Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Random Thoughts 10: Lefty Astro Angle, Complexity of Astro Predictions (Art of Probabilities), Wakri Planets

Random Thoughts Part 10: Lefty Astro Angle, Complexity of Astro Predictions (Art of Probabilities), Wakri Planets

Lefty Astro Angle: Left handed folks. This I observed predominantly in Indian case studies. The lefty folks have either Tula lagna, Moon or Sun (Oct16 to Nov16). Libra (Tula) sign is very important in being lefty handed or partially left handed. Also, another aspect is a lot of planets in the visible hemisphere (means 8th to 1st houses) and more so 9th to 12th also seen more in left handed people. Also, a  lot of planets 8 9 10 11 from Moon can also show this. Rashi-Swami and Lagna_RashiSwami signs are also very important. Those born on 6 15 24 also increase the possibility which are Venus ruled dates.

Libra is supposed to be a sign of a “balanced” person. So would this balance make a person use left hand more than usual? I read an article in the late 80s or early 90s that lefty people have ore predominant “bridge” that connects the left and right side of the brain. The right-handed ones have this lesser. You can see how this Libra being a “balanced” sign which tries to bring in harmony & balance in their surrounding starts with themselves! :) So, it is a message that what you want others to do, you need to start doing it before you expect others to follow-it : You have GOT to have it in your “system” and “internalize” first it in your DNA or in your conscious and subconscious mechanisms! (Saints have said “Bole taisa chaale tyachi Vandawi Paawule”—“Worship (rather, Idolize) people who walk their talk”)

What this means for Scorpions (Moon Sun or multiple planets in Scorpio: Scorpio Sun is from Nov16 to Dec16) : The real Scorpions (not the people) before they sting others they do sting themselves and many times are seen lying around by their own poison. What this means is that the thoughts revenge, passion/khunnas and killer instinct of the Scorpions Impact themselves also and take toll their psyche (kidney, internal reproductive organs). They can’t sleep very well as toxins in their thoughts keep them awake creating toxins in their body? Kidney is the MOST affected organs for people with Scorpio as predominant sign. You can see affected kidney function by black circles below the eye very easily. The remedy is simple but very difficult Forgive & Forget!! :)  First Forgive and then Forget!! You can extrapolate such thoughts to all the signs.

[1] Complexity of Predictions (probabilities)
Recently there was a debate by some folks on my Monthly Horoscope article comments section that it is too generic and based on only moon movements etc. I would like to add further complexity of not only the planets to taken in to account for weekly and monthly horoscope but the basic structure of the horoscope itself! i.e. there are not only 12 groups based on Moon sign but there are 1728 groups that should be considered for weekly or monthly horoscope.

When I write an article for yearly predictions for a sign (raashi) it is for the Moon sign. There is no thought behind what is the Sun Sign or Ascendant (lagna) sign. This is well understood by most of the folks reading articles. What we fail to understand that even people with a given rashi can be further broken in to 12 groups based on “Rashi-Swami” i.e. owner of the Mesh rashi which is Mars – Mars’ Sign!

So we have 12 groups within Aries (Mesh) Sign where Mars, the owner of Aries Sign, could be in 12 different signs from Aries to Pisces! So you can imagine the number of probabilities! So each group will have a bit different experience with the daily, weekly monthly or yearly horoscope articles.

1.    Aries Moon Sign Group of people
a.    Can have 12 different Sun Signs
b.    Under that you have 12 different ascendants i.e. 144 groups of Aries Moon Sign!
c.     Further you have Mar’s Sign – further 12 groups for each of the 144 groups! i.e. 12*144 = 1728 groups!

This means, I should write 1728 different predictions for my Yearly or even for a weekly/daily horoscope?! And I am NOT even talking about possibility of 3 nakshatra in these signs and you have – PLENTY (5184?) of combinations!? :)

This is the reason why the predictions based on a horoscope will always be like “an art of probabilities” and hardly ever have a mathematical accuracy!

