Monday, July 31, 2017

August: Birth-Date personalty

Birth-Date Personality: August 1st
The combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Sun ruled date of 1 is contradictory but not in a harmful way like say Sun and Saturn. Here Sun ruled date shows individual brilliance, pioneering ability and an extrovert tendency, whereas Moon ruled Cancer Sun shows emotional, sensitive and caring attitude. Cancer Sun has a gift of perception/sort of a 6th sense whereas Sun dominated date of 1 doesn’t care as much to perceive what others feel. This combination of aloof, stiff but extrovert characteristics along with Cancer Sun’s emotions could make it difficult for folks to deal with them. Only very close folks would be aware of such behavior. At workplace, mostly the extrovert behavior will dominate whereas at home, Cancer Sun could take the precedence. Sun influence shows some pioneer, entrepreneur ability with some inspirational moves from time to time. They build a platform for others or next generations to build upon. These folks tend to start something which nobody in the family did. The date of 1 is not a compound number like 19, 28 or 10 and hence shows an un-adulterated or pure Sun dominated approach or childlike purity. Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char”) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. Heart, spine and lungs are the areas of health these folks need to pay special attention – smoking is a BIG no for these folks. AstroMNC

August 2nd
This is a very harmonious date due to Moon ruled date of 2 and Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. They are quite sensitive & emotional. There is definite karmic link with their Mother signified by double Moon effect. The date of 2 makes them very friendly with a big & close friend circle. They love social networking presence but Cancer Sun limits it to people who value their emotions. The date of 2 indicates childish side to their personality; they can behave like a kid from time to time. The date also shows very good ability to connect with kids. As it is a pure number unlike compound dates of Moon such as 20, 29, 11, it shows a childlike purity in their approach. They are quite moody and highly sensitive to surroundings. Cancer Sun shows workaholic nature and keeping busy with something like an ant. As it is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “char”) they are quite industrious with desire of soul to improve economic level of family. Cancer Sun increases desire for popularity in the date of 2. Friends and colleagues occupy lot of their mind-space and also life. They like team events than staying or achieving alone. They can sacrifice some personal achievement to identify with a group of people. They are quite domestic and love their family & home, farm money and in that order! They are most comfortable & happy when they are at home.

August 3rd
This is a very harmonious date due to combination Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Jupiter ruled date of 3. It shows very good combination emotion maturity without sacrificing thought leadership and personal/ group achievements. This date is a pure date unlike 12, 21 & 30 and hence shows a direct uncluttered approach. Their friend circle is limited to folks that are aligned to their goals and objectives. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. J That is, their friendly approach or connect is directly related to their achievements, seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality. Cancer Sun shows workaholic nature and keeping busy with something like an ant. As it is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “char”) they are quite industrious with desire of soul to improve economic level of family. They love their family & home, farm money and in that order! It is overall a lucky date and is a result of great karma in the past birth(s). Cancer Sun does like to be popular which has some contrast with the date of 3 but not as much as say date of 12 or 30 (both 3 Jupiter ruled dates). 3 born folks do like to be wanted in restricted circle whereas Cancer Sun would also like so outside their sphere of influence! However, Cancer tends to selfish in a good way & Jupiter ruled date adds to it.

