Tuesday, August 22, 2017

L10 in The Horoscope (Dashamesh: Lord of the 10th House)

L10 (owner of the 10th house in various houses of a Birth-time Horoscope

The 10th House: KARMA-STTHA, PITRU-STHAN, Workplace, father, Knees, Production, Output, Govt Support, Workplace Seniors

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The 10th house (what a person does for a living) & the owner of the 10th house has significant importance for career and business or “Karma” or work of a person in this life. When Chandra Surya like planets are connected to the 10th house then desire destiny are more firmly imbibed in the 10th house of owner or lord of the 10th house termed as “L10”. Shani being 10th Sign owner becomes natural in this house (relentless karma) and Surya being the governor of the father becomes very imp and own Karakatva of the 10th house too. Mangal becomes “DIGBALI” in this house as it shows the SOUTH direction & that is why it is also exalted in the 10th house.

The 10th House (not so) Random Thoughts (Mukta-Chintan):
2 6 and 10 are “Artha-Trikon” means economic zone. Folks like Ambani and Birlas have multiple planets in these houses and certainly the most significant ones. Also, these houses are connected to the 11th house (gains) in some ways for them to get the money towards their bank accounts/profits and not just cash flow across their businesses! :) Without well placed 11th house the business might make huge turn-over but not so much of a profit or dividend! The 2nd house is the first level of economic zone – what one gets from the family and childhood wealth and so on (Dhirubhai had Shani so not much!). It also shows investments of the family and how a person raises money (Dhirubhai Shani from people IPOs). The 6th house is about loans, debts & earning money by providing service & consultancy and not products. The 10th house is the highest & the most imp of the economic zone as it shows products & production or manufacturing. It shows CHURN and churning out things from a machine or assembly line etc.  Of course, 10th Mars (or Mars’ signs in 10th) would show weapons, electronics or agriculture or sports equipment production and Mercury would show say press, daily papers or weekly monthly magazines or a website publication etc. But it IS about churning some stuff out on a regular basis. Without the 10th house churn there is not much to invest (2) and not much to service (6). Now you can appreciate how important & impactful the planets like Shani and Guru, Mangal, Rahu or so on are in the 10th house. They keep the GDP going. When 10th house effect reduces and focus is more on 2 and 6 – 2008 like situation happens where paper pushers have 70% share and creators have 30% only! :)

[1] Lord of the 10th house (L10) in the 1st house
(a) Most natural & destiny sorts – doing own business, self-employed.
(b) Self-made (wo)man is truer for them than anyone!
(c) High ownership and running even job like a business.
(d) The only Dharma Trikon house that supports self-business which is of productions. Else 5th and 9th house oppose business but do show good teaching or mentoring and consultancy sorts of business. Production business is not for the 5th and 9th house.
(e) Chandra Kundali L10 if with Chandra Yuti then this applies more.
(f) Birth date of 1 10 19 28 or total addition of birthdate such – adds to this business possibility.
(g) Shani first in Mesh would show engineering, In Vrishabh would show agriculture, politics and both shows some long term and big organizations and slow steady approach. Mesh would show calculated risks taking and Shani in Vrishabh lagna would be completely risk averse!
(h) Chandra Tula lagna shows covert ambitions resulting in business. But numerology needs to support this otherwise sensitive Chandra with date so 1 01 19 28 or 9 18 27. Else this Chandra might not make the jump.
(i) 1st Guru for Mithun Or Meen Lagna shows academic, running a gym, health club of health stuff or medicines or teaching training institutes.
(j) Surya 1st in Scorpio can show anything depending on Nakshatra – Vishakha teaching, academics Anuradha production, Jyeshtha political party or consultancy or consultancy or Chemistry, Chemicals, medicines etc.  Mining a major possibility.
(k) Budh Kanya lagna – consultancy, trading, commerce; DHANU Lagna Budh – difficult to pinpoint – academics, training, consultancy, health stuff
(l) Shukra for Makar lagna would show artistic stuff. Jewelry, gemstones etc or beauty products. In Dhanishtha it would show agriculture done by advanced science or gemstones and mining with advanced sciences. Shukra for Sinvha lagna in Magha would show disciplined approach towards administration and academic and any big ORG. In Poorva – beauty products or artistic stuff and in Uttara again BIG organization and administrative positions.

