Saturday, April 21, 2018

Wakri SHANI 2018 / Retrograde Saturn 2019


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SHANI / SATURN has gone wakri from last week April 19th at around 15th degree of DHANU / Sagittarius.
It will be wakri till Sept 7th 2018 at 08:26 degrees Then it become maargi.

Following are the degrees for Shani for tracking.
APRIL END: 14:53
MAY END: 13:39
JUNE END: 11:31
JULY END: 09:31
AUG END: 08:28
SEPT END: 08:54
OCT END: 10:41

Wakri planets in stock market language are about “range bound” movement. Of course, they wipe out recent gains or even recent losses too. Means, they reverse the trends. SHANI being a very influential of masses and CONSUMERS / Customers at the bottom of the pyramid is imp especially for any mass-market producers or FMCG stuff (which hardly will see any problem - -folks must brush teeth every morning and have tea!) :) But yes, it could impact some of the movies or expenses which are seen as “not entirely necessary”. But again, not diamond etc as they are not mass-market but say clothing or such.

On the whole, this Shani slows down things for everybody and makes it rangebound. Individual signs are seen below.

SHANI has been PRO for MESH, TULA, KUMBH and KIRK predominantly and “happening” for MEEN and Singh too. Now these folks would see a bit slow movement. It IS positive but slow. Rather initial Nakshatra of these signs like Ashwini or Chitra or Dhanishtha or Punarvasu etc saw Shani moving very fast ahead from Nov2017. Now they will start again getting ACUTE Shani movements and hence what was not paid to them will be paid well and in full. It is mostly good for these signs. The later-Nakshatras like Krittika, Ashlesha, Vishakha, PoorvaBhadrapada or Uttara and Revati have not joined the Shani pro party yet so they would not feel negative or positive impact form this bunch of PRO SHANI Signs!

DHANI SHANI has been WORSE for VRISHABH, MITHUN, MAKAR and KANYA and DHANU and VRISCHIK. So initial nakshatra of these signs would now see more adversity and slow but steady getting screwed! :)  Krittika, Uttara, Chitra of Kanya, Moola and Vishakha/Jyeshtha of Vrishchik would see more adversity - -like an auditor sitting next to them and questioning them on everything they did in the past few years! :) The later part or later nakshatra of these signs would have lesser issues as SHANI the AUDITOR is yet to arrive at their desk! :)  So say MRIG of Vrishabh, Punarvasu of Mithun, Chitra of Kanya, Poorvashadha or Uttarashadha of Dhanu and Jyeshtha of Vrishchik might not have much impact of this wakri Shani as anyways it is not yet at the Shani’s desk!!

So you can see that WAKRI SHANI increased adversity of the signs it is adverse to and reduces greatness of the signs it is PRO too. BUT it does help quite a bit to nakshatras of the rashi it is PRO to as it completely delivers good stuff to those nakshatras and it is NOT GOOD for Nakshatras of those signs which are directly under focus now from those adverse Shani signs!

To summarize this Shani is GREAT for following rashi and Nakshatra (it is SLOW and steady and not fast – but it IS PRO)
(1)    MESH – Ashwini
(2)    KIRK -  Punarvasu 4th Charan and Pushya first 3 Charan
(3)    SINGH - Magha
(4)    TULA:  3 4 Charan of Chitra and 1 2 Charan of Swati
(5)    KUMBH: 3 4 Charan of Dhanishtha and 1 2 of Shatataraka
(6)    MEEN: 4 of PoorvaBhadrapada1 2 3 Charan of Uttara-Bhadrapada
It is good but to make it more good – CONSUMER SURVEYS needed – What customers want and need. More you study “end-customers” more beneficial for you. The moment you start speaking language of customers (the one who actually spends money) - they “zak maarake” listen to you and give you orders.  (Consumers and not just customers as in supplier company officials)

It is not the best and shows adversity and tests and audits and reviews for following signs and nakshatra
(1)    VRISHABH: Krittika 2 3 4
(2)    MITHUN: Mrig 3 4 and Ardra 1 2
(3)    KANYA: Uttara 2 3 4 and Hasta 1
(4)    VRISHCHIK: Vishakha 4 and Anuradha 1 2 3
(5)    DHANU: Moola
(6)    MAKAR: Uttara 1 2 3 Shravan 1

REMEDIES: For adversity reduction– needs patience -- acceptance of issues and hard work. Om Namah Shivaay 121 times morning and 21 times 2 more times a day helps a lot. Hanuman Temple Darshan helps, Hanuman Poster or Wallpaper of mobile helps. EGO reduction dies 50% of the job. (Do not compromise self-esteem.)


  1. Hi Milind,
    Thanks for posting this. What will be the impact on Dhanishta Nakshatra, Makar Rashi.

  2. Thanks a lot !! Your predictions are almost 100% accurate

  3. Sir what about dhanu mool with retro shani in natal chart.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What about Rohini?

  6. Looks like Meena Moon sign folks never will come out of problems despite guru moving strong? When will good time come especially Revathi nakshtra.