Birth-Date Personality: August 4th
The date of 4 ruled by Uranus brings some spice or vibrancy to this otherwise emotional, sensitive & caring Cancer Sun Sign. There is some karmic debt associated with this date towards family or even society that the soul wants to pay off. There is also a desire of the soul to bring in some change in the course of the family or society. The date of 4 is a pure 4 unlike dates of 13, 22 & 31. This means they have a childlike & direct approach which is uncluttered. Their personality is less complex as compared to other 4 dates mentioned above. 4 born folks are perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Cancer Sun limits some of the absent-minded approach that 4 born folks could have. Cancer Sun brings emotional intelligence, caring approach which can help with the change they want to bring in. It also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money/ change of job or place more than say power which requires stability. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: August 5th
This date has combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Mercury ruled date of 5. This is a lucky birth-date which is a result of good karma in past birth(s). The date of 5 is a pure date unlike compound 5 dates such as 14 & 23. It means their personality is less complex & more direct. The date of 5 shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures/cartoons). They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Cancer Sun brings some emotional approach, creativity & innovation to Mercury’s expression abilities. Cancer influence reduced excess verbose that could come with Mercury! Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money more than say power. Of course, Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite their usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. Cancer Sun does oppose some of the “dry humor” or number driven approach of Mercury & makes it more acceptable to others.
August 6th
The date of 6 ruled by Venus a lucky birth-date. It shows good past karma of multiple lives which ensures a good life regardless some bad planetary formations in their birth-chart. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life which is full of luxuries. There is hardly any rough edge to their personality which is good or bad depending on which field they are in! The soul wants to balance things around and find or establish harmony in the surroundings. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun and Venus if very harmonious. Moon only increases the creativity of Venus. Cancer Sun brings some emotional approach, creativity & innovation to Venus’ artistic abilities. Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money more than say power. Of course, Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite their usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. As this is a pure number unlike 24 & 15, their personality (& even past karma) is less complex & direct. There is a childlike purity in their approach due to the simple number of 6. Moon and Venus combination also indicated importance of women: mother, sisters or relationships in their life. Curley hair is quite common to this and July 24th born folks.

Birth-Date Personality:  August 7th
This is a very harmonious combination of Neptune ruled date of 7 and Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. Both are similar in various aspects as Moon shows emotion, creativity, and moody nature while Neptune shows innovation, perceptive ability and heightened 6th sense or ability of reading mind/ body language. Neptune enhances ability of Cancer Sun to understand emotions of people or undercurrents of various situations. Neptune takes understanding of un-stated emotions, needs of others further ahead which is at primitive level with Moon ruled Cancer Sun. They can sense what the other person is going say next & are prepared with an answer already! This ability however can make their mind very busy resulting in some early grey hair! J It is very difficult to keep all those signals not affecting your mind. These folks are advised to stick to careers with creative, innovative channels. Ask them to do a repetitive job the whole day and they will become miserable! Both Neptune & Moon influence also shows good emotional intelligence; this helps in people management. This should not be misinterpreted as ability to handle workers or masses which is natural to 8 (Saturn ruled) born folks. Neptune also increases populist side of Cancer Sun personality. Cancer Sun Sign shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” means a mover) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight.

August 8th
This date has contradiction of sentimental, emotional and creative Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Saturn ruled date of 8 that shows calculative, conservative and sort of a “khadus” behavior. Cancer Sun shows workaholic nature which is helped by Saturn. Cancer’s love for money and family is also further accentuated by Saturn. Saturn also adds to introvert nature of Cancer Sun Sign. However, Saturn influence reduces emotional or sensitive nature to some extent; it is exposed to limited number of people. Saturn induces seriousness and sincerity that reduces Cancer tendency to get into compromise for the sake of emotions. Saturn influence shows a conservative approach which needs numbers crunching, past experience and statistics. It also means these people hate “big bang” ideas and always take a step-by-step approach. There is a great skill to audit / review or actually policing around! There is a great attention to details. The date of 8 does show desire of the soul to pay off some karmic debt. The date of 8 is a pure number unlike 17 & 26, the other 8 dates ruled by Saturn. It means there is simplicity in their personality & approach; unlike complex compound numbers which also show other effects in different situations. Life after the age of 29 is increasingly better with each passing day! In the matters of wealth, tomorrow is always better than yesterday for this date! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” means a mover) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order.

This is a very harmonious date due to combination of Mars ruled date of 9 and Moon ruled Cancer Sun sign. Of course Mars brings in some aggression or agitation to otherwise sensitive and emotional Cancer Sun Sign. Mars and Moon are first rate friends and hence protect each other not to get hurt. Cancer emotions keep Mars aggression away from quarrels and also Mars aggression helps avoid Cancer’s emotional side to be taken advantage by some wise folks! The date of 9 is a simple number unlike compound ones like 18 & 27. It means there is simplicity & directness to their uncluttered approach. Past karma & hence personality in this life doesn’t need to be that complex. Friends have a very special place in their life. Interest in Sports is almost a given and they do follow some team or some sport very closely even if not related to this field in any way! Gym or sports activity is highly recommended to get any unused energy out of the system. It makes them much better person. Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” means movers) it shows love for money more than power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight.

