Thursday, December 31, 2020

#KIRK 2021 Horoscope (#CANCER in 2021) Moon Sign -- 2021 #Kirk Annual #Horoscope


#KIRK 2021 Horoscope (#CANCER in 2021) Moon Sign -- 2021 #Annual #Horoscope

SUMMARY For 2021: Imagine 1 boss giving issues while other supports you, one mentor giving you knowledge easily while other Guru making you work hard for precious knowledge – proving that you are worthy of that knowledge. One partnership troubles you while other partnership thrives. Some expansion with new customers while existing reduce. This is what happens with 7th house GURU and SHANI in most of 2021. Of course, it is a LOT better than 2020 for Kirk that’s for sure.


(1) (2) From India: UPI is CorpAstroMNC@UPI (From BHIM APP or even many bank apps) (This would help write more & more detailed on the blog not just weekly / monthly but also the astrology articles.)

This article applies to MOON Sign KIRK (CANCER). It will be also applicable to Cancer/Kirk Lagna / Rising Sign too. (If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

 This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

 Some well-known Moon sign Cancer folks: Tom Cruise, Madhuri Dixit, Manmohan Singh, Aamir Khan, Hrithik Roshan. This article also applies to some extent to Cancer Sun Sign i.e. birth-date from July 16 to August 15. (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: ) For example Barak Obama, actress Rakhi, Kajol, Kishore Kumar, Singer JLO and so on are SUN SIGN CANCER & NOT Leo!

 Cancer Sign Characteristics

Emotional, Sensitive, Mood swings like the changing moon, introvert, love their mom & family, like to drink but would use 1 peg for the whole night! :) Tranquility of mind, Keep themselves always busy like an ant. Ashlesha Constellation is a bit naughty! Pushya is very sincere & Punarvasu gentle & just. This is a “moving” rashi, covertly ambitious, workaholic. Without expressing their wants/ambitions they get into it quietly without much attention. They love money/cash/property & feel secure with it. Cancer sun sign folks born from 16th July to 15-Aug also show these characteristics. (Those born from Feb14 to March13 Kumbh/Aquarius Sun oppose these characteristics (lateral/intellectual/absent minded); Those born from June14 to July14 Mithun/Gemini Sun also oppose Cancer characteristics due to all-rounder, expressive, multifaceted and twin-minded nature.)


(1)     After Bhagyoday of May2010 to May2011, you had multiple gains & a great feel-good period from May2012 to May2013.

(2)     However, from June2013 to June2014, the 12th Guru made you go in a political exile of sorts and forced to plan for next 12 years without jumping into action / execution right away!

(3)     Also, to add - the 4th Shani from August2012 to Nov2014 highlighted any wrongdoings done before August2012 and made you pay for them. It also mandated rejuvenation! It made you focus on domestic front & take some tough decisions there.

(4)     The 5th Shani from Nov-2014 to Oct2017 brought you on track slowly but surely. The 1st house Guru from July2014 to July2015 gave you some image-boost and a new responsibility or a position you needed/wanted.

(5)     Guru in the 2nd house from July2015 to July2016 brought in investment or share market or overall wealth increase.

(6)     GURU from Sept2016 to Sept2017 helped you gain a new profile / travel and change the location.

(7)     From SEPT2017 to OCT2018: The 4th GURU was SLOW & saturation and about serving what you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017. Reporting to a person of less or equal ability with different & irrelevant experience was highly possible. Meeting good knowledgeable people and also folks close to heart was highly likely.

(8)     5th Guru of OCT2018 to OCT2019 showed a great period which is like DREAM COME TRUE, Inner desire fulfillment and next bump in your career and life. Catching the next wave and position! Your plans from past 5 years from June2013 would have seen fruition. You could have become right time right place and this success would have been higher in the eyes of others too.  (Unless some Kaarmic debt Antardasha – this period was indeed good!)

(9)     Shani from Feb2017 and more so Nov2017 to DEC2019 has and is changing your social circle/work circle and overall, your circle of influence completely, increase wealth, social & political presence and win over competition. New people in career means feeling out of comfort zone & tough mentally to deal with so many new people in life!

(10) The 6th house Guru from Nov2019 to Nov2020 meant that you needed to refine, service and improve what you had got in 2019. Step by step improvement and nothing dramatic.


(1)     7th house SHANI from JAN2020 to APRIL2022 means reduction of excess fat, over optimistic ramp-up to be reduced. Partnerships will be tested; Mergers &A Acquisitions could hurt you temporarily. Need to document everything black and white for new partnerships!  As Shani is in the Digbali house (7th – west) it means connections with powerful political people too. Good bad is personal perspective! :)

(2)     11th house RAHU from 19SEPT2020 shows great income and cash flow and rather gains due to paternal family good-will.

