Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October: Birth-Date Personality

Oct 1st
This is very harmonious combination of Sun ruled date of (1) and Mercury ruled Sun Sign of Virgo. The date of 1 is about creating a sphere of influence through initiative, inspirational moves and pioneering or entrepreneurial ability. They create a platform where next generations can thrive upon. They usually start something nobody in the family did earlier. There is originality & brilliance in this date which also comes with an air of un-approachability, stiff nature or downright aloofness. The date of 1 is not a compound number like 19, 28 or 10 and hence shows an un-adulterated or pure Sun dominated approach or childlike purity. Virgo Sun on the other hand shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition takes back seat. However Sun influence (1) reduces this side effect. As Virgo likes to worry, they also like to serve! This is a great date for any sort of a service sector; with Sun influence it shows administrative ability which is good for any Govt undertaking or forming own institution. Despite overt & extrovert date of 1, Virgo Sun shows some shyness to their personality unless Sun influence is further supplemented by some fire sign planets in the natal (birth-time) horoscope. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 2nd
This date shows mostly a harmonious & at times indifferent combination of Moon ruled date of 2 and Mercury ruled Sun Sign of Virgo. Mercury is basic intelligence & Moon is emotions. Mercury is about trading, calculations, political, articulation whereas Moon is about populism & connects with people with emotional intelligence. Moon shows dreamy nature & innovation and understanding of others’ emotions. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Moon influence (2) instills emotions, mood swings & some temperament or anxiety to this otherwise calculative, thinker approach of Virgo Sun. They also have a desire for popularity and are quite image conscious. The date of 2 indicates childish side to their personality; they can behave like a kid from time to time. The date also shows very good ability to connect with kids. As it is a pure number unlike compound dates of Moon such as 20, 29, 11, it shows a childlike purity in their approach. Virgo Sun likes to serve and hence this date is very good for any service sector; Moon influence could bring in some water related angle & certainly some people contact or people leadership. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 3rd
This date is gentlemanly combination of Mercury ruled Virgo Sun sign and Jupiter ruled date of 3. This is very natural date for educational or academic fields as both Mercury and Jupiter indicate increasing level of intelligence, Mercury being basic intelligence (information, analysis, languages and Jupiter being big picture & sense of purpose behind “knowledge”. However, these folks want to achieve and use knowledge for their ambition & personal goals and hence PhD level of education might not be ventured as it is for say Oct 12th born folks. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition takes back seat. However, Jupiter influence could reduce frequency of such over-analysis situations for sure. Virgo Sun likes to serve and hence this date is very good for any service sector; Jupiter influence could show academic/education field or ever some management consultancy that publishes white papers, research papers etc & consults/helps with business transformations. The birth-date of 3 also shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. This date is a pure date unlike 12, 21 & 30 and hence shows a direct uncluttered approach. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 4th
This birth-date shows an interesting combination of Uranus ruled date of 4 and Mercury ruled Virgo Sun Sign. Mercury shows basic intelligence whereas Uranus shows highest level of intelligence bordering on absent minded & at times downright whimsical for common people. Of course, Virgo’s analytical approach does restrict whims of Uranus quite a bit. 4 born folks want to bring in change but Virgo provides it structure, flexible approach and enough expression to convince stakeholders for the change. There is some karmic debt associated with this date towards family or even society that the soul wants to pay off. There is also a desire of the soul to bring in some change in the course of the family or society. The date of 4 is a pure 4 unlike the dates of 13, 22 & 31. This means they have a childlike & direct approach which is uncluttered. Their personality is less complex as compared to other 4 dates mentioned above. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. However, Uranus influence would reduce frequency & intensity of such situation quite a bit if not negating it completely. Analytical approach with ability to also have lateral / out of the box thoughts is a very potent combination if used in a harmony.
Oct 5th
This is a very harmonious date as both the date (5) & Virgo Sun are ruled by Mercury. Mercury influence distinctly shows ability to express & articulate. They can easily come up with some great phrases, jingles or even quick caricatures or cartoons. Expression is their need and primary purpose of the soul. Virgo Sun is great as mediating and negotiating and Mercury only adds to this ability due to their acute political sense. They have a very good commerce and trading sense too. The date of 5 is a pure date unlike compound 5 dates such as 14 & 23. It means their personality is less complex & more direct. The date of 5 shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However their presence of mind & influence of date of 5 keep this analysis to practical levels most of the times. These folks find it very easy to connect with much younger folks due to double Gemini impact.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 6th
Venus (6) and Mercury (Virgo Sun Sign) makes this a great birth-date for artistic pursuits. There is great sense of beauty & vanity. Mercury influence tends to articulate things but Venus is able to feel & “sense” the art form or beauty around. Movies, Media, entertainment are great avenues to exploit this ability. As this is a pure number unlike 24 & 15, their personality (& even past karma) is less complex & direct. There is a childlike purity in their approach due to the simple number of 6. The date of 6 shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. The soul desires tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxury. The soul wants to balance things around and establish harmony in their surroundings. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However Venus influence brings some practical & lazy mannered approach & hence limits these side-effects quite a bit. Virgo likes to serve, with Venus influence any service sector with direct connection with media, art would be a great fit.

