Monday, September 2, 2019

PARENTS: AstroMNC Random Thoughts: Specific Predictions about parents

PARENTS: AstroMNC Random Thoughts: Specific Predictions about parents

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Many a times there are questions about parents: health and overall well-being or relationship quality with them and so on. This article is for guidelines when to comment confidently and when not to, as per patterns in a given chart.

When to make specific predictions about the father (one can replace 10th with 4th and L10 with L4 and Sun with Moon below – for the mother – I will repeat it below but just to get LOGIC behind this is imp). Rather following method could be used for any relationship like siblings or cousins or kids etc too. (D12 chart could be also checked for the following things but more so for the L10 and the Sun from the D1 chart – how they are placed in D12 but also D9 – D9 must be checked for all things – intensity of D1 chart!)

In a Chart:  The father is represented by
(a) The 10th house
(b) The owner of the 10th house
(c) The SUN.
(The 9th house is considered by Western astrologers which is INCORRECT as for GENETCIS – Father is the 10th house—9th is Mentors – so your father in office can  behave like a mentor to you and will go as per the 9th house in office and when you grow up But his illness and his longevity and etc etc stuff HAS to be the 10th house – NEVER 9th !!) Western folks have got it wrong here – maybe their culture the father is not closer and is like a third person etc etc! – I am not so sure but cultural aspects matter BUT still it’s the 10th house and  the 10th house ONLY!)

These 3 things represent your father from your chart. Now imagine all these 3 things are differently placed in your chart: say. The 10th house is aspected by benefics and is well placed. But the L10 is not well placed and SUN is average. Can one comment anything with authority in such a case? Great times for 1 of them would be OK for other 2 and vice versa! It is imp to have similar indications for all these 3 things for something specific to happen with the father!

[A] When can we can comment with confidence and certainty about the father’s good times or bad times?
(1)    L10 is in the 10th house
(2)    The Sun is in the 10th house.
(3)    The Sun itself is L10 (Vrishchik lagna)
(4)    L10 and the 10th house is aspected by the same planet (Guru aspect good – Shani aspect not so good – Mangal aspect “depends”)
(5)    L10 and Sun are in LaabhYoga with each other and also Laabh or NavaPancham the 10th those. (Good times certainty not the bad times)
(6)    COMBINE above which increases the certainty: Means L10 and the Sun in yuti in the 10th house.

(7)    L10 or the SUN are in KEDFRA with each other. (Bad times with certainty and not good times!)
(8)    L10 or SUN in Kendra with the 10th house. (Bad times with certainty and not good times!)

(9)    GURU SHANI or MANGAL aspecting ALL THREE: 10th and L10 and also the Sun. GURU aspects the savior (almost always!) and SHANI aspect deterioration – eyes, heart and spine/bones!

[B] Yes, you can say confidently about the father above conditions are met but detailing is as follows:
(10)  The 10th house or L10 and the Sun are in LaabhYoga or NavaPancham yoga – then good times better and bad time lesser bad. (Example: say L10 Mangal and Surya are NavaPancham or in LaabhYoga & they are 6 and 2nd house which is also NavaPancham to 10th house.  Or they are 8 and 12 and they are LaabhYoga to the 10th house – well – 8th and 12th itself is not good position when both L10 and Sun are in those houses! – then basically it is not a good state for the father but still good times ahead become better!)
(11)  When L10 and the Sun and the 10th house are in Pratiyog with each other and good times are very good and bad times are very bad!
(12)  When L10 and Sun and the 10th house in YUTI – Good times LOT BETTER and bad times awfully bad.
(13)  When L10 and the Sun are in KendraYog to each other and to the 10th house – good times not so great (for the father) and bad times are worse!
(14)  When L10 and the Sun are 6:8 to each other, then, the good times are diluted to multiple years and bad times too but certain bad times are really bad (mentioned below point 2).

[C] WHEN You canNOT comment on the father with certainty (examples)
(1)    When Sun and the L10 is 1:12 positions
a.     L10 say is in the 3rd house – Sun is in the 2nd house.
b.     L10 in 5th and Sun in the 6th
c.      And so on.
(2)    Say L10 in the 6th house and Surya is in the 1st house. (Still there is 4th Shani transit which would be bad) – means when L10 and Sun are 6:8 (Shadashtak) to each other then good times diluted but bad times also diluted except some specific transits) But overall most periods are without lot big certainty!
a.     3rd Surya and 8th L10 & vice versa
b.     2nd Surya and 9th L10 and vice versa!
c.      And so on (1 8 / 2 9 / 3 10 / 4 11 / 5 12 / 6 1) etc etc.

NOTE: It would be a common sense to take into consideration the STRENGTH (or lack of) of L10 and the Sun separately too!
(1)    When L10 is very very well placed exalted and Sun is badly placed and they are in NavaPancham and LaabhYoga – good times better – bad times not as bad.
(3)    Sun and L10 both well placed and exalted or Swarashi and Devgan Nakshatra – BUT in KENDRA from each other and 10th house. --- great times individually good but not at the same time – but bad times also bad at the same time but INTENSITY itself reduced as BOTH are individually strong despite being 6:8 or Pratiyog or Kendra!

In short L10 and SUN and the 10th house all need individual consideration BEFORE you start looking at [A] [B] [C] above.

This might sound complicated but it is VEYRY LOGICAL – There is a Sanskrit Wachan to describe this – when translated it means Bhav is Seed, Bhavesh is Flower and KAARAK planet is the fruit. All 3 MUST be considered to comment confidently about ANY aspect of the chart. That is why KARAKATVA MUST be established for any small or big thing you are checking!

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