Thursday, August 24, 2017

Random Thoughts: Budh Mama, Rules that Always work; Importance of Navamash (D9), Guru-Wichaar

[l] Magha Nakshatra: Quick Thoughts
MAGHA nakshatra Shukra or Saptamesh and when both of them in Magha creates a attitude to stay alone and avoid marriage. If Saptamesh from Chandra (Chandra Kundali) also in Magha or in Shani drushti this increases quite a bit.
(Whether hormonal / body makeup - configuration drives this or this attitude drives body make up and hormonal stuff is like answering "What is first: Murgi or Andaa".... :)

Maybe that is why Magha nakshatra (Lagna-Surya-Chandra) is also that of "Royalty" as they are not supposed to mix with people a lot! :) Shows ego and high self-esteem.

[k] Speed and Distance of planets
Speed & distance of planets! What most folks are not able to take into account is speed of the planets when analyzing a chart. In earlier times Panchang used to give speed of the planets in each day and which could bring in some intelligence. However, MOST softwares do not highlight even the STAMBHI planets! They do wakri but stambhi is most times MUCH more worse than a wakri one.

The easiest way to check is to change the dates of the chart by a few days minus plus and check if a planet goes wakri or maargi. It gives an idea if it was stambhi around that birth-date.

Distance of planets from Earth will be a mystery unless some softwares start showing some darkness or COLORs etc to highlight closeness to the Earth relative to their average distance from the Earth.

[J] Cancer Related Question
Keep getting questions about Cancerous stuff and caner. Avoided to post so far to avoid any fear mongering as many of these yogas are common and cancer is not! :) So I can show you 100s of people without cancer with the following yogas but most of the cancer folks have following yogas. The disclaimer is VERY imp as else I should have had prostate kidney or mouth cancer 15 years back! :) :) :)

(1) Ketu with wakri planets more so with wakri Shani in 6 8 12.
(2) Ketu with wakri Shani and Mangal drushti
(3) Ketu with wakri Shani close and their owner wakri in Shani drushti.
(4) Shani Mangal opposite or together from RashiGandaant and first degree of Fire signs (last 3 degrees of Water Signs or first degree of fire signs).
(5) Shani Mangal opposite from 2 6 8 12 houses. Closer they are and either or both wakri -- more so. Their owners in Shani drushti or wakri -- add more probability.
(6) Mangal in first degree of fire signs or last degree of water signs -- Blood related stuff or kidney or prostate.
(7) Mangal ketu -- Mangal Wakri and Shani Drushti

Guru drushti on them or their owner will increase life and will happen later in life or even might reduce the probability itself.

[I]   Rahu Uchcha Rashi
Rahu Uchcha in Mithun rashi - Rahu creates images and hence Mithun which is expressive, bakbak, moving around and kam trikon sign is uchcha for Rahu -- Rahu in Gemini shows well to do paternal family - grandfather or grandmother. Rahu is called "Andh" (can't see) in Kanya as Kanya paralysis by analysis and hence doesn't allow too much wondering of Rahu image but gets Rahu's materialism channeled in a practical way,.. but South says Rahu Vrishabh uchcha -- I don't agree and have not found so! Why Moon exalted sign to be Rahu's exalted sign? Rather Rahu would be more powerful in Vrishchik rashi as it gives it mystical abilities. But Rahu in Vrishchik is not the best for hereditary issues with kidney or reprod organs.

