Thursday, December 7, 2017

#MEEN in 2018 (#PISCES in 2018) Moon Sign #Annual #Horoscope 2018

MEEN in 2018 (PISCES in 2018) Moon Sign Annual Horoscope 2018

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This article applies to Moon Sign Pisces (MEEN). This is only about “Kriyamaan karma” (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. Destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), Numerology, Palmistry and face reading etc. Moon Sign plays significant role when it comes to “Kriyamaan”.

Some well-known Moon sign Pisces: Dev Anand, Rahul Dravid, Abhishek Bachchan, Dilip Prabhavalkar; Abhishek Bachchan. This article also applies to some extent to Pisces Sun Sign i.e. people born from March 14 to April 13 Linda Goodman, Kundanlal Saigal, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dilip Vengsarkar, Aamir Khan, Imran Hashmi, Kangana Ranaut (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

Pisces Sign Characteristics:
Pisces “The Bhulakkad (memory lapses) Sign?”

Pisces sign folks are very mild mannered, with limited mental & physical energy. They are most happy when they are “giving” away something (info, knowledge, money etc). They are born millionaire or live like one. They will not show great urge to achieve materialistic success. They have wisdom acquired from every sign and have traits of every sign and can relate to all types of personalities without much effort. They are like the fish who can see at both the sides but never straight-ahead! J They know what would happen if you take this decision or that decision but would find it taking a decision with great conviction. But they will easily decide on very broad and long-term issues. They do things with utter ease which could come across as the lack of interest or vigor. They are far better in planning than execution. They can give selfless advice. The word selfless is probably made for them. They give away the most important of their wisdom / information easily. (Unlike Capricorn or Scorpio signs) J It is almost impossible to surprise them. Staying in completely in a comfort zone, going with the current/flow OR swimming completely against the tide is their real destiny! Folks born from March 14 to April 13 are Sun Sign Pisces and also show this trait. Folks born from Oct 16th to NOV 15th LIBRA Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; Folks born from FEB 14th to MAR 13th Aquarius Sun Sign also oppose the Piscean characteristics.

Background & Summary
(1)    From May2012 to May2013 you started something new and were in the 3rd Guru’s “50% Bhagyoday” movement. This Guru made you write effectively, express effectively (proposals, presentations, blog etc) and STARTED something NEW for you. You hung on to this and it created some feel good by May2013.
(2)    The 5th Guru from July2014 to July2015 must have some real good expansion and success. This period gave you a tremendous opportunity to establish yourself. Whatever started in the 5th Guru would stay with you for 6 more years until 2021.
(3)    Shani from Aug2012 to Nov2014 was 8th to you: This meant you were away from your mass-base or at odds with your mass-base. It was indeed a tough transition period with need to upgrade your skills to make yourself worthy of new level of mass-base (reporting people).
(4)    The 6th Guru from July2015 to August2016 ensured you service what you got in the 5th Guru until July2015.
(5)    The 9th Shani from Nov2014 made you right time & right place to exploit your skills & personality. You have positional advantage for some post or an important office! The 9th Shani gave you a new mass-base that would support you for the next 7+ years.
(6)    The 7th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 expanded your game. It gave additional salary and position and bigger portfolio. Also, the work which you love to do and it is more of a freelance and not 9 to 5 duties/designation. It was a feel-good period to a large extent.
(7)    From Oct 27th, 2017, you have entered the 10th Shani which is “more of the same” of the previous 2+ years! It will bring in more work, stress, tough but happening time. You would feel like a pressure-cooker ready to release steam and benefit immensely from Jan2020…! Until then keep PUSHING as hard as possible. It is YOUR time but it would not feel like it till Jan2020 as the pressure gets to you! :)
(8)    The 8th Guru from Sept2017 to Oct2018 would make you work very very hard and mostly it would be misaligned effort. Your effort might be appreciated but the program might be ill-designed and hence not supposed to see bigger success. But this work will give you a highly strategic position from Oct2018 to Oct2019 which is more of a 9 to 5 duty but quite broad in nature. A relocation or movement as per your desire is quite likely in this period.