Shani drushti on the 1st house would make one invest in self and allow big jump business etc after age of 30. Guru drushti will ensure well directed efforts and lesser risks than usual. Shukra conjunction would show artistic approach, luxury items etc. Chandra conjunction would make destiny desire both of business – good people connect and sales/marketing. Budh with L10 would mean margin improvement ideas all the times! :) Shani/Budh would also bring in auditing and providing services to other similar businesses.

[2] When the L10 (Owner of the 10th house) is in the 2nd house
(a)    This makes NavaPancham yoga of L10 with its own house.  Hence gives power /speed to the 10th house of career / business.
(b)    It shows good ability to do business. This is PRO business and support raising money, capital for business.
(c)    Doing Family business is a great possibility assuming Shani not opposite or 4th to it which shows tussle with the family for business. Or much needed/necessary or but not desired split of the business and distributed among folks.
(d)    Anything to do with financial management or wealth management bring in success.
(e)    The 2nd house is about family, wealth and share markets and so on. It is also about say gemstones, jewelry and stuff --- And hence anything do with the business is a destiny.
(f)     L10 Mangal 2nd shows land, engineering, siblings help or vehicles etc related aspects for business. Shani shows auditing, reviews, policing or micro-financing, raising money from smaller folks and even an IPO sorts of Guru drushti and Shani well placed in own rashi or uchcha rashi. Mangal in Singh (2nd house) would show Govt connection. Mangal in Meen (2nd house) would show water, chemicals etc connection.
(g)    L10 Surya (Vrishchik lagna) would show good support from the father in business Govt police etc if well placed else tussle and fights if not well placed. Surya 2nd when L10 is a HUGE thing. But still Guru could change this outcome. Classes tuitions education or health/Gym etc a good possibility. Surya could show big bang and big loans and a big launch unlike Shani which is step by step progress.
(h)    Same with Moon (Tula lagna) in Vrishchik would show chemical chemistry and even mining. Mangal could change this outcome.
(i)     When L10 is Budh / Mercury in 2nd it shows trading, negotiations, expression, writing etc related gains.  (Share market trading included)

[3] L10 in the 3rd house
(a) Freelance spirit, does not like 9 to 5 job like approach
(b) Always work on what they LOVE and LIKE to work on – Can work 24 hrs if they get such things and they eventually grab hold of such things, would not work for an hour with interest if the work is boring or routine.
(c) Expressive, Work with panache and flair, Good at presentations
(d) Not exactly dutiful and might not follow a set process always
(e) They bring in the “Malai on Milk” but not necessary interested in milking the cows daily! :)
(f) These folks are perfect in pre-sales, marketing etc but are not prone to follow processes.
(g) When L10 is in the 3rd house in own rashi it could show own business and especially when it is 6 10 to Moon.
(h) When L10 Is Mangal it is about engineering and Uranus relation shows advanced sciences. In Earth signs, it could be heavy engineering (Mangal in Kanya, Makar and Vrishabh) and in Fire signs in advanced electronics etc. In Dhanu it could be even sports and education too but more so fitness and health stuff
(i) Many singers, cartoonists, painters, artists etc have this formation as 3rd is the house of expression whereas 5th would be for say music directors, L10 in the 3rd with Shukra is more of an artist / singer/painter etc stuff (Bhartratna Bhimsen Joshiji).
(j) They might not be the best “finsihers” as they can lose interest at the end and might not hang around for finishing formalities.
(k) L10 in 3rd when Shani in Makar it would be good for law and criminal stuff assuming Moon in Scorpio or Aquarius. Shani in KUMBH great for research and inquisitive advanced stuff like astronomy or so.

For example, in IT world – a Business Analyst or Tech Architect or Solution Architect roles would tend to have L10 in the 3rd house. Working on what they love to work on multiple projects and not necessary on the same project for a long time! Even graphic designers, UI Designers would fall under the same category. You would need Prject Managers & Delivery Managers to ensure they stay in the framework and delivery all their deliverables as per latest standards and formats and checklists! :) These L10 in 3 folks people run around to “make the difference” but would not hang around to “finish: stuff by following all process. In a way it is waste of their time maybe!

(1)    I have a friend who has Mangal the L10 in the 3rd house in Mesh rashi and 10th Kirk rashi Chandra runs own business,
(2)    Another friends L10 in 3rd with Mangal – worked for 18 hours on what she loved to work on, fighter and daredevil, non-nonsense as Makar Surya Mangal, found it VERY difficult to follow process.
(3)    We had an UI Guru/UI design Guru amazing impression on clients and client complete FIDA on his presentations and pilots and samples – had difficulty to END it and delivery it to client fully packaged stuff as he couldn’t care less for domain and business of client! :)

P.S. L10 from Chandra or Chandra Kundali is also imp. It would show desires and they do catch up sooner than later ("The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne) So L10 from Moon is imp and hence every Tula rashi person has this side to them which can ran business or stay always busy with work as Chandra Kundali for Tula will always have L10 in lagna! :)

[4] L10 in the 4th house:
L10 in the 4th house: (Lord of the 10th house in the 4th house)
(a) Work from home?
(b) Use of personal Property, vehicles and so on for Business?
(c) Working Helping in the father's business?
(d) Working with the mom (MIL) from home?
(e) If Shukra Chandra etc then something like clothing, food items, jewelry? If Mangal then engineering or real estate/property stuff? Shukra Chandra can show interior decoration design too.
(f) If Guru then tuition or training from home? or Even Guiding people with the expertise?
(g) Budh - -Providing consultancy to people from home?
(h) Shani 4th folks do not like to stay home! :) So let us not get them here -- they will be away from home most of the times.
(f) It could indirectly mean (if Surya is not well placed) that Mom will need to do duties of the father too???
(This could be extrapolated to L4 in the 10th house too.)

[5] When the L10 (Lord of the 10th house) is in the 5th house it shows
(a) The person is a very good teacher, can explain things very well, can learn & teach very well.
(b) Career & Business is directly related to the education they get or the skills they acquire.
(c) The more the education greater their sphere of influence and business sector.
(d) They are in interested in useful education and not just theory. They like "practical" more than say class-room education only!

Usually L10 in the 5th house brings in some deficiency in the 10th house (father, business) as the L10 is in the 8th house from the 10th house. If this is a friend planet rashi then it is not that big a problem but still it shows some minor deficiency,

The 5th house is inspirational & go-getter attitude and 10th is about accumulation and continuous hard-work. So the 5th house L10 brings in some major success followed by some celebration and pause and then resume with next milestone. It is imp to have milestones for 1 3 5 years ahead else they can just stop at times as it is not that everyday inspiration can take over the person. But when they start and get going -- they stop after achieving those goals and objectives.

This applies a lot of more to Surya and Chandra as they own only one rashi and hence another house ownership is not to be taken into account a lot. (means it applies lot more to Vrishchik and Tula lagna). It will also apply to Makar and Kirk lagna as L10 and L5 is the same and hence this analysis is lot more applicable to them.
Additional Teaching yoga are there of course
(1) The same things above should be checked from Chandra Kundali. D9 should show something with the 5th and 11th house connection.
(2) Owner of the 5th house or 11th house in the 5th house; Owner of the 5th in the 10th or Anyonya yoga. 5th in 10th is about doing business like tuitions etc. As 5th owner in the business or earth Trikon house.
(3) L5 in 2nd or L2 in the 5th when it is also L10 or L11.
(4) Guru & Budh planets of knowledge and intellect of different levels in 5 9 1st houses. Guru in Dhanu in 1 5 9 is perfect for teaching.
(5) B-Dates of 12 and 30 are natural teachers. 3 and 21 can do it well but don’t want to do it! :)

But yes, teaching profession is something to do with the 5th house for sure.

