Monday, April 16, 2018

MARRIAGE / Relationships: Delays and Marriage Quality, Issues & WHY delays help in many cases

MARRIAGE: DLEAYS, Issues and Related Recommendations

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This is a HUGE topic and let me try to address this as much quickly as possible and as objectively as possible. The RIGHT question to ask an astrologer is NOT “When will my marriage happen”. The right question is “When I should or I should not marry”! That is the right usage of astrology and an astrologer. The answer you or your parents might not like and they will find another astrologer who will suggest a POOJA and Yagnya and some “Wiwaah” with a tree etc. Despite Aishwarya having 2 serious broken relationship again some wiwaah was done with some tree (I heard – I have NO clue if they did this.) Her chart showed younger guy (7th Mangal), Dhanu Shukra Rahu Chandra), Abhishek Chart showed older/more matured lady (7th Shani) and Uchcha Shukra. Anyways – let’s not change the subject. :)

Marriage Quality, Partner Quality: Personality or Appearance, Age etc: in D1 (Lagna-Kundali) Check following.
(1)    The 7th house planets (BHAAV),
(2)    The owner of the 7th house (BHAAVESH), and
(3)    KAARAK Graha SHUKRA.
All these 3 need to be checked for marriage – SAADHAK-BAADHAK thoughts (360 degrees thinking).

Also add secondary and supplementary stuff when D1 is non-committal and shaky with mixed signals!
(1)    7th house from Chandra in D1
(2)    NABVAMANSH Kundali
a.     L7 from D1 – How it is in D9
b.     Shukra in D9 how it is
c.      How D9 itself is with above (3) things mentioned for D1

SHANI drushti on any of the above 3 shows delays.
(1)    Means Shani in 1 5 7 10 houses shows delays in marriages – or rather “recommends” delays in marriages.
(2)    WHY? Shani drushti is on the house which contributes greatly to hormonal make-up of a person and overall hormonal progress, pace of progress and quality etc.
(3)    So, this being slow – common sense is to delay the marriages. Else, you are trying to get fruit out of a tree which is just about to churn out flowers.
(4)    The same is applicable when SHANI drushti is on L7th and SHUKRA and L7 from Chandra also. More the drushti collection – means SHANI drushti on 7th and also L7 and also Shukra or all of the 3 would only start adding further delays. At times it is seen at 32 34 or even 36 or a person marrying very late for companionship and might not be for kids or a typical “traditional marriage”.
NOW – Women have speedier hormonal changes & physical changes than men.  So this “delay” is not same for men and women, Usually for women it is 25+ and for Men 29+.

When 7th house planets or L7 or SHUKRA is wakri or combination of these 3 – then THE FIRST choice of the person goes wrong & they correct themselves eventually. This could happen with boyfriend (Wakri Mangal for Aishwarya) etc or actual marriage for a traditional family. Some traditional women would LIVE with this arrangement forever! Some modern families would walk out etc. So again, later marriage gives enough maturity – as YOUR definition of what your spouse should be changes at certain age - -again 25/26 for women and 29.30 for men. & you start looking at the same spouse with different criteria!! UNFAIR to everyone!!!

URANUS wakri with Shani or in drushti of Shani or Wakri Uranus opposite Wakri Shukra in intense nakshatra or opposite to L7 also can cause real weird people coming in touch with hiding information (missing lung or some operation or spot on skin somewhere etc). some information comes at the 11th house before marriage or just before engagement etc etc.

(1)    If BHAVARAMBH of 7th house o L7 or SHUKRA is in intense degrees – there is tremendous intense bad past karma. So this life those contacts try to come in touch and give troubles to you.

(2)    Delays ensures that “A hurt B in the past birth” and now “B would hurt A” does not continue! So this bad kaarmic link is broken forever due to delays. SHANI likes delays and most times one has choice to delay. These contacts can’t just hang around to hurt you – they have their further destiny and kaarmic connections to fulfill.
a.     Disclaimer: If you have been TOO NASTY in the past birth – this is unavoidable
(3)    HOWEVER, they will keep coming every 7.5 years to try to trouble you. THIS IS A LOADED statement coming thru case studies.! Some hurtful contact tries in year X and again they come back in some form now a days FB and whats app etc etc at X+8th year and X+15th year again.
(4)    INTENSE degrees L7 or Shukra can even show mentally unstable, inefficient or physical different priorities or lifestyle priorities person coming touch – forced in India for marriages due to social pressure. Happens lesser in the west *now a days*. So delays ensures that these people also move on. (had some case studies where I asked the girl to ensure the boy has physical needs—and turned out he had different lifestyle choice – did not share earlier due to pressure.)
a.     A Well-known example: of SHUKRA in last degrees of ASHLESHA for Karishma.

Does everyone have this choice – Might not! As too much of a bad past karma would result in some planetary formation which would get you into a relationship. Like Mangal Shukra Yuti and Mangal drushti on Shukra & Shukra Rahu yuti and so on. These compulsive action-oriented formations make one eager to get in to something. Mangal Shukra overrides hormonal issues of badly placed 7th house and hence the person is physically ready and eager for marriage or relationship but then it becomes a problem due to intense past karma.

