Sunday, September 24, 2017

WEEKLY Horoscope Sept2017: Sept 24 to Oct1

Nothing can negate or override your birth-time Horoscope but the following text can add or subtract from it to some extent and more so shows your own conscious or subconscious state and what YOU think how you are doing!

1.     All Timings are IST – Convert to whichever time zone you are in.
2.     Based ONLY on Moon Sign – Health could be more related to Ascendant. One can also check from Ascendant

Significant Planetary Changes:

Moon enters Vrishchik 21:50 PM Sept 24th
Moon enters Dhanu 09:58 AM Sept 27th
Moon enters Makar 22:27 PM Sept 29th
Moon enters Kumbh 8:51 AM Oct 2nd

Sun changes to VIRGO / KANYA on 16th September & stays there until Oct16th. This means Aquarius / KUMBH & Libra / TULA Moon Sign folks will need to watch carefully what their seniors want. Handle seniors with tact & diplomacy -- any confrontations and directives from seniors, Govt or police should be replied with tact -- "Thanks for the suggestions, really appreciate it and we will certainly treat it seriously" :) Fights with law, seniors or govt usually don't work. (Kayadya pudhe shahaanpan chalat nahi) :)

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about success thru collaborations, partnerships and great romantic stuff, good for kids too. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about tough time, fatigue, overworked, need sleep and kids would need attention. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th starts 6+ great days ahead for you. New things start, travel to meet influential people and overall natural support from surroundings. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd it is about stress but happening, support from father but inheritance issues, lot of productivity and getting things done/completed!

Major change with Guru changing in Sept 12th – 7th Guru. This is a very significant change for you. The 7th Guru now brings you in limelight. EXPANSION / Collaborations / Partnerships is the name of the game. Predominantly what happened from July2015 to July2016 in the 5th Guru period will now expand quite a bit. You will see major gains now which in 2017 would be more applicable to the Ashwini Nakshatra or people with any planet in Ashwini Nakshatra will see some positive stuff. 4th Rahu is OK and 10th is good. 10th Ketu in Shani rashi becomes much better after Shani change Oct 26th. Rahu being in Chandra Sign will have changing mood swings like Chandra movements! :) whereas Ketu in Makar would act per Shani which would be much better for Mesh from Oct 26th. Starting new work and new mass-base / consumer-base etc. Surya Mangal 5th along with most of the planets in the 5th house shows success in quick work and inspirational stuff. Great for artists to create new stuff. New work is likely to begin but it has life cycle of a month or two. However, good quick success for artists and sports people.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about social events, upset stomach and meeting maternal relatives, home décor and vehicles related maintenance/cleaning etc. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about collaborations, partnerships and meeting spending time with spouse and also possibly mom. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th it about fatigue, peeda, misaligned efforts and unnecessary running around – health imp and sleep very imp. From 22:27PM Sept 29th to 8:51AM Oct 2nd it is about start of good 6+ days ahead. Good time despite 6th Guru and 7th Shani.

Guru changes to the 6th house from Sept 12th for next 12+ months, Shani continues 7th till Oct 26th. Guru 6th means you have got to continue serving what you got in the 5th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017. 6th Guru mandates health check and long pending treatment. It shows good investment related advice coming your way. Also, it is good for collaborations with the maternal folks. Good support from the maternal side is seen. Rahu changing on Sept 9th to the 3rd and Ketu 9th is a very good news. It shows good presentations, expression, image, travel and gains. This is for the next 18 months. Most planets continue to be in the 4th house in September which is OK but it is slow, By mid and end of September these planets start going 2nd which means they bring in incremental success.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about kids, training, speculative gains, quick travels to meet siblings or picnics with siblings or cousins. Good achievements. Good advice and meeting with experts/Guru type people. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about social events, partying, meeting with maternal cousins and upset stomach. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th it is about collaborations, partnerships and success thru that. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd it is about fatigue, misaligned efforts, running around without much results but success over competition.

Guru changes to magical 5th positions which means DREAM COME TRUE sort of an experience in the next 12 months. Some deep desire which you had from May2012 to May2013 & have worked towards will be fulfilled. As “THE SECRET” books says you get what you dream for. This is the time for such dreams to come true. Shani continues to test spouse/partnership/marriage/partnerships till Oct 26th. Rahu and Ketu change is mixed – lower image but more substance but maternal elders might need attention due to 8th Ketu. Various planets in the 3rd house inclusion Mangal whole month and Surya till Sept16 means good for picnics, presentations, travel etc.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about rejuvenation, rest, peaceful time with family and domestic matters(sukh). From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about execution, movement, quick achievements, training, teaching and attending to kids. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th it is about social events, maternal relatives meeting, upset stomach etc. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd it is about achievements thru collaborations, partnerships, & quality time with spouse. Good for marriage for unmarried.