(3)     7th house GURU now in 2021 and more so NOV-20-2020 to MARC2021 and SEPT-14-2021 to NOV-20-2021 is about much needed expansion, better partnerships and better collaborations while Shani tests the same matters done earlier! This GURU brings in MUCH Better health and wealth now which balances Shani.

 From 20NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and SEPT-14-2021 to NOV-20-2021 you are under the 7th house Guru:

(1)     Punarvasu of Kirk gets results in Nov & Dec2020. Pushya gets results in Mid-December to Fen mid. Ashlesha gets results in FEB and MARCH a lot. Later again, SEPT to NOV it is about Pushya and Ashlesha. Sept more so Pushya and Oct Nov Ashlesha. But anyways 7th Guru IS 7th Guru which helps the whole WATER element sign of KIRK. The actual results are based acutely based on Navamansh of your birth time Chandra and navamansh of transit Guru in Makar but that much detailing nobody would understand! :) AstroMNC 360 degrees will send messages when Guru is acutely helping specific navamansh of Kirk rashi folks.

(2)     The 7th Guru in a few simple words is “expansion, partnerships, relationships, money, image enhancement, right time right place – “Baal Bhi na Banka”.

(3)     Things you love to do. The 7th Guru makes you very well directed and aligned perfectly for growth and expansion.

(4)     What you got from OCT2018 to OCT2019 in the 5th GURU will now expand 10 /100 / 1000 etc times as per your karma of this and the past birth.

(5)     It will show success in partnerships and collaborations. It will form some formidable alliances for you. You will get support from elites/classes and also masses.

(6)     This Guru certainly shows a great feel good which will continue until NOV2021.  M&A would have hurt in 2020 and still 2021 is not all rosy but and now they will ALSO start helping too in 2021!

(7)     7th Guru from is absolutely great for married life & anything to do with it. Both to find a suitable partner or spend a quality time with your spouse and even expanding family. It is also considered house of the 2nd kid by logic by many astrologers as it is 3rd house from the 5th house (1st kid!) :)

(8)     Anyways, the 7th Guru from till NOV2021 is great for marriage and partnerships aspects not only to KIRK Chandra-Rashi but also folks having Saptamesh (L7) & or Shukra in KIRK/MAKAR rashi too!

(9)     As this Guru drushti is on Chandra directly, it means good luck/health for your mom.  Spending time with mom and increase in mom’s health/wealth etc.

(10) The 7th Guru will help with optimal water retention in the body and overall health as Guru aspects moon which controls water in the body. You will get to optimal health pattern in 7th Guru.

(11) Social and physical weight gain is in the offing! :)

(12) 7th Shani impact on relationships and partnerships & M&A issues will end APRIL2022 but still 7th GURU gives it a great balance.

 The 8th house GURU from APRIL2021 to SEPT-14-2021 & again NOV-20-2021 to APRIL-2022 means misaligned efforts, peeda, fatigue, running around, physical and mental stress. Inheriting someone else’ mistakes of estimates of time & effort and costs! It affects Punarvasu of Kirk and first 2 charan of Pushya nakshatra more in 2021 but it IS 8th Guru to Kirk. It gives some easy money too and that is also at times reason for taking on something which is not planned or planned badly! It is imp to set expectations as most of it might not be a choice to say no as it comes from people who care & support you & promote you and so on! :)

The 7th house Shani from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022:

(1)     As SHANI is in Uttara nakshatra in 2020, it applies to Punarvasu of Kirk and Pushya nakshatra folks more in 2020 and not so much for Ashlesha.

(2)     7th SHANI shows some tough time & tough luck with partnerships & collaborations!

(3)     Previous mistakes with partnerships, marriage / relationships will be exposed and you will need to deal with them without emotions or very practically. If not then matters can go to courts too. It is highly advised to stay cool and handle with patience. 

(4)     This Shani also reduces some of the increased mass-base that was increased due to the 6th house Shani from Nov2017 till Ddec2019. A bit too much overloading might have caused by 6th Shani in anticipation of growth which would not need rationalization and refinement (reduction).

(5)     Your TEMPER will be tested somewhat and you will need to show patience with partnerships with seniors and also juniors.

(6)     This 7th Shani is somewhat debilitating for growth etc but it is in digbali house and hence it does show sympathy and support from workers or ordinary or poor people or masses for a political leader. But you could be seen a bit helpless at times due to domestic issues and infighting.

(7)     Shani drushti on the SUKH sthan/Home or mom house (4th) and direct drushti on Moon (mom) means closer and dear ones could cause some ego or emotional scenes! PATIENCE is the key indeed. This is more so with the mother and her health too! As Kirk is the rashi for mother – this is lot more imp.

