Sunday, May 16, 2021

*CORONA/COVID: Who is more likely to have it*!

*CORONA: Who is more likely to have it*!

I avoided writing on this it so far as it creates FEAR and anxiety! Now also read following ASSUMING That the SAMPLING of CASES is very less statistically and hence following information MUST be taken with a DISCLAIMER that it is based on VERY LESS DATA and some Astro-LOGY -- Logic which can be proven right only by DATA!

Who is more likely to have Corona (or any lungs issues):


***BIRTH TIME Horoscope Formations: ***

(1) Chandra Surya or lagna in Kirk Rashi

(2) Natural malefic like Shani Mangal Surya Rahu in not so good aspects (Drishti) in the 4t house. (5th also in some cases -- BHAVCHALIT can get them in the 4th house)

(3) SHANI drushti on Chandra and 4th house or Chandra and 6th house both. SAME with lagnesh! Lagna or Lagnesh and the 6th house.

(4) Multiple planets in SHANI drishti in the chart!



(1) Shani Sub Period Ongoing. More so when in L6 Antardasha.

(2) INTENSE RashiGandaant planet Sub period or Antardasha.

(3) Chandra Rashi of KIRK MAKAR TULA and MEEN -- as CURRENT SHANI in MAKAR has drishti on these Rashi/Signs!

(4) Current Shani drushti on lagna and lagnesh BOTH -- Means Lagna or Kirk Tula Makar or Meen and also drushti on Chandra Shukra Shani or Guru of the birth-time chart!

(5)  If Sub Period (Bhukti) is long of 3-4 or 5/6 months -- then Check SHANI SubSubPeriod (Pratyantar) or intense RashiGandant planets' SubSubPeriods.

AGAIN -- PLEASE taken these with CLEAR disclaimer about DATA points. Whole family is having Covid/Corona and hence this not to be taken literally and one more reason to increase anxiety!

P.S. SHANI movement ends in MAKAR in JAN-2023 which seems to the significant date of getting control over Corona! MAY2022 shows some control but more comprehensive is Jan2023.




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