Sunday, December 8, 2019

#VRISHABH in 2020 (#TAURUS in 2020) MOON Sign – 2020 Annual Horoscope

#VRISHABH in 2020 (#TAURUS in 2020) MOON Sign – 2020 Annual Horoscope
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This article applies to MOON Sign TAURUS (VRISHABH). It will be also applicable to Taurus/Vrishabh Lagna / Rising Sign too. If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known moon sign Vrishabh moon sign folks are/were: “PU.LA” Deshpande, Anil Kumbale, Sushant Singh Rathod, Yashavantrao Chavan, Virendra Sehwag, Ishant Sharma, Bhagwan Shrikrishna! Vikram Pandit?)

VRISHABH Characteristics
Calm, Stable, Stubborn, Family person, Ability to ridicule & make people laugh, Love money, family, farms, prefer power /stability over money, Dislike too many changes, Stubborn; Do not like to be hurried to do anything. Move at their own pace & style, LOVE eating and try out various cuisines. Very happy when they are eating! :) Tremendous memory, Methodical approach. Love for family, farm and wealth. Family oriented people. You could see these effects in May14 to Jun14 born also who are Sun Sign Taurus. (People born from April14 to May14 are Sun Sign Aries and sit opposes these characteristics. Also, folks born from Dec 16 to Jan13 are Sun Sign Sagittarius and it also opposes these characteristics.) The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

(1)    Shani changed your circle & sphere of work / influence from August2012 to Nov2014; SHANI reduced people working for you from Nov2014 to Jan2017 and made you work a bit in isolation or with minimal but significant/imp mass-base.
(2)    The 5th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 gave some good success and it started something for you for the next 7 years of continued work /career. This was something which you always wanted and deserved by your actions of 3rd GURU from July2014 to July2015.
(3)    From Sept2017 to 12-Oct-2018 the 6th Guru forced you to service, support, hone and achieve incremental improvements in what you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017. It was a slow period from both Shani and Guru!
(4)    Rahu 3rd and Ketu 9th which is probably the best position for Rahu Ketu axis till March2019 showed that you benefited from the unpaid good work or good-will of your ancestors & would have some good fruitful travels! RAHU was good for expression, debates and presentations and quick travels.
(5)    In all, 2018 (& 2019) was going to define who you are and what you stand for. It was and still is the time to ensure you do up-skilling, learning, reading and prepare yourself.

(6)    The 8th SHANI from Nov2017 to Jan2020 further reduced your mass-base and predominantly made you work alone away from people. This was Shani’s mandate for you to learn new things and gain maturity and become an expert and “worthy” for new higher level of mass-base. Shani was asking you to rejuvenate.
(7)    The 7th GURU from OCT2018 to OCT2019 was EXPANSION of life & career what you got from Sepr2016 to Sept2017. Was about good image & recognition, better health for self and the mom and good collaborations and partnerships.

NOW, 8th Guru from NOV2019 to NOV2020 is about misaligned efforts, running around, fatigue, inheriting someone else’ miscalculations with efforts and costs/timelines etc. Your work is appreciated but those programs are not going to last long. This hard-work will get you well aligned program and long duration stuff in 2021 (Bhagyoday!). The 9th SHANI from 24-JAN-2020 bring you back to right time right place for 7.5 years ahead slowly but surely. Think about 1991 to April1998 period! Good mass-base, reporting people, importance in your circle etc. 9th Shani impact is less visible than 8th Guru peeda! :) As what SHANI gives, the person already knows they have worked very hard for that! Nobody can take it away!

