Wednesday, December 13, 2017

AQUARIUS in 2018 (Kumbh Moon Sign) Annual Horoscope 2018

AQUARIUS in 2018 (Kumbh Moon Sign) Annual Horoscope 2018
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This article applies to Moon Sign Aquarius (KUMBH). This is only about “Kriyamaan karma” (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. Destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), Numerology, Palmistry and face reading etc. Moon Sign plays significant role when it comes to “Kriyamaan”.

Some well-known Moon sign Aquarius: Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Mathew Hayden, Salman Khan, Hillary Clinton; This article also applies to some extent Aquarius Sun Sign i.e. people born from Feb 14 to March 13 (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

Aquarius Sign Characteristics
Usually Tall, Absent minded genius, an intellectual sign “lateral thinking” ability, Selfless intellect of highest order starting with Gemini to Libra to Aquarius: the Air sign Triangle of these 3 signs. Aquarius is owned by Shani but for physical presence. The “logical owner” of Aquarius is Uranus which is governor of electricity, electronics, modern sciences that starts at Mars (Engineering) in a primitive state. Their thoughts are always ahead of their times. Their dress sense is VERY simple and often topic of ridicule of others. Although Guru is considered exalted in Cancer, South Indian astrologers consider Guru exalted in Aquarius. Rather, they think that a given horoscope is of a lower category if not a single planet is in Aquarius sign! J These folks have a great foresight & they are often unorthodox, progressive and modern in their thought process. Aquarius sign vibrates to number 4 & the dates 4, 13, 22, 31. They are very friendly and collect a big friend circle. They can be called “Jagad-Mitra”!

Aquarius Sun sign birth-date from FEB14 to MAR13 also show these characteristics. Those born from Sept16 to Oct15 VIRGO Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; those born from Jan14 to Feb13 Capricorn Sun Sign also oppose Aquarius characteristics.

Background & Summary
(1)    You caught your great break in the 5th Guru sometime from June2013 to June2014 when you got a position, job, designation, office, post etc which you thought could be seen by you and your surroundings as “success” or in most cases it could have been like “dream come true” where your DESIRE was fulfilled.
(2)    In the 12 months from July2014 to July2015 you were supposed to “serve”, polish and hone what you had gotten earlier. It was the period of consolidation & hard-work to make incremental gains in your position.
(3)    The 9th house Shani from August2012 to Nov2014 gave you NEW MASS-BASE – new people (or new type of people) working for you who would support you for the next 7.5 years. This mass base would propel you in the glorious 9 10 11 house SHANI movements of increasing masse base and increasing success until like Jan2020.
(4)    SHANI was in the 10th house from Nov2014 to Jan2017 and again from July2017 to Oct2017: this was happening but of increasing stress.
(5)    The 7th house Guru from July2015 to July2016 brought in expansion & good collaborations/partnerships.
(6)    The 8th house Guru from August2016 to Sept2017 was about hard-work but mission impossible & misaligned efforts on programs that might not run their full course. Your work was appreciated but some initiatives were ill-designed and hence might have ended by Sept2017 without reaching final state.
(7)    The 11th Shani from 26OCT2017 to Jan2020 is a great blessing...! The best Shani years of the past 30 years would be given to you. It shows landslide gains and windfall gains for you now. All the work for the past 5 years and even past 15 years will now be paid-off to you in some ways!
(8)    GURU changes to 9th house from 12-Sept2017 and stays there till 12-OCT2018. It is a HUGE DEAL NOW it shows 3 great years ahead with increasing success! Bhagyoday of sorts happen to you now which means you get new higher positions and strategic work and programs which would see reaching their end-state.

