Monday, December 11, 2017

D10 (Business, Karma, career etc) and ABROAD connection

D10 (Business, Karma, career etc) and *Abroad connection

Usually do not write about Divisional charts much as they are completely taken out of context by most folks. They cannot override the natal chart! But still D9 is VERY IMP and if a yoga is there in natal and NOT in D9 then intensity of the yoga reduces FAIR bit. IF yoga is NOT in natal but is in D9 then it might not appear in life as natal chart is the MOST imp and D9 is for SUKSHMA-Darshan.
Similarly, D10 chart is Sukshma-darshan (minute-observation) for the career and business and what a person does for a living, Due to my profession and career I got to interact with lot of people who are abroad for long time or immigrated etc. The abroad connection or career connection with abroad is shown MOST of the times by 9th or 12th house planet in D10,

Some observations for abroad people (or 9 to 12 hrs away from native -- as per education it is by bicycle, car, train or airplane) :) :)

(A) Abroad folks have planets in 3 9 12 houses.
(B) L3 in 9 L9 in 3 and L12 in 3 or 9 and or so exchange are seen too.
(C) Most of the planets or major planets are in the visible hemisphere. houses 8 to 12 predominantly. As career becomes more imp and still career abroad is more lucrative than India (sadly).
(D) Planets that are 8 to 12 from Chandra -- they "eventually" take the person abroad due to DESIRES if not destiny too strong! :)

*Shani 4th in any rashi also causes exile to the person from the native place. As they settle away from native and end up buying own property and estate away from native. At least the later age of their life is away from native.

However, I have observed very common thread of having planets in 9 to 12 houses and more so 9 and 12 hours is D10 for abroad people. There are other things one wants to check from D10 which is more so placement of L10 from natal and also 10th house and L10 in D10 itself but this is an interesting observation.

Now, again, no planets in 3 9 12 or L12 L3 L9 exchanges in natal chart but D10 showing 9 12 planets would not have as much a big impact if natal chart is showing strong 4th house! :)

(The picture attached shows D10 chart and the D1 has 2 planets including L1/Lagnesh in the 12th house)

Abroad could be replaced by places that are 12 hours away from native.

Abroad Stay/Settlement:
The 3 9 12 houses of D1 are discussed a lot in the various articles I have written about abroad travel, affinity, exports or abroad settlement. D10 (Dashamansh Kundali) chart is also used to check livelihood/business etc of the person. For folks who are destined to stay abroad for long time or abroad settlement you can see D10 chart is quite VOCAL. The right-hand side of the chart is more populated and also you would see a "significant" planet in the 12th or 9th house. Here as you can see D10 chart has Budh in the 12th house of abroad -- but check 4 planets in Mithun rashi in the house of income making this Budh very significant!

God works in mysterious ways and the SOUL is ultra-aware of why it has taken the birth! :) We try to decipher is given the bdate time and the coordinates! :) 

1 comment:

  1. MillindJi,
    Kumbh Raashi 2018. Requesting you please post. Or am I missing it somewhere.
