Thursday, October 12, 2017

Born on 8 17 26 - The dates of Shani / Saturn (Also Total addition of Birth-Date)

These dates are ruled by Saturn and people born under these dates are observed to be under the influence of Saturn / Shani. The character that Shani has is personified in these folks which could be quickly summarized below. This article also applies to a large extent to the total addition of Birthdate (DD-MM-YYYY) 8 17 26 too.

SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach

A soul takes or is forced to take birth on these dates as there is some kaarmic obligation which the soul wants to pay back in this life which was ignored in the past birth(s). It is a conscious or subconscious awareness & acknowledgement of the soul of pending karma. This need not all be bad etc or some wrong doings but it could be highly evolved state of the soul which makes them chose these dates to serve people. Shani being kaarak of poors, older people or masses, workers etc, these folks work on products services that affect the masses or large group of people. A quick disclaimer:  It is not that they wake up every day to some misery or problems and some debt to be paid each & every day!! :) It is like a “background process” of an Operating system which keeps working on the side or in the background – sometimes in foreground too. The fact that our current PM is 17th born and the previous one is 26th born can be seen in this date. Their nature is detailed oriented, their decisions have and are affecting masses and their actions are all related to masses and poors. They are micromanagers. Current is Sneaky Vrishchik Scorpio rashi and the earlier one is sensitive caring emotional Cancer Kirk rashi!

Of course, these people are khadus, conservative, auditing, review, testing, policing and watch-dogs! They are step by step folks and not a big bang sorts. Great for law and lawyerly stuff. Their goals & objectives are long term. Too much Shani impact could show pessimism, cynicism and lack of action which is NOT advised. Hard-work is the major character of these people and without that they are nothing.

This date usually shows some deficit from the past life which needs fulfilling until the age of 30/31. The complete cycle of Shani thru all houses of the chart! When Shani is done going over Shani, most of the overt obligations and deficits of karma are either paid back or invested into. They could be knowledge deficit, karma deficit, bhakti deficit, ignored relative, affected masses or poors and so on. Their better part of life starts from the age of 30/32. It is obvious that if their deficit is too big then they get major part of 19 years of Shani Mahadasha before the age of 30 which increases the intensity of paying back or investing in to self. Shani mahadasha after the age of 30 would be much better and rather step by step progress and growth. As a person is quite Paraawalambi (dependent) in early life – SHANI Maha is a unexplained issues and “Why me” sort of an experience. (Assuming Shani is not very good or fantastic position in the chart!)

(1)     Shani’s house shows the major area where the obligation is: 1st health/marriage, 2nd family wealth, 3rd siblings/debates/wars, 4th mom and estate/native, 5th kids / education, 6th politics, economics, workers, employees, 7th marriage partnerships wars, 8th inheritance and health, 9th broad knowledge higher positions, 10th father business career, 11th elder siblings, 12th health, expense, planning vision, eyes, ankle/feet and so on.
(2)     Shani rashi has its own impact – Mesh rashi – Head just like the first house and Vrishabh or Gemini arms/debates etc etc. The part of the body shown by the Rashi which Shani is in shows some issues.
(3)     Shani Nakshatra or Navamansh and also specific degree needs to be considers.
(4)     The houses that Shani owns.
(5)     The planets that Shani aspects - -Drushti of Shani on Dashamesh – father & career, on Surya father/Govt, in Guru – Mentors and Kids and education / knowledge and Shukra or Saptamesh – marriage. Moon mother and so on.
(6)     The houses owned by the planets that Shani aspects in close degrees.
When 2 or more conditions of the above apply which shows multiple issues with the same thing – then it is more pronounced. Say Shani drushti on both Guru and 5th owner – Kids and education. Shani drushti on 5th house and 5th Owner - -same. And so on.

Whats the use of knowing this: You can analyze your and your family member charts to analyze where this obligations points. Where multiple things of a chart points to the same thing – say Marriage or mom or father or kids and so on then you need to START EARY with pay back. GOOD DEEDS to that person or that area of life would prepare you to face SHANI AD or SHANI transits much better – like having a force of good-will to fight the intruders of Karma police! :) Earlier you start with your kids or your family members, better chances of a paying it off and having better life – just in time for marriage or kids etc.

Not all is possible to avoid by good deeds. Simple example is Milk that is changed to curd cannot be changed back to milk. BUT the curd could be returned back to the person milk was stolen from. Or some help monetary equal & opposite could be paid back. The least we can do is be sorry (by heart) for the bad things done and the affected souls could be gracious enough to forgive and if not forgive completely – wait for any good action from you! Not everybody you affected in the past births might be already reborn! Maybe they might have kids, grand kids around.