1st Step is Awareness: THAT is WHERE Astrologers come in picture!! Early detection and early life analysis would show you such issues and quality of marriage life and why so etc etc explanation by a neutral astrologer who isn’t trying to do fear mongering for expensive shaanti and pooja. Pay astrologers well for analysis and logic so they do not have to sell you poojas unless absolutely necessary!!
2nd Step:  Acknowledge: To God, to Nature, to the souls you might have hurt (astrologer could give you a good idea where the direction could be - -at times it is within the family with maternal or paternal cousins itself!!)
3rd Step: Saying sorry repentance to the souls impacted – not all might have been reborn and they are listening to you! :)
4th Step: Dong good KARMA with the institution of marriage itself in general and specific to people who you might have affected (specific to the chart).

As you can see earlier you begin for you begin for your kids – good karma can turn-around some souls or at least allow you to SPOT and “sense” and realize” the patterns of “incorrect” people or “situations” etc etc. SWOT analysis of kid’s chart never hurt as long as the astrologers are not putting some INCEPTION and WORRIES in your head. Not to dilute the message but look to it from opportunity to pay back by good deeds and not by suffering.

P.S. At times we need to be practical also – and not nitpick stuff. A friend of mine said to another one jokingly – it is better to be divorced at the age of 34 than not married at all! So these delays and related aspects are imp and can change here and there as per community norms and society norms but bring careful never hurt anyone. Some background checks or direct question to the prospects in person without offending or in front of everyone (ego!) would only help. Give astrologers a chance to help you by NOT asking tthem to SOMEHOW match the charts by pooja or donations and some MAGICAL REMEDIES! :) Again, it is about extreme charts - -you should also question astrologer as to WHY it is bad – just one Mangal in 7 or 8 or – Shukra in 6th alone etc can’t be a reason to make people afraid.


  1. Wonderful article sir.. I got married 4 years back at the age of 30 and my wife was 29. As u said that there is speedier hormonal change in women,last year my wife had a miscarriage and now we are facing difficulty in having a kid.

    Dr terms the condition as unexplained infertility as all our tests are normal... plz suggest sone remedy.

    1. need to check specific charts... generic remedy??

    2. Sir my details are 30th march 1984, 1.15 am, Ajmer Rajasthan..... my wife's is 31st Jan 1985, 2.15pm delhi

      It would be a great help if u could suggest something

  2. Shukra in 6th in leo, sun in 7th ..Jupiter debilitated in 11th n retro.
    7th house under paap kartari...No marriage on cards?

    1. What is Shukra degree/nakshatra. must be magha...

    2. Ya bang on...its Magha (1). It would be great help if you can tell if there is possibility of getting married or no yog at all (so i will stop wasting energy)

    3. degree is 00 49 53

  3. Though I do not understand this article technically but it does resonate with me. I had two breakups before I met my current husband. I was so depressed after the second breakup that it was like my husband was a lifesaver when he came in my life. But after our families got involved, things became bad between us to the point that he wanted to break up. I did not want this and somehow compromised and we got married. But the issues that we had before marriage have to solved yet. He wants a divorce but I don't. Things are not good between us but I am not able to let go. I do not know if it is fortunate or unfortunate that there are no children yet; even though we have been married for 13 years now. I really do not know what to do. I still love him a lot and want to live with him but not like this.

  4. Hello Sir, Good Article. But what about destiny and marriages that happen but fails? I mean, if one is destined to have failed marriage then will he be able to save himself?

  5. what about ketu in 7th house and lord of 7th house mercury(R) in 12th house and venus is in 11th house for sagittarius ascendant chart.

  6. Saturn in 7th house in Capricorn for cancer ascendant. What would be the indication?

  7. How can I email you?

  8. I am vrishchik lagna with shani in first house and shukra in 7th. Moon in 8th.I was always told that I will get a beautiful wife and will be lucky with lady luck. I am 32,unmarried and didn't have atleast a girl friend or friends from opp. sex thus far. Still single and an introvert. Am well built & handsome but somehow people stay away from me. More of a repulsive personality. Don't know why... Lonely life.

  9. Hi Milind,
    I have an interesting horoscope , which has been defying predictions from various astrologers. The native is unmarried, 33 years of age. While native is assured of marriage an not denied of one , as per predictions based on his horoscope, the age has slipped from 28,30,32 to unknown now. Please let me know if you would like to take a look. Great article by the way

  10. I am vrushchik lagn, and shani in 7th house..neptune in first house..mangal in fifth..Hence late marriage..And now worried for kids...😇😇

  11. This article is for those who are into astrology not for general public. Great work though !

  12. Respected Sir,
    Please help me.I am going through a very difficult phase of life. My simple life became mysterious after marriage. I have never expected such type of problems in my life.

    I had near death experience and only because of the grace of almighty and the guidance of forefathers in dream I could survive.
    I tried a lot but it became inevitable for me to take divorce.
    What should I do? Should I marry again? Will I get happy married life?

    My birth details- 24th July 1984,Time- 2.28 p.m.,Nasik

    You are the only ray of hope for me. Please guide me.

  13. My brother is still unmarried..he is 22august 1984 born with moon sign gemini and lagna mrigashira..please suggest if marriage will happen or not??😥

  14. For wakri shukra with Uranus...when you say some information or news will come just before engagement..what do you mean by would be good news or bad news...can you please elaborate milind ji..coz in my chart reading you said the same...thanks

  15. Saturn in 7house
    Dob is 22 june1989 7.27pm Bangalore. can you please help us understand when can the marriage take place

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