or 7th house and Shukra-- so these "events" can mislead LOT LOT more than (1) (2) above
(4) KP Method -- This is REALLY cool and GREAT indeed with approximate time at least morning or evening etc etc words. LSRD are taken for analysis. It is too complex and involving to describe here unless you are INTO Astrology.
(5) Some people try to MAANDI -- Shani Upagraha based stuff -- which I find illogical.
(6) Usually combination of above all help for sure. Sharir-Lakshana the best method supported by (2) and also events to some extent. 

What I have observed that if appointment is not given and I select a horoscope random for analysis out of the blue or without some predefined time etc --- I see the SAME lagna as the chart being discussed -- sometimes I am AMAZED to see almost the same degree as the person in question in Prashna kundali. OR sometimes when it is on border… 29th or 1st – I see Prashnakundali also in the last 3 or first 3 degrees of a rashi! Giving you hint that it is the 1st degree and not he 29th of the last sign!: :) It is sometimes so humbling to get such guidance from the God…!!! The help is available if your intentions (Niyat) is good! :)


  1. Milind - I did have my daughter's profile reviewed by you, but realized as she was C-Section Baby, I could have given incorrect birth times. Can you help us get her actual birth rashi/lagna?


  2. it is indeed a trick situation and only knowledge & wisdom together can address such situations, i have been always confused about this as my birth time is also near a cusp (rashi changing)
