Sunday, May 5, 2019

CHAOTIC Planetary formations for 2019: MAY JUNE JULY2019

CHAOTIC Planetary formations for 2019: MAY JUNE JULY2019

2019 Annual Horoscope

2019 next few months and especially mid-May-2019 to July end are going to be quite chaotic and happening with the planetary formations. Some observations below:

(1)    Wakri Shani and Wakri Guru actually help as Karma is not delivered in a fast and furious manner! This might be the first time since 1992 I might have expressed something positive above Wakri Planets! :) Shani Guru being Wakri the events are delivered slowly and with less intensity than usual. It is maybe cumulative as painful as faster direct planets but it is much easier for a human to take slow matters for physical pains and faster matters for mental stress. So yes, Mentally Sadesati and fatigue of Mesh might be increased more – but physical harm is a bit reduced.
(2)    SHANI KETU yuti is cyclone prone and also health issues prone for folks who have Shani Ketu or wakri planets with Ketu in intense nakshatra (cancerous stuff).
(3)    MANGAL gets opposite SHANI from MAY-07 and stays there till JUNE-23.
a.     This is usually anyways resulting in some accidents and injuries etc. This time more so as Mangal with Rahu (agitation and aggression anger) and Shani with Ketu!!
b.     OVERALL world-over accidents injuries – railway and airplanes etc chaos could happen. WEATHER could impact fights and travels plans quite a bit
c.      As Mangal rashi-swami this hurts Vrishchik and Mesh more with vehicles, injuries and wrong decisions with sports or sudden physical movements. If PATIENCE is kept there is hardly any damage. Night-time travel could be avoided.
d.     This is also not the best for KIRK as Mangal 12th house and
e.     Also, not the best for MAKAR rashi as Shani Ketu 12th house.
f.      MESH TULA folks it would impact a greater number of times as who have very high probability of travels in these periods as these planets are 3 and 9 to them. Need to take care of belongings in this period more carefully in travel.
(4)    This MANGAL SHANI impact is lot more acute when Mangal is in Kendra yoga with Shani in Navamansh “daily D9 chart”.
a.     MAY-11 to MAY-18 morning. Mangal Shani both in Vrishchik Navamansh!
b.     MAY-28 to JUNE-02 morning (Mangal Kumbh Navamansh and Shani Vrishchik Navamansh)
c.      JUNE-12 to JUNE-18 morning
(5)    SURYA joins the party from JUNE-16 to JULY15 and joins Mangal Rahu in Mithun rashi opposite SHANI KETU. This is more disturbing till JUNE-23.
a.     SHOWDOWN: Govt versus masses, police versus public, owners or mgmt versus workers and so on.
b.     MANGAL means young people and Mithun means debates and article and words gone viral and causing damage.
c.      Social media fueling fire and many incidents of rage on social media resulting in issues actually on the ground.
d.     Major Gaali-Galoch possible on social media.
e.     MANGAL moves on June-23 so it helps reduce tensions from then and hence initial 7 days are more tough from JUNE16.
f.      SURYA SHANI come close pratiyog on July8 to July13 and hence this is lot more troubling with above Govt or REBEL effects.

All pandits are saying BJP Govt MODI own chart shows major power – but the planets are showing 3rd front! :) India PM Tula lagna Vrishchik rashi - need to increase security and safety,

Interesting times ahead indeed. REMEDY is to keep patience and also “lovingly” ask errant driver or angered people around to be patient with care and love. OM NAMAHA: Shivay 21 times – 4 times a day helps a lot. But it is also imp to do the same effect to people in charge like bus drivers and so on. Simple acts of courtesy could help avoiding BHEESHAN effects on multiple lives. IMP to use love & care to influence others with respect – else angered folks need one more reason to get angrier.



  1. सत्ता ग्रंहांची नाही तर काशी विश्वेश्वरची आहे....मोदीच येणार!

  2. मिलिंद ,
    तु दिलेले विश्लेषण हे जनरल सर्व राशींसाठी आहे की प्रत्येकाच्या जन्म पत्रिकेप्रमाणे दाहकता कमी जास्त असू शकते ?

  3. Planets couldn't manage 3rd Front.

  4. In Kaliyug only Karma works, that's what Modi did. He did his Karma, which is good for the Nation, inspite of adverse planetery positions.

  5. Modi won. What is surprising is people voted for him inspite of his failur eon all plans and his refusal to talk about his 2014 promises. Does India want such prime minister who refuse to talk about their promises? Today it is Modi tomorrow it will be someone else. Lowest employment in 45 yrs, failed #Ganga project and river is more polluted as per RTI, GST is good initiaitive but poorly planned so it destroyed small businesses, Aadhar was misused to benefit Jio and SC cancelled the government order, Gas was given to poor but no planning how they will get money to refill the gas, for 5 yrs MOdi did nto even meet farmers who are committing suicide every hour, ministers like Nishad and Irani have done marksheet fraud but they are ministers, MOdi himself does not disclose his educational qualification ( surprisingly in 20 yrs we have not seen one person who was class mate of Modi , a student who never had any class mates??!!), a man who dumped his wife without paying her alimony but he people say he is PURUSHOTTAM ? Modi was accused of getting a woman followed by police, police officers gave statement on TV and if the allegations were wrong then Modi should have sued Indiatoday group for damaging his reputation - why did Modi file case aganist media? in-spite of all odds Modi is not responsible for his failed plans? Modi is fortunate to have foolish voters or else he is lucky to have EVM that changed the result. No one will know the truth till Modi is in power but Karma cannot be wiped off. One day Karma will pay back and lakhs of people who voted for Modi without using their brain will be proven wrong.

    1. Thats why they are called bhakts who do not see truth as their only agenda is " what did congress do when in power " and if mr modi is gods gift to india . He is a mere puppet been employed by industrialist to make benefit for them .
      You cannot expect in

  6. Accidents/ injuries? Yes. We were visiting Europe for 3 weeks. First week in London was fine, saw world cup match. On last day in London, daughter fell in the bus when the driver started the bus abruptly. She fell backwards, did not hit anything really. But her knee twisted at a bad angle. Long story short - she was in so much pain she couldn't walk. Saw a doctor there, bought a wheelchair and finished the next 2 weeks of trip with her in a wheelchair.
