Thursday, November 30, 2017

#MESH in 2018 (#Aries in 2018) #Annual Horoscope 2018

#MESH in 2018 (#Aries in 2018) #Annual Horoscope 2018

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This article applies to MOON Sign Aries (MESH). This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

The Moon Sign plays significant role when it comes to “Kriyamaan”. (Some well-known moon sign Aries folks are Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Lalkrishna Advani, Sharad Pawar, Anil Ambani, Gautam Gambhir, Lalit Modi). This article also applies to some extent to people born from April 14 to May 14th (Aries Sun Sign). (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: )

Aries Sign Characteristics
Aggressive, forthright, Initiators, Direct, Fighters, Warriors, Action oriented, Positive, Workaholic, bow-like eye-brows, Do not like to talk much, Fast, Impatient, Anger from time to time, Accident prone if combined with Sagittarius Sun or ascendant! More like Chandragupta than Chanakya! You could see these characteristics in folks born from April14 to May14 also who are Sun Sign Aries. (Those born from Nov 16 to Dec 15 i.e. Scorpio Sun and those born from March 14th to April 13 Pisces Sun sign oppose Aries characteristics.)

For example, Sharad Pawar is Mesh rashi but born on 12th Dec with Scorpio Sun and Ascendant so Scorpio figures a lot more in his nature and character but still 27th age MLA and 38th Ages CM is all Mesh rashi and his career graph is also quite connected to Mesh rashi.

The 8th Shani (peeda/adverse) got to you from Nov2014 to Oct2017. This Shani made you reduce your mass-base, influence and people working for you. It meant increasing your skills and working alone on something instead of delegating it all the times! The 5th Guru helped you a LOT from July2015 to July2016, it must have given you a promotion, a prominent position & an office of a good duty! It also meant a lot of plans from May2010 coming true in this period. However, the Shani 8th had drushti on this Guru so the 5th Guru usually which is Dream Come True sorts was not as powerful as it could have been. The 6th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 further made matters slow for you along with the 8th Shani. The things are getting on track from late Sept2017 and you are going to be IN and in FORM and rocking for the next 7.5 years ahead with GREAT Shani support which would be very similar to what you had from say 1988 to 1995 end. Rahu in the 4th position is not a contributor to good or bad but the 10th Ketu makes you meet with evolved, higher level and high-class people at the workplace. (The career till Oct2017 for Mesh rashi folks you can ask Hon Lalkrishna Advani, Sharad Pawar Saheb, Anil Ambani, Gautam Gambhir, ex-Cricketer Imran Khan and so on. :) The 8th Shani is the lowest career point, unhappening, slow, saturation, alone, Semi-exile, hereditary wealth & health issues, away from mass-base and working mostly alone.)

Now the 9th Shani by Jan2020 is going to give you new mass-base, new customer base, employee base and increased revenue base which will support you with increased success for the next 7.5 years till March2025. The 7th house Guru is going to EXPAND your workplace, career, revenue, collaborations with experts and NEW good knowledge and skills coming your way & giving you good image and recognition. IT IS YOUR TIME NOW!!!!