[6] When the L10 (Lord of the 10th house) is in the 6th house:
Good for income and money as 6th is Arth-Trikon/ Economic zone house along with 10th and the 2nd. Service sector house.
(a) This is an ideal candidate for medical sector, doctor, nurse, pharmacy (Guru, Mars, Surya)
(b) Great for anything to do with “providing service”. It could be consulting, banking, financial services. (Budh, Shani)
(c) Could show doing some work with the maternal family, mama mousi (Budh) or maternal cousins (Mars)
(d) At times when L6 in 6, it connects the father with the maternal family as they do something together.
(e) Govt related job services sector when Surya Nakshatra or Surya navamansh.
(f) When L1 also in the 6th then sure short service sector stuff.
(g) Self-medication is seen here regardless of their own education! :) They also suggest medicines to others as unsolicited advice! :)
(h) Health issues to the father could be seen and direction of the health issues depending on nakshatra and planets.
(i) Intense nakshatra and intense drushti on Shani Rahu Mangal could show health issues to self and the father which is regardless of being L10. Shows some losses in business too.
(j) Good use of employees or contractors, sub-contractors as per need for the business. If badly placed then servants or employees stealing stuff. If Guru then using experts for business and giving expert consultancy. When Shani then it is about hiring workers sorts and also providing services to masses & relatively poor or lower economical level people.
(k) In Mangal nakshatra good for a garage/vehicle repair etc services. Mangal in Air signs – Mobile services or mobile laptop etc repairing and services or selling stuff. Uranus in 6th would make it further advanced sciences.
(l) Shukra would show supporting artists, beauty stuff and products or running a beauty parlor etc.

Note: L10 in the 6th house is about providing service for someone else’s production (10th house) and L6 in the 10th house would be actually producing (production line) stuff which other would use of servicing folks. It Is not that hard and fast and Mercury shows consultancy so L6 in the 10th house Mercury would produce consulting papers and white papers which other would read and use to advise their clients and so on.

The owner of the 6th house will change the outcome dramatically (what) and the aspects on the 6th house would bring in detailing (how).

[7] Owner of the 10th house in the 7th house
We have seen what the 10th house means and look below what the 7th house means and stands for:
The 7th house: Partnership, Marriage, Collaborations, Freelance approach (as one of the “Kaam-Trikon“ house), Physical Relationships, Qualities of the partner(s), Like the 2nd house of wealth this is also called as the “Maarak-sthan” as you can never have enough of it. It is more of a philosophical word (“maarak”) and not to be used for fear mongering. The owners of the signs 180 degree apart are never enemies but also not exactly friends. Rather, they complement each other.

NOW – Try to combine the 10th house and 7th house and you have following possibilities:
(1)    Business in partnerships, Building partnerships and collaborations at work-place or for business.
(2)    Handling Mergers and Acquisitions and becoming such expert.
(3)    Doing some side business (when in Twin signs)
(4)    Doing some side business or multiple business with the spouse.
(5)    Helping spouse build a business for him/her. Active participation in that.
(6)    A working spouse is highly likely. Meeting partner/spouse at workplace.
(7)    In Guru drushti – mentoring or educating people or providing consultancy to businesses.
(8)    With Budh Guru or in drushti – multiple business partnerships and consultancy.
(9)    With SHANI or Shani drushti – partnerships after the age of 30 and that too very astute, black and white and specific purpose for specific demographics of customers ELSE problematic. NEED CLARITY in partnerships for all areas!
(10)  When in NavaPancham with SHANI then IPO etc for public participation and money is likely.
(11)  With Shukra – spouse involvement almost a certain and also something to do with art etc possible.
(12)  With RAHU partnerships with people or different caste culture religion possible. Again, specific clauses needed.
(13)  With KETU shows partnerships with people of highly evolved families and top 3 to 5% of that society! BUT Earth Sign Ketu can get partners easily else it shows inertness and aloofness to get into business partnership. Partners need to be of complimenting nature.
(14)  If not being careful some court-legal angles will always turn out. Especially with L7 in the 6th house! MEANS if you ignore lawyers and not involve them at partnerships level you WILL have to involve judges and lawyers later on! :)  Regardless of L7 in 6th or 12th – partnerships DO result in some legal aspects!
(15)  L7 in 6th or 12th house warrant closer watch and MORE clarity in the contracts.