(8)     For lawyers or for any litigations this is a period to get complex cases/clients where there is both a good case but some guilt too! :)

(9)     So “Mandwalli” is the name of the game in the 7th Shani.

(10) Shani drushti on your Moon means you need to take care of mom’s health and also avoid drinking water at shady places!

(11) You could also have some bad press and bad mouthing affecting your image for some time!

(12) There is good possibility of physical and social weight loss in this period.

(13) Take enough sleep which is highly necessary handle the stress of the 7th Shani!!

(14) Shani drushti on the 9th house could cause much needed travel you have avoided till now.

The 11th house RAHU is a major major blessing indeed! Gains, income and one-time payments and overall cash-flow increase. Income due to different culture or religion people. Huge income indeed for the 18 months in your context. Some high-power people to become friends with you for some time. GURU change from NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and SEPT2021 to NOV2021 only makes this a GREAT thing. It gives full effects of 11th Rahu. 5th house KETU shows ability and opportunity to use knowledge education and buddhi for earning some award or accolade! Recognition due to your knowledge. SHANI is supporting RAHU KETU both but 7th SHANI while helpful with political people due to being DIGBALI – it is about making you realize now all partnerships are fruitful. It suggests calculating all partnerships carefully regardless of success you might be getting from similar background people. Not all Japanese companies are like Honda or Toyota! :)

RAHU KETU Timelines

(1)     Initial 8 months are more applicable to Ashlesha Nakshatra from SEPT2020 APRIL2021.

(2)     Next 8 months are more applicable to PUSHYA nakshatra from MAY2021 to DEC2021.

(3)     Next 2 months are more applicable to Punarvasu from JAN2021 to 17MARCH2022.

OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:

(1)     WAKRI / Maargi:

a. NOV2020 to APRIL2021 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.

b. GURU Stambhi from JUNE-16 and WAKRI from JUNE-21-2021 to OCT-18-2021.

c.  SHANI stambhi from MAY 19 & WAKRI from MAY-23-2021 to OCT-11-2021 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.

d. Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.

e. MAY to OCT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!

f.   NOV2021 onwards would be very fast results & major recovery!


(2)     MANGAL/ MARS would be in the 12th house & cause PEEDA for you from APRIL-14-2021 to JUNE-01-2021. By MAY2021 end, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. IN this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.


(3)     SUN: In the following two months, watch what seniors / upper management wants in the following period; In the following two months handle seniors, govt related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! J Avoid direct arguments & use data & facts to counter any arguments & avoid emotional or subjective outbursts!

1.       JUNE-16 to JULY-15

2.       FEB-14 to MARCH-13

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! 8th house Neptune is good for Adhyatma, yoga and alternate healing and medicines! However, it is recommended not to overdo certain medicines as this house also shows side-effects of medicines. 8th house Neptune could make you meet good spiritual or yoga/Ayurveda etc faculty Gurus /experts. Uranus (Harshal) in the 10th house could show sudden changes of workplace and in the workplace. Sudden changes of seniors or reporting officers and work environment is highly likely. Latest tech, latest trends even if they are temp fads, need your attention. They will give you good visibility.


Following two sections are based on Birth-Dates: For all folks regardless of your MOON SIGN:

For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year: The period from JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father health and bosses and govt or legal stuff.

(1)     If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(2)     Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(3)     Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.

(4)     Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.

(5)     If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2020 to MARCH2020 and 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

(1)     If you are born from 16-JULY to 16 AUG of any year OR 14-JAN to 14-FEB or any year: Guru will reduce ill-effects of Shani impact on your Sun in this period. There is mixed experience with it now.

(2)     Born from 14-MAY to 14-JUNE of any year!

(3)     Born from 16-SEPT to 16-OCT of any year!


(1)     This article is strictly about MOON Signs!

(2)     However, one can mix & match rising/ascendant (lagna) sign and also the real SUN-SIGN (the real one and NOT the western Sun-Sign!).

(3)     Even if you have multiple planets in signs above where GURU movement is good (hence, AstroMNC 360 degrees to be launched!)  – you will have a good time regardless of how it is to your MOON Sign!

(4)     For example, I am moon Sign VRISHCHIK / Scorpio but have Shukra Guru in KUMBH and Uranus in Tula and Shani Mangal in Mithun – so Sept2017 to Oct2018 when GURU was in TULA -- despite having 12th GURU to Vrishchik which was indeed “very bad”: was WHAT-NEXT for the next 12 years of life --- it DID give me feel-good due to 5 planets blessed by GURU in the chart!

(5)     However, YOUR personal BHAAV-WISHWA (Emotional Makeup and your emotional state of mind) IS driven by MOON and hence Moon Sign is FIRST & FOREMOST when it comes to transits of bigger planets like GURU (Jupiter) and SHANI (Saturn)


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