Saturday, December 2, 2017

My Shani Antardasha Experiences

The purpose is / was to share My Shani Antardasha experience and how to accept it; the article ventured into lot more other details but I guess that’s my MEEN BUDH! :) :)

(1) My Shani Antardasha in Surya Mahadasha was sometime in 2009
(a) Had a minor tussle with superiors -- different of opinions and I asked for higher responsibilities. Eventually got it. Got out of the large account and got higher position with 6 -7 smaller accounts & BUDH Antardasha meant communication with coordination with a lot of internal people and external people too. HUGE efforts overall but a hell lot more on proposals and written communication almost as good as I did for 1 account earlier but for multiple ones! Meant working 3 AM etc on LakshmiPoojan day (I remember it was 2 3 Nov 2010 or so) :) But rewarding. Almost all accounts showed business growth. Got great team members and juniors 9th Shani for next 75 years too. (This “Got out of the large account” was not an easy decision or an incident or an event but my reaction to it was a “minor” event and not such a big deal and looking ONLY at the new opportunity.) (Eventually secured 2 big promotions in next ¾ years 1st April 2014 was particularly proud as hardly anyone got promoted! :) Funny how some of our achievements are SO relative!!) :) :) if had reacted in a BIT of a negative manner to Shani AD stuff – it would have had a HUGE negative impact later on. Moving out of the account helped me use my personality (networking) in a broad manner to achieve and increase opportunity for self and also the team members.

(b) Same time, had a FIGHT / tussle with some of the over-enthu and over-zealous folks for posting in English as some nuisance folks wanted me to type Devanagari which was (to me) time consuming. My focus was Astrology and not Marathi to join from 1999/2000. It was a bitter fight and my Mithun Mangal single handedly abused 10/12 people who were tying choicest abuse against me too! :) At the same time, in some debate I wrote some nasty stuff against Honorable people like Jayant Naralikar (HrushiTulya man!! We are like 0.02% of what he is) as he spoke about Astrology without knowing anything about it and that too very authoritatively My point was tomorrow he will write about Tendulkar how he should hold his bat! :) :) Some people didn’t like that and even threatened lawsuits etc etc whatnot (childish) etc etc that time (this was all It is an AMAZING website and distinguished people and extra ordinary stuff on this site for any Marathi speaking and especially abroad folks. Most folks are still in touch on FEB and gmail etc.

But long story short, started in 2009 as I just got fed up with this “Type in Marathi” stuff! :) :) (This was the 3rd Guru and 3rd Raahu also which helped with publishing).

Exactly at the time I got promotion and GREAT NEW opportunity in office due to work on those smaller accounts, my friends and earlier Patni Computer mentor Prashanrt Kulkarni called me and said he was happy with what I was doing and would like to help from his side as he put in effort to launch Funny how Karma fructifies. I need to resurrect the website though now!

(2) Shani Antardasha NOW in Chandra Mahadasha from Late2016 to April2018 now is without any fights or tussles or any such stuff... (rather complete absence of that - maybe increased maturity) but again SHANI has forced me to take the next logical step!
(a) My analysis showed that if I had to do anything substantial in Astrology like Baba Ramdev did for Yoga/Ayurveda etc -- I need to "move on" and make a FULL effort and not weekend warrior. (b) Being a typical middle-class Maharashtrian family mentality (and also a good manager), I started PoC and PILOT etc as they call in IT :) It worked well and it has given me a good path to catch the next curve in the life in the field of Astrology.
(c) Now - the decision is full and final ----->>>> Astrology it is full time. WHAT Is almost done in this 12th Guru and HOW i will work on it in the next few weeks and months. I just cannot make people spend on Pooja and Shaanti and Gemstones and so on. Yes, they are useful and that is another topic but I want to implement astrology like say Stock Market Analysis or Economic theories and patterns and as a statistical tool. Let us see how far we can go. Astrology is HUUUUUUGEEE (As Trump would say). It connects each & everything in this world to the 11 "planets" and 12 signs and 27 constellations. Let us see how much we can serve it. :)

So, this every SHANI Antardasha has forced me to take a "Out of Comfort zone" step but also ensured that my hard-work determination and consistent efforts are rewarded (sooner later - doesn't matter - -they are rewarded.)

Hope Bhagwan Krishna’s BhagwadGeeta-rupee Ashirwaad and Baaba’s Ashirwaad help achieve what I have in mind. Honest efforts are guaranteed – results will follow sooner or later is not a worry! Karmanyewadhikaraste!

I have a mild Shani-Surya Kendra Yog (very very mild) but it IS Rashi-Kendra Yog despite being almost Laabh-Yog degree wise! :) The bigger issue is the 8th Shani which is not the most happily placed. So, Shani Antardasha has been nastier to less nasty to mild etc with growing age. Health is something is a mystery for all and is a blessing without which one can’t achieve anything! :)


  1. Wish you all the best! Looking forward to your astrology analyses as always.

  2. Milind! You had saved many from depression in this Mahadasha. Some people kind of know their purpose or meant to be. You are just one of them. Astonishingly, you are unique astrologer as didn't come across who'd stress on karma and not pushing to some puja and shanti. Bless you. Keep up the good work _//\\_

  3. Hello Milind, I fortunately bumped into your website and after going through your analysis for me and my family, feel that your analysis is crisp, there is no fear mongering, it gives you the guidance on steps to take through during tough periods and above all your predictions are bold. I haven't found anyone who is willing to predict 5+ years in a chart; Your decision to go full time is excellent.

  4. Please let us know how one can consult you Milind, and also if you do generic horoscope analysis and guidance, charges etc. You have a large fan base, myself included who would be very happy with your decision to go full time .

  5. Hi there
    I am a big fan of your analysis Mr chitambar and will appreciate if you analyse my horoscope and how should I sent the details and your charges as applicable .

    Thank you

  6. Be ready to be smashed in Saturn mahadasha these other dashes are not damaging but when the true Saturn mahadasha comes you would be no where

  7. Thank you for sharing this useful information.