[7] Owner of the 10th house in the 8th house
The 8th house: Mrutyu Sthan, Peeda Sthan, Adverse to self (1st house), inheritance house (wealth), internal reproductive organs, kidneys, urinary system, Easy money, patented/secret knowledge, alternate healing methods such as reiki, pranic healing, also homeopathy to some extent, Kaarmic healing, also mysticism and GUDH-VIDYA

Any planet in the 8th house has some side-effect attached to it. It could be the karakatva of that planet or it could show some acute issues to at least one of the house it owns. It is certainly not the best for health aspects. Of course, it is the house of disproportionate income when some natural benefic planets are well placed in this house in DevGani or Manushyagani nakshatra (or own rashi own nakshatra) in good drushti of other natural benefic planets. 8th house planets directly impact the 2nd house by association which primary wealth or investments house.

Now combine the 10th house stuff mentioned at the top with the 8th house stuff mentioned just above.

L10 in the 8th house is full of corollaries:
(1)  Great as 11th from its own house ensures income/easy money,
(2)  Inheritance of ability of the father but not direct use
(3)  When well-placed some patented formula or knowledge or secret information comes from the family (sake Coke family) or astrologers in the family with patented observations and may secrets passing easily to kids.
(4)  Great for any career with easy money (say Bachchan earning lot more than other equally good actors.)
(5)  When Well-placed: Information about not so exact sciences or empirical sciences coming from the family.
(6) Easy money and quick gains and lottery and inheritance great luck when well placed. HUGE amount of money not claimed in the past birth.
(7) If badly placed – tussle and fights for the inheritance, land, wealth, structure in the family. Kidney, reprod organs etc issues.
(8)    Spiritual hose trikon so good for mysticism and such hidden knowledge.
(9)    On and off success and sinusoidal wave of work patterns and career success.  HUGE income followed by complete lull and slow periods and so on
(10) Sudden burst of energy to grab success and income and retreating then to disappear for some time.  Inconsistent behavior possible.
(11)  Badly placed one shows UTTER caution running for quick easy money – even your money invested would run off or disappear!! As you got money in the past life by bad stuff and easily without efforts.
(12)  IMP to go slow and steady and step by step and SECURE the income in SAFE investments at least part of it. – THE NATURE & Surroundings will force you to go fast giving you orders and money before delivery so YOU NEED NOT invest for expansions! :)

[9] Owner of the 10th house in the 9th house
The 9th House: BHAGYA-STHAN, The DIPLOMAT! Legs, hips, Strategy, Broad thinking, higher education, diplomacy, Travel, Your Mentors & Teachers, Guidance to self and others, Achievements in a framework, Creation of framework for society, abroad connects, abroad travels, export/import of good or just simply thoughts, An auditor with a Sense of purpose, Deep thinking, Higher positions in career & life.

The 9th house being great for any planet, is no exception for the 10th house Lord L10 too. Yes, there is an aspect to consider that the lord is 12th (expense/wyay) house from its own house so it does bring in some unhappiness to the planet (not the person). Means, the planet is not able to EXPRESS as directly and boldly as it would in its own rashi or own nakshatra. As 9th is the house of luck and strategy and broad thinking L10 here gives higher posts, broad knowledge and approach and a broad mind. It does make one more dutiful and more of a employment mentality than outright business mentality. Maybe, they might inherit a business something and would run it religiously but starting something from scratch is not the destiny or rather that much efforts is not needed also as they are “lucky” in many ways.

(1)    Highly dutiful, broad minded and progressive. Higher posts is a destiny. Higher responsibilities come in every 5th years almost a rule.
(2)    Knowledge of big picture and higher sense of purpose.
(3)    Docile and diplomatic and tactful.
(4)    Unleashing the ability & energy in a constructive and undisruptive manner. Lot more focus and right direction.
(5)    Affects the 4th and the 2nd house adversely (sukh and family) as the focus is higher positions and posts and diplomacy and travel – mostly away from the house.
(6)    Settling away from native is highly likely. Abroad /exports connection too very much likely.
(7)    A big relocation every 12th year is quite possible for higher job prospects & higher responsibilities.
(8)    Surya in this house is very natural and makes one a diplomat. In KIRK it would have good emotional intelligence.
(9)    Shani in the 9th house might serve masses/customers abroad. In DHANU it is more of an education, guidance consultancy and in MAKAR it would be finance, banking or catering to wide customers at the bottom of the pyramid.
(10)  When SHUKRA in Mesh or Kanya – rashibal is not big but 9th house shows broad approach towards artistic matters. It aids the career but might not have huge impact in MESH but in Kanya it becomes Raajyogkarak for Makar lagna and hence shows definite abroad connection which is fruitful.
(11)  MANGAL in the 9th house for KUMBH lagna would be quite OK – it would be good property or rather vehicles etc abroad. For Kirk lagna, it is Raajyogkarak so it shows definite abroad connection with good progress and higher posts.
(12)  GURU in the 9th house for MEEN lagan would be terrific as Lagnesh L1 and L10 in the 9th house causing definite distant places connection, higher education and education and knowledge driving life. GREAT GURU SAHAWAAS and advice from time to time.
(13)  BUDH for DHANU lagna and for KANYA lagna – For DHANU it would assist – not bad not great but for Kanya lagna in 9th house would show good luck but structured and stubborn thinking not much fond of math.
(14)  When with SHANI or in SHANI drushti the Bhagyoday would happen after the age of 30/32 more so. Mangal drushti shows faster networking and connections and help from friends but also some hurry and losses of luggage or such stuff in travel!

