Thursday, August 1, 2019

Numerology Use in Horoscopes (AstroMNC)

Numerology Use in Horoscopes
Everything converges, right!? Horoscope, Palm, Face, Sharir-Lakshsan  (Body), Family history (Rahu Ketu) and Numerology all combine to give a unified and holistic idea about a person. Instead of dwelling into often unreliable (and unproven by statistics) times and hence unreliable divisional chart (uptp D9 and D10 & even D12 makes sense) it is ALWAYS useful to check Palm, Face etc whenever you have doubts about a particular thing. Even without that – checking palms, family history questions, face reading, numerology will give you a much more SOLD interpretation of a chart. Let us look at how to check numerology and map it to a chart!

So BHAVARAMABH, Divisional Charts are of course critical for a chart’s analysis and various other things like RashiGandaant or Devgan, RakshasGan nakshatra or Uchcha Neech SwaGruh nad Swa-nakashatra planets which are imp for predictions and so on- BUT the numerology numbers will guide you as an umbrella as to which planets will dominate more for the outcome and which need more careful examination in the charts and also divisional chart!

The Birth-date and the total addition of a birth-date are the most MOST imp numbers for a person. The planets that they represent get a lot more importance & value. For example, the BDate of 29-04-1973 has BDate 29 (11:  Chandra) and total addition of 11 + 4 + 2 (20) = 17 (Shani). So CHANDRA and SHANI will certainly have more importance in their chart in overall analysis. The house these planets are, the sign/rashi and the nakshatra and navamansh and rashi-swami and their nakshatra-swami would need more focus while analysis of the chart. This is applicable to both – good/ kaarmic rewards and obligations/karmic debts too! Means, the planet’s placement both good/bad things would take more imp.

Tilak. Nehru, Subhaschandra Bose, Balasaheb born on 14 23 were great orators with phrases that continued existence after their times. In their charts BUDH will certainly take more precedence in the analysis. Bachchan saahab. Dilip Sahab, Rajesh Khanna, Devgan, Shahrukh etc etc are 2 dominated – people connect, emotions. Creativity and so on. This would make them populist and more prone to people connect but also CHANDRA in the chart will take more imp. Salman is 27 and hence you see Mangal Mars taking more precedence.

Now you can see why people born on 8 17 26 would have more issues than others as SHANI becomes very imp. But then if SHANI is well placed like Modi or Manmohan, they get HUGE importance due to their sincere, seriousness and sheer perseverance and continuity! Still the major success is after 30 or 60 and so on despite well placed Shani. But SHANI drushti on Shukra in Modi chart also reflects in marriage related stuff. So SHANI with or drushti on SHUKRA or 7th house or L7 will result more issues with these folks than say born on 1 (1 10 19 28) or say 5 14 23 etc.

Fast bowlers like born on 9 18 27 are lot more aggressive and khunkhaar (Malcom Marshal, Dennis Lillee, Dale Steyn, McGrath) than others. Equally fast but born on 7 16 25 are intuitive and imaginative and settle down with lesser aggression after initial aggression like Garner, Holding, Akram and Waqar, Jeff Thomson). 9 18 27 is MARS and 7 16 25 is Neptune. Neptune has tremendous speed, but it is without the thrust and side effect of over aggression. Sir Don Bradman 27 birth-date increases imp of MANGAL and as MANGAL in 9th house BROAD thinking and ROYAL Sign of SINGH – shows such approach. (27 is lesser aggression than 18 and 9). Even Priyanka Chopra in the field dominated by Venus is aggressive due to the birthdate of 18.

Malcom Marshal (18 April 1958) had Mangal in Kumbh rashi 1st degree or last degree of Makar Rashi (own nakshatra of Dhanishtha) and SHANI very close drushti on Mangal. Shani the owner of MANGAL Rashi itself in 1st 2 degree of MOOLA nakshatra and wakri (maternal elders having brain or nervous system issues and also legs related ones)!! Mangal rashi has 3 planets Surya BUDH KETU all in KETU Nakshatra Ashwini. BUDH WAKRI in the 1st 2 degrees of MESH Rashi (maama mousi having brain or nervous system issues or maternal grandfather). So, you can see MANGAL (18) getting more imp and SHANI Moola 1st degree and BUDH Mesh first degree both wakri -_ SHANI CLOSE drushti on Mangal – Blood cancer at the age of 40 and death 1999. MANGAL in MANGAL nakshatra showed tremendous sports ability. Uchcha Surya added to it. BUDH in Mesh Chess champion like fast thinking and nervous system and aggression of mind too. His TOTAL addition is also 18 (9 + 4 + 6) which increased MANGAL importance hugely. His maternal family might have acquired some land property y not so good means!?!? (Guess – Karmic connection and not certainty). Maybe maternal grandfather & his relatives could be army or police force or rebel etc such connections possible.)

The bdate of 4 13 22 31 – RAHU or URANUS and both – makes RAHU and URANUS imp and hence shows some issues from time to time. Shows fast thinking, BOLD thinking and unorthodox stuff. RAHU gets more imp and so does Uranus. Rahu for Tom Cruise is with Chandra (image) and SHUKRA (sex/partnerships) in KIRK Rashi – Sadesati of Kirk from 2003 to July2007 (2.5 + 2.5) there were rumors and reports about his preferences of some stuff he might or might not have done – settled outside courts? So bad publicity happened when SHANI audited him from 2003 to July2007. SHANI movements are more troublesome for 4 13 22 31 born as they do things in a hurry, with ambitions and unorthodox or change agents without change management. Shani does not like RAHU’s hedonism as they do not have ANYTHING in common! Tom Cruise is NOT born on 4 13 22 31 – it is example of RAHU only.

Similarly, 7 16 25 are Neptune / KETU dominated & increase imp of imagination or 6th sense and with the planets Ketu or Neptune are attached to in the chart or in their rashi! DHONI BDate of 7th and hence 6th sense. KETU 1st house adds to it. Mangal opposite Neptune adds 6th sense with sports.

I have seen people with L10 in the 1st house starting their own businesses and also people born on 1 10 19 28 also do the same. However, when L10 in 1st house is for 1 10 19 28 borns - -it is almost a certainty as TWO major attitudes show an independent work ethic and wanting to do something on own.

Folks born on 6 (6 15 24) would show more imp to SHUKRA in the chart and hence good bad placement will directly impact sexual/physical relationships but also hormonal stuff in the young age. SHUKRA badly placed with Shani would show delays and with Uranus or Rahu would show physical adventurism. With Chandra would show major artistic stuff and so on. These birthdates help Madhuri, Suchitra Sen and Alia Bhat, Suraiyya further in their film and artistic career.

For me 11 and 18 --- Chandra Mangal – they completely define WHAT I have been doing since forever! Of course, 5th house Vargottam SURYA exactly NavaPancham to Chandra is helping with it anyways.

SIMILARLY – The MOUNTS of the palm - -Guru, Shani, Mangal, Budh and so on would also show which planets should take more imp. As their Dasha would be more effective! Heck, even when GURU is in your Rashi of 5 7 9 from your rashi, you will see GURU mount below the index finger next to thumb a bit bigger than other years! This could be topic for an additional article. (I have very strong Mars positive, and Chandra too and lines on them - - again Chandra Mangal getting more imp – whereas BUDH and Mars Negative (commerce) are not that well shaped which means not putting complete knowledge to “business”! :)



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