More importantly, while analyzing a horoscope, it is absolutely critical to take 3 generations of ownerships into account while deciding the power of a planet! I.e for example Tendulkar, Aries Sun in exalted state and Mars the owner of Aries in a exalted state in Capri (both at the hyper-exalted degrees!) and importantly the owner of Capri (Makar) is Saturn which is VERY WELL Placed in Taurus Sign aiding the Mars and in turn the Sun quite a bit! When you have a planet in Capricorn and Saturn is in say Gemini or Leo – it is not getting the support from Saturn at all  -- The planet is trying to be step by step progress, hard work etc but Saturn is in Gemini or Leo not supporting this attitude and hence lesser power of the planet in the Capri (Makar sign).

This brings me to next topic of this article which I touched in Retrograde Planets article separately.

[2] Planets in the Sign of a Wakri (Retrograde) planet
Retrograde planet does show slow/weak Karma with the governance of the planet and the house the planets owns in a horoscope. But apart from that a retrograde planet reduces the effect and power of the planets in its signs. i.e. multiple planets in Taurus and Libra sign or say just Libra sign and Venus is retrograde – The power of these planets is reduced or hampered quite a bit. Simply, it means that the past Karma is not as strong to have strong effect of those planets! The worst part is when you have say Mars & Saturn together or even say Jupiter & Venus (opposites) together and the owner of that sign is a 3rd planet and is retrograde! Add to that if that retrograde planet is aspected by Saturn or Mars! (“Dushkalat Terawa Mahina”)

A retrograde planet in an intense constellation (nakshatra) or Sign (raashi) would only add to the lack or rather bad karma with what that planet shows. The direct implication is governance of the planet (Guru Kids/Mentors, Mars: Siblings, Blood, etc) But also the house the planet occupies and also it owns in that order. Of course, the Sun and The Moon can’t be retrograde. Rahu Ketu always retrograde so not consideration for them in this topic.

The retrograde planets are glorified in many Sanskrit granth(s) which I feel is not at all logical. Rather, more the speed of a planet, better the results in the mahadasha or antardasha! Yes, the retrograde planets are near the earth and hence are brighter in the sky. So would the quality of blood be higher If Mars is brighter and closer to the earth than when it is higher speed and away from the earth (closest versus farthest?) Maybe yes, but, if the blood circulation is not good enough this better quality of blood would be not of much use. So, it will eventually falter in results and the quality. Hence a direct planet with higher speed is always much better as rule than a wakri planet.

Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP Method)
Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP Method) is rather very harsh towards a wakri planet in a Prashna-kundali. It says that the retrograde planet if it is in the ruling then it gives results only after it has become maargi AND it has passed the degree which it had become wakri on (after becoming maargi and traveling ahead).

KP method is completely harsh on wakri planets in the natal chart. It says that the planets in the nakshatra of wakri planets give NO results!!  :) Say Guru is Wakri in a natal / birth-chart  and Manal is Wakri in say Nakshatra of Punarvasu in Mithun or kirk than as per KP method, Mangal will not give any “phal” or any good results!

Remedy would be good karma in the things shown by the planet for sure but also using the gemstone of such planet would certainly help not only with this planet but the planets in the signs it owns. More important is to understand which areas of like the planet itself shows and try to inculcate the attitude the planet shows. When Saturn is retrograde (in a natal chart -not transit), increasing seriousness, hard-work and keep doing a thing until success is achieved and not leaving things in between and finish them meticulously. When Mars is retrograde, try to run 5 KM every day to get blood circulation up, eat red vegetable or fruits etc, make sure you exercise regularly and try to get some athleticism in the body.


  1. Super article. Game of permutation combination and probability!

  2. any remedies for wakri guru

  3. Obama has retrogade Guru and Shani in makar, lagna is makar. So probably there is not much different between retrogade planets and direct planets ? On another note Guru/shani conjunction does seem to give some sort of unflabble temperament. Dhoni has guru/shani, Roger Federer has it. All of them are famously stoic minds.

  4. Interesting. My son has 8 planets in 10-12 houses, and he is a proper lefty. I have 10 planets in the visible hemisphere, and I use the left hand quite a lot, that some people think I am a lefty too..am Libra raas btw...My son is meen...
