Saturday, September 21, 2019

Random Thoughts on astrology 36 AstroMNC

Random thoughts 36 AstroMNC
(1) Thousands gather for a concert or a rally or a sport events.
(1) Thousands gather for a concert or a rally or a sport event and so on. They have all sorts of charts, moon or sun signs.
(2) 50/60 Kids in a school class have the same teachers regardless of their own charts. Hundreds of students are in the same college or say medical or engineering faculty regardless their chart shows what kind of inclination (Indians don’t have options for engg or medical predominantly)
(3) 135 crores have the same PM regardless of their charts :)
(4) all sorts of charts are settled in the USA regardless of what “direction” of travel their chart shows! 
(5) average age of Indians was 50 or lesser in 1947 and now it is 67 in 2019 and increasing.
(6) thousands stopped dying in delivery of shortly thereafter due to sanitation and simply use of gloves! 
(7) Hundreds of students join they campus on the same date and time and go thru training at the same time! Regardless of their charts their joining dates and company is the same.

This all may sounds trivial - but this common sense and rather SaaraaSaar VivekBuddhi is needed to become an astrologer. Don’t make fatal predictions or don’t boast some predictions that came true! Always remember astrology is a “probabilistic science”. Don’t make statements like it’s all destiny or even there is nothing like destiny. It’s all push and pull. It’s about concurrent  system of various forces acting at the same time! Past birth karma is X, this birth ongoing karma is ever increasing Y, country karma is Z, caste clan religion and community and city karma is a b c etc etc etc. 

Your total outcome is the SUM of all these forces. A rising stock market even bad charts make money and falling stock market the best if the be fs charts  make losses. So yes it is still their chart as falling makers make these good charts lose lesser! But it doesn’t mean they keep making profits regardless of how the country is doing! :)

So don’t ever make fatalistic and extreme statements at least about astrology. Astrology is the most powerful tool at the disposal as it can give patters about ALL topics in your life! Nothing in this world can map to everything in your life.

Hashtag is simple — #observeandlearn!!  Without at least 50 case studies / examples don’t share any even a trivial or simple observation about anyone! Mesh rashi has 3 nakshatra and 3 different swabhav and Mangal can be in 27 nakshatra adding 27 by 3 varieties of Mesh rashi itself...!! So what the xxxx we can talk about confidently!!?? ;)
Following thoughts are about overall human brain which is both makes us superior on the earth but also makes us have stuff like cancer or some fatal organ issues which no other animals have! The other animals die of injuries and infection and so on which humans are of course susceptible but what humans have is in addition to the animals.

I completely believe evolution but that has no answer to how a man/woman came up with such a high size of head and brain so that it takes an year for a human to walk properly! :) the most complex childbirth is also human! It’s all about that over-sized head! When humans were created they were certainly created from apes for sure! But apes didn’t evolve into humans for sure! 🙏 you can easily see that from humans! That sudden increase in brain is an “event” (caused by God or aliens or whatever) and not to offend Darwin fans —> thereafter evolution continues! :) (natural selection- color and also Changes to 🧬DNA over the years to suit local weather etc)

Our ambitions, aspirations and thinking and therefore lifestyle is all about that over-sized brain! The conscious and subconscious memories and dna and karma Carried thru the generations! The most of the good things and domination of earth human have is the brain only but the resultant side effects of cancer or various deceases are also side effects of ambitions aspirations and thinking etx of our brain.

Long story short - brain care is the most imp aspect of our life! This brain over use and rather simply the brain makes us use stimulants like tea coffee and cigarettes and  so on to achieve more? (False sense) or have that instant gratification to brain at the cost of the other body parts! That sensation of achievements and need for recognition and clapping by others etc causes major of the deceased that humans have! Don’t think money’s have arthritis or more so autoimmunity — autoimmunity predominantly is your swabhaav!! 

So there are two very basic thoughts I have experts can disagree and correct me:

Humans were made out of monkeys!
(1) If a human spent their part of the day just like mommies jumping around and playing around or using just the body and not the brain too much — they would have the least deceases?? :)
(2) Brain care : That’s where MANTRA sadhana, the religions’ efforts to keep a man focused and channeled by prayer and so on is important. The head massage is important. The sleep is imp! Homeopathy is imp! Pain killers are imp but are also a catch! 
(3) BANAANAS  -/ don’t laugh 😆 IF we were and we are made out of moneys — bananas would be the best medicine we can have not to fall sick?! (Not after we fall sick). Bananas should be the single most imp aspect of our well being..!!??  Honey is another that comes to my mind. Whatever Monkeys eat — (maybe not insects?) :) should keep humans healthy.
Texas and Arizona folks eating meat is invitation to cancer. Rather white people staying white with some supreme feeling in these states is also inviting cancer wit skin! :) ??? 
South India eating wheat (instead for rice) would be an invitation to huge and major deceases!
Using loongi in north india would be “highly uncomfortable”?? 😆
And using jeans with Frenchie is in south India for years would make it difficult for you to conceive!?? 😝
I guess the answer to most of the deceases is in our life style but also our own brain..!


  1. Dear Milind,

    Very thought provoking article. However, all the typos (spelling mistakes) are a minor irritant. I believe you have spelt money's when you meant monkeys. Please allow me to suggest you use a good spell checker and proof read for typos and grammatical mistakes. I'm sure it will increase the reach of your articles and your fan base. Good grammar, proper punctuation and spelling enhances the readability of any text as we are all used to and trained to reading text as per these rules. It also creates a profound and lasting good impression on the readers of the article.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Do you know whats the qualification of the writer? Do you think someone with that intellect will need the stupid advice you are giving? Amazed at your stupid comment.

  2. Also, is this random thoughts article no 36 or 37? Why is the title appearing thrice in large font? Proof reading would have definitely caught these little things.

  3. Super original thoughts you make a point

  4. Hi Milind, i have mailed you a request for astro consultation, request your help asap. Thank you