The 9th Shani from 26th Oct2017 to Jan2020:
(1)    Shani becomes 9th (Bhagya-Sthan) for Feb2017 to June2017 and again from Nov2017 onwards to Jan2020. But in 2017 it seems Shani being 9th is going to be useful predominantly for ASHWINI nakshatra folks. Bharani and Krittika would not see major effect of the 9th Shani in 2017. However, Bharani & Krittika folks at least would not see 8th Shani effects which were a major roadblock in their way now.
(2)    Any 9th house planet bring in some sort of Bhagyoday, travel, new position and increase in your knowledge and influence and profile. Shani being a major and long-term planet, the 9th Shani effect is profound!!
a.     Consider Lalkrishna Advani getting into new mass base due to Ram-Mandir andolan in the 9th Shani and becoming a household name in all Indian families.
b.     Consider Hon Sharad Pawar coming back to Congress I 1987/1988 and landing CM position right away until 1995 when Sadesati hit.
c.      Also, (Na)Paaki Cricketer Imran Khan recalled from his defeat of 1987 world Cup and he had immense support from Shani right until retirement (his world cup win was the 5th Guru to Moon.)
d.     Bill Clinton’s career also happened in 9 10 11 Shani from 1988. He had tough time with impeachments etc in Sadesati from 1996.
(3)    In short, a GREAT era of “right time right place” & a long-term-bull-run is going to start from Feb2017 and more so Nov2017 for 7.5 years ahead.
(4)    Of course, Shani is nishkaam karmayogi and you HAVE to “go there and do that”. Nothing is given on a platter to you!
(5)    Shani also is slow effect and can’t be felt in everyday life but one has to co-relate to long-term progress.
(6)    Shani being 9th 10th 11th until March2025 is a long-term bull run with its own pressures, tests and tactics and stress and struggle from time to time as it aspects various planets of your birthtime horoscope!
(7)    It is NOT a cake walk but well --- it is SOME walk! :)  
(8)    So Ashwini to feel 9th Shani from Feb2017 to June2017 more and also from Nov2017 to April2018. Whereas Bharani and Krittika do see things to come and see positivity, they will have full intensity of the 9th Shani later in – Bharani from April2018 to mi- 2019 & Krittika (of Mesh only) from Mid2019 to Jan2020. These nakshatra is for acute effects but still 9th Shani is 9th Shani and it is available from Feb2017 and more so from Nov2017.
(9)    9th being the house of Dharma-Trikon this Shani gives a prominent position of a duty (more like a film director than say an actor). It starts some well-aligned strategic long-term initiatives and success.
(10)  Shani 3rd drushti on the 11th house shows increased income as a cause-effect relation with increased customer base and mass-base etc. It shows next higher level of income in your life.
(11)  Shani 10th drushti on the 6th house suggested to check health issues but these are less prominent and are leftover and revisit sorts of issues which happened more from Sept2009 to Aug2012. Still, need to get health check-ups done every year if not 6 months. Also check what Mama Mousi and maternal cousins need and how you can help them.
(12)  Shani 7th Drushti on the 3rd house shows good travels, presentations, meeting influential & political or powerful people but also shows some duties towards the siblings. Check what help they need.
(13)  The 9th could show some issues with siblings and maternal cousins. It could take you away from them due to your career/business etc and you will need to ensure you check how they are doing regularly – they will need your help.
(14)  The 9th Shani in the 9th house itself is about some travel and it is more of a relocation and if not relocation like city or country at least building or floor in the office! :)

7th GURU from 12-Sept-2017 to 12-Oct-2018
(1)    The 7th Guru in a few simple words is “expansion, partnerships, relationships, money, image enhancement, right time right place –
(2)    It is also called as “Baal Bhi na Banka”. Guru drushti on your Chandra means all brain fluids and liquids are aligned properly and your judgement seldom goes wrong, your direction is mostly right.
(3)    The 7th Guru makes you very well directed and aligned perfectly for growth and expansion.
(4)    What you got from July2015 to July2016 will now expand 10 100 1000 etc times as per your karma of this and past life.
(5)    Obviously as it is the 7th house, it will show success in partnerships and collaborations. It will form some formidable alliances for you.
(6)    You will get support from elites/classes and also masses. This Guru certainly shows a great feel good which will continue until 12Oct2018.
(7)    GURU drushti on the 11th house obviously increases your income considerably. It shows good support from older friends and elder siblings. Guru Drushti on the 3rd house shows good times for younger siblings and giving direction to younger friends.
(8)    Guru drushti on Chandra increases brain power, mind power and shows well-aligned thought process. No Chemical Locha now :) Good image & recognition. Good health and time for the mom too.
(9)    GURU being the owner of the 9th house of luck/bhagya/travel and the owner of the 12th house (immigration, abroad, planning, expense) – in the 7th house it shows combination of these things by good partnerships and collaborations and merges/acquisitions etc. Good support by partners and collaborations and Bhagyoday due to right partnerships.
(10)  2018 start to Mid would be for Bharani and last 3 months would be especially for Krittika of Mesh but anyways Guru stays only 12 months in one rashi so Ashwini would see more in 2017 but also in 2018 and Bharani and Krittika in 2017 but more so in 2018. In 2017 this would be mostly seen by Ashwini to large and Bharani to considerable extent and lesser for Krittika. As Guru speed is VERY HIGH by Feb all signs are covered in some or other manner but then it becomes wakri and hence slows down things.
(11)  The 7th Guru is absolutely great for married life. To find a suitable partner or spend a quality time with your spouse and even expanding family.
(12)  7th House is also considered house of the 2nd kid by logic by many astrologers as it is 3rd house from the 5th house (1st kid!) J Anyways the 7th Guru from Sept2017 to Sept2018 is great for marriage and partnerships aspects.
(13)  7th Guru helps with optimal water retention in the body and overall health as Guru aspects moon which controls water in the body. You will get to optimal health pattern in late 2017 and 2018 with 7th Guru and 9th Shani.