[H] #KendraDhipati "dosh": #AstroMNC
IGNORE it please -- There are various loopholes for astrologers for not being responsible for any prediction they make and this Kendra-Dhipati dosh is one such thing!  :)  :) (1) Basically ANY house in KENDRA owned by a SHUBH (natural SHUBH) planet -- then it is called as Kendra-dhipati dosh. (2) ONLY Mithun Kanya and Dhanu Meen lagna have this one at a bigger scale as ALL owners of the Kendra rashi are SHUBHA planets BUDH and Guru -- what this means is that Kendra sthan is about SANGHARSH and success after HARD-WORK and struggle -- so when these planets are SHUBH -- logically they would not make the person do much sangharsh for the houses they are placed in and etc etc.... So logical thought! So it is said that a BAD planets like MARS or Saturn when it is owner of 1 4 7 10 house of a horoscope it gives very good result as the person is able to to sangharsh or take stress for getting results.
Simply IGNORE this concept altogether -- Rather work on (1) Planets in a house (2) Owner of taht house (3) Governor -- KARAK of the thing you want to analyse and forget about ATMAKARAK and what not... There is only one soul
Kaarak -- SUN!!  :)

There are 100,000 things in astrology -- I see NO USE of this planet with highest a degree at all -- multrikon, uchcha neech, navamansh, dashamansh, nakshatra, gandaant, astangat, wakri, Baal Tarun vridhdha, devgun nakshatra rakshas gun nakshatra, multiple divisional charts power, digbali, navapanhcam, labh yog, Kendra yog, pratiyog yuti yog, mitra shatru raashi, position from moon or moon chart, bhaavchalit, Natural benefit malefic, Lagna malefic benific, bhavarambh, bhavmadhya, sunafa, anafa, kemdrum, Yogini, Ashtottari, Vinshottari And on and on and on ----  all these are used to explain what already happened very well BUT never what is actually going to happen

[G] #Budh and #MamaMousi #6thhouse #8thhouse #AstroMNC
Sometimes I get dragged to some very different direction while analyzing a horoscope. Something activates and stretched the imagination beyond usual levels. One such horoscope analysis from the days of 1705 or 7509 etc I forgot) Astrology page --- >>>>>> I started writing and I told them that this horoscope shows that MAMA (or Mousi) for this horoscope would have had some very acute/bad incidence from Jan2001 to Dec2002: It would have involved drowning or close to drowning etc. It could have been of course his maternal grandfather house/farm etc. <<<<<<<------ span="" style="color: #1d2129;">
The opposite party was awestruck – they acknowledged but said – This boy is born in 2008 (or was it 2007) and why would I go back to the birth of this boy! I didn’t realize I was backtracking so much as somewhat absent minded or bhulakkad at times (Meen Budh) I went back in time for this analysis and came back with an acute event!! As I have Shani ACUTE drishti on Budh – I am a very bad(?) critique and drawn to such peculiar aspects of a horoscope! (Obviously this Shani drushti confirms that some of older bros of mom (& 2 mousi) were alpaayu i.e. my mama – I don’t have a saga-mama.)
But this analysis underscored – Mama and BUDH karakatva (Mercury) and 6th house and Mama/Mousi family and younger siblings of your mom and so on and also the 8th house significance.

This boy also had a tendency to go to bathrooms and play with buckets etc and I advised to keep him away and teach him to be careful etc.

[F] MAKAR Rashi – HUNGER and Greed, Relentless
HUNGER / Greed is #Makar (#Capricorn) Sthayibhaav, Leapfrogging competition (Toyota company) So even if they win a lottery today -- tomorrow they will go to work. Also, if someone does something inspirational and takes some rest after that -- Makar will improve it bit further and take it ahead -- so IPR is not something Makar is ever worried about! :)  Capricorn / Makar is a MOUNTAIN GOAT that climbs a mountain relentlessly without a break and regardless of sweat regardless of difficult it is!!

So they are not very popular for sure in friend circle as they always try to check what others are doing and improve upon it -- Sharing of information and knowledge is NEVER a Makar trait -- Rather they are conservative and keep working to outpace others slowly but surely, relentlessly. These are great attributes but the negative side could be when in a group and group activity -- could be perceived as too self-centered and worried about personal achievements. Sachin Makar rashi Mangal -- He took 140+ balls to score his 100th Century in ODI against Bangladesh we LOST! :( It was Sad..!! Gavaskar is Makar ascendant.... So Makar has personal ambitions and person growth dreams and MONEY minded and MTAERIAL approach -- Which is not bad at all but it is what it is -- and hence this rashi is neech for Guru which is supposed to educate people - share knowledge and guide people...! Sachin was not known as great captain as SHARING of knowledge or grooming others at the cost of his own performance was never natural to him...!