KUMBH 2018 Projections
SHANI would move to the 11th house from 26-OCT-2017 to JAN2020 & then Sadesati starts! :)
(1)    Dhanishtha would see more acute 11th Shani in 2017 and early 2018 whereas Shatataraka in 2018 and Poorva-Bhadrapada majorly in 2019.
(2)    Any planet in the 11th house is magical – right time at right place with whatever that planet represents in your life/chart. A planet like Shani that takes almost 27 years to come 11th is absolutely a positive force for you.
(3)    Shani means masses/workers & overall mass-base for all folks due to “Karakatva” of Shani. Shani for Kumbh is rashi-swami and owner of the 12th house (expense/abroad/investments).
(4)    So this Shani makes you a hit with the masses. You will have people around you would inflate your ego just like the WILD success of Michael Jackson, fellow Kumbh-Moon, in the 80s when he had both Shani 9 10 11 and his uchcha Shani Mahadasha.
(5)    People power will be with you in 9 10 11 Shani from August2012 to Jan2020.
(6)    The 11th Shani means your money is directly proportional to the number of people you serve or command or lead. More the merrier. You will see great income & windfall gains for all what you did from Sept2009 when Shani was 8th and you were trying to rejuvenate yourself.
(7)    You will have a great income and feel good that is a big thing as Shani stays in one sign for 2.5 years. Unless you are in a karmic debt Antardasha, you are going to be a big hit.
(8)    The pressure and stress situation of the 10th Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017 is going to pay off each & every karma on the past 7 years!
(9)    Invest wisely as after 11th Shani it is sadesati from Jan2020. Power misuse is very much possible in the 9 10 11 Shani which needs to be paid off in the 12th Shani from Jan2020 to April2022 – only someone like Narendra Modi (Vrishchik rashi, Tula lagna), can get through the 12th Shani without political exile or major issues but even he needs to go thru CBI enquiry of 6 hours or so! (he had mentioned it was the toughest 6 hrs he faced ever).
(10)  Shani equals “own karma” literally. So Shani ensures each & every karma of past 7 years is paid to you fully in cash!
(11)  It is highly advisable NOT to leave the place or job or a business which you started say from 2010 as it would give all it has to offer by Jan2020! LAGE RAHO!
(12)  The 11th house Shani has drushti on Moon means it gives early indicators with health of mother and self as to what is going to happen after 5 years (Jan2023 to March2025). Reserve time for yourself for health/exercise etc.
(13)  Shani drushti on the 8th house means some inheritance issues and even health issues are brought to fore that were not resolved in the 8th Shani movement from Sept2009 to August2012. You are advised to deal with these issues with cold calculations --- without pride & prejudice! :)
(14)  Shani drushti on the 5th house indicates some neglect of kids is possible and hence dedicated time needs to be given to them. Check what they want in detail and don’t give quick fixes.
(15)  You will get importance at every podium where number of people with you is an important aspect. This is especially good for the politicians and say actors (Salman?).
(16)  WAKRI / Retrograde:
a.     The week of 10th APRIL Shani is Stambhi and becomes wakri / retrograde from April19th at 15th degree.
b.     This retrograde Shani makes matters VERY VERY slow and highly stagnant. Even some bad decisions would be postponed or delayed and same is true with some good decisions. If some eventual bad thing gets delayed – try to make up by extra work or attention and force to keep your influence/strength.
(17)  MAARGI / Direct:
a.     SHANI becomes Maargi from the week of Sept10/15. This makes things much better for everybody. However, it does bring in faster decision making whether it is good or bad! You will deliver some bad news to some people & make them move on this period. The 10th Shani has critical mass on your side to weather most of the storms keep your people happy and engaged.

GURU 9th (Bhagya/Luck) from 12Sept2017 to 12-Oct-2018:
(1)    MAJOR things happen or start when Guru is 9th. Bhagya-sthan is of travel & expansion and long term strategic initiatives. Your efforts now will be aligned well to a greater cause. It is THE BEST house of Guru movement!
(2)    You will get great guidance, right advice and a mentor or a Guru. You will actively seek advice or easily get advice from various experts.
(3)    A promotion or a position which almost guarantees a promotion is a given! As Guru is about knowledge, this position and promotion is associated with increased knowledge and not just due to increase in business!
(4)    You would evolve as a professional and a person due to the knowledge increase.
(5)    You will have a great impact on the surroundings and achieve a lot more than you imagined until Sept2018.
(6)    9th Shani (Nov2014 to jan2017) brought masses to you – the 9th Guru will bring in experts & classes!
(7)    As you can see the 9th house is Bhagyasthan (LUCK / broad success / strategic positions) and Guru ensures that your BHAGYODAY happens as long as you have been working hard.
(8)    There is a very good chance to change your location and travel to a place 9 to 12 hour away from the current one for a period of say 3 years. Bhagya doesn’t change seating on a couch. One has to move their axx for that! :)
(9)    Your image will increase in right circles. Married folks have a great time with kids.
(10)  Guru being owner of the wealth houses (2nd and 11th) you will see great income increase. It will start something new which will stay with you with increasing success with you until 11th Guru which would be over in the end of 2020.
(11)  This shows increasing success by typical GURU fashion which is DYAN-Yoga – what you know will work for you a lot more in this period.
(12)  Guru drushti on the 3rd house means good news from siblings and also travel.
(13)  Guru drushti on the 5th house is great for academics but more so projects and applied knowledge.
(14)  Guru drushti on Moon would show good news for health of self and your mother.