[10] Owner of the 10th house in the 10th house
The 10th House: KARMA-STTHA, PITRU (father)-STHAN, Workplace, father, Knees, Production, Output, Govt Support, Workplace, Seniors/Bosses, spouse’s mother as 4th to 7th.

Needless to say, this is a strong grahayog. Before starting praise, we must keep in mind that it has its own issues when L10 it in Teevra Nakshatra or Degrees. As L10 in 10 has its own great aspects – it would be more detrimental if it is badly placed. There would be no escape for it if badly placed bringing in certainty to some of the worst times!

(1)    Great for own business, own unit, own consultancy or own sphere of influence.
(2)    Strong father & strong support from the father. Definite things could be inferred about the father with L10 and Surya and in this case your destiny or your share with the father can be commented very specifically.
(3)    Good support from Raj-Satta and Seniors and Govt assuming Surya is NOT badly placed in the chart. Influential or strong mother in law.
(4)    Strong father and blessings from the father. Continuation of father’s business is highly likely.
(5)    Forming own sphere of influence and creating own world especially is L10 Surya in n10th or L10 with Surya.
(6)    Own business highly likely – Mangal Surya Chandra would show something by birth in existence, whereas Shani would show by own efforts and later in life.
(7)    10th MANGAL – Either KIRK lagna means Raajyogkarak – VERY high posts, own business, engineering sector or sports sector or military/armed forces/police. Similar for Kumbh lagna Mangal in the 10th house – chemistry, chemicals. Either way doing something with siblings, cousins or friends highly likely.
(8)    10th SHUKRA for Makar lagna shows great visibility and creativity and ease of doing business. Fashion design or art or teaching these things if in Vishakha nakshatra. If in Vrishabh for Singh lagna – good well placed strong father and great luck with wealth mgmt. food, jewelry or clothing etc stuff – agriculture business or cows/milk etc too great.
(9)    If BUDH 10th for Kanya lagna: it is about consultancy, calculations, trading, negotiations and multiple business or rather side-business.
(10)  If GURU the it is about teaching, mentoring, gym or health.

[11] Owner of the 10th house in the 11th house
The 11th House: GAINS / Income, “Aay-sthan”, Legs, All sorts of “gains” monetary mostly, Past birth unpaid karma reflection, Past birth surplus karma (& to whom) reflection. Logically speaking daughter-in law as 7th house of the kids’ house (5th). Older siblings, Mostly older or higher placed friends.

(1)    Strong position for L10 which gives lot of money, gains and cash-flow from career/business.
(2)    Eventually self-business or activities in the side relentlessly – networking with powerful and older and higher placed people for gains (natural)
(3)    Production of things needed & wanted by customers.
(4)    Difficult to follow process as mostly freelancers or SMEs who “get in and get out” and make the difference,
(5)    They are the ones to bring in flair and not just 9 to 5 job. Process compliance would be a bit difficult. Someone else would need to work on finishing touches and taking it to completion.
(6)    Good support and gains due to father’s contacts and networking and his unpaid karma.
(7)    Good kids as L10 drushti on the 5th house.
(8)    Use of knowledge/Buddhi/education to earn money. Usually shows choosing father’s line of career or education that would take ahead what the father started.
(9)    When Surya in 11th in Kanya – all the more powerful.
(10)  When Chandra (Tula lagna) great income and cash flow.
(11)  When SHANI either for Vrishabh or Mesh lagna – great income and support from masses and income from masses. Good products services etc that large group of people need or want.
(12)  When GURU then great income (Meen lagna) and for Mithun lagna great income but also richer spouse.
(13)  When SHUKRA for Singh lagna – good friend circle, opposite sex friends more, good cash flow.  For MAKAR lagna, Shukra 11th good income and passionate about love interests, older good friends.