Makar is workaholic, tremendous efforts and step by step progress. They are always busy and always onto something. Their willpower is extra ordinary. Their tomorrow is always better than today! Their idea of success is money and material things & achievements. This is very industrious sign -- most big corporations and Govt and long-term business come under influence of this sign. Their start is usually in poverty or middle-class -- if in a rich family -- they would progress to finance ministry and so on. Economist and past PM Manmohan Singh has SHANI in Capricorn. Their WILLPOWER is Second to NONE -- Balasaheb, Netaji Subhashchnadra Bose are Makar SUN. Their life after 30 is of benefits and return on investments they have done until the age of 30. In other words, the life until 30 is predominantly of investment and efforts without too much of a gain.
A soul takes birth or is forced to take birth on Makar moon, Lagna or Sun (Jan 14/15 to Feb 14) to increase economic-state of their family, community, surroundings or even the nation etc depending on the consciousness the soul has reached. The MAKAR sign shows industrious nature, workaholic approach which relentlessly earns money & continuously rises up the ladder of material success.

Indira Gandhi, Rajanikant, Raj T, shah rukh moon sign examples and Balashaeb Shubhalshchandra Bose, Glenn McGrath sun sign Makar... You would find most prayatnawadi, highly khadus and sincere and no nonsense ambitious people under Makar -- JABAR MAHATVAKANSHA.... And jabaradst will power to succeed eventually with acute focus on the goals.... Most fast trackers in my company i see L10 or Sun or Mangal in Makar. Or let me put in this way -- I see some planet in Makar raashi for really influential people. Abraham Lincoln??? Mahendra SINGH Dhoni and Sunil Gavaskar have Makar ascendant. Many great sports people have Makar Mars!!! Obama and Manmohan SINGH Shani in Makar. Dhirubhai Ambani also...

(1) Planets in 2 6 10 11
(2) Exchange of planets in 2 6 10 within each other and with 11 -- Guru drushti on 2 6 10 and 11 of owners of these houses.
(3) Guru Shani in 2 6 10 11
(4) Mass Production b-Date like 28 adds to the wealth.
(5) Planets in Vrishabh Kanya Makar rashi and when they are in 2 6 10 houses (Earth signs in Economic zone)
(6) L2 and L8 exchanges show inheritance

[D] Rahu Ketu and TT and Carom and even to some extent Badminton
 My Patent on TT and Carom: Folks having Mars (Mangal) with Rahu or Ketu are the best players or have potential to be the best players of these games. Chandra Rahu and Chandra Ketu follow them the next!!

Rahu and Ketu equip Mars or Moon with "Deja-Vu" effect -- They have acute ability to spot "patterns" and act subconsciously or consciously to such patterns which are highly applicable to games like TT and Carom where "something similar" has always happened together and doesn't need as much as physical power/energy to execute as other sports..!

[C] Some rules in Astrology almost always work: Miscarriages and Weight Gains
Such observations and patterns enrich a person as they move ahead. For example, below 1 simple and 1 complex analysis.

(a)      TEMP Weight gains: When Gochar (transit) Guru goes over your Moon sign, you increase social and also physical presence! :) Water retention is optimal in the body and you tend to gain weight which is mostly heathy. This almost always works. Yes if at the same time transit Shani is on your Moon Sign or 7th or 4th from it then Shani drushti will have some restriction on this weight gain.
                     I.            Kanya /Virgo rashi could have gained weight Sept2016 to Sept2017; Libra / Tula might gain from Sept2017 to Sept2018
                    II.            Leo / Singh might have gained from July2015 to July2016 but Shani was having drushti on Moon so lesser.

