Tuesday, October 30, 2018



Thought of writing a concise or rather a mathematical article for some frequently asked questions about Remedies and to give rather a common sense but quite LOADED (to think for yourself) point of view.

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As you know Astrological remedies are of various types:
(1)    Mantra Sadhana (Mind: Brain chemistry, Aura cleansing) – Personal / INTERNAL Impact – some minor external
(2)    Pooja/ yadnya / yaag (One-time stuff) – (Repentance for past bad karma by self or family folks. Saying sorry to souls and asking forgiveness to nature.) – Some minor external
(3)    Gemstones (Aura, Vibrations, Mental Alignment) Personal / INTERNAL Impact
(4)    More importantly Ayurveda / Homeopathy --- Personal / INTERNAL Impact (personal and not change in behavior of others towards you)
(5)    Biggest of them all - Kaarmic remedies. A holistic approach is needed for any so-called remediation. – EXTERNAL and hence personal also!

Let’s say a given horoscopes has a very bad Mangal (Mars). A bad Mangal could have following bad effects (generic to almost all chart with badly placed Mangal).
(1) Aggression - misplaced or abrupt and wrong use of energy and anger.
(2) Accidents Injuries vehicles issues
(3) Land and property related issues
(4) Blood Quality issues, kidney or prostate issues
(5) Obligations with siblings and cousins.
(6) Obligations individual chart houses - each chart will differ here.

Now, Color Therapy and Gemstones could bring in positive effects of Mangal and could counter some of the rash or unnecessary aggression or actions. Instill positive actions. Will it impact land matters or blood quality or siblings and cousins? A big no!! This won’t change external world approach to you greatly. It will change it a bit for sure but not majorly.

Ayurveda which is almost like twin of Astrology when astrology and Veda were created (or downloaded from cosmos) as part of Vedas — it can help with blood quality, kidney cleansing methods and heat in the blood and body quite a bit. So, health aspects of badly placed Mangal could be helped by Ayurveda quite a bit. Will it change behavior of your siblings or cousins or help with land matters?? :) :)

Not all souls are reborn - so souls impacted by you in past birth could be said sorry and your regret could be conveyed by POOJA Yadya / Yaag and rather frequent daily pooja. So, they might choose to forgive you as they also want to move on! As that helps free them too and not just you!? This could impact external factors like bad decisions to buy wrong land or property where someone deceives you. Even some accidents or injuries could be prevented. But extremely impacted souls would not forgive just by Pooja or prayers daily! They will need something more!!??

Mantra-Sadhana will purify your thoughts, aura and help you avoid bad decisions, help with some DNA gaps cure also where your brain helps heal you or help you get help from homeopath and so on. A clear mind finds ways out of chaos. Mantra Sadhana will also help build good aura or say “Kavach” around you to ensure you don’t get into injuries or accidents. Would it change behavior of your siblings or cousins? Or existing land property matters in the family??? :)

It is obvious that most of these remedies do not have any impact on the behavior of the external world towards you. They are still bound to you and you to them due to your karmic deficit. Yes, you have and are correcting many effects of that bad karma but these souls – re-born or yet to be born are not going to let go these karmic bonds just because you did the act of a movie like “ERASER” of Arnold Swarzenegger! It is like taking a bank’s loan and doing a pooja and forgetting the loan – is bank going to forget it as you did the pooja??? :) They WILL report it to police! :) ) Even if Govt changes your identity and relocates you to different county or state – the bank WILL have this unpaid loan! :)

That brings us to the most intense and most effective remedial method: Kaarmic actions!! You trying to find what you did wrong on the pay birth(s) and where your obligations are and whom with they are! Requesting God’s helps to find them and promise to solve them
. By good deeds of say equal and opposite intensity! This has no parallel. Of course, your chart shows these obligations and an astrologer with right intentions and also logic but experience and intuition and some help from nature (affected souls, Sadhana and guru blessings) can list down your obligations! They not only answer why some people hurt you or never help you and how your mind brain and memories from past birth (DNA) affect your well-being in this life. It is indeed magical to see good results after folks perform or start performing such remedies.

I keep getting feedback from many folks about such remedies. The most vivid are about kids - not having kids for 8/10/12 years of marriage despite doctors saying “all-well”. And these folks after Kaarmic remedies along with above mantra gemstones and colors and prayers and so on have kids after such a delay. The Kaarmic remedies affect each and every part of other remedies too! They expedite and release the gaps in your DNA also thru feel good or hormonal changes etc etc you can explain scientifically! :)

Countless charts I see with land issues in the family and miscarriages in the family – or blood or kidney issues! Resolving these issues or trying to resolve these issues and repentance for past birth karma can have significant impact on your health and overall well-being or avoiding wrong decisions with land property causing loss of wealth etc. Land, Blood Quality, Property, Siblings, Cousins, Friends, Wars and Injuries/Accidents are all related – one bad reflects in another also being a problem as the ROOT-CAUSE is Deficit of karma or rather intense bad karma in the family and of course you were involved in them in some capacity in your past birth. It is not just “PURAKHO ne kiye huwu problems”! :) I saw a chart and I asked if this particular person, their father and their kid had flat-feet – the person was stumped --- !! :)  They all had flat feet!! So, an intense event on a sea or near sea or bog water source in this person’s father’s mama mousi family was almost a certainty! This person had some idea about such event without details. The kaarmic action was and is to help father’s mama mousi folks and rather their living descendants which would magically help these 3 folks! NO – Flat feet won’t change to normal ones but flat-feet is just one indicator of the karma – there are other things in the DNA and health and also souls who might want to see you hurt if you do not acknowledge the pain caused.

(An Astrologer job is also to comment on these liabilities and kaarmic deficit while giving people what they want to know! BUWAABAAJI and FASLE FEAR and making people do costly POOJA and so called black magic is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what needs to be done. It is like taking a bank’s loan and doing a pooja and forgetting the loan – is bank going to forget it as you did the pooja??? :) They WILL report it to police! :) )

~Milind (AstroMNC)

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed with your all write ups and wanted to know if you do personal horoscope readings as well? Is there any way I can connect to you for this?