The 4th Guru from Sept12th slows down things for you a bit. It shows time to learn new things & tricks, increase knowledge and meet with experts etc. It shows good sukh of home vehicles estate etc. 6th Shani is from Oct 26th which is quite good for increasing social circle and influence but until then it is also about finishing things in hand and get to logical conclusions by Oct 26th. New mass base and new area of work starts from 6th Shani from Oct26th. Many planets in the 2nd house shows good income and pro stuff but nothing spectacular. Surya change to 3rd from Sept 26 should help for a month to do some quick work and grab attention.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about expression, writing, publication, travel, artistic stuff, feel good and good guidance. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th need to rest a bit, rejuvenate and regroup – attend to mom and domestic needs. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th is about quick achievements thru quick executions, good expression and inspirational moves for tactical success. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd it is about social events, maternal relatives and attention to mom and also self health.

Guru changing 3rd from Sept12th brings you the work you LOVE to do and not have to do. You can show your flair and individuality in the work and not just stick to the processes. Great for artists and sports folks and also for travels and visiting places to display your ability. Shani continues to test UTTARA more til Oct 26th and not Poorva or Magha. Rahu change affects Uttara right away as it shows issues with paternal elders and also some BAD mouth efforts by lower rung folks. Need to be careful with image. Ketu 6th is good for increasing circle and money matters. Several planets in your sign in September mid including Surya & Mangal is good for energy and optimism. Results will come late September and October.  Shukra 12th till mid Sept shows expense on vanity.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th is about incremental gains, good advice for investments and well directed speech and economic activity. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th  is about a travel, attention to vehicles/maintenance, siblings, cousins would need your help. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th  is about rest & rejuvenation and quality time with family and domestic stuff. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd  it about quick achievements, inspirational moves and tactical success.

Guru change starts gains and money for all you did in the 1st Guru in the past 12 months. Uttara gets benefits right away. 2nd Guru shows expansion or wealth and family. It shows start of NEW income in your life for all you did in the past 24 months. The 11th Rahu which right away starts helping Chitra nakshatra is great for Kanya as it shows income and support from people of diff caste culture language religion etc and also the paternal family. Surya till 16th Sept tests with police, seniors and authorities etc etc. Mangal 12th continues to test with vehicles and sports and accidents / injury etc. So, patience needed dealing with seniors, police, govt and also friends and siblings.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th is about energy & optimism, good knowledge gains and mentoring others too. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th is about incremental gains, advice from older folks about investments – experience coming handy. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th  it about good expression, writing, travel and presentation and publications. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd  is about rest & rejuvenation, attending family & domestic matter needs!

GURU in rashi MUCH better than 12th political exile. Your start to come back on track with the 1st Guru! New energy optimism and start execution of plans you did in the 12th Guru. New position and higher position possible based on knowledge skills & maturity gained in the past 12 months. Good image, visibility and presence in the next 12 months. Shani change from Oct 26th would start making you king-maker. RAHU 10th and Ketu 4th are lesser than 11 and 5 but still OK – Nothing bad from them – I mean you have to stop milking the cow after some time and let her rest! :) Surya from Sept 16th  to Oct16th Supports shows issues with Govt Seniors authorities and so on. Handle with tact & diplomacy. Mangal continues income and support from friends, cousins etc for the whole month. Budh 12th adds to expenses.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th is about expense but well directed and well guided expense or investment. Some loss was possible in the past 2 days! From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th you will come back on track with energy & optimism and execution. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th  you will have incremental gains and good investment results and good food and family time. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd  is about travels, presentations, meeting friends and siblings.

Guru 12th for next 12 months demands planning of the next 12 years of life. Do not jump into new actions right away. Plan properly – WHAT and HOW!! Invest time money and energy in to the planning and blue printing and then start execution. Shani continues in rashi which affects Jyeshtha with emotional stress. Rahu and Ketu change is VERY PRO! They help with starting of good things, good travels and so on. Various planets including Surya 10th and 11th from Sept16th and Mangal 10th continue to support. Budh 11th adds to final pay off that Guru is doing in September!

Until 21:50 Sept 24th is about a pay-off for the work done for the past 6 days! Good income and good offers and overall good guidance – well directed decisions. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th is about losses/expenses but also investments of time money and energy for the next month! Correcting omissions and errors of the past 6 or rather 25 days! Planning of the next 27 days ahead. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th you would come back on track and start execution of plans. Good energy & optimism. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd it is about incremental gains, gains or connect with abroad folks and also investments into abroad or distant folks.

