Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SHANI (SATURN) in the 3rd House of Horoscope

Shani (SATURN) in the 3rd House of a Horoscope
“Mass mentality, Consumer mentality, Operational Model, Art of War!”
SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach

The 3rd House: “Parakram Sthan” “Sahaj Sthan”, “Bhratru-Sthan)” Siblings (mostly younger), Communication, Listening, Arms, Shoulders, Expression, Presentations, Picnics, Travels of 6 hours, Quick Short-Term Travels, Writing, Publishing, Impact on surroundings.

Shani being Shani the auditor and delivery of karma – regardless if which house it is – Drushti of Shani on any planet or any house shows lesser stuff with what that planets shows for your horoscope. Closer the degrees more the issues. Extra hard work is required to get thru the things those planets show. This can't be the topic of this article. Means, Shani drushti on L5 would show delayed kids or difficulty with kids regardless of whether 2nd or the 10th Shani! Shani drushti on Surya would show some tussle with the father/Govt no matter which house Surya owns or Shani owns.

The 3rd House (not so) Random Thoughts:
3rd house being a “Sahaj-Sthan” that belongs to Kaam-Trikon is good for any natural malefic (Paap Graha) such as Rahu, Shani (Saturn), Mars (Mangal) and even Surya (Sun). These planets get an extra edge in this house which allows them to unleash their powers and their intensity, “Parakram” and energy in a much better way. This is the house of impact on the surroundings. Prakash Padukone has 3rd house Mars in Gemini, Dennis Lille the fast bowler and Roger Federer also I suspect has mars in 3rd they have Mars in Gemini (the 3rd sign) and in the 3rd house makes it a lot more effective. Shivaji Maharaj had Uchcha Shani in the 3rd house! Balasaheb Thackeray had 3rd Shani to Moon sign of Kanya. One of my colleagues in Patni Computers had Mercury in the 3rd house in Gemini and D9 also had it. I was curious if some connection with publishing, press etc – and he was surprised as he had not told even some of his project mates! :) And I was also amazed (This was 2005 and I was having a “stall” in Club-Patni “Kalaakriti: Event as a domestic astrologer displaying my “Kalaa” i.e. Art!) :) :) Had surprised many folks by asking “if your moon sign Leo or Vrishabh or your patrika-name starting from W (Taurus moon) and so on! :)  Bharatratna Pandit Bhimsen Joshi had Surya L10 in the 3rd house with Shukra! You can connect expression and impact on surroundings to this chart! Ball to ball commentary would be done great by anyone having planets in the 3rd house or planets in the Gemini Sign (Gavaskar has Gemini Sun and Shastri has Gemini Ascendant). I have a friend who has Mangal Dashamesh in the 3rd house in Mesh and he is ultra-aggressive businessman who wants to grab everything in sight! Runs around impatiently and with anxiety effectively making progress no matter what! :) Many successful higher position military folks have 3rd house Mangal but in serious Makar rashi which has more practical and land grabbing approach due to practical Makar rashi Mangal. 3rd house Makar rashi Shukra Chandra make people serious expressions which tends more towards classical singing than say Mithun rashi planets or Tula rashi planets which would try experimentation and more vibrant expression not sticking to a form or rules. The 3rd house Surya is highly confident expression bordering on ego and arrogance too.

As you can see the planets in the 3rd house are highly playful. There is free-form and freelancing approach which is unrestricted. They are quite vibrant and make their presence felt almost all the times. Unless they are 5th or 9th etc to Moon, they are highly free-form and they start liking the journey much more than the destination. They have visible impact on the surroundings as they move stuff around quite a bit. The 3rd house is playful in a way they would find variations in a Raag like Bhimsen Saahab. Their free flow spirit does not like to fit in to a form easily. Bhimsen had Shukra Surya in Makar - -ultra conservative sign so this freelancing gets lot of control.

Connect that to Shani in the 3rd house:
Now you can marry Shani character mentioned above with the 3rd house Character and you have a person who wants and likes to express but is serious and is about facts & figures and dead-serious. Slow and steady carefully chosen words, sticking to the topic at hand. Statistics or experienced based sharing of advice or guidance or experienced based expression. It is lot less communicative in the early life as it wants to have enough data and stats. Speaking based on just some reading of books or older granth is OK when Shani is in Gemini but even then they would throw some examples to prove a point. This Shani likes hardened facts before they make presentations. NO SPIN ZONE!! :) This Shani shows ability to patronize masses or workers or large number of people from lower rung of the society. Union leaders or political mass leaders have strong Shani in 1 3 6 11 houses. They have a natural sense of mass-mentality and needs of groups of people or their common agenda. Things that impact large number of people. So, these folks are great to involve in any change management initiatives and also implement changes effectively. Their acute sense of what masses want and also to give some “actionable” items to masses or groups of people is legendary. You need these people to change vision and strategy into not only operational plan but execute it with the help of people and BUY IN and CONVINCE people on that plan and why it is imp TO THEM. Also give them day to day plan to execute this plan at the lowest level possible. SHANI is all about the bottom of the pyramid & these folks are able to really-around people at the lowest level for a common cause. “Sanghatak” or mass-contact is about 3 6 11 house Shani.

