Monday, December 30, 2019

#MEEN in 2020 (#PISCES in 2020) #2020Annual Horoscope

#MEEN in 2020 (#PISCES in 2020) #2020Annual Horoscope

(1) (2) From India: UPI is AstroMNC@UPI (From BHIM APP or even many bank apps) (This would help write more & more detailed on the blog not just weekly / monthly but also the astrology articles.)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known Moon sign Pisces: Late Dev Anand, Rahul Dravid, Abhishek Bachchan, Dilip Prabhavalkar; Abhishek Bachchan. This article also applies to some extent to Pisces Sun Sign i.e. people born from March 14 to April 13 Linda Goodman, Kundanlal Saigal, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dilip Vengsarkar, Aamir Khan, Imran Hashmi, Kangana Ranaut (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

Pisces Sign Characteristics:

Pisces sign folks are very mild mannered, with limited mental & physical energy. They are most happy when they are “giving” away something (info, knowledge, money etc). They are born millionaire or live like one. They will not show great urge to achieve materialistic success. They have wisdom acquired from every sign and have traits of every sign and can relate to all types of personalities without much effort. They are like the fish who can see at both the sides but never straight-ahead! J They know what would happen if you take this decision or that decision but would find it taking a decision with great conviction. But they will easily decide on very broad and long-term issues. They do things with utter ease which could come across as the lack of interest or vigor. They are far better in planning than execution. They can give selfless advice. The word selfless is probably made for them. They give away the most important of their wisdom / information easily. (Unlike Capricorn or Scorpio signs) J It is almost impossible to surprise them. Staying in completely in a comfort zone, going with the current/flow OR swimming completely against the tide is their real destiny! Folks born from March 14 to April 13 are Sun Sign Pisces and also show this trait. Folks born from Oct 16th to NOV 15th LIBRA Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; Folks born from FEB 14th to MAR 13th Aquarius Sun Sign also oppose the Piscean characteristics.

Background & Summary
(1)    From May2012 to May2013 you started something new and were in the 3rd Guru’s “50% Bhagyoday” movement. This Guru made you write effectively, express effectively (proposals, presentations, blog etc) and STARTED something NEW for you. You hung on to this and it created some feel good by May2013. It was a break which would keep you “relevant” for the next 9 years till end of 2021.
(2)    The 5th Guru from July2014 to July2015 must have some real good expansion and success. This period gave you a tremendous opportunity to establish yourself. Whatever started in the 5th Guru would stay with you for 6 more years until 2021.
(3)    Shani from Aug2012 to Nov2014 was 8th to you: This meant you were away from your mass-base or at odds with your mass-base. It was indeed a tough transition period with need to upgrade your skills to make yourself worthy of new level of mass-base (reporting people). Minimal people working under and for you. Mini-political-exile.
(4)    The 6th Guru from July2015 to August2016 ensured you service what you got in the 5th Guru until July2015.
(5)    The 9th Shani from Nov2014 made you right time & right place to exploit your skills & personality. You have positional advantage for some post or an important office! The 9th Shani gave you a new mass-base that would support you for the next 7+ years.
(6)    The 7th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 expanded your game. It gave additional salary and position and bigger portfolio. Also, the work which you love to do and it is more of a freelance and not 9 to 5 duties/designation. It was a feel-good period to a large extent.

(7)    From Oct 27th, 2017 till JAN2020, you had the house 10th Shani which was “more of the same” of the previous 2+ from NOV2014 years! It brought you more work, more stress, tough but happening time. You felt like a pressure-cooker ready to release steam and benefit immensely from Jan2020…! It was about PUSHING as hard as possible. It was & is YOUR time.
(8)    The 8th Guru from Sept2017 to Oct2018 made you work very very hard and mostly it was for a misaligned or not so well-planned effort. Your work could have been appreciated but the program might have been ill-designed and hence not supposed to see bigger success.
(9)    In the 9th house GURU this hard-work of 8th Guru gave you a strategic & well-aligned position from Oct2018 to Oct2019 which was more of a 9 to 5 duty but quite broad in nature. A relocation or movement as per your desire was quite likely in this period. It was a great chance to change job BUT usually it’s better to stay at one place in 9 10 11 Guru movement till end of 2021. It is NOT hard and fast but it is desired to ensure max success. You were becoming right time right place by Oct2019.

(10)  The 10th GURU is MORE Of the same of 2019 and lot of work, pressure cooker stuff, Satva-Pariksha at workplace, need for expert and temp reporting to a person of equal or lesser ability. It I happening but a lot of stress. All the efforts of 2020 would give windfall gains in 2021 – so “Lage Raho MunnaBhai”!
(11)  The 11th Shani is windfall gains! All you did from Nov2014 will be paid off in some or other manner by April2022. Massive income increase:  both monthly and one-time and overall cash flow. Increasing customers with higher rate and revenue footprint. Don’t assume this rate of growth to continue from Mid-2022. Invest well and despite great income DO NOT show any hurry to invest or “doing something” with the money without VERY OBVIOUS opportunities!
(12)  Nov-16-2019 to FEB-14-2020 is a very good period. Also, May-15-2020 to June-15-2020 is very good. So is July16 to Aug15 for those in jobs and Aug16 to Sept16 for those in business /freelancing for success over competition. Again, Nov16 2020 to FEB-14-2021 would be a great period.