Oct 7th
This is somewhat contradictory (un-harmful) combination of Mercury ruled Virgo Sun and Neptune ruled date of 7. Mercury is about articulation, expression and analysis whereas Neptune is about sensing, perception and 6th sense, something that can be sensed but not expressed exactly. It is natural that Virgo Sun’s analysis by paralysis nature would oppose Neptune’s sensing approach. However, when used with right balance it could be potent combination where Virgo Sun goes for analysis / logic but Neptune also “adds” imagination. If Jupiter is strong or well placed in the horoscope this Mercury and Neptune combination would be very well directed and used in useful manner with the right mix or analysis and perception. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However Neptune influence brings some calm, detached emotional approach & hence limits these side-effects. Although mostly lucky & quite spiritual, this date does have some lesson to be learnt in this life but in an un-harmful way.
Birth-Date Personality: Oct 8th
This is mostly harmonious combination of Saturn ruled date of 8) and Mercury ruled Virgo Sun. Saturn brings more structure, hard-work, number crunching and conservative approach to Virgo Sun’s analytical abilities. Virgo Sun’s meticulous approach & especially cleanliness gets newer highs with Saturn influence. They start their bath by first washing the bath-room! J Too much Saturn influence can make them highly critical and at times negative or pessimist. However, a good bit of both would make them the best critiques out there. They are step by step approach folks and do not like big bang or big changes. Virgo’s expression desire gets reduced somewhat by Saturn. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. The date of 8 does show desire of soul to pay off some karmic debt. It is required to show patience & adjustments in adversity that does not compromise family values or integrity. The date of 8 is a pure number unlike 17 & 26, the other 8 dates ruled by Saturn. It means there is simplicity in their personality & approach unlike complex compound numbers which also show additional aspects to their personality. They are quite conservative and could be called as “Khadus” by others. Compliance, policing, auditing jobs are natural to them. Life after the age of 29 is increasingly better with each passing day!

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 9th AstroMNC
This is combination of opposites with Mars ruled date of 9 coupled with Mercury ruled Virgo Sun Sign. Mars shows aggression, offensive, initiative & overall action, whereas Mercury shows basic intelligence, expression, articulation and political angle. It is like combination of Chandragupta & Chanakya in the same date! J It can make them Combination of Mars and Mercury can show good mathematical ability especially engineering math. Friends, siblings have a special place in their life as there are deep karmic bonds there. They tend to get dedicated, committed friends in various team activities. Any sport is very natural subject to them, only their ego can stop them from achieving great heights in sports. Gym or sports activities make them a better person. There is some land related angle in the family too. The date of 9 is a simple number unlike compound ones like 18 & 27. It means there is simplicity & directness to their uncluttered approach. Past karma & hence personality in this life doesn’t need to be complex. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However, Mars influence does reduce this over-analysis phase quite a bit.
Birth-Date Personality: Oct 10th
This is very harmonious combination of Sun ruled date of (10:1) and Mercury ruled Sun Sign of Virgo. The date of 10 is about creating a sphere of influence through initiative, inspirational moves and pioneering or entrepreneurial ability. They create a platform where next generations can thrive upon. They usually start something nobody in the family did earlier. There is originality & brilliance in this date which also comes with an air of un-approachability, stiff nature or downright aloofness. The date of 10 has some philosophical approach or rather baggage which comes from wisdom of previous births. This maturity or philosophical approach makes them less competitive as they grow up. However, Sun’s macro-level ability or brilliance can never die! Virgo Sun on the other hand shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition takes back seat. However, Sun influence (10) reduces this side effect. As Virgo likes to worry, they also like to serve! This is a great date for any sort of a service sector; with Sun influence it shows administrative ability in a Govt undertaking or forming an institution. Also, as Sun is in constellation of “Chitra” owned by Mars, it could show engineering sector. Virgo Sun shows some shyness to their personality unless Sun influence (10) is further supplemented by some fire sign planets in the birth-time horoscope.

