Sunday, April 1, 2018

KARMA:Karmic Rewards and Obligations, Paap-Punya Balance - Astrologer Role (SWOT Analysis)

Voluntary Payments: (1) https://PayPal.Me/AstroMNC  (2) From India: UPI is milind.chitambar@icici OR AstroMNC@UPI (From BHIM APP or even many bank apps) Will help with posting more articles with objective analysis without fear mongering with purpose of de-mystifying astrology as a probabilistic science or better yet "art of probabilities".

“Think of a ray from Sun: If the angle is changed VERY MINUTELY at the origin it would reach some completely different target!!”

Why Charts can be analyzed at any age and earlier in life the better: SIP (Systematic Investment plan) of Karma is much better than sudden big karma payment. By knowing which area of life we have kaarmic debt, (relatives, friends, parents, colleagues, Father, Mother, Cousins, Govt, Sports, Land, marriage/spouse and so on) -- one can start early by "small payments" of karma by good deeds. Earlier we start, lesser the payments and also frequent payments don't hurt as much than lump-sum payments that create void in life.

This could be the SOLE reason a chart could be analyzed at any age..! BUT for kids -- one should only check for SWOT analysis as they are completely "Parawalambi". One should use kids charts only for such analysis which allows to know purpose of life and areas where one can consciously make progress.

Of course, some very bad karma is reflected in birth-time defects like problems with health and an organ and so on where we might not have much choice but how often we have seen such extreme things? Devil is in the details and the small things later on snowball into big ones and becomes a NAASUR! :)

We are so busy in loopholes & breaking laws and bypassing the system and so on -- We are always busy asking "REMEDIES" to astrologers than understanding what remedies WE can do to ourselves and use Astrology analysis as guide, mentor, philosopher -- with of course analysis of Which area, WHEN, Where, to Whom and how long could be calculated by astute astrological calculations.

As Astrologer could give you an assessment of weak areas. If those weak areas if really are areas of concerns and you would like improvements then you should start early. As a parent also, you can help kids pay back by good deeds. It is like those antibiotics and vaccines etc. But in this case, it is obeying the God’s will also by ensuring you are paying back your karma for which you were born and not merely running around dodging karma bullets.

Can all Karma be paid by good-deeds? Maybe not? But intensity will at least reduce! Injury to finger is also an injury and breaking the arm is also an injury. One good example I saw: Milk that turns to curd may not go back to being milk but at least you can return the curd or part of the curd or maybe earn more milk and return it to the affected party. An astrologer’s job is to analyze the affected and karmic obligations parties for you. So analysis of a chart need not be just for “future” but for holistic understanding of our Paap-Punya - -Karmic Rewards and Obligations. While we leverage good Karma an entitlement, the bad karma is also your own entitlement,

KAARMIC REMEDIES: I have seen Karmic remedies (both generic and specific to a chart) work like magic in most cases. Couples who don’t have kids for 7 8 years or whatever years after marriage, conceive in 6-8 months after doing these karmic remedies. An Astrologer job is to mix & match generic remedied with specific chart analysis. KARMIC REMEDIES is another big topic and need to be mixed with individual chart. I am reluctant to put down the remedies as they lose their effect and edge without personal reading which has much more emotional attachment and overall impact on your mind/body!

*SWOT -- Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats


  1. Very apt way of looking at Astrology..SWOT analysis makes very good least people who see no logic can find meaning..How can I Contact you for paid consultation..plz let me know..

    1. email to or use for chat etc

  2. thanq for sharing awesome a so simpler way....hats off 2 u sir

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I would like to get the swot analysis of my horoscope done Milind. What is the process and charges for that? Next steps?

    1. email to or use for chat etc

  5. I am very new in the whole astrology thing. I never believed in this, until I began to read my horoscope on It is very accurate, thats why I decided to want to learn more about it and did a little research. No I landed here.I never heard of a SWAT analysis in horoscopes before. Can you tell me, where I can get this? I would really like to get this for my horoscope.

    1. or chat

  6. Hi Milind,

    I have always enjoyed reading your articles and your witty way of explaining concepts is really fun to read. The point does get driven home. Would you consider writing an article about how people should prepare for their visit to an astrologer? What kind of questions should they carry with them, should the questions be broad based or should they focus on one area of their life only, should the questions be short term or from a longer perspective, should they carry any other horoscopes with them (mother, father etc. ) to understand impact of any ancestral karma?

  7. Dear Milind Ji,
    Sent Many Mails from for appointment, can you kind revert back.

  8. This article is very interesting. I have never paid much attention to numerology until recently and I am trying to educate myself. I have always been into the law of attraction but I am learning there is a big connection between the two. Manifestation accelerates your success, but Numerology points you in the right direction. I applaud you for this blog. Anyone new to this or trying to learn more as I am trying to after reading this amazing blog please feel free to take a look at this.

    Wish everyone health, wealth, and success
    thanks for the great reading Milind