SHANI would move to the 11th house from JAN2020 to APRIL2022 and JULY2020 to 17-JAN2023 and then Sadesati starts! :)
(1)    This 11th house SHANI is helped further by Guru in 2020 and 2021 making the overall experience absolutely wonderful. The last time Meen Rashi had such planetary formations – Narsimha Rao became the PM out of nowhere in the early 1990s! Don’t abuse this power and be “fair and just” as Sadesati starts in Jan2023.
(2)    Any planet in the 11th house is magical – right time at right place with whatever that planet represents in your life/chart. A planet like Shani that takes almost 27 years to come 11th house is absolutely a positive force for you.
(3)    Shani means masses/workers & overall mass-base for all folks due to “Karakatva” of Shani. Shani for MEEN rashi is the owner of the 11th and 12th house (expense/abroad/investments). This means income and expense both but also means income from abroad too or distant people 12-15 hours away!
(4)    So, this Shani makes you a hit with the masses. You will have people around you would inflate your ego just like the WILD success of Michael Jackson in the 80s when he had both Shani 9 10 11 and his uchcha Shani Mahadasha. People power is with you in 9 10 11 Shani from NOV2014 to DEC2022.
(5)    The 11th Shani means your money is directly proportional to the number of people you serve or command or lead. More the merrier. You will see great income & windfall gains for all what you did from Aug2012 to Nov2014 when Shani was 8th and you were trying to rejuvenate yourself.
(6)    You will have a great income and feel good that is a big thing as Shani stays in one sign for 2.5 years. Unless you are in a karmic debt Antardasha, you are going to be a big hit.
(7)    Invest wisely as after 11th Shani it is sadesati from JAN2023. Power misuse is very much possible in the 9 10 11 Shani which needs to be paid off in the 12th Shani from JAN2023 to March2025. Only someone like Narendra Modi (Vrishchik rashi, Tula lagna), can get through the 12th Shani from Aug2012 to Nov2014 without political exile or major issues but even he needs to go thru CBI enquiry of 6 hours or so! (he had mentioned it was the toughest 6 hrs he faced ever).
(8)    Shani equals “own karma” literally. So, Shani ensures each & every karma of past 7 years is paid to you fully in cash now from Jan2020 to April2022.
(9)    It is highly advisable NOT to leave the place or job or a business which you started say from 2010 as it would give all it has to offer by Jan2020! LAGE RAHO!
(10)  The 11th house Shani has drushti on Chandra means it gives early indicators with health of mother and self as to what is going to happen after 5 years (March2025 tot July2027). Reserve time for yourself for health/exercise etc.
(11)  Shani drushti on the 8th house means some inheritance issues and even health issues are brought to fore that were not resolved in the 8th Shani movement from August2012 to Nov2014. You are advised to deal with these issues with cold calculations --- without pride & prejudice! :)
(12)  Shani drushti on the 5th house indicates some neglect of kids is possible and hence dedicated time needs to be given to them. Check what they want in detail and don’t give quick fixes.
(13)  You will get importance at every podium where number of people with you is an important aspect. This is especially good for the politicians and say actors.

The 10th GURU from NOV2019 is “pressure-cooker” situation until NOV2020
The 9th Guru from OCT2018 to OCT2019 should have started something new for you.  Maybe a relocation & travel and logical extension of work you did from May2012 to May2013. The focus now increases further towards career & ambitions. Everything related to career becomes THE focus & the home front is ignored a bit.  The 10th Guru will increase pressure, hard-work & stress at workplace. At the same time, you will create very good working & learning environment around you which will be highly appreciated. People will learn from you on various aspects while you needing help on some very specific aspects only. The 10th house GURU from NOV2019 to NOV2020 expect for those 3 months from April to June shows “MORE OF THE SAME” As Rashi-Swami Guru in the house of career/workplace shows EXPANSION of work and career. Too much work, huge pile of work and hence happening period but also stress and pressure-cooker feeling too. As the owner of the 10th house in the 10th house from MOON – it underscores these effects lot more! It is all respect a GREAT time. However, regardless of Rashi-Swami or not 10th house GURU is “Satva-Pariksha” “test of character and strength” at workplace. Your KNOWLEDGE or even slight lack thereof is exposed and could hinder higher position w.r.t. power of even revenue. So, need to read/upgrade and learn as much as possible “on the job” but also weekends etc to cover ground and ensure you are ahead of the curve with knowledge. 10th GURU is all about knowledge and education driving the career unless you have SURYA in DHANU or MANGAL in Dhanu rashi -- then – your earlier boss or earlier colleague or friend will get you a higher position.