[12] Owner of the 10th house in the 12th house
The 12th house is a BIG mystery for all astrologers! It is if well placed shows IIM level of intellect and an MBA and ability of being an architect like say Ravi Shastri or Lalit Modi who devised IPL. Ravi Shastri has ensured cricketers like Sachin T weren’t taken for a ride and has ensured good advertising deals for them thru his company(?)”. Also, he was known for cold calculations and very good planning to chase or shape the innings – highly calculative and always planning and getting strategy correct. This all reflected in his 12th house Mangal in Mesh (Surya in Taurus 27th May Birth). At the same time a badly placed 12th house results in some jail time also or political exile! The 12th house also shows abroad and immigration and kaarmic links from the past birth which are 12 hours away from your native place. Even transit planets in the 12th house shows some expense or investments that are much needed. Sort of an obligation which has been avoided to pay back! 12th transit Shani to moon in Sadesati start and the 12th Guru to moon also created a void in life. So yes – these planets do have some obligations attached to them whether in the natal horoscope or transit chart! (KP method gives a good method to analyze multiple planets in any house). If any house is about ARCHITECTURE / Vision / Planning / /Blueprinting it is the 12th house. The 12th house is also about sleeping & dreams and obviously biggest visions are thru dreams! :) It is not a coincidence. The whole like and each & everything is mapped to the 12 houses – 360 degrees of the zodiac and all the planets! The 12th house is also called wrongly as ShayyaSukh (sex). It is partially true: The 7th house shows the quality and nature of the partner, the 8th house shows the physical ability to perform whereas, the 12th house shows the expense one would do for that! Of course, it is one of the 100 things that the 12th house shows for a chart and not the only things! ;)  Don’t go digging your charts! :) AstroMNC

I have a detailed article on the 12th house here: http://astromnc.blogspot.com/2010/06/12th-house.html

(1)    Great planning, vision and architecting ability. Good foresight & sense of purpose and knowledge of big picture.
(2)    Great for higher management and planning positions which need DETACHED and dispassionate assessment and decisions.
(3)    Not getting too involved with operational things to take huge and long-lasting decisions.
(4)    Difficult to get into daily grind and 9 to 5 job. High attention to details when planning and architecting but not in execution & implementation! :)
(5)    Exports and Abroad connection for your products and services or workplace is seen very strongly.
(6)    Abroad could mean places of 12 hr or more away as per quality of education.
(7)    The father and his younger siblings usually have some ties and business or work together.
(8)    The Father having abroad connection is quite likely.
(9)    Strong position as 3rd from own house and hence shows impact on surroundings.
(10)  When not well placed: Shows folks abroad taking for a ride or someone deceiving and running away abroad.
(11)  If not well placed then Shows litigations or penalties etc from legal or court stuff. Some mysterious or some obvious losses happen trusting wrong people.

(12)  If L10 in the 12th house – any injury to legs and more so ankle/feet or left eye – NEED to also check the workplace and career as something wrong could be happening there too.

[F] 10th Sign: MAKAR Rashi – Industrious,  HUNGER and Greed, Relentless, Step by step
HUNGER / Greed is #Makar (#Capricorn) Sthayibhaav, Leapfrogging competition (Toyota company) So even if they win a lottery today -- tomorrow they will go to work. Also, if someone does something inspirational and takes some rest after that -- Makar will improve it bit further and take it ahead -- so IPR is not something Makar is ever worried about! :)  Capricorn / Makar is a MOUNTAIN GOAT that climbs a mountain relentlessly without a break and regardless of sweat regardless of difficult it is!!