This date shows mostly a harmonious & at times indifferent combination of Moon ruled date of 2 and Mercury ruled Sun Sign of Virgo. Mercury is basic intelligence & Moon is emotions. Mercury is about trading, calculations, political, articulation whereas Moon is about populism & connects with people with emotional intelligence. Moon shows dreamy nature & innovation and understanding of others’ emotions. The date of 11 shows emotional intelligence, people leadership and very sensitive or perceptive mind. 11 is a Master Number which means they are guided by their “higher self” or power of their subconscious mind. Like 7, 16 or 25 born folks these people have heightened 6th sense. Rather, it tends more towards some psychic abilities. They are pretty subdued in their childhood and change to an independent personality as they grow up. 11 is mandated to balance two very different things (two cultures, languages, religions or castes or even countries) in such a way that they find commonality to co-exist but keep their independent identity intact. Aligning to one side has very extreme or intense effects personally. This is certainly not a karmic reward date but results in high visibility, publicity or some recognition. Virgo Sun shows highly analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis”. Moon influence (2) instills emotions, mood swings & some anxiety to this otherwise calculative, thinker approach of Virgo Sun. The date of 11 (2) indicates childish side to their personality; they can behave like a kid from time to time. The date also shows very good ability to connect with kids.

Oct 12th
This date is gentlemanly combination of Mercury ruled Virgo Sun sign and Jupiter ruled date of 12 (3). This is very natural date for educational or academic fields as both Mercury and Jupiter indicate increasing level of intelligence, Mercury being basic intelligence (information, analysis, languages and Jupiter being big picture & sense of purpose behind “knowledge”. This date shows master (1) and disciple (2) approach. They are very comfortable when there is clear & formal distinction between the juniors and seniors by some quantifiable parameters such as age, knowledge (degrees) and experience. Jupiter is governor of social law & rituals and hence these people tend to be orthodox and traditional and usually follow established methods, previous data / statistics than outright intuition or hunch. They are an ideal fit in education or training sector. They could be perfect professors, teachers or principals as these areas are natural to them. Their friend circle is limited to folks that are aligned to their goals and objectives. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition takes back seat. Virgo Sun likes to serve and hence this date is very good for any service sector; Jupiter influence could show academic / education field or ever some management consultancy that publishes white papers, research papers & consults/helps with business transformations.  AstroMNC

Oct 13th
This birth-date shows an interesting combination of Uranus ruled date of 13 (4) and Mercury ruled Virgo Sun Sign. Mercury shows basic intelligence whereas Uranus shows highest level of intelligence bordering on absent minded & at times downright whimsical for common people. Of course, Virgo’s analytical approach does restrict whims of Uranus quite a bit. 13 (4) born folks want to bring in change but Virgo provides it structure, flexible approach and enough expression to convince stakeholders for the change. There is some karmic debt associated with this date towards family or even society that the soul wants to pay off. There is also a desire of the soul to bring in some change in the course of the family or society. However, the date of 13 shows 1 (Self, ego) before 3 (thought leadership, Individual achievements). That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sake of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and could be avoided as much as possible. Thoughts and achievements of self or groups need to be given more importance! These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. However, Uranus influence would reduce frequency & intensity of such situation quite a. Analytical approach with ability to also have lateral / out of the box thoughts is a very potent combination if used in a harmony.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 14th
This date marks Sun’s entry into a very vibrant part of the “Chitra” constellation in Virgo sign which is called as “Vargottam navamansh”. It means these folks are all-rounders with multiple interests and very good hold on any form of expression or art. This date has very harmonious date as both the date (14:5) & Virgo Sun is ruled by Mercury. Mercury influence distinctly shows ability to express & articulate. They can easily come up with some great phrases, jingles or even quick caricatures or cartoons. Expression is their need and primary purpose of the soul. Virgo Sun is great as mediating and negotiating and Mercury only adds to this ability due to their acute political sense. They have a very good commerce and trading sense too. This date of 14 however shows some karmic burden unlike the lucky date of 23; it could show some setbacks due to more importance to 1 (self / ego) than the change or modern approach (4) they want to bring. This date shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However their presence of mind & influence of date of 14 keeps this analysis at practical levels most of the times.