Experts (SMEs) consultation is highly recommended in this period – it will make things easier for you. Reporting to or working for a boss of equal ability or even less in some respects is quite possible until NOV2020 even if it is for a few weeks or a few months! No fault of your or your boss as you had different career paths & they crossed here. Need to keep patience.  However, 11th SHANI from JAN2020 slowly will reduce this impact and keep you strong due to your numbers (people & revenue!) IMP: You could benefit from advice & support from your parents! Actively seek their help in any matters regardless of their field of expertise. You would be surprised – they can read your body language & just by your way of speech or silence they would know “exactly” how much it is wrong! They know you from childhood and know your every move. So even you wouldn’t the extent of issues but they would know! :)

This is overall a PRESSURE-COOKER period! Some folks fall thru the cracks or react violently or with anxiety to the 10th Guru stress & it hurts unnecessarily as you are anyways doing all the hard-work. The ones who work hard regardless of insults (direct or indirect) or ignorance will get MAJOR MAJOR success in 2020 and in 2021. Only you would understand the situation you are so you will need to communicate more with the family members and even the team members. At least they will not add to issues if can’t solve them for you! ----

Remember EXPERTS / SME are a “sanjeevani” in the 10th Guru even in the Sadesati period. There is no substitute for specialists / experts (Guru) but also experience of older (Shani) people. Experts have their own priorities and whims and you need to show patience and show them your NEED for them to help you. Desperation is yours to show and not theirs. More desperate you are for advice the better you would get. What you read now needs to be DIRECTLY useful in your work and not pleasure or leisure reading – keep it aside for some-time!

The 10th Guru is also good for investments due to aspect on the 2nd house and also health advice and medicines etc due to the 6th house aspect. In short, this GURU makes your ARTH-TRIKON (economic-zone – 2 6 10 houses) of your chart very strong. It is very good for parent’s health and more so the father’s health.

OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:
(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     NOV2019 to APRIL2020 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.
b.     SHANI WAKRI from MAY-11-2020 to SEPT-29-2020 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.
c.      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.
d.     MAY to SEPT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e.     OCT – NOV2020 would be very fast results & major recovery!

(2)    Nov-16-2019 to FEB-14-2020 is a very good period. Also, May-15-2020 to June-15-2020 is very good. So is July16 to Aug15 for those in jobs and Aug16 to Sept16 for those in business /freelancing for success over competition. Again, Nov16 2020 to FEB-14-2021 would be a great period.

(3)    RAHU & KETU changing in the 4th and 10th house till 19-Sept-2020: RAHU shows that good/bad history with estate / property to come to hurt or help you. It will need attention. The 10th KETU till 19 Sept2020 shows image & visibility projects & working with evolved people. Shows some decorated people working along with you with special attention to what you are doing. Now that GURU is with KETU, it will increase the impact and will help with inheriting good past of maternal family karma. Shani in 2019 had limited use of this KETU to the fullest extent.

(4)    Rahu Ketu 3rd and 9th house from SEPT-19-2020 for 18 months is a great support: It is a GREAT news for Meen folks. This is the best news from all angles including career and family and health and what not! You will be able to create visible and mysterious impact thru your communication, expression, travel and presentations on the surroundings. It’s an absolute blast for the artists...! This position for this mysterious axis has most benefic results and hardly any problematic one! Great influence by travelling to meet good people and also some relocation which increases your income and your presence. This RAHU KETU position warrants a special attention with a separate article which will do so at appropriate time and also thru AstroMNC 360 degrees.

(5)    MANGAL would be in the 12th house & cause Expense and PEEDA with vehicles, health & more so siblings’ issues for you MAY-04-2020 to JUNE-18-2020 - Before May2020 get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. IN this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.

(6)    Uranus (Harshal) in Aries/Mesh and 2nd to your sign which shows some investment gains and new income in your life due to slow but steady changes & rather investments done from 2010 in your life (modernity, technology, latest stuff) – However avoid very sudden investments at your whims and take some information decisions. Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh). Neptune in 12th house is great for spiritual connects. This Neptune helps with planning of next several years. It shows some expense of time & money on spiritual places, ashrams and even temples. Neptune helps with power of subconscious mind from time to time. This Neptune position is more significant to countries and organizations ruled by Pisces sign than individuals.

(7)    SUN: In the following two months: Handle seniors, Govt, Police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! J (Sun would support greatly for 3 months from Oct 16th!)
(a)    Feb 15 to Mar 14 the 12th house Sun (expenses of time money and energy for seniors/Govt/authority)
(b)    Oct 16 to Nov 16 – The 8th house – peeda and confrontations with Govt Police RTO etc authorities

ONLY For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
(1)    If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year
(3)    Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.
(4)    Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2019 to NOV2020 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    ONLY: If you are born from 16-JUNE to 16 July of any year OR 16-DEC to 14-JAN or any year or even born from 14-APRIL to 14-MAY of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time. Similar for the folks bon from 16 Aug to 16 Sept of any year!


  1. Thanks a lot Milind! Wonderful work!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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