August 10th
The combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Sun ruled date of 10 (1) is contradictory but not in a harmful way like say Sun & Saturn. Here, Sun ruled date shows individual brilliance, pioneering ability and an extrovert tendency, whereas Moon ruled Cancer Sun shows emotional, sensitive and caring attitude. Cancer Sun has a gift of perception/sort of a 6th sense whereas Sun dominated date of 1 doesn’t care as much to perceive what others feel. This combination of aloof, stiff but extrovert characteristics along with Cancer Sun’s emotions could make it difficult for folks to deal with them. Only very close folks would be aware of such behavior. At workplace, mostly the extrovert behavior will dominate whereas at home, Cancer Sun could take more precedence. Sun influence shows some pioneer, entrepreneur ability with some inspirational moves from time to time. They build a platform for others or next generations to build upon. These folks tend to start something which nobody in the family did. The date of 10 has some philosophical approach or rather baggage which comes from wisdom of previous births. This maturity or philosophical approach makes them less competitive as they grow up. However, Sun’s macro-level ability or brilliance can never die! Cancer Sun shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char”) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. Heart, spine and lungs are the areas of health these folks need to pay special attention – smoking is a BIG no for these folks. AstroMNC
Birth-Date Personality: August 11th
This is a very harmonious date due to Moon rule date of 11 (2) and Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. The date of 11 shows emotional intelligence, people leadership and very sensitive or perceptive mind. Their Mother & overall women in the family have great importance in their life and there are specific karmic connections with them. The date of 11 is a Master Number which means they are guided by their “higher self” or power of their subconscious mind. Like 7, 16 or 25 born folks these people have a gift of 6th sense. Rather, it tends more towards some psychic abilities with this date. They are pretty subdued and emotional in their childhood which changes to independent personality as they grow up. 11 is mandated to balance two very different things such as two cultures, languages, religions or castes or even countries such a way that they find something common to co-exist but also independent identity is not affected. Aligning to one side too much has very extreme or intense effects personally. This is certainly not a karmic reward date but rather mostly a karmic debt but which also results in high visibility, publicity or some recognition. Cancer Sun shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char”) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. Heart, spine and lungs are the areas of health these folks need to pay special attention – smoking is a BIG no for these folks.

August 12th
The date of 12 (3) ruled by Jupiter & Cancer Sun Sign ruled by Moon shows a very harmonious combination. Jupiter stabilizes and channels Cancer emotions to some thought process or thought leadership. Cancer Sun reciprocates with emotion intelligence that allows implementing the thought leadership / ideas by getting people onboard. This is a good combination of thought leadership & people leadership. However, the date of 12 could tilt the balance a bit more towards thought leadership than people leadership. This date shows a master (1) and disciple (2) approach. They are very comfortable when there is clear & formal distinction between the juniors and seniors by some quantifiable parameters such as age, knowledge (degrees) and experience. Jupiter is governor of social law & rituals and hence these people tend to be orthodox and traditional and usually follow established methods, previous data/statistics than outright intuition or hunch. They are an ideal fit in education or training sector. They could be perfect professors, teachers or principals as these areas are natural to them. Their friend circle is limited to folks that are aligned to their goals and objectives. They will not have friends or colleagues that don’t align their goals & objectives. As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char”) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. Heart, spine and lungs are the areas of health these folks need to pay special attention – smoking is a BIG no for these folks. AstroMNC

August 13th
The date ruled by Uranus (13:4) brings some spice to this emotional, sensitive, caring & motherly Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. The desire of the soul is to bring in some change in the course of the family or even society. There is some karmic debt that these folks want to pay off in this life and are subconsciously well aware of the same. However, the date of 13 shows 1 (Self, ego) before 3 (thought leadership, Individual achievements). That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sale of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and could be avoided as much as possible. Thoughts and achievements of self or groups need to be given more importance! These folks are perceived a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. They have great interest in latest electronic gadgets and modern stuff. Cancer Sun limits some of the absent minded approach that 4 born folks could have. Cancer Sun brings emotional intelligence, caring approach which can help with the change they want to bring in. It also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money/ change of job or place more than say power which requires stability. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. AstroMNC