Oct 15th
This date shows Sun’s presence in a very vibrant part of the “Chitra” constellation in Virgo sign which is called as “Vargottam navamansh”. It means these folks are all-rounders with multiple interests and very good hold on any form of expression or art. Combination of Venus (15:6) and Mercury (Virgo Sun Sign) makes this a great birth-date for artistic pursuits. There is great sense of beauty & vanity. Mercury influence tends to articulate things but Venus is able to feel & “sense” the art form or beauty around. Movies, Media, entertainment are great avenues to exploit this ability. The date of 15 ruled by Venus is a highly lucky/magical date and is a result of good karma in past multiple births which ensures good life regardless some bad planetary formations in their birth-chart. This is a birth-date of karmic reward. The soul desires tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxury. The soul wants to balance things around and establish harmony in their surroundings. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However Venus influence brings some practical & lazy mannered approach & hence limits these side-effects quite a bit. Virgo likes to serve, with Venus influence any service sector with direct connection with media, art would be a great fit.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 16th
This date shows Sun’s presence in a very vibrant part of the “Chitra” constellation in Virgo sign which is called as “Vargottam navamansh”. It means these folks are all-rounders with multiple interests and very good hold on any form of expression or art. This is somewhat contradictory (un-harmful) combination of Mercury ruled Virgo Sun and Neptune ruled date of 16 (7). Mercury is about articulation, expression and analysis whereas Neptune is about sensing, perception and 6th sense, something that can be sensed but not expressed exactly. It is natural that Virgo Sun’s analysis by paralysis nature would oppose Neptune’s sensing approach. However, when used with right balance it could be potent combination where Virgo Sun goes for analysis / logic but Neptune also “adds” imagination. If Jupiter is strong or well placed in the horoscope this Mercury and Neptune combination would be very well directed and used in useful manner with right mix or analysis & perception. The date of 16 can abandon a top post after achievement to pursue something completely new! This is double-edged sword thought and only past life karma & their hard-work in this life decides if they succeed or fall from this top position. Virgo Sun shows high analytical nature with ability to dissect some of the most complex problems. Their logical thinking is simply great. Their ability to “organize” things is also legendary! It also however instills worrying nature and at times over-analysis shows “paralysis by analysis” sort of a situation. Over-analysis could also limit their imagination at times as intuition could take back seat. However Neptune influence brings some calm, detached emotional approach & hence limits these side-effects. Although mostly lucky & quite spiritual, this date does have some lesson to be learnt in this life but in an un-harmful way.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 17th
The date marks entry of Sun in Venus ruled Libra Sign at around 11:43 am until then it is in Mercury ruled Virgo Sign. This description focuses on Libra part more than meticulous, analytical, and expressive Virgo Sun Sign. Libra is more like lazy mannered but action-prone with continuous karma with a very balanced approach. Finding harmony in surroundings is their thing & so is leading a tasteful life with as luxurious as possible given the means. Sun is in “Vargottam Navamansh” in this part of Libra which means this is a very lucky part of Libra for any sort of artists, movie-makers, music lovers etc. The focus is more on art than speech. Libra sun shows a workaholic person who keeps working and has a certain charm despite being covertly ambitious. Their ambitions do not affect people around as it happens with Aries or Capricorn Sun which are also cardinal (Sanskrit “Char”) rashi. Libra has natural typical smile which could be seen in Julia Roberts (28th Oct) or Madhuri Dixit’s Libra ascendant horoscope! Their first reaction when they see someone is to smile. Libra likes to argue and compare things but with less verbose than Virgo Sign. Saturn & Venus are first rate friends & hence this combination is quite harmonious. The date of 17 (8) ruled by Saturn brings some conservative or “khadus” approach which is more about number crunching, auditing, policing or “bean counting”. It also shows some karmic burden that the oul wants to pay back in this life. Birth on 17th also shows desire of the soul to leave their name behind by some heroic action at times. There is desire to do something glorious but it is also involves about delivering karma of others in a judicious manner! This date is simply great for judges and at that too at the highest places! Libra Sun shows great possibility of career in any art form and with 17 it could be providing service to movie or music industry! If born before 11:40 am on this date (Virgo Sun), it is more about connecting people from various industries or experts in art forms to come up with something which benefits everybody than working on art by self (Libra Sun).
Oct 18th
This date shows interesting combination of Mars ruled date of 18 (9) and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. This is very youthful as Mars gives energy & aggression to artistic Venus. There is catch as Mars could drive Venus towards “socially unacceptable” behavior if not kept in check. Libra Sun tries to bring harmony and balance things in their surroundings. Mars could bring some aggression from time to time & disrupt this harmony but only momentarily. Libra Sun would dominate most of the times. Of course, this date of 18 has some rough edge. They have some bitter karmic links which would result in some wars, fights and competition in this life. Siblings & friends have special presence in their life. There are certainly specific karmic links with siblings or some land related angle in the family. It is important to forgive & forget which goes a long way for progress & growth. But it is about forgiving & moving on without appearing weak or defeated. Gym or sports activities make them much better person. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues a bit. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign which tends to do a lot of kriyaman or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Libra smile is just brilliant and they do tend to smile quite often. With Mars thrown in the mix, the smile could become a bit naughty or downright aggressive from time to time.
Birth-Date Personality: Oct 19th
This date shows relatively unharmonious combination of Sun ruled date of 19 (1) and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Sun is ego, brilliance, aloofness, unapproachable whereas Libra is a about being shy, cozy, artistic & harmonious and trying to bring balance. Venus is miles away from Ego or self-importance not to be confused with self-esteem that they have in abundance whereas Sun is about “I me and myself”! J In this case Sun ruled date applies Libra Sun characteristics with a royal and uncompromising approach. 19 brings independence, often loner or adamant flavor to otherwise very harmonious Libra Sun. This is not an extreme contradictory combination such as Sun & Saturn or Mars & Saturn but still somewhat confusing to the people they deal with. Only close relatives would know both the sides of their personality. The date of 19 is that of rulers and is a karmic reward birth-date, result of great karma of past birth(s). This date itself again shows a harmonious combination of Sun (1) and Mars (9). The inspiration and pioneering ability of Sun gets great support from energy & drive of Mars. Desire of the soul is to create own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in that sphere. They have individual brilliance & ability to come up with big bang & inspirational ideas. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Libra smile is just brilliant and they do tend to smile quite often. With Sun thrown in the mix, the frequency of the smile could be lesser.