So they are not very popular for sure in friend circle as they always try to check what others are doing and improve upon it -- Sharing of information and knowledge is NEVER a Makar trait -- Rather they are conservative and keep working to outpace others slowly but surely, relentlessly. These are great attributes but the negative side could be when in a group and group activity -- could be perceived as too self-centered and worried about personal achievements. Sachin Makar rashi Mangal -- He took 140+ balls to score his 100th Century in ODI against Bangladesh we LOST! :( It was Sad..!! Gavaskar is Makar ascendant.... So Makar has personal ambitions and person growth dreams and MONEY minded and MTAERIAL approach -- Which is not bad at all but it is what it is -- and hence this rashi is neech for Guru which is supposed to educate people - share knowledge and guide people...! Sachin was not known as great captain as SHARING of knowledge or grooming others at the cost of his own performance was never natural to him...!

Makar is workaholic, tremendous efforts and step by step progress. They are always busy and always onto something. Their willpower is extra ordinary. Their tomorrow is always better than today! Their idea of success is money and material things & achievements. This is very industrious sign -- most big corporations and Govt and long-term business come under influence of this sign. Their start is usually in poverty or middle-class -- if in a rich family -- they would progress to finance ministry and so on. Economist and past PM Manmohan Singh has SHANI in Capricorn. Their WILLPOWER is Second to NONE -- Balasaheb, Netaji Subhashchnadra Bose are Makar SUN. Their life after 30 is of benefits and return on investments they have done until the age of 30. In other words, the life until 30 is predominantly of investment and efforts without too much of a gain.
A soul takes birth or is forced to take birth on Makar moon, Lagna or Sun (Jan 14/15 to Feb 14) to increase economic-state of their family, community, surroundings or even the nation etc depending on the consciousness the soul has reached. The MAKAR sign shows industrious nature, workaholic approach which relentlessly earns money & continuously rises up the ladder of material success.

Indira Gandhi, Rajanikant, Raj T, shah rukh moon sign examples and Balashaeb Shubhalshchandra Bose, Glenn McGrath sun sign Makar... You would find most prayatnawadi, highly khadus and sincere and no nonsense ambitious people under Makar -- JABAR MAHATVAKANSHA.... And jabaradst will power to succeed eventually with acute focus on the goals.... Most fast trackers in my company i see L10 or Sun or Mangal in Makar. Or let me put in this way -- I see some planet in Makar raashi for really influential people. Abraham Lincoln??? Mahendra SINGH Dhoni and Sunil Gavaskar have Makar ascendant. Many great sports people have Makar Mars!!! Obama and Manmohan SINGH Shani in Makar. Dhirubhai Ambani also...


  1. Thanks for Sharing sir!

    Wanted to share that I had sent an email to - milind.chitambar@gmail.com regarding a reading as suggested by you.

    Just thought of reminding you.


  2. L10 in 10th house? Such as, surya in sinha in 10th house?

  3. Milindji I am also repeatedly reminding you of my request. Please check your inbox message

  4. What if L10 venus is in the 1st house capricorn conjunct with surya. Also Jupiter in capricorn in ascendent with Saturn 3rd aspect from 11th house Scorpio and Mangal 4th aspect from 10th house libra ?
    Please guide.

  5. L10_cancer in 6 th house with rahu

  6. For Tula lagna, L4 and L5 is Shanidev, going to L10 and vakri...L10 Chandra in H9...please do share your thoughts. Loving your blog, follow everyday! Thank you.

  7. If L10 Guru is in 3rd house with Shani in Simha rashi and 5th from Moon, does it bring in structure? Some part of L10 in 3rd applies to me, I need to love the work, feel that my work has impact and get bored of same thing after 2-3 years.

  8. Please share the placement of lord 10 in other houses as well

  9. Sir, Please share the info abt other houses as well

  10. Sir,What about lord 10th in 10th house..

  11. sir, kindly write about remaining houses. L10 in houses 7th to 12th.

  12. You may missing to explain moon Loard 10 house in 9th how it for carriers and along with rahu what will be happening

  13. Hello Milind Sir,
    Sorry to bother you earlier I had requested to sent a mail regarding your your payment details ....I hadn't got yet.... kindly sent details on this mail ID rashmicalorx@gmail.com....as I want your consultation on some horoscopes.... it's needed. Thanks sir