August 14th
This date has combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign and Mercury ruled date of 14 (5). This date however shows some karmic burden unlike the lucky date of 23 (again a 5); it could show some setbacks due to more importance to 1 (self / ego) than say the change (4) they want to bring in. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). The date shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Cancer Sun brings some emotional approach, creativity & innovation to Mercury’s expression abilities. Cancer influence reduced excess verbose that could come with Mercury! Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money more than say power. Of course, Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite their usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. Cancer Sun does oppose some of the “dry humor” or number driven approach of Mercury & makes it more acceptable to others.

Birth-Date Personality; August 15th
Combination of Moon ruled Cancer Sun and Venus ruled date of 15 (6) is very harmonious. Moon only increases the creativity of Venus. The date of 15 ruled by Venus is a highly lucky date and is a result of good karma in past multiple births which ensures a good life regardless some bad planetary formations in their birth-chart. This is a birth-date of karmic reward. Venus influence also shows love for good things in life and desire for tasteful, artistic, good life or luxury / opulence. There is hardly any rough edge to their personality which is good or bad depending on which field you are in! The soul wants to balance things around and establish harmony in their surroundings. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Cancer Sun brings some emotional approach, creativity & innovation to Venus’ artistic abilities. Cancer Sun also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money more than say power. Of course, Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite their usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight. Moon and Venus combination also indicated importance of women: mother, sisters or relationships in their life. Curley hair is quite common to this and July 24th, August 6th born folks.
August 16th
Sun in the last degree of Cancer Sun Sign (constellation of Ashlesha: “Rashi-Gundaant”) is highly karmic. It could show deep connection with maternal uncle’s family & also some specific event, incident with their father. Smoking is a big no as Cancer Sign shows lungs predominantly. This is a very harmonious combination of Neptune ruled date of 16 (7) and Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. Both are similar in various aspects as Moon shows emotion, creativity, and moody nature while Neptune shows innovation, perceptive ability and heightened 6th sense or ability of reading mind/ body language. The date of 16 however could place self-esteem / ego ahead of harmony & luxuries of life. They can make some drastic changes in life from time to time which could lead to sudden losses in the short term. Neptune enhances ability of Cancer Sun to understand emotions of people or undercurrents of various situations. Neptune takes understanding of un-stated emotions, needs of others further ahead which is at primitive level with Moon ruled Cancer Sun. They can sense what the other person is going say next & are prepared with an answer already! These folks are advised to stick to careers with creative, innovative channels. Both Neptune & Moon influence also shows good emotional intelligence; this helps in people management. Cancer Sun Sign shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” means a mover) it shows love for money more than say power. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight.

August 17th
It is a coincident that in this century Sun enters its own sign of Leo on a Saturn ruled date of IST 17 (8)! J This date marks the start of the Leo Sun Sign. This date is a direct contrast or contradiction of Leo Sun & Saturn ruled date. Leo Sun shows extrovert, bold, almost theatrical & dramatic disposition. With 1 degree of change from Cancer last degree to Leo 1st degree, the complete nature changes from introvert to extrovert. Long hair on neck but residing hairline / bigger forehead and characteristics eyebrow is typical to Leo & especially first constellation in Leo (“Magha”). Leo Sun folks are high maintenance / demanding and love praise or compliments. There is great need for overt display of love with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. However, Saturn date brings some conservative & “khadus” side to this otherwise sunny nature. They can be very critical & policing which is not the case with other Leo Sun folks. It can make dealing with them rather tiresome & unpredictable with them. When extrovert nature takes control and when they go back to criticize / auditing mode it difficult to predict. i.e. highly predictable Leo Sun becomes a bit difficult to handle in this case. When kept in harmony, Leo Sun would always come with inspirational & pioneering moves, thoughts which would be backed by careful calculations & study. Big bang of Leo Sun would get help from step by step or detailing of Saturn. The date of 17 shows desire to leave name behind & also desire to pay some karmic burden to family, society. The soul has avoided some things in past birth and has to get those done by the age of 30 and hence life after 30 is much better for these folks.