The 8th GURU from NOV2018 to NOV2019: EXPECTATION MISMANAGEMENT, Effort and timeline miscalculations, misaligned efforts!
(1)    It is tough movement of Guru which shows you might get aligned to programs or initiatives that do not go/run long! They are not well-planned and well-designed with some mis-architecture or inferior design/strategy and hence you end up working very hard in sort of a losing match!! Your work is appreciated though!
(2)    Sense of direction could get wrong. Someone else above you has not involved exerts and planned well and you will inherit this initiative now. This will result in pain and agony!
(3)    8th GURU – GURU is Kaarak of knowledge/education: means you will find yourself in uncharted territory and ill-equipped with education or training to tackle it. Necessary tools and techniques are not brought in the journey and hence it all becomes JUGAAD and PATCH-Work!! Like: While promise is of going to the moon – you have not packed enough oxygen! You could be victim of overpromise done by others or you also (assumed from your side!)
(4)    Do not accept something for wrong reasons! Do it for the RIGHT reasons and sense of purpose! Do not accept career opportunity for complete personal preference or do not change personal life drastically for some herculean opportunity! BOTH ways are wrong and hence have CLEAR sense of purpose and DEMARCATION of responsibility.
(5)    You might end up working TWICE than past 12 months in 2020 and still get blamed lot more or rather compared to appreciation of 2019 in 25% efforts!!!
(6)    It is ALL about EXPECTATION (mis)MANAGEMENT --- you working 2 3 times wouldn’t matter as promise is of that Moon!
(7)    Be careful with your promised --- explicit or implicit! Whether you gave them or were given in your behalf.
(8)    8th GURU: As GURU is Kaarak of Kids and hence you could take them also on a ride on misaligned journey and cause them some out of comfort zone (unnecessary) time-period!
(9)    8th GURU: As GURU Kaarak of GURU/Mentors: They are difficult to come by or you might not go to them or YOU Will selectively listen to whatever you want to listen despite 8 things out of 10 they are telling you are different you will pick 2 out of 10 things you like to choose!! By choice or forced/destiny that depends in each chart!
(10)  Sitting on the gains of 7th Guru – The 8th Guru eventually shows a bit too much optimism and getting too much work on your plate & getting overworked.
(11)  Make no mistake: Your hard-work will be appreciated and you gain good progress but the program you are part of does not see long term success which is was started for. But in 2020, this experience gives you something REALLY GREAT like Lalit Modi getting IPL in 2008. 2021 would start a NEW ERA in your life and the reasons why you would get it is Karma of 2020 but also sympathies of making you work so hard without a lot of recognition in 2020! :) Despite double the effort there might be not much to show for 2020 at the end of it!! Rather BLAME could come to you by association!
(12)  As GURU owns the 8th and 11th houses – houses of income and cash flow and inheritance: this Guru will give some easy money and gain at the cost of such fatigue etc.
(13)  So Nov2019 to Nob2020 will need to work hard but some external factors and global politics or such things would affect the success of outcomes for you.

THE REMEDY / SOLUTION for this is:           
(1)    Understand stated and rather UNSTATED expectations. Sense of purpose is a must – avoid hysteria for decision making.
(2)    Saying NO to some obvious gains or promotion or such is difficult but then 2019 end will even it out – so temp and sudden bump promise avoid to take!
(3)    Some LURE of easy money or a quick promotion is possible for you to accept some miscalculated initiative – Understand what you are getting in to – You have some choice to NOT accept something unquantified or beyond your mental and physical capacity!
(4)    IMP to consult experts in their free-time & proper attention. Not in a hurry…!! Unknown risks are imp to uncover.
(5)    USE of Yellow & Golden colors helps for sure.
(6)    GURU Mantra 108 times in the morning and or 21 times 5 times a day helps for sure.
(7)    Thursday fast will also help!

The 9th Shani from JAN2020 to APRIL2022:
(1)    SHANI will be in Uttarashadha nakshatra in 2020 (maargi wakri etc) & hence 9th Shani impact will be mostly and intensely seen to Krittika nakshatra of Vrishabh more in 2020.
(2)    Any 9th house planet bring in some sort of Bhagyoday, travel, new position and increase in your knowledge and influence and profile. Shani being a major and long-term planet, the 9th Shani effect is profound!!
a.     Consider Lalkrishna Advani getting into new mass base due to Ram-Mandir andolan in the 9th Shani and becoming a household name in all Indian families.
b.     Consider Sharad Pawar coming back to Congress in1987/1988 and landing CM position right away until 1995 when Sadesati hit.
c.      Also, (Na)Paak Cricketer Imran Khan recalled from his defeat of 1987 world Cup and he had immense support from Shani right until retirement (his world cup win was the 5th Guru to Moon.) & now again from NOV2017 he is under Shani support after 30 years!
d.     Bill Clinton’s career also happened in 9 10 11 Shani from 1988. He had tough time with impeachments etc in Sadesati from 1996.
(3)    In short, a GREAT era of “right time right place” & a long-term-bull-run is going to start from Jan2020 for 7.5 years ahead.
(4)    As SHANI owns 9th and 10th house for you – this SHANI movement is extra-ordinary as SHANI i Raajyogkarak for your sign!
(5)    Of course, Shani is nishkaam karmayogi and you HAVE to “go there and do that”. Nothing is given on a platter to you!
(6)    Shani also is slow effect and can’t be felt in everyday life but one has to co-relate to long-term progress.
(7)    Shani being 9th 10th 11th until July2027 is a long-term bull run with its own pressures, tests and tactics and stress and struggle from time to time as it aspects various planets of your birthtime horoscope!
(8)    It is NOT a cake walk but well --- it is SOME walk! :)
(9)    9th being the house of Dharma-Trikon this Shani gives a prominent position of a duty (more like a film director than say an actor). It starts some well-aligned strategic long-term initiatives and success.
(10)  Shani 3rd drushti on the 11th house shows increased income as a cause-effect relation with increased customer base and mass-base etc. It shows next higher level of income in your life.
(11)  Shani 10th drushti on the 6th house suggested to check health issues but these are less prominent and are leftover and revisit sorts of issues which happened more from Aug2012 to Nov2014. Still, need to get health check-ups done every year if not 6 months. Also check what Mama Mousi and maternal cousins need and how you can help them. (This is lot more applicable from Lagna-rashi if Vrishabh).
(12)  Shani 7th Drushti on the 3rd house shows good travels, presentations, meeting influential & political or powerful people but also shows some duties towards the siblings. Check what help they need.
(13)  The 9th could show some issues with siblings and maternal cousins. It could take you away from them due to your career/business etc and you will need to ensure you check how they are doing regularly – they will need your help.
(14)  The 9th house itself is about some travel and it is more of a relocation and if not relocation like city or country at least building or floor in the office!
(15)  SHANI will make NavPancham yog with Rahu from Sept2020 and it will increase its effect more from Sept2020 of RAHU change.
(16)  GURU will be in MAKAR rashi briefly from APRIL2020 to JUNE2020 – this increases Shani’s power quite a bit and more so for KRITTIKA 2nd Charan (1st of Vrishabh) could get a good position in this period. A senior/boss/Govt etc might delay this position from April-14 to May-14 but eventually would sign-off!

OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:
(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     NOV2019 to APRIL2020 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.
b.     SHANI WAKRI from MAY-11-2020 to SEPT-29-2020 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.
c.      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.
d.     MAY to SEPT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e.     OCT – NOV2020 would be very fast results & major recovery!

(2)    MARS / MANGAL in the 8th house from FEB-08-2020 to MARCH-22-2020 is tough with vehicles, injury and accidents etc. Avoid adventure sports and use safety gear etc. Take enough sleep as body heat could rise. Some untimely travels could upset daily routine badly.
(3)    MARS / MANGAL in the 12th house from AUG-16-2020 to OCt-04-2020 is tough with vehicles, injury and accidents etc. Avoid adventure sports and use safety gear etc. Take enough sleep as body heat could rise. Some untimely travels could upset daily routine badly.
(4)    MARS is again 8th from DEC-24-2020 to FEB-22-2021 and effects are similar as mentioned above.

(5)    SHUKRA 12th house from FEB-29-2020 to MARCH-28-2020 not the best for health which shows fatigue and overwork and need for enough sleep.

(6)    RAHU KETU: 2nd Rahu and 8th KETU from till SEPT-19-2020 is mixed one. Rahu ensures material gain and KETU SHANI as mentioned above shows hereditary health and wealth issues and some worker unrest or bagaawat sort of issues.
(7)    RAHU KETU: From SEPT-19-2020 1st house RAHU shows image and recognition and hereditary health stuff from the paternal side of the family. It shows working and being with people of different cultural background. KETU in the 7th house means collaboration or work with evolved people. As RAHU (Vrishabh-Shukra) and KETU (Vrishchik-Mangal) in fast moving planets signs – the effects of Mangal & Shukra mentioned above are a lot more imp from Sept-2020.

SUN: In the following two months, need to check what seniors / upper management /Govt want and check their and your priorities match! Handle any stand-off with them with tact & diplomacy. Obey traffic and other laws!
1.     April 14th to May 14th à Adversity with seniors & authority, Govt, Father
2.     Dec 16th to Jan 14th à PEEDA from seniors & authority, Govt, Father etc

Neptune continues in the 10th house of career in Aquarius (Kumbh). As this Neptune creates some angles with planets passing thru 4th and 10th house, it shows innovative & creative steps at workplace. This Neptune position is very good for production industry if you participate in “Innovation” which is a focus area of all organization these days.

Uranus (Harshal) continues in the 12th house (expense, losses) which means some sudden desire for expenses for latest electronic gadgets or technology. It also shows needed expenses for technology for say safety of home and equipment. Get enough insurance against fire and electrical stuff. This is more for Vrishabh rashi organizations and lesser for individuals.
ONLY For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
(1)    If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year
(3)    Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.
(4)    Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2019 to NOV2020 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    ONLY: If you are born from 16-JUNE to 16 July of any year OR 16-DEC to 14-JAN or any year or even born from 14-APRIL to 14-MAY of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time. Similar for the folks bon from 16 Aug to 16 Sept of any year!


  1. Milind Sir, many thanks for selfless service.
    Just a query... by your logic of vargottam rahu ketu transit in march 2019, this saturn makar transit is also vargottam initially. Hence all vrushabh folks should benefit from 9th saturn initially?

  2. Amazing predictions you shared. I bookmark your blog for such kind of informative post.

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  3. What is my Moon Sign and Sun Sign?
    Sun/Moon sign, more commonly known as the Star sign, is one of the main elements of the western astrology system. In this, the placement of the Sun at your birth is considered to determine your zodiac sign. The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