The 10th house Shani from Oct26, 2017 to Jan2020:
(1)    Poorva-Bhadrapada will see the 10th Shani more in 2017. Uttara-Bhadrapada in 2018 and Revati in 2019.
(2)    The 9th Shani from Nov2014 to Jan2017 is supposed to give new mass base, a new bigger position and sort of a slow but sure Bhagyoday. Now the 10th Shani will give you expansion (more of the same), volume and displacement! :)
(3)    You will be subjected to great pressure, stress and pressure cooker situation but it is part of the growth and increase in business. People working for you will increase.
(4)    The 10th Shani will give you complex work assignments that need micro-management. It is almost a must to take advice from experienced and older people who have done this before. Complexity of work you will get will be very high and all decisions should be supported by facts & figures -- & economic analysis. Finance and related analysis is a MUST & just following your hunch etc would get you in trouble.
(5)    But the same older & experienced people will stop your next level promotion by seating on top of you. So it is catch-22: you need them but you don’t like them! :)
(6)    Older, experienced matured people advice is absolutely necessary in the 10th house Shani expansion.
(7)    You will get respect and a place on a podium due to the number of people working for you (i.e. your mass-base) and not exactly for what personal skills/capability.
(8)    As it is usually understood that masses follow a capable person they can trust and entrust to do the right thing. At times, the 10th Shani puts some ego & bubble in the person thinking that it is their skill and their uniqueness that is causing this success but remember it is the people that work for you are doing the difference for you.
(9)    The 10th Shani has drushti on the 4th house means mother and native and house. So this Shani takes away from parents logically or physically. Handle them with maturity and care as there could be some friction.
(10)  Work place stress would need mom’s help at home and workplace stress would need dad’s advice BUT your higher positions make it difficult to deal with people without ego! :) Patience is the key dealing with parents and a smile on the face goes a long way!
(11)  Shani drushti on the 7th house shows deficiencies or mistakes in the partnerships. It also takes away from spouse for some time. If partnerships / collaborations are not  handled well, it can even go to the litigations/courts.
(12)  Shani drushti on the 12th house shows travels against your wish to meet very highly placed people with great vision and strategy and they calling the shots without people knowing it!! It also gives an early indicator what kind of expenses might be required after 5 years when Sadesati starts sometime in 2022.
(13)  WAKRI / Retrograde:
a.     The week of 10th APRIL Shani is Stambhi and becomes wakri / retrograde from April19th at 15th degree.
b.     This retrograde Shani makes matters VERY VERY slow and highly stagnant. Even some bad decisions would be postponed or delayed and same is true with some good decisions. If some eventual bad thing gets delayed – try to make up by extra work or attention and force to keep your influence/strength.
(14)  MAARGI / Direct:
a.     SHANI becomes Maargi from the week of Sept10/15. This makes things much better for everybody. However, it does bring in faster decision making whether it is good or bad! You will deliver some bad news to some people & make them move on this period. The 10th Shani has critical mass on your side to weather most of the storms keep your people happy and engaged.
(15)  March 8 2018 to May 2nd (March & April2018) and more so March30 to April 5 shows Mangal Shani yuti in the 10th house shows tussle of your people/juniors with your seniors. Need to handle diplomatically, while doing “the right thing to do” should balance both the sides and find a right solution. Some convincing will needed to be done. It is a conflict of young blood with the old guard where both can’t function without each other and hence need some adjustments on both the sides. Regardless, you will feel empowered and your influence would grow. Some office colleagues might not be happy with you though with you increasing influence.

The 8th house GURU from 12-Sept2017 to 12-Oct-2018:
(1)    The 8th house in one word is “MISSION-IMPOSSIBLE” -- Ethan Hunt’s running around trying to cover all the bases – it is his own production/movie, so he succeeds but usually in the 8th house Guru you are part of something which is not fully-thought-thru. It means you will be aligned to something which itself is not aligned to a greater good or the big picture.
(2)    The 8th house is also PEEDA. In Marathi it is called as “DugDug”! :) Being Raashi-Swami, it certainly shows fatigue & health issues.
(3)    This Guru might not be the best for usual promotions, designations, specific posts etc etc but it does show to the world what you are made of.
(4)    It is absolutely critical to make superiors aware of the “shit” you are inheriting – someone else’s estimation of efforts and schedule might make you work 15 hours plus and at the end of the day/Sept2018 also get blamed for it! It is critical to ensure commitment and hard-work but not taking blame for what you did not do. So it is IMP to take the blame for anything you did wrong honestly! :) This credibility will be needed to ensure you do not inherit someone else’s miscalculation. REGARDLESS, you WILL have to go thru these miscalculations and live thru them.
(5)    Your dedication & hard-work is appreciated but it doesn’t result in a great success overall.
(6)    As the 8th house belongs to MOKSHA Trikon in the horoscope – this period is very good for homeopathy medicines results, Ayurveda and Yoga initiation.
(7)    You would get good advice from such alternate healing method experts.
(8)    Guru aspect on the 2nd house means good investment luck & well directed decisions for investments in stