Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rebirth (Karma) & Related Case Studies & Thoughts - Random Thoughts 28

Rebirth (Karma) & Related Thoughts - Random Thoughts 28

The study of astrology without belief in omnipresent & omnipotent law of karma is a waste of time. It is like those blind guys trying to decipher an elephant imagining all sort of things but an elephant. Also, ignoring numerology, palm & face reading is also at an astrologer’s own peril. The learning must continue every day as Astrology is a “practice”. Being a probabilistic science deeply based on statistics combined with LOGIC (Tarka-Shastra) you always need to “add”, “modify” and “refine” rules of astrology on an ongoing basis. Anyways that is a different topic. Let us discuss about REBIRTH which is usually taken as something very primitive and with mysticism.

Note: Anything that contradicts Bhagwad-Geeta is not true. It is a text directly from God, not a messenger but the God himself. Interpretations of BhagwadGeeta is another discussion. “You have right on karma only and not fruits” or simply “you have right only by your karma – fruits WILL follow – They MUST follow” depends upon the age, maturity & your agenda. :) BhagwadGeeta says that the soul is Amar and reincarnated. That’s non-debatable. Sorry Abrahamic folks, no offense but the soul never “rests” (as in RIP) it either gets the GodSpeed/Goodspeed (it is a direct translation of the Sanskrit word “Sad-Gatee”) or it needs to get back to Earth as the next incarnation or avataar to fulfil pending karma (both good bad). Western world (Linda Goodman was early preachers of Karma in the west from the 70s?) has taken Karma with negative connotations. Karma is all: the good bad and ugly! :) Please do not classify good happening with you as your “Mard-ness” and bad happening to you as your past life bad karma! :) Good bad both karma from the past births must manifest thru “Kriyamaan Karma” i..e the actions of this birth and that is where the debate of free-will & destiny comes in. Your free-will is many ways proportional to your good/bad past karma also! An extreme intense past karma as reflected in a natal chart has very less chance of a free-will – like say born without an eyesight or without a leg or some disability – the free-will might not apply to it (well, your brain can heal yourself if you “believe” and supplemented by Karma both but that is again another topic.) (The DNA correction therapy & operations are a blessing or curse – we will know by learning the hard-way – pending karma in the system will manifest thru much intense events if people get cured without completing cycle if karma.)

Anyways so coming back to Rebirth and repetition of Karma in your life form the past life.
(1)    It is not one house (1 5 9) or one planet that shows you your past life karma. It is about ALL houses, all planets!!
(2)    Rahu Ketu are other things but PREDOMINANLTY they are your Paternal (Raahu) and Maternal Family DNA repetition.
(3)    The FAMILY Karma is reflected thru these two nodes. Their proximity to various planets and houses and owner of Rahu Ketu placements gives you an idea about your family karma or how you were related to these two families and what good bad you inherit from these families.

Recently, I had two extreme cases studies. I will give you the discussion and observations first.  Names etc of course not to be shared as attorney-client privilege.

(1)    I saw a chart (Mr X) and suggested possibility of paternal grandfather being police, military guy and his younger siblings a bit more intense military stuff. They could have bought good land from people of different caste language which Mr. X would inherit. It would be mostly good with say 10/20% intensity attached to it as the folks who sold it might be resentful they sold it etc etc.  (This was exactly true which even shocked me as I share these as probabilities.) The detailed of these observations were quite telling and amazing to listen to it!
a.     What this means is that ACTIONS of his Paternal Grandfather and his younger brother were “constructing” MR X’s horoscope in the 1940s/50s etc etc. They were actually writing the future of their grandkids with their actions. NOT 100% but sizable portion of their future for sure.
b.     Mr X has this particular planetary formation in the 5th house which means he might or might not use this inheritance but his Son (the 5th house) might benefit fully.
c.      So I checked out of curiosity his Son’s chart == his sons chart shows Mangal uchcha and well placed but very very remote bad aspect of Shani. So his son’s soul was also aware of this land and also that the family that sold had some resentment? :)
d.     Mr X actually had won the court case in the past 3 years when guru was in Kirk from July2014 to Jul2y015 (again my observation) for the land but the family had constructed something on 10/15% land sometime back – almost 20 years back or so).
e.     Listening to all this my suggestions was --- instead of driving them out; Involve them, given then 10.15% of the developed stuff – use all land to develop big stuff and despite court giving you 100% -- involve them and let 10% or more go as it is mandate in his and his son’s chart to do some adjustments.
f.       “Chamatkaar Shivaay Namaskar naahi!” as I was correct on many things – he accepted this suggestion and felt it was the “right thing to do” even after court order! – Sarve Santi Niramaya!
g.     My suggestion was a practical one part from this diktat/suggestion from the planets – if his Grandpa would have bought GOLD of the same amount it would be worth say 100 but the land is worth 900 now!!! So even giving away 10/15% to the original family – he still had 800/700 etc and not 100! :)’