(b)     Miscarriage to Mom after child’s birth in the next pregnancy:
                     I.            When a child has Kanya lagna or Kumbh lagna and the natal chart has Shani Mangal close in Yuti or close opposite or both have drushti on each other then, 90% of the times there is a miscarriage or a very tough pregnancy to their mom in the next pregnancy. More often than not – it is a miscarriage.
                    II.            If GURU drushti is CLOSE on Mangal then the next child might survive but could have lesser longevity and maybe some birth defect or blood/kidney etc related issues.
                  III.            These probabilities increase when Mangal or Shani are in 3rd house or Mangal Shani are in 6 8 12 houses.
                  IV.            I have observed these on so many case studies (hundreds) The most telling was A 76 born one where Shani 10th Drushti on Mangal EXACY Same degree and GURU EXACT Same degree with MANGAL (two friends) Both had a sibling who lived for some years and passed away due to some blood related stuff. One was younger bro and for another it was elder brother.
                   V.            Yes, there are periods when this could be avoided by studying this child chart which is the best time to have the next sibling. Basic chart analysis for 3rd house, L3 and Mangal and then Dasha Antardasha and transits.

(c)      The exact same above could apply to Makar and Mithun lagna for a miscarriage that might have happened before this child. Even the 3rd house Mangal or Shani in such conditions for any lagna and very close degree grahayog can show some issues.

[A] Importance of D9: An Example
Navamansh is ALWAYS important as you can see from charts of ANY great successful person. One case I remember when I used to post on (Marathi group) from 1999 I suppose to 2009 or so. There was a question about 17/18 year old twin brothers as to which career they should adopt as per chart analysis. The different in birth time was 12/13 minutes so Navamansh was changing which was a big deal for twins’ chart. One chart I saw Vrishchik Lagna in D9 and Mangal in the 6th house (elder) and the other one I saw Dhanu lagna with Mangal in the 5th house. I suggested traditional Indian thinking would suggest medicine for elder and engineering for the younger twin! :)  BUT I was later to reply – As I had not checked the board/blog etc for several day.

Interestingly, the reply I got was that – they had gone ahead with the admissions and had not got my analysis in time – but GUESS WHAT – They had selected the exact same as per my analysis! :)

[B] GURU-Wichaar
(Jupiter) the biggest planet which can keep 3000 Earths rotating around itself, although takes around 11.88 years to rotate around the Sun, takes only 10 hrs (or so) to rotate around itself!!! (The Earth takes 24 hrs -- You know that!) :) That is one MASSIVE speed for such a BIG planet!  No wonder why magnetism in Sanskrit is named as GURUTVA-KARSHAN! Also -- Sanskrit wachan (phrase) - "Guru-wina Gatee nahee")

"Guru-wina Gatee Naahi" -- No Speed without Guru --- i.e. Without a Guru (in a given subject) you are on a very slow path towards reaching your goal. However, one cannot "seek" Guru but "When the disciple is 'ready' -- the Master WILL appear" -- We can only keep PREPARING ourselves until THE Master appears some day!

Jupiter (Guru) has such a great magnetism, it PULLS the Sun towards it and hence Sun's journey in the infinite space is wavy and not straight ("Ever Expanding Universe") (Our whole Galaxy along with Sun is moving in one direction and the STARS i.e. the constellations - are also moving AWAY from the Earth -- "RED" effect as mentioned in Brief History of Time).  The mass-center of Guru and Sun is 47,000 miles away from the Sun (rest all have it very near or with in the Sun) :)

Guru drushti on any planet in the Chart and even the transits is MAGICAL. It means mahadasha or antardasha of that planet would not create issues beyond a certain extent regardless of how bad a planet is placed. It does NOT matter whether Guru is owner of 6 8 12 or 3 11 etc etc. GURU IS GURU!! :)

[Addition1] GURU drushti on its own Depositor
GURU in some sign and has drushti on its RashiSwami - it is like Guru is taking care of its own placement! :) Say Guru in Vrishabh and Drushti on Shukra either in Vrishabh or Kanya Makar or Vrishchik...! :) It is like buying some insurance! :) :) That means this person has shared knowledge in the past birth and also had paid good advice or Gurus well! :) of course various permutations and combinations possible but still the basic concept has inherent goodness (Catch-22).. Guru ensuring person is blessed by also having drushti on its own RashiSwami! :)

So, this person would get good advice in this life & proximity with experts and SMEs would be easy to come by! or the inherent ability to reduce chaos and see things clearly in this chaos also!