Birth-Date Personality: August 18th
This is quite harmonious date with Sun ruled Leo Sun sign and Mars ruled date of 18 (9). Leo Sun shows extrovert, bold, almost theatrical & dramatic disposition. Long hair on neck but residing hairline/bigger forehead and characteristics eyebrow is typical to Leo & especially first constellation in Leo (“Magha”). Leo Sun folks are high maintenance / demanding and love praise or compliments. There is a great need for overt display of love with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. Leo Sun is about big bang approach. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. The date of 18 ruled by Mars shows energy to take inspirational & pioneering big bang ideas of Leo Sun ahead with full force. Of course, this date has some rough edge. They have some bitter karmic links which would result in some wars, fights and competition in this life. Siblings & friends have special presence in their life. There are certainly specific karmic links with siblings or some land in family with this date. It is important to forgive & forget for this date which is close to impossible to Leo Sun’s ego & self-esteem. However, it goes a long way for progress & growth to forgive & move on without appearing weak or defeated. Gym or sports activities make them much better person. AstroMNC
August 19th
This is the date of rulers! Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Sun ruled date of 19 (1) shows a very consistent and harmonious personality. The date of 19 is that of rulers and is a karmic reward birth-date, result of great karma of past birth(s). This date itself again shows a harmonious combination of Sun (1) and Mars (9). The inspiration and pioneering ability of Sun gets great support from energy & drive of Mars. There is a desire of the soul to create own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in that sphere. They have individual brilliance & ability to come up with big bang & inspirational ideas. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They just love praise, compliments & being center of attention. There is a great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. Leo Sun is about big bang approach. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. It is very difficult for them to take orders from others. Even in a job they run their unit like their own company. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!

The extrovert, royal, warm / sunny nature of Leo Sun is supplemented by a good dose of emotional intelligence due to the moon dominated date of 20 (2). They also have a desire for popularity are quite image conscious. The 0 in 20 adds a lot of philosophical approach or rather baggage to the date. They have a great positive ego and they do like attention & respect. Pay respect to them and they are as docile as a Lion could be! This 20 dominated Leo likes group activities quite a bit; their presence makes any team building or a group activity a great event. They are not the best people to run a business alone as they are careless with wealth / money; they share wealth with others. There is a desire of the soul to create own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in that sphere. Leo Sun Sign also shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They just love praise, compliments & being center of attention. There is a great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. It is very difficult for them to take orders from others. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!
August 21st
This is a very harmonious, positive & successful combination of Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Jupiter ruled date of 21 (3). This date shows an independent, optimistic, goal / achievement oriented, disciplined person. Jupiter’s thought process channels Sun’s brilliance & potential for individual achievements. This date shows more importance to others (2) than self or ego (1). That is achievements are more important than their ego or their own position. However, their friend circle is limited to folks that are aligned to their goals & objectives. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. J That is, their friendly approach or connect is directly related to their achievements, seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality. They have individual brilliance & ability to come up with big bang & inspirational ideas. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They just love praise, compliments & being center of attention. There is a great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!

