Sunday, April 21, 2019

Marriage: Quality and Timing and widely held (wrong) beliefs (Random Thoughts 33)

Marriage: Quality and Timing and widely held (wrong) beliefs

2019 Annual Horoscope

A few thoughts directly jumping into this article.
(1)    One can’t (?) choose parents whom they spend 18/20 years with, one can’t choose teachers, class-mates and siblings and cousins.
(2)    Why you do you think you can “choose” life partner? Isnt it completely illogical that you can “choose” someone you would stay for like 50/60 years ahead? (At least that’s the purpose!?)
(3)    So think over point (2) above and have patience and temperament to digest the thought!

Then you would say – why you are earning money by matching charts of people? :) :) – Makes sense? SO quick answer to this:
(4)    The marriage is not the ONLY thing one is born for.
(5)    You are destined to be with someone for decades due to past birth karma but you BOTH are not like Laila Majanu or Heer/Ranza or Romeo Juliet who would just worry about each other and nothing else?
(6)    MEANS à You are supposed to have life experience of X1 + X2 + X3 etc and marriage might be just one of the X mentioned in this equation.
(7)    So, match-making helps when you get serious about someone – to understand your and their life OVERLAP %%.
(8)    To understand hidden nature or hidden aspects of say ascendant or moon or Sun sign or Mars-Sign or Mercury sign or other planets which might not be activated starting from the time of meeting and then leading to the time of marriage.
(9)    ALSO, MORE IMP: You might have some BAD karma in the past birth who would come in this birth and try to trouble you and pay you back!!
(10)  Any astrologer job is NOT parrot like to tell you when you will get married – it is to tell you when you should NOT and when you should.
(11)  An astrologer must look at the chart to check if the current contact is Kaarmic Reward or a Karmic Burden which will not last for a long time.
(12)  SAY – You hurt 2 people in the past birth and were GREAT with1 of them for a long time. These 2 hurt folks would want to hurt you in this life before you get to THE ONE.
(13)  An astrologer can help you BREAK this “A hurts B then B Hurts A ad again A hurts B” of Kaarmic chain. DELAY or GOOD KARMA could help SPOT and avoid or at least lessen the impact of bad connections in this life. It helps them also indirectly – not being able to hurt you – they also get free from Karmic chain and move ahead in life.
(14)  SO to summarize – an Astrologer’s job is to suggest the BAD and GOOD times to meet wrong or right people and steer clear of bad contacts. The folks that want to hurt you can’t just hang around to hurt you as they have their own life and karmic other chains to cater to! You not arriving at a particular station where they are waiting – will make them board the next flight/train as life must go on.
(15)  YES – some charts are so extreme that one is born with hormonal deficiencies or physical deficiencies -- some charts are so good that they hardly need an astrologer until their nephews are born! These 20% charts – 10% extreme bad and 10% extreme good – do NOT need an astrologer to tell them as to what they are! :)
(16)  It is the rest 80% who have average below average or above average karma with marriage and partnerships and relationships – that have use of astrological analysis.

IMP STUFF About Marriage Quality and Timing:
I have heard some funny (not so much) thoughts about marriages, 2nd or 3rd marriages as below which I do not subscribe (well almost fully but disagree 80%+)
(1)    2nd marriage should be seen from the 9th house!!?? (This was only OK for the times when folks married dead wife’s younger sister - -and even then, not the best way!)
(2)    After some age – marriage should be seen from (a) D9 chart (b) or Chandra Kundali!! (Why!? – They are nothing but different ways to look at D1)

So, let me share some statistical analysis and experience-based thoughts from 1991 I have seen. I was very skeptical to share them as they constitute my IPR sort of but I guess I must share them in order to reduce SOME chaos and also learn from pandits with great experience who would argue on the things mentioned below. It is IMP for one to RE-READ the 16 points written above else it is a waste of time. If you do not believe in KARMA or REBIRTH or karma carried from the past birth(s) STOP reading these articles immediately!! NOTHING happens in this life without some “actions” and they are either THIS birth itself and sometimes past birth(s) also! Do not think differently about past karma – anything happened UNTIL THIS VERY SECOND is past karma - this birth or earlier birth(s).