I have Guru in Kumbh and Shani in Mithun. So Guru drushti on Shani. Whenever I am reading something _ start nodding in agreement or tend to remark -- "yeh Galat hain" this is not logical..! :) It happened a lot when I started studying Astrology in the 90s..! :) I used to reject many statements from many books -- as they didn’t seem logical and seemed "EKANGI" (lopsided) or maybe Sanskrit Granth were taken out of context by these authors. Anyways - -sometimes a few things are struck in a different light and today while analysis I realized this aspect -- while writing "3 generations" of a planet (The 8th Shani article)

Additional Example: Kirk Guru and drushti on Makar Chandra (As Chandra owns the rashi Guru is in: Kirk) or even Vrishchik, Meen or Kirk Chandra... and so on. Sachin has Guru in MAKAR and Makar owner SHANI is In Vrishabh, hence, Guru’s 5th Drushti is on Shani.

[Addition-2] RAHU in KANYA RASHI 
Rahu in Kanya rashi is called own-house and is called uchcha or exalted in Gemini (Mithun). BUDH which is intellectual is able to cope with images or deception (un-real, image) that Rahu tries to induce. Rahu is unfulfilled desires, insatiable desire, hidden aggression and agitation in human mind. It represents the memories carried across births and especially birth in the family or a DNA where those desire or memories of the soul match! I.e. A soul is forced or allowed to take birth in the family or a DNA where his/her desire, past karma matches with the family!

Kanya which is paralysis by analysis -- Shows tendency to over-analyze things and use logic and practical approach which is down to earth -- has least impact of Rahu! Rather Rahu's desires and aggression agitation gets good direction and channel due to Budh's dispassionate mathematical & emotionless approach.

Obviously, Rahu stay in Kanya although not the best for Tula and Kumbh --- it is still not as bad as Rahu in Kanya itself is a good situation for society! Now let us not take it too easy as Rahu and Mangal are very close now a days which shows aggression, rage gone out of control, street fights, sudden attacks of hysteria taking actions too.

Stay away from people who are known to be hysterical for a few days. Or avoid conflicts or arguments with unreasonable people as they could just end up in some unnecessary use of force! So, this Rahu change is VERY good for Vrishchik Rashi and Vrishabh rashi (Ketu 11th!) and also KIRK Rashi -- MUCH needed solace for these signs as Vrishchik had 12th Shani and 8th Guru and Kirk 4th Shani and 12th Guru! :) Meen also gets one more negative factor out of the way! :) (From July2014 to July2015 to next 12 months is a good time for some great soul to take birth (saintly) with Moon in Meen sign and Ketu in Meen sign and Guru in Kirk sign!! :))


  1. I have been a vedic astrology enthusiast for long and find your articles to be very informative and accurate without usual fear mongering. This article is epic! I hope to get a consultation from you at the soonest ( Iam sure you are flooded with such requests!), please let me know how to contact you and estimated wait time for your esteemed analysis:)

  2. I was also wondering, in natal chart, would lagna lord Guru's 5th drushti on Shani (in 7th with Ketu) help Shani mahadasha go a bit better? They are together in Vrischik in Navamsh.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sir, is it good to have Venus(I think the Karka of D9) in the D9 ascendant(Sagi)? This Venus is in 6th Scorpio in D1(both from moon and ascendant) and receives aspect from three malefics - Rahu, Mars and Saturn. It is a yogkarka Graha for me but I think it has been spoiled. Please share you opinion.


  5. No wealth...But no surprise...
    2,6 and 11 houses empty!

  6. Milindji
    How can I have a consultation with you? Have sent you mails with my details