MARS would be in the 12th house & cause Expense and PEEDA for you from MAY2018 to 8-NOV-2018 quite a long time indeed wakri maargi (usually this is only 1.5month!!!). Before MAY2018, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. IN this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear is a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.

The 10th Guru from 12-Oct-2018 to Oct2019:
(1)    More of the same of the 9th Guru from Sept2017 to Oct2018.
(2)    Stress stress, too much work & high productivity
(3)    Consulting experts is a MUST else would work for 15 hours and still would fall short. Experts difficult to get hold of but it is imp to spend 6 hours to get the RIGHT PERSON with Right knowledge and then make him/her work for 2 hours than trying to get it done for 8 hrs by non-experts as they would not do a quality job! IMP to consult GURUs type people for sure!!
(4)    Coincidentally – whether by design or not - YogaYog or KarmaDharmaSanyog etc you might need to report to someone of equal or less ability in this period of 10th  Guru even if for a few weeks or months. NO fault of yours and not fault of them. 2020 would be give you a better position than this person!

RAHU and KETU 6th house and the 12th house from Sept2018 for 18 months ahead. The 6th house Rahu is a HUGE power and a topic of a separate article itself! It shows your social status will increase, you will work with and provide service to people of different caste culture and or religion / language. Increase in money and social status. Some mystique around you will be created as people from one or twi rung below socially or economically will hail you and support you. This Rahu although creates some jealousy within colleagues as they forget that you are getting it due to 8th Rahu hardships and 7th Raahu hard-work (Karmaani Adhikaraste!). Guru being 9th would reduce this jealousy until Sept2018 quite a bit. Paternal family will spend most of their time in the money matters and practical matters. The 12th KETU shows time to fulfil some obligations towards the maternal family as their elders will need help. Donations to temples, religious places and visit to such places is likely.

SUN: In the following two months: Handle seniors, Govt, Police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! J (Sun would support greatly for 3 months from Oct 16th!)
1.     Jan 14 to Feb 14 – 12th House Sun
2.     Sept 15 to Oct 15 – 8th House Sun

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! Neptune in your own sign shows use of subconscious information quite a bit. Every 28 days Moon passes over it and make you identify patterns around you that have happened before. It certainly recommends use of your hunch and instincts along with your usual data/information methods. This applies more when you meet with new people or even new places or organization. You will do a great job of reading in between the lines but it is recommended to also reconfirm these observations.

Uranus (Harshal) changing to the 3rd house (Aries Sign) from April2017 for around 7 years shows sudden travel probabilities, sudden presentations or white paper needs (some sort of expression). It will be seen more in April14 to May14 and also Oct16 to Nov16.

For all moon Signs and NOT just the KUMBH / Meen Moon Sign:
FROM Nov2017 to Dec2019:
(1)    If you are born from Dec16th to Dec 20th of any year: From Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!
(2)    If you are born from Dec16 to Jan14 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(3)    Same with people born from SEPT 16th to Oct 16th of any year – Lesser issues than what you had from Sept2009 to August2012 period but similar and leftover effects.
(4)    Same with people born from JUNE16 to JULY15 of any year but Lesser till Sept2018. But mixed also.
(5)    Same with people born from FEB14 to MARCH13 of any year – lesser Extent and mixed one, Lesser till Sept2018.
(6)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year you need to check this more carefully.

If you are born from Dec 17th to Dec 20th of any year: From 26th, 2017 to June 21, 2017 and again from Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!

FROM Sept2017 to Sept2018

(1)    If you are born from APRIL 14th May 13th and OCT 16th to Nov15th of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.


  1. Thank you so much for posting Aquarius predictions. Regards

  2. Thanks Milind, your clairvoyance always is a solid ground for all of us to work in a particular fashion as stars want us to.

  3. Thanks Milind.
    One quick question I see you mentioned windfall gains for Aquarius. Does it mean we can try luck in lottery?

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