(2)    I saw a chart and KETU was in the very very first degree of Moola Nakshatra – means Ketu changed 2 days after this birth!  Which meant (let us call him Mr Y) and his maternal grandfather family had some unfinished business. Some intense events with legs / head / nervous system were possible (Dhanu being legs, the first degree of Agnirashi being Mesh Navamansh being Head/Nervous system) to his maternal folks. As his chart showed this stuff – it means he must do something about first – repentance of past birth events to the souls affected – some might have reborn, others waiting – we don’t know. Then promise to God he will try to find out what happened and trying to help the families their kids and so on – (his cousins and their kids) as much as possible. And also request God to help him finding this.
a.     NOW interesting stuff his kids both of them had RAAHU (their paternal family) in the 8th house of peeda and the elder one in the first degree of ---- guess what AGAIN MOOLA!! Just like his father Mr Y having KETU in the same degree! (So you can see how the DNA or the family karma repeats).
b.     The problem is that despite being a very healthy chart – a great chart (with some minor stuff like Swagruhi -strong Shani drushti not close on lagnesh Shukra) he had RAAHU Mahadasha by birth for a few years.
c.      This Rahu mahadasha was hell for him – multiple operations and slow recovery and so on. It went on for a few years with improvements
d.     Next GURU mahadasha RAHU Antardasha again it had some issues but a very dicy operation etc went fine by Doctor brilliance (they gave very less chance) and HanumanJi’s Kripa as Mr Y put it with a chilling experience he had around the time of operation.
e.     So one would say WHAT IS THE POINT – Can we avoid these things?! – I do not know!! We are not God – We don’t even understand what is God but I know from these examples that there IS GOD! :) and there IS a mechanism to get help from God – just that EGO stops us from that (not everything ego is apparent or visible – like silent acidity – silent ego is more detrimental).
f.      Practically there is not as much Mr. Y could have done to avoid his Son’s issues but some actions towards maternal family would have helped reduce the intensity?? Maybe yes, a good probability (I don’t know for sure). But anyways, good karma is always welcome – it does not need any muhurat! :)
g.     The family can even now work on Mr Y’s maternal family and try to check what happened with and by maternal grandfather or maternal grandmother and that family. We had partition and related events – people behaving weirdly – which reflected in a lot of unpaid karma!!
h.     (Ketu in Guru’s rashi and Guru Santati-Kaarak so this manifested thru kids?)
i.      Even the other kid has Rahu in the 8th house but in Makar – so not bad degree but it is with Shani!  :) :) SO you can see how the karma gain reflected in the 2nd kid too.
j.      So we can only accept it humbly and work towards paying it back and start with repentance first!

(3)    Is there is a substitute for medicines and efforts using modern medicines – of course not! :) That is NEVER the point else we will go in the wrong direction.
(4)    The point is KARMA of today is tomorrow’s destiny. This tomorrow could be this birth itself or pending would get carried over to the next. YOU ARE WRITING your grandkid’s chart TODAY! :) Rahu Maha 18 years, Ketu Maha 7 years and Antardasha of Rahu and KETU in each mahadasha and not to mentioned rashi-swami of Raahu.
(5)    KARMA will keep repeating thru DNA and Rahu Ketu and all other planets until it is paid off. Some souls are reborn where your actions in this life could help get rid or cure even your own DNA and your born kids’ DNA or unborn Grandkids’ DNA! :) The unborn affected souls also do not want to hang around just to hurt you – they also want to move on -- they want your sincere apology and actions to go with it. A pooja and mantra sadhana and prayer etc is a good start but not enough. It is a very good start to let go of ego and stand in line of a Temple! :)

These examples or case studies SHOULD NOT bring any superstitious awe of astrology or God or anything – it will be one more bad karma to have superstitious reactions to these articles. West would have iPhones latest versions by their karma and we would be continued to rule by British mentality rulers and bureaucracy which exploits the nation day in day out!

So REBIRTH should not be taken as ONE specific person being reborn  “as-is”! :) It is in way repetition of the family DNA and also all sorts of unpaid good & bad karma of the past life. The universal truth is that – if past like karma affects you in this life – this life karma would affect even more – as it is FRESH and Taaja Taaja! :)- :) You do not have to wait for the next birth for that! Yes, unpaid one which did not come your way WILL get added to your Sanchit Karma!

Sanchit Karma: Unused, Unpaid Karma of all births so far (say 100 GB)
Prarabdha Karma (Destiny/Niyati): The part of Sanchit Karma (say 10 GB) you get in this Birth to “use” both good bad combination.
Kriyamaan Karma: (Instant Karma): What you do in this life and get paid for that right away. The unpaid one gets added to the Sanchit karma.

The Pooja, Mantra and DNA correction: It is all good but I have a fear that if you cure your DNA and brain chemistry by too much medicines and mantra and DNA corrections and NOT by positive KARMA – a lot of unpaid karma would accumulate in the system and we could have a grave sort of a situation or some big bombs etc or big deceases etc stuff and nuclear war if a lot of injustice prevails around.

As some minister said cancer is your past karma. We can laugh at him and try to show secular stuff etc etc but the fact remains – everything and not just cancer or bad things but GOOD things – property estate and so on is also our own karma. What we do with it is a free will to a large extent. You have right only by your karma!!

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  1. WOW!!!!! I do believe in karma but was never able to convince other's on this, the article will help me with facts.

  2. Its time we again start teaching kids about good karma in school. No point in learning about karma when you have unknowingly accumulated lots of bad karma that you could have avoided

  3. Fascinating...which positions of the nodes show heavy karmic imbalance, specific houses, degrees,etc? It will help to figure out where we need to start and best way to pay it off. Thanks for an excellent article. Need to send a PayPal as just reading for free is also accumulation of a kind!

  4. Wow.. very logical and insight article..

  5. I am bit confused when you say that you may be accumulating bad karma for your grandchildren's, can my bad deeds make others to suffers i mean impact their DNA.

    1. of course -- that's what it is!! Rather you might be choosing which souls come to your family! :)

  6. I personally feel that pooja and Mantra certainly negates bad effects of your karma and hence it does not get accumulated as such. It will affect you for sure and hence would not get accumulated but the impact would be lesser due to effect of pooja mantra etc.That does not mean ,you do bad karma and then do pooja,mantra etc.

  7. Nice blog about Karma Correction,
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