The 8th GURU from 12-Oct-2018 to Oct2019:
(1)    Sitting on the gains of 7th Guru – The 8th Guru eventually shows a bit too much optimism and getting too much work on your plate & getting overworked.
(2)    It is about some misaligned efforts which are high on efforts but lesser on planning. Your work is appreciated and you gain good progress but the program you are part of does not see long term success which is was started for. But in 2020, this experience gives you something REALLY GREAT like Lalit Modi getting IPL in 2008. 2020 would start a NEW ERA in your life and the reasons why you would get it is Karma of 2019 but also sympathies of making you work so hard without a lot of recognition in 2019! :)
(3)    So Oct2018 to Oct2019 will need to work hard but some external factors and global politics or such things would affect the success of outcomes for you. Don’t do Padmawati sorts of daring from Oct2018 to Oct2019! :) They are typical 8th Guru stuff which are misaligned and misplaced daring – mission impossible sorts!

Rahu moving to the 4th house from Sept2017 for 18 months means you will spend some quality time with the paternal family folks. Maternal folks would become a bit more aggressive and materialistic in this period. Some estate, property stuff movement could be seen in the paternal family. You could also have some such attraction to some well-placed house or place which you would want to purchase.

Ketu moving to the 10th house from Sept2017 for 18 months continues with the economic activity but more helps with production & churning out some output / churn of some products that outright gains/cash flow. Career house KETU brings in highly evolved, well placed people in career. You will get such high-expertise company people – to keep them on track for specific goals could be a challenge as you don’t want to hurt their creativity and keep them working as they love / like etc but at the same time you want to get work out of them for your projects in hand! :) So it is a balancing act of relationships long term but also getting things done NOW. Don’t push too much but don’t hang around without work too much too! :)
Planetary Formations:
(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     The week of 10th APRIL Shani is Stambhi and becomes wakri / retrograde from April19th at 15th degree in your rashi.
b.     This retrograde Shani makes matters VERY VERY slow and highly stagnant. Good decisions would be postponed or delayed and the same is true with some good decisions. But for Mesh it is about good decisions and good time mostly.
c.      SHANI becomes Maargi from the week of Sept10/15. This makes things much better for everybody.

(2)    MARS would be in adverse 8th position to your moon sign form Jan 17, 2018 to March 8, 2018. So before Jan 17, ensure that vehicles are checked out and serviced if long due. Also in this period avoid risky adventure sports or use all the safety gear using two-wheeler and so on. Sudden movements and sudden jumps etc etc to be avoided else ankle/feet or head injury could happen. Try avoiding 2 wheelers all together in this period. There could be some expense for siblings or cousins in this period. Body heat needs attention, something like Gulkand etc would help for sure.

(3)    March 8 2018 to May 2nd (March & April2018) and more so March30 to April 5 shows Mangal Shani yuti in the 9th house is great for many things but need to take care of belongings in travel and also need to take precautions in travel / transit. Night time travel could be avoided for sure.
(4)    Dec 16th to Jan14th AND June16 to July16 could show stand-off & fights of masses with authorities (union leaders and management etc etc) you will mostly benefit by these as you play diplomacy and make things work by compromise for both the parties as you both the parties would perceive you as independent without direct impact on your gains regardless of which party gains in this.

Beware of what seniors/Govt/authorities want from you. Deal the difference of opinions with seniors or authorities with tact & diplomacy! Obey traffic and other laws.
1.     Nov 17 to Dec 16 (the 8th House Sun)
2.     March 14 to April 13 (the 12th House Sun)

For all folks with all Moon Signs and NOT just MESH / ARIES Moon Sign:
FROM Nov2017 to Dec2019:
(1)    If you are born from Dec16th to Dec 20th of any year: From Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!
(2)    If you are born from Dec16 to Jan14 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(3)    Same with people born from SEPT 16th to Oct 16th of any year – Lesser issues than what you had from Sept2009 to August2012 period but similar and leftover effects.
(4)    Same with people born from JUNE16 to JULY15 of any year but Lesser till Sept2018. But mixed also.
(5)    Same with people born from FEB14 to MARCH13 of any year – lesser Extent and mixed one, Lesser till Sept2018.
(6)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year you need to check this more carefully.

FROM Sept2017 to Sept2018
(1)    If you are born from APRIL 14th May 13th and OCT 16th to Nov15th of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Nice information about Mesh rashi. really thanks for sharing the article.what about Vashi karan yantra.