August 22nd
It is an interesting combination of Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Uranus ruled master number date of 22 (4). It means Sun’s big bang approach, sunny nature & brilliance is coupled with somewhat quirky, unconventional and change agent Uranus dominated date of 22. This combination is great for some inspirational implementation / execution of modern methods/science or overall implementation of modernity all-around. Leo’s overt administrative & tactical ability is coupled with some absent minded lateral thoughts. There is some karmic debt associated with this date towards family or even society that the soul wants to pay off. There is also a desire of the soul to bring in some change in the course of the family or society. The date of 22 represents a master-number like 11 or 29. This means they have a highly evolved subconscious mind and are driven by it a lot more than others. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Leo Sun brings structure, method to Uranus’ madness & change agent approach in a non-threatening way to establishment. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being center of attention. There is a great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!
August 23rd
This is a very harmonious date with combination of Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign & Mercury ruled date of 23 (5). Leo Sun brilliance, inspiration gets good enhancement by Mercury’s intelligence, articulation & expression. 23 is a very lucky birth-date which is a result of great karma in past birth(s). The date of 23 shows greater priority for people or others (2) than outright individual achievement or thought leadership (3). This means popularity or being liked by others or even collaborations & partnerships / group activities are more important than alignment with some thought leadership. The date of 23 shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. Overall, they have a great ability to articulate. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being center of attention. There is a great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is tremendous optimism and positive energy. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!
Birth-Date Personality: August 24th
There is a bit of contradiction (un-harmful) in this date due to Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Venus ruled date of 24 (6). Leo Sun shows individual brilliance, inspirational instincts & originality with a sense of structure, discipline but also big ego or self-esteem. Venus is artistic, harmonious, balanced and without ego, aggression or roar of Leo Sun which can explode from time to time. So this inherent conflict although good for the individual, could become a nuisance for people around them. It could make it a bit difficult to deal with them – display outright respect like majesty or engage in one on one artistic talks. The date of 24 is probably the luckiest of all the birth-dates. It shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxuries. The soul wants to balance things around and find or establish harmony in the surroundings. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being the center of attention. There is great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar surrounding where they don’t have authority or power. Their roar is much worse & frequent than their bite!

August 25th
This is a very interesting combination of Neptune Ruled date of 25 (7) with emotional intelligence, innovative, imaginative, sensitive with sort of a 6th sense ability to read people or minds combined with extrovert, often theatrical and bold Leo Sun Sign. This could sound a bit contradictory as one tends to be extrovert and the other mostly introvert or at subconscious level. Leo wants to discipline people & make them do the right things regardless of their personality whereas Neptune wants to know who they are and what they are good at. An administrative job that requires creativity & inspirational moves from time to time is an ideal fit for these folks. Neptune innovation can bring in some imaginative changes to monotonous job. Of course, Neptune influence becomes a guiding force to overt and omnipresent Leo Sun in this date. Neptune can’t override Leo Sun for too long, just that it will increase listening ability a bit. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being the center of attention. There is great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar surrounding where they don’t have authority or power.
Birth-Date Personality: August 26th
This date shows contrast of Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Saturn ruled date of 26 (8). Leo Sun is extrovert, bold, courageous, warm hearted, sunny & brilliant whereas Saturn influence shows a conservative (“Khadus”) lawful, disciplined, number crunching approach. Leo loves to roar and launch some big bang ideas which often borders on being theatrical whereas Saturn loves step by step approach with 1 brick at a time. Saturn is mostly introvert and long term thinker whereas Leo Sun is about go-getter attitude and quick results. Leo Sun comes up with some very inspirational moves, brilliant ideas whereas Saturn is cold & calculative. This combination then makes it very difficult for people around to deal with them as these folks are mostly control the power in their surroundings. Of course one would wish not get mother-in-law born on this date! J Although they are mostly Leo Sun dominated with big ego/self-esteem and always love praise or compliments, Saturn influence can make them understand very well their authenticity. These Leo roar a bit less and have more bite than they usually show. Delivering other people’s karma in a ruthless way is thrust upon Saturn ruled dates. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. The date of 26 does show desire of soul to pay off some karmic debt. With the date of 26 it is often related to marital relationships. It is required to show patience and adjustment with spouse for minor things that do not compromise family values or integrity. This is more applicable to relationships that happen early in life say before or around age of 20 or so. Life after the age of 29 is increasingly better with each passing day!

Birth-Date Astroogy: August 27th
This is a very harmonious & a positive date with Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Mars ruled date of 27 (9). Mars imparts great energy, drive to Leo Sun’s individual brilliance & inspiration ideas. In turn Leo Sun puts a lot of discipline, structure to Mars’s aggression. Friends, siblings have a special place in their life as there are deep karmic bonds there. They tend to get dedicated, committed friends in various team activities. Any sport is very natural subject to them, only their ego can stop them from achieving great heights in sports. Gym or sports activities make them a better person. There is some land related angle in the family too. Mars only adds to their robust bone structure and big forehead. The date of 7 is a lucky date and has lesser rough edges than other Mars ruled dates of 9 & certainly 18. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being the center of attention. There is great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar surrounding where they don’t have authority or power. AstroMNC