Oct 20th
This is a harmonious combination of Moon ruled date of 20 (2) and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Moon’s emotional /sentimental nature can work well for creative pursuits of Libra Sun. In turn, Libra Sun can limit moon’s moody nature and anxiety from time to time. People connect is easy for these guys with hundreds of Facebook friends and real life friends. They love & are brilliant in team building or group activities. This combination also shows more importance or karmic links with mother or more generally women in life. The 0 in 20 adds a lot of philosophical approach or rather baggage to the date which matures them a lot earlier than 2 born folks. The wisdom or maturity instilled by 0 could also result in some lack of action which otherwise doesn’t affect other 2 ruled dates (2, 11, 29). Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Career that has both art/creativity and people connect is great for them. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 21st
This is combination of two opposites but it is not a harmful one. Jupiter Ruled date of 21 (3) shows though leadership, individual achievement, education, “ashrams/muth” etc whereas Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign shows love for good life, luxury, music, movies etc. Venus is feminine and about mostly material world (but tasteful) whereas Jupiter is about higher education, bigger picture social customs, precedent, thoughts, Guru-like people in our lives. This contradiction of course is seen from their life span as one tends to dominate other for a span. This date shows more importance to others (2) than self or ego (1). That is achievements are more important than their ego or their own position. However, their friend circle is limited to folks that are aligned to their goals & objectives. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. J That is, their friendly approach or connect is directly related to their achievements, seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 22nd
This is an interesting combination as Uranus ruled date of 22 brings some spice to otherwise a balanced, harmonious Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Uranus is sort of an absent minded genius and is unorthodox trying to bring change or modernity to their family or even society. Libra Sun usually keeps busy and uses mostly tried tested methods as they are more towards execution and hard-work than outright thought leadership without actual execution. However, Uranus doe support inquisitive mind of Libra which helps with research & development. Uranus brings some lateral thought process which takes air sign Libra’s intelligence to the next level. The date of 22 represents a master-number like 11 or 29. This means they have a highly evolved subconscious mind and are driven by it a lot more than others. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.
This birth-date is a very harmonious combination of Mercury ruled date of 23 and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Mercury loves every sort of expression: writing, speech, music, movies etc and Venus has a deep sense of any art form. Mercury also adds logic to intellectual approach of this “Air” element Sun Sign. Mercury’s articulation does help Venus’ artistic pursuits but this need for articulation could limit Venus’ outright “sensing” ability in art. The date of 23 is a very lucky birth-date which is a result of great karma in past birth(s). It shows greater priority for people or others (2) than outright individual achievement or thought leadership (3). This means popularity or being liked by others or even collaborations & partnerships / group activities are more important than alignment with some thought leadership. It also shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.