OK – so how one *should* analyze the marriage prospects or marriage related quality and advice and marriage timings!? I would list down things which are based on “practice” and not some granth or Pustak-pandit sorts. I have and I see these examples almost every day. The following bullets should cover 80% of the cases you will arrive. Every now & then I do see a case study which makes me go nuts and forces to learn new things and adopt! THAT’ IS WHY Astrology and even medicines is called as “practice”! :)

(1)    SHANI drushti on the 7th house or owner of 7th house or Shukra shows delayed marriages and recommends delayed marriage else shows major issues. “Delayed” is as per caste culture and family traditions. Also, for Girls it is usually 26/27 or extreme 29 /30 and for boy 30 to 32 or worst case 35/36. Shani aspecting multiple of say 7th house L7 and Shukra – ALL 3 – then God help and good karma help!
(2)    L7 or 7th house or Shukra being 3rd from Shani more troublesome if Shani in 7th house or 5th house and L7 or Shukra in intense degrees - -then even 35 36 age also goes difficult for married life.
(3)    Uranus Wakri and Shukra Wakri and Shani wakri can make someone get in touch with alternate life style folks and also Wakri Uranus Shani and Shukra and L7 correlation shows alternate life style person. Born on 4 13 22 31 increases this and when born on 4 and total 8 or born on 8 17 26 and total 4 13 22 31 increases this GREATLY!!!
(4)    REGARDLESS of Lagna Rashi -- GURU drushti on 7th L7 or Shukra is a SAVIOR and a blessing. Ignore functional malefic or Kendradhipati Dosh etc bullshit.
(5)    7th house or L7 and SHUKRA when they are in NavaPancham or at least 2 of them are in NavaPancham then good times are even better and bad times lesser bad.
(6)    7th house L7 or Shukra in Yuti -- Good times very good and bad times even worse as all impacted same time.
(7)    When 7th house L7 and Shukra are in KENDRA yoga – bad times worse and good times are OK.
(8)    When Yuti or Pratiyog of & L7 and Shukra – then if horoscope good – then good times much better and when horoscope bad – then and times much worse and good times average.
(9)    When past birth karma is good with relationships then obviously 7th L7 and Shukra are well placed but they are also in SYNC with each other - -means in LaabhYoga or Yuti or NavaPancham yoga.
(10)  When past karma not so good - -then apart from Shani Uranus Rahu etc impact on 7 L7 and Shukra – they are also in Kendra yoga with each other making good times even less good and bad times really bad!!
(11)  MARRIAGE or Relationships should be seen from

a.     7th house – planets in it – Aspects on it – rashi and nakshatra (Bhavarambh) for it

b.     L7 – Same as above Rashi Nakshatra, Aspects, closer to Bhavarambh etc and add house to it from Lagna and also Chandra!

c.      SHUKRA – The marriage Governor – a very well placed one can actually pardon 7th and L7 related issues!! Again Rashi Nakshatra – house and aspects on it!!

d.     NOW – See all of the above from CHANDRA KUNDALI too – means 7th house of Chandra or L7 from Chandra and of course SHUKRA>

e.     MOST IMP: When L7 in 7th or Shukra in 7th or L7 and Shukra in Yuti or NavaPancham – and from Chandra also they are commonalities.  – THESE COMMON planets will decide the marriage direction strongly.

(12)  Examples

a.     MESH Lagna and Vrishchik Lagna – SHUKRA becomes whole and sole as it is L7 and also Governor of marriage!! Easy to predict good bad ugly and also timings.

b.     Say Lagna Rashi of Singh – and Shukra in Vrishabh and Shani in Makar – Both SHANI and SHUKRA are imp. Say Chandra in Mesh or Vrishchik - -THEN SHUKRA much more imp than SHANI as Shukra also L7 of Chandra. NOW Shukra Antardasha mahadasha and also Guru transits with Shukra will result in good marriage. If Shukra badly paced then ---- ! :)

c.      Say – MAKAR lagna – SHUKRA in Vrishabh – Chandra and Shukra both are imp as L7 and Shukra.