August 28th
This is a very harmonious date as both Sun Sign of Leo and the date of 28 (1) are ruled by Sun. This date shows a highly extrovert person with a lot of people or even mass connect. They are more about masses than classes. Leo’s inspiration, brilliance, pioneer spirit & go-getter attitude only gets a boost by the date of 28. They create their own sphere of influence with specific roles & responsibility for each person in it. They build a platform for others or next generations to build upon. These folks tend to start something which nobody in the family did. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love praise, compliments & being the center of attention. There is great need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. They like to discipline others & are perfect while handling problems, issues of others but surprisingly, not their own! Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar surrounding where they don’t have authority or power. This date of 28 is more about mass production and less about catering the need of the classes. This date also shows some overzealous supporters who tend to do something illegal or harmful but with the best of the intentions! Need to be aware of this angle so that appropriate care could be taken.

Birth-Date Personality: August 29th
The extrovert, royal, warm / sunny nature of Leo Sun is supplemented by a good dose of emotional intelligence due to the moon dominated date of 29 (2). They also have a desire for popularity are quite image conscious. Their success is depends more on who they know than what they know. Friends have a special place in their life. The number 29 is a master number like 11. It means they have a very active subconscious mind and driven by higher-self more than others. There is a desire or mandate/compulsion from the soul to balance two very different things like religion, culture or families in such a way that they keep them together with harmony but still their separate existence is not diminished. This is certainly a difficult lifelong task which they have to carry burden of!  Aligning to one side too much has very extreme or intense effects personally. Like 11 they are not that aloof and lot more friendly. However, their friends at times end up troubling as they chose friends un-wisely. Rather, they can get attracted to some naughty (but harmful) people like a magnet whereas 11 born folks tend steer clear of such people. They are not the best people to run a business alone as they are careless with wealth / money; they share wealth with others. Leo Sun Sign also shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love or rather need praise, compliments. There is need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power.

August 30th
This is mostly a harmonious combination of Jupiter Ruled date of 30 (3) and Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign. Jupiter’s “satvik” approach & thought leadership could get sidelined by brilliance, inspirational & often egotist nature of Leo Sun but in most cases, Jupiter acts as an umbrella effect or a guiding force without interfering daily matters. Rather, Leo’s frequency of ego & self-esteem driven actions could be reduced by Jupiter impact. This combination makes them the best fit for the position of principal, HOD or say, any administrative post in the field of education. This date is great for academics and career in education. Date of 30 (3) also shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. However, it has some sort of maturity & wisdom from past life which could reduce their competitive spirit as they grow up. These folks often carry some philosophical angle to their personality. Leo Sun Sign also shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love or rather need praise, compliments. There is need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm-hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power. A stroMNC

August 31st
The combination of Sun ruled Leo Sun Sign and Uranus ruled date of 31 (4) makes these folks modern, unconventional & change agents despite Sun being in a FIXED Sign of Leo. Leo’s inspiration, brilliance, and administrative ability is used mostly in some advanced science or subjects such as electronics or mobile communication etc. i.e. there is some connection with modern sciences and latest gadgets in some way. Leo’s overt administrative & tactical ability is coupled with some absent minded lateral thoughts. There is also a desire of the soul to bring in some change in the course of the family or society. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. The date of 31 is luckier than other 4 dates such as 4, 13 and 22. It shows more importance to achievements & thought leadership (3) than their ego or self-esteem (1). This helps them achieve lot more through people & group activities than 4 & 13 birth-dates. Leo Sun Sign shows high maintenance / demanding nature. They love or rather need praise, compliments. There is need for overt display of affection with gifts and compliments. They love being wanted & worthwhile in their surroundings. They are warm hearted and high on positive ego or rather self-esteem. There is go-getter attitude with spells of complete hard-work followed by complete rest just like a Lion. They treat everybody with great respect and expect nothing else. Leos are territorial & don’t like to be in un-familiar (totally new) surrounding where they don’t have sense of authority or power.

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