Birth-Date Personality Oct 24th
This is one of the most harmonious combinations with both Venus ruled date of 24 (6) and Venus ruled Libra Sun-Sign. The date supports Libra Sun’s efforts to bring harmony, balance to their surroundings. They want to live a tasteful life full of luxury, as much as their means allow. They create a very good environment around them and every feels lucky to have them around. They have hardly any rough edge unless there is great FIRE sign influence in their birth-time horoscope. The date of 24 is probably the luckiest of all the birth-dates. It shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxuries. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile often; the date of 24 only adds to this & makes their smile simply beautiful. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.
Oct 25th
This is a harmonious combination of Neptune ruled date of 25 (7) and Venus ruled Libra Sun-Sign. Neptune’s imaginative & gift of perception elevates Libra Sun’s artistic interest. Neptune can make Libra creativity at higher planes. Libra is a very practical and action oriented sign (cardinal sign) and hence it uses or changes these unquantifiable inputs or “sense” from Neptune into quantifiable small actions to bring them to reality. Neptune also assists Venus’s want for harmony & balance in their surroundings. Neptune water runs deep and ends up making people take them lot more seriously or anticipate their move eagerly than with other Libra Sun dates. Neptune ensures that these folks get “vibes” every time they meet a new person or visit a new place. The date of 25 is mostly lucky but has some lessons to be learnt in this life which were left incomplete in past life; most often they are related to spirituality or analysis of human behavior beyond practical levels. Neptune also shows innovation, perceptive ability and heightened 6th sense or ability to read mind / body language. Libra sun ensures that they are covertly ambitious and have an ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 26th
This is harmonious if not lucky birth-date with combination of Venus ruled Libra Sun-Sign and Saturn ruled date of 26 (8). Saturn and Venus are first rate friends with characteristics that compliment or support each other. Saturn’s meticulous, conservative & number crunching approach does help Venus’ creativity and artistic approach & desire to bring in harmony, balance in surroundings. Libra is already middle of the road sign with very practical approach & hard-working nature; Saturn adds to this hard-working nature practicality. They do not like big bang approach and always follow Mantra of “continuous improvement”. The date of 26 does show desire of soul to pay off some karmic debt. With the date of 26 it is often related to marital relationships. It is required to show patience and adjustment with spouse for minor things that do not compromise family values or integrity. This is more applicable to relationships that happen early in lie say before or around age of 20 or so. Libra sun ensures that they are covertly ambitious and have an ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. With 26 in the mix Life after the age of 29 is increasingly better with each passing day!