GREAT change of Guru for next 12 months, pay off for all you did for the last 4 years. Right away in 2017 for Moola more so. Shani continues sadesati and for Uttarashadha it is about bad mouth and image issues & expense. Rahu change is not so good as paternal elders could show issues with health. 2nd Ketu is OK for gains but in 2018 more than 2017.  8th Rahu also shows need to help lower level people in society and not fighting or insulting poor folks even indirectly. Several faster planets in the 9th and 10th house shows good power, energy and quick success and achievements that are short term. Good environment overall except Shani which is adverse.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about productivity, doing lot of work, stress but happening feel! Chaotic also! From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about getting paid for all you did for the past 6 days or rather past 25 days! Natural support - -older people will give you support. Dhanishtha to Watch vehicles though! From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th shows adverse time, need to correct errors & omissions of the past 25 days! Invest time money and energy into self and also planning next 25 days ahead! From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd you start executing the plan and get into action with great energy & optimism.

Guru change adds work and stress. It shows in the 12 months ahead reporting to someone of equal or lesser ability. It is pressure cooler situation. Of course, Guru is supporting for 24 months ahead just that is is of stress for these 2 months ahead. 11th Shani helps with income till Oct 26th. Rahu Ketu change is better than having 8th Rahu. So Rahu Ketu at least do not add to any problems. Surya till Sept16th problems with seniors and Govt matters. Mangal 8th continues issues with vehicles, siblings, cousins, friends and injuries/accidents etc.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is about some bhagyakarak events with good luck and support from env. From 21:50 Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th it is about stress but happening pressure cooker feeling but fulfilling. Shows high productivity and getting things done! From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th it is about great income and gains for all the work done for the past 6 or 25 days! Good 2 days! -From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd  it is about checking errors & omissions of the past 6 and 25 days. Even though adverse 2 days – need to plan for the next 25 days ahead and not to jump into execution without proper planning.

MAJOR Guru change starts 3 great years ahead. 9th Guru starts NEW things and higher strategic positions, promotions and increased work.  10th Shani continues stress and growth for PoorvaBhadrapada. Rahu change to 6th is great as it shows success over competition. 12th Ketu shows maternal elder and maternal family obligations. Several planets 7th show good collaborations and partnerships and team play. Surya from Sept16th to Oct 16th will show some issues with seniors/authorities – need to handle with tact & diplomacy.

Until 21:50 Sept 24th it is TOUGH period with fatigue and unnecessary running around! Peeda & misaligned efforts. However great for advice from alternate medicines such as Ayurveda and homeopathy yoga etc etc. From 21:50PM Sept 24th to 09:58AM Sept 27th you start 6+ good days ahead. Good support from the environment and good luck. From 09:58AM Sept 27th to 22:27 PM Sept 29th it is about stress but happening feel with high productivity and efforts. Some wrong direction efforts possible. Support from dad for inheritance matters. From 22:27 PM Sept 29th to 8:51 AM Oct 2nd  it is about great gains for all the work done in the past 6 days and also support from older and experienced people – seek their advice as it would make matters easier for you!

Guru moving 8th shows misaligned hard work in the next 12 months. Great work and appreciated by people but the work itself is not supposed to be great. But your work is praised. Health need attention. Enough SLEEP is the KEY!  Shani 9th continues to increase mass base for Revati and increase of position money for Meen. Rahu Ketu change is good for most aspects except that past 18 months Rahu helps success over enemies which is not available now. Surya helps success over competition till Sept 16th. From then it shows colorations with seniors. Mangal 6th continues success over competition and income.

START Update [1]
Sun changes to VIRGO / KANYA on 16th September & stays there until Oct16th. This means Aquarius / KUMBH & Libra / TULA Moon Sign folks will need to watch carefully what their seniors want. Handle seniors with tact & diplomacy -- any confrontations and directives from seniors, Govt or police should be replied with tact -- "Thanks for the suggestions, really appreciate it and we will certainly treat it seriously" :) Fights with law, seniors or govt usually don't work. (Kayadya pudhe shahaanpan chalat nahi) :)

The confrontation would be exactly for 3 to 5 days when Sun is in degree of VIRGO sign which is closer to your Moon degree in Kumbh or Tula rashi. i.e. from 16th to 20th -- Folks of Kumbh and Tula rashi in first 4 degrees would have problems -- For people with moon in 26 to 30 degrees -- Oct 11 to Oct 16 would be problematic!! Those 3 to 5 days especially need to be very careful.

MESH rashi will get competitive advantage. VRISHCHIK will get support & gains from their seniors or Govt. For KANYA the situation with seniors becomes neutral. For MAKAR, the situation with seniors stays great for the next 3 months.
For CANCER / KIRK it could mean short travels for work, presentations, expressions etc, for LEO /SINVHA it means family and investments; For VRISHABH (Taurus) it means tactical moves for quick success, some art some inspirational moves to get success.

END Update [1]


  1. This is the format we expect thank you

  2. Hello Milind,

    I give a lot of weightage to Dasa but your Gochar predictions are uncannily accurate.. plan to reply to my queries sent through whatsapp/gmail/chat after Oct 26th..smiley!

    Nagarajan Jayachandran
