Monday, August 21, 2017

Grahan (Eclipse in August 2017) - Karma and BhagwadGeeta

Grahan (eclipse) in Astrology are overrated and the frenzy around them causes simple law of karma to be ignored. Yes they are important and especially when right now Shani and Rahu are in INTENSE Navamansh and "Rashi-Gandant". So folks who have planets in the last degrees of Vrishchik, Vrishabh and Makar and also Singh (Scorpio, Taurus Capri and Leo) will see effects of grahan a lot more. As it is happening in Kirk/Singh border it is in the 8th house of Dhanu and Makar border -- so it will impact the last Uttarashadha nakshatra first and second navamansh the most. Similarly, it is in the 12th house border of Singh (Leo) & Kanya (Virg) so it could show some expense and negative publicity-image etc to them.

Simple(?) law of karma told by Bhagwan Krishna should not be forgotten in the process. Nothing happens without karma.

Trump has Surya in the last 3 degrees of Taurus Vrishabh and Shani is now opposite to his Surya - Just like Bill Clinton he has chances of a impeachment life situation -- will it go to that extent? Will it stay at curbing of his power by Congress and Senate -- An Astrologer would or should not comment unless someone puts a gun to his/her head! :) :)

In India, some astrologers eventually get connected to Politicians and become part of this cycle of karma and prone to problems!! They start writing article on Grahan and just like motivated journalism start dictating bad times for some politicians etc etc -- and willful articles for coupes are created. These astrologers bring shame to astrology as then leftists and affected politicians becomes enemies of Astrology and not astrologers. (yes also Astrologers and Babas as they end up in jails).

In India, MOST astrologers are tied to Hinduism and tend to be right wing supporters. It is imp to look at Astrology from Bhagwan Krishna's word -- the ULTIMATE truth the Bhagwadgeeta -- else astrology will become like medicines -- one thing costing in Nashik 10 rupees and same in Pune 1000 and Mumbai 10,000!! Let us not EVER forget "Karmanyewadhikarate"!! WE have right ONLY by our Karma...

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