NOW most imp TIMING:
(1)    Assume 7th house shows something different -- SAY X and say L7 shows completely different thing say Y and Shukra is showing something else Z.
(2)    AT A GIVEN POINT IN TIME – Either of them will be activated. Means years 2010 say X is activated and 2011 Y and 2013 Z. They are all are not activated at the same time. SO marriage yoga are blur and not so strong. IN such cases past birth karma with marriage is really weak – not bad neither great but average in all cases – so 2010 2011 and 2013 years would make different type of people to come in touch!! :)
(3)    Say L7 and 7th house both are fully screwed up but SHUKRA is VERY WELL PLACED!! So in the years when L7 and 7th house are activated - -not so good contacts. But when SHUKRA activated then very good contacts. When 7th and L7 are troubled and CURRENT planets are not good for them --- some really nasty people to come in touch. That could result in break up and divorce etc, but when SHUKRA is activated, a very good person as displayed by SHURKA will come in touch.

ACTIVATED: Good-Activated Transit GURU drushti on natal planets and Antardasha or Sub-period of that planet. Badly activated means Shani Antardasha or Shani Sub period going on and transit SHANI drushti on that planet (L7 7th or Shukra)

So – Please use D1 and D9 and also 7th house L7 and Shukra to decide the quality of marriage and overall past birth karma with marriage good or bad. THE TIMING shows if it is VERY bad contact which is karmic debts or karmic reward. Even the worst of the west charts would have some good activation periods where good part of their chart and hence past birth karma is activated and they meet a good person. It is NOT the 9th house for 2nd or 11th house for 3rd marriage etc but it’s the same good old 7th L7 and Shukra for all marriages – it is just that THE TIMING activates different type of people to come in touch with you.

THAT is why I have seen TULA and MEEN and MAKAR and SINGH rashi people having 60 years of married life with 5-6 healthy and crore-pati kids! :) Marriage is ONE aspect of their life and hence Singh rashi for a administration and Makar rashi for wealth increase and industrious approach – so they have different career but very good married life as 7th L7 and Shukra are could be completely UNRELATED to Chandra-Rashi!! :) :)

I’m sure this complicates matters for many – but think clear – it’s the same 7th L7 and Shukra in D1 and D9 and Chandra Kundali but the TIMING shows good or bad contact regardless of it is nth marriage! :)

Late marriage or marriage issues:
Intercaste marriage:


  1. Great Article Milind! I have seen a thumb rule as learnt from your blogs. I think that people with Shukra in Raashi/signs(not houses) which are 3-11 or 5-9 or same/opposite have better chance because guru can aspect both simultaneously. Others have less chance. Say shukra in Virgo and Libra of couple - guru can never aspect two simultaenously.
    Or atleast L7 and Shukra of two should be in that relations 3-11, 5-9, 7-7 or same
    Would love to hear views!

  2. Sir my wife is magha and i have rohini nakshatra. I have heard Rohini boy and Magha girl are as bad as shad ashtak. Is there an blessing in it?

  3. One of the best articles I think you've written.
    My chart is complicated Milind. 7th Dec 1985, 5:10pm, coimbatore. Would love to hear whats your view. I can see the delay.But no idea of the activation periods.

  4. Milind,
    A very good article.Very educative for students of astrology .I tested your points with my son's chart and could see that you are bang on .He is 37 not yet married.Taurus Lagna with sani in the 5th house with 7th lord aspecting the 7th house,and Shukra in the 9th house.Moon and Mercury in Kumbh.
    In D-9 ,Lagna is Kumbh with Guru in it.Sani is in Leo with Shukra and Mars is in Gemini.
    I think your explanation could not have been more clearer for the continued delay in his marriage.
    God Bless you with good health and long life.

  5. What is the reason for some people not getting married at all? Can that be determined from the horoscope?

  6. Great Article. I consider you as my astrology Guru. Learning a lot! A small querry. If Guru aspects the nakshatra lord of Shukra or 7thLord, is that a good time to marry too?

  7. Thanks For share such a nice platform for know our horror scope. If any one want to resolve their problems talk to astrologer for free.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for sharing this content, I really appreciate your hard work and intelligence which is clearly seen through your content.
    Marriage Astrology Course