At an individual level you become an imp person for the organization or a political party or whoever you work for your knowledge of people. What people want, how people live, how people purchase, -- everything about customer base or your political base is very well known to you. This knowledge and ability to understand people and ability to being with people becomes very crucial for any org to get customers, keep them and also expand them. The flipside is that they know about large group of people and mass-market products more than say classes or niche products or so on. But they can still study the ways of these groups also meticulously and come up with a plan. Targeting demographics, maintaining and nurturing them is what 3rd Shani is all about. Despite being a freelancing house, Shani being Shani brings process and disciplined and repeatable things to this house. This can control or reduce the FREELANCE spirit and say BREAK-Through leadership or dramatic changes or disruptive stuff BUT 3rd Shani ensures that something does not fall or fell badly. There is no dramatic rise or dramatic fall for 3rd Shani – it is gradual and hence sustaining. What Shivaji Maharaj started from Pune & Maha went until current NaPaak Attock (Raghunath-Rao Peshwa – Raghoba-Dada) and Marathas ruled major part of India for 120+ years. Maharaj Coronation 1970s and AZeb fall in 1709 and Brits took over 1816. 1709 to 1816 it was about Marathas. Uchcha Shani in the 3rd house assisted by Kumbh (foresight) Surya and of course again, assisted by uchcha RAHU and Mithun Mangal in the house of gains…! The 3rd Shani ensured it stays around for a longer time much longer after Shivaji Maharaj passed away.

3rd Shani makes a person travel for business and expansion customer base. These travels are much needed and serious and sincere stuff than picnics or leisure. They would carry all their office work to picnics or find some relevance to these picnic spots to their job or business! :)

This being the house of siblings, some not to good events are seen with some siblings or cousins and even some difference of opinion and a very different life than the siblings too. Either the person has no younger siblings or some issues there. Mangal with or drushti on Shani could show miscarriage to the mom after or before your birth – especially when Mangal or Shani are L3. Shani drushti on L3 would add to the issues. Shani drushti on the 5th house means some delays in having kids and some tussle with kids at times too. Kids live a bit different type of life than you do but they are assisted by the huge mass-base of customer base you have created as this Shani is in the 11th house of kids house ie. Gains and income house from the kid’s house. So it means 3rd house Shani folks create wealth by their efforts for their kids to leverage and use. Bigger the person – the next generation and not just the kids & family uses this wealth or customer base for welfare of society! But still, it shows tussle with the kids at the ages of 30th and 35th and 43rd and 50th. Shani drushti on the 9th house shows meticulous scrutiny of antient wisdom –religion or customs and so on. They carefully change, adopt such texts and not blindly! There is respect for such things as religion etc but again the focus in operational model – what people should and should not do on a daily basis and relevance of these ancient wisdom in the current context!

Shani drushti on the 12th house of abroad, vision, immigration and so on shows such connect but again, converting vision (12th house) to operational model (3rd) with actionable items! This drushti shows abroad travel only when necessary but it DOES show highly necessary abroad travels against the wish as 3rd Shani wish is to rally around massed which are usually 6 hours in diameter from their own place where people know them or they connect with people at conscious or subconscious ways! Abroad travel becomes an issue as learning complete new mases and ways becomes a task! :) Not knowing ground level intelligence and what people think, eat, need and laugh at etc etc --- they find it VERY tough. But eventually if the stay is longer they tend to catch on local context very carefully.

Remedies if badly placed:
(1)    Help Siblings as much as possible.
(2)    Travels need care – protect arms and shoulder more so.
(3)    ‘Kids – need to imbibe values and not older ways & not make struggle just bcos you had to!

Neelam Gemstone is not easy to carry around as it is very difficult in the first few days as Shani expects hard-work and not haste. Neelam not advised wholesale for sure!!

Important Configurations:
[A] These things above would be much lesser in intensity if Shani degree is not close to Ascendant degree. Or Shani is aspected by Guru, Shani is NOT aspected by Mars or with Raahu or Ketu. Or say Shani is not wakri or worse stambhi which gets ignored. Shani has good speed & is not with Surya (Astangat). Shani is Raajyogkarak of friendly with Lagna-Rashi or Chandra-Rashi. The owner of Shani’s rashi “well-placed” and or in Guru drushti.

[B] The above things will be lot worse if Shani is with Mangal or has Mangal drushti. No Guru drushti, Wakri Shani is with Rahu or Ketu or Surya. If it has very less speed. Owner of Shani is wakri or is 6 8 12 from Shani or in Mangal or even Shani’s drushti! (Recursion!) :)  The worse or better the karma the more & more acute planetary formations in a natal chart.


  1. Got moon in tula rashi and shani 3rd house in dhanu rashi...

  2. Roger has his Mars in Gemini...confirmed his die hard fan and analysed his chart🤩

    Shani aspects my moon in 5th house (moon , significator of mom) mom had miscarriage when pregnant with 2nd child. No mangal drishti on Saturn. But Saturn is vakri.
