Sunday, July 30, 2017

Random Thoughts 25: (1) BhavChalit (2) Sun in Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagi) and (3) Shammi Kapoor Astro-Quick Thoughts

[1] Shammi Kapoor AstroQuick : Mithun Lagna, Tula Surya, Kumbh Chandra,  Mars/Mangal in the 6th house
(1) marriage (7th) house Shani a bit elder wife/ matured wife. Also, she departed early. Need to check if Shani was in Moola. Guru is 8th from Shani and hence not supporting it as much. However, SHUKRA in Tula in the 5th house of romance in own Rashi shows many relationships or flamboyant nature.
(2) Obviously, Surya SHUKRA Budh which is lagnesh in the house of inspiration and art and expression and all-rounder personified. Moon in Kumbh which is 5th from these planets in the 9th house only added to the power of these 5th house planets.
(3) Mars in 6 -- kidney issues -- but added due to Shani as both Shani and Mars drushti on water karaka Moon. Guru drushti on the 8th house and the Mars ensured the long life...

[2] Leo, Sagittarius and Aries Sun Signs:
It struck me watching the latest Bond movie -- Daniel Craig seems dominated by either Magha or Moola constellation/ Nakshatra. Then I realized that Ashwini, Magha and Moola: The nakshatras of the fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) provide tremendous power, discipline and rather FIRE and energy to the overall horoscopes. So, these constellations might not particularly point to a profession themselves but they support vehemently whatever the overall horoscope has to offer. Sachin has Aries Sun in Ashwini, Bradman had sun in Magha and so on. You can even extrapolate this to SUN being in the fire sign.

Sun in the fire sign will support the rest of the horoscope vehemently. It could show good or bad things -- it could show a scientist or a warrior or a poet etc or whatever but it will give tremendous energy, discipline, karmic approach and lot of ACTION to the overall quality of the horoscope. Bajirao Peshwa 18th August Leo Sun and even Gulzaar on the same date --- the relentless approach, inspiration and workaholic nature is the same --- the area of life is different. Bradman is a great example 27th August.
Sharad Joshi the real and great leader of FARMERS -- and not middlemen :) he was born on sept 3 -- Leo Sun --I was smiling when I saw his birth date as I always thought him as Dhanu or SINGH Sun sign! :) hats off to his dedication, no nonsense, disciplined and relentless efforts for the farmers....

If we had enough funding -- we could have done a survey or people born from April 14 to May14, August 16 to Sept 16, Dec 16 to Jan 14. This survey would have shown 
(1) robust bone structure
(2) good bit of a forehead :)
(3) positive outlook with good healthy EGO
(4) energy and workaholic nature
(5) independent thought process
(6) Good longevity
(7) Connection with the maternal family strong

Please note that 
REAL Sun sign Aries is India April14 to May13th; 
REAL Leo Sun Sign is India August 16th to Sept15/16 and Sagittarius Sun Sign 
REAL Sagittarius Sun Sign is India Dec16th to Jan13.14th.

[3] #Bhav chalit or Just Chalit Kundali:
KP cusp and usual normal bhavchalit are different: usual bhavchalit is mathematical plus minus 15 degree from Lagna degree.
(1) Bhavchalit is rashi wirahit. Don't talk or mention rashi (say Mesh Vrishabh etc etc) at all when checking it. Only houses (Hence “bhaav”-chalit and not rashi-chalit) :)
(2) simple with example-- Lagna Vrishchik 29 degree and Moon Dhanu 1st degree ---- Lagna kundali shoes moon in Second house in Dhanu. In bhavchalit moon will be in the first house as it is so close to the Lagna degree.
Lagna is in the first degree in Vrishchik and moon in the last degree of Dhanu --- Lagna kundali Chandra second house but bhavchalit 3rd house...

USE of Chalit Chart:
It shows how "effective" the planets are in the kundali. And if they "really" will give that house effect or lesser so as degrees wise they are far away fro the house :)
(1)     What I have observed in case studies that Bhavchalit is useful majorly for PHYSICAL ASPECTS. Means, say Shani Mangal close to each other in the 8th house (internal reproductive organs) but in bhavchalit they are in the 7th house (external parts of reprod/genital organs) -- then physically these two will affect the 7th house for the person BUT ---- The person WILL have inheritance issues and possible miscarriages to his mom after his birth as Shani Mangal ARE in the 8th house. But the miscarriage might not take life of his mom or inheritance issues would not be that acute or that intense for HIM as his Lagna degree is away from the Shani Mangal close.
(2)     So intensity of events and their impact on this life can be guessed a bit by bhavchalit ---- but you don't need bhavchalit separately. Use a chart that shows degrees of all planets and Lagna also --- and you can see it without bhavchalit.
(3)     Limitation of bhavchalit is that ---->> it forgets signs – raashi! Moon in the last degree of Vrishchik and first degree of Dhanu (moola) are HUGELY different!! as different as kidney and legs are :) :) :)
(4)     Also Shani Mangal in 8th house in Mithun will still break arms or shoulders -- they won't break eyes or neck or nose just because they moved a house before in bhavchalit. :) :) silver bullet answers in astrology are very very dangerous --- NO SHORTCUT :)


  1. Milind, I have Saturn in 8 th house (R also) Virgo 6 degrees. Mars in Aquarius (lagn) 4 D, sun in Capricorn 5 degrees, Budh in Sagi 11 degrees The house is 28.40. Should I look at these planet ettects in earlier house?

  2. YEs I am a Saggi sun and I can say these traits are true for me but I thought that was because I also have Saturn in 6th house.. Anyway, I have strong bong with maternal family. Which was strange because I have ketu sitting in my 4th house. I guess this explains.

  3. Shani in 5th house libra(29.3 deg) and Mars in 8th house Capricorn (29.4 deg) for gemini ascendant...also sun in 7th house Sagittarius (1.4 deg)

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