The bdate of 8 17 26 and or total addition of the complete bdate are SINGLEMOST good indicators that the soul wants to pay back in this life in some form and that life until 30 should be just Karma Karma and more Karma. Nobody knew Modi or Manmohan until they were 30. 30 to 60 lot more people knew about them and 60 onwards they become what they are today. So these are broad stages of life where the life changes to higher gears! Until 30 SHANI AD and Shani transits are not fun – especially thru the houses and over the planets that are aspected by Shani in the birth chart!

There are NO magical remedies in this world for anything! All the remedies only clear your mind, cleans your aura and help you pay back things in some or other way and predominantly thru good-deeds. Doing Pooja and forgetting pending Karma is only forgetting it until the next Shani transit or the AD --! It will come back to haunt you with addition compound interest! Only YOU can undo what you have done! Still hard work is the #1 remedy, Saturday fast and feeding poors --Rice and toor-daal is a great remedy. Respecting older people (Modi are you listening?) and taking their advice is necessary, respecting poors and workers is necessary. All these things add up.

As you can see date of 8 17 26 in Mesh Surya 8 – 17th April, 26th April and 8th May would have some opposing personality. Surya Mesh aggression and positivity with audit conservative and police / disciplined nature of these dates!

Similarly, 17th July 8th 26th July and 8th August would have emotional sensitive caring Sun in Cancer but khadoos dates adding review, policing and auditing ability.

The most difficult to deal with would be 17th August (Maha Guru Sachin P). 26th August (God help who have MIL of this date!) and 8th September. These are extrovert Leo but with Saturn’s observations and kahdoos nature! Most difficult to deal with.

17th Feb, 26th Feb and 8th March – KUMBH Aquarius Sun and Shani dates again is modern and conservative marriage! Unorthodox forward-looking Aquarius Sun and conservative, attention to details and process oriented Saturn dates!

As you can see that Karma is complete and there are billions of combinations – lot more than the people on the mother Earth! :)


  1. hey I'm the owner of bdate 26 August (26/8/1997)😀

  2. Too gud as usual Milind ... Every time I read your article I have queries...I am 6 no. 15 Sept and life path no. 8

  3. Thanks for detailed Explanation ....

  4. Very good article Milind. Am 26 May, dd+mm+yy=4.

  5. Hi Milind ji, great followers of your and taking maximum time to read your article

    I am 08-sept-1986 born and below statement is little difficult to understand if you could elaborate

    8th September. These are extrovert Leo but with Saturn’s observations and kahdoos nature! Most difficult to deal with.

  6. Hi Milind ji, great followers of your and taking maximum time to read your article

    I am 08-sept-1986 born and below statement is little difficult to understand if you could elaborate

    8th September. These are extrovert Leo but with Saturn’s observations and kahdoos nature! Most difficult to deal with.

  7. Sir my date of birth is 08-07-1982
    0+8+0+7+1+9+8+2=35=3+5=8 is anything special ....

  8. What does house number 8 means? Any specific consideration before buying #8 house?
    Thanks for your help!

  9. Nice article. Wanted your opinion on the following topic. I have been feeling, Saturn transit, somehow, is more impactful when I am checking it from my Ascendant (rather than from moon)! For example, I am a Leo Moon Sign and Virgo Ascendant person. Presently, Saturn is in the 5th house (from Moon). Instead of being happy about 'kantaka Shani' got over, I am more worried about 'kantaka Shani' being started, because, the symptoms are presening themselves up for me to believe so. All vedic Jyotish articles indicate that I must only follow Moon-sign for Gochara. This is not the first time, I always felt this (i.e. symptoms are more accurate when I checked from Ascendant sign).

    Are there any indications of such 'confusions' and / or exceptions in the sacred ancient texts?

  10. My birthdate is 8th may..Sir,will you plz tell some details about my birth about career,marriage and the same time i m a leo girl..!Plz sir tell me some more information as i m dealing with many problems for now..!

  11. Hello Milind Sir,
    Nice artilce. My birthdate is September 17,1976 (Moon rashi -Mithun) could you please more details with 17 & mithun.

  12. My birth date is 26 July 1974. Please suggest some remedies Milindji as my facing too much problems. Sometimes it feels to end my life. Tired with myself 😪

  13. Date of birth 17 January with 80% of disability any suggestions and guidance