Oct 27th
This date shows interesting combination of Mars ruled date of 27 (9) and Venus ruled Libra Sun-Sign. This is very youthful combination as Mars gives energy & aggression to artistic Venus. There is catch as Mars could drive Venus towards “socially unacceptable” behavior if not kept in check. Libra Sun tries to bring harmony and balance things in their surroundings. Mars could bring some aggression from time to time & disrupt this harmony but only momentarily; Libra Sun would dominate most of the times. Of course, this date of 27 is a harmonious one & has less rough edge than 9 & certainly 18. They have some significant karmic links which would result in some wars, fights and competition in this life. Siblings & friends have special presence in their life. There are certainly specific karmic links with siblings or some land related angle in the family. It is important to forgive & forget which goes a long way for progress & growth. But it is about forgiving & moving on without appearing weak or defeated. Gym or sports activities make them a much better person. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun-Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues a bit. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign which tends to do a lot of kriyaman or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Libra smile is just brilliant and they do tend to smile quite often. With Mars thrown in the mix, the smile could become a bit naughty or downright aggressive from time to time. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 28th AstroMNC
This date shows relatively unharmonious combination of Sun ruled date of 28 (1) and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Sun is ego, brilliance, aloofness, unapproachable whereas Libra is about being shy, cozy, artistic & harmonious and trying to bring balance. Venus is miles away from Ego or self-importance not to be confused with self-esteem that they have in abundance whereas Sun is about “I me and myself”! J In this case Sun ruled date applies Libra Sun characteristics with a royal and uncompromising approach. 28 brings independence, often loner or adamant flavor to otherwise very harmonious Libra Sun. This is not an extreme contradictory combination such as Sun & Saturn but still somewhat confusing to the people they deal with. Only close relatives would know both the sides of their personality. This date of 28 is more about mass production & less about catering the need of the classes. This date also shows some overzealous supporters who tend to do something illegal or harmful but with the best of the intentions! Need to be aware of this angle so that appropriate care could be taken. These folks have good connects colleagues (2) and also workers (8). Desire of the soul is to create own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in that sphere. They have individual brilliance & ability to come up with big bang & inspirational ideas. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Libra smile is just brilliant and they do tend to smile quite often. AstroMNC

Oct 29th
This is a harmonious combination of Moon ruled date of 29 (2) and Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Moon’s emotional /sentimental nature can work well for creative pursuits of Libra Sun. In turn, Libra Sun can limit moon’s moody nature and anxiety from time to time. People connect is easy for these guys with hundreds of Facebook friends and real life friends. They love & are brilliant in team building or group activities. This combination also shows more importance or karmic links with mother or more generally women in life. The number 29 is a master number like 11; they have very active subconscious mind driven by their “higher-self”. There is mandate to the soul to balance two very different things like religion, culture or families in such a way that they keep them together with harmony but still their separate existence is not diminished. This is certainly a difficult lifelong task which they have to carry burden of!  Aligning to one side creates troubles for them. Like 11, they are not that aloof and lot more friendly. However, their friends at times end up causing trouble. Rather, they can get attracted to some naughty (but harmful) people. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning. Career that has both art/creativity and people connect is great for them.

Oct 30th
This is combination of two opposites but it is not a harmful one. Jupiter Ruled date of 30 (3) shows thought leadership, individual achievement, education, “ashrams/muth” etc whereas Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign shows love for good life, luxury, music, movies etc. Venus is feminine and about mostly material world (but tasteful) whereas Jupiter is about higher education, bigger picture, social customs, precedent, thoughts and Guru-like people in our lives. The birth-date of 30 also shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. However, it has some sort of maturity & wisdom from past life which could reduce their competitive spirit as they grow up. These folks often carry some philosophical angle or rather burden to their personality. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” for no reason is not their mentality. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.

Birth-Date Personality: Oct 31st
This is an interesting combination as Uranus ruled date of 31 (4) brings some spice to otherwise a balanced, harmonious Venus ruled Libra Sun Sign. Uranus is sort of an absent-minded genius and is unorthodox trying to bring change or modernity to their family or even society. Libra Sun usually keeps busy and uses mostly tried & tested methods as they are more towards execution and hard-work than outright thought leadership without actual execution. However, Uranus does support inquisitive mind of Libra which helps with research & development. Uranus brings some lateral thought process which takes air sign Libra’s intelligence to the next level. The date of 31 is luckier than other 4 dates such as 4, 13 and 22. It shows more importance to achievements & thought leadership (3) than their ego or self-esteem (1). This helps them achieve lot more through people & group activities than 4 & 13 birth-dates. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Libra Sun shows tendency to smile every often, tendency to balance & lead a tasteful life full of luxury. They are covertly ambitious and have ability to keep working continuously. They do not have side effects of other ambitious Sun Signs of Aries and Capricorn which tend to affect their family members or colleagues. Along with Aries, Cancer & Capricorn, Libra is a productive sign & tends to do a lot of kriyamaan or instant karma in this life and attain wealth or success regardless of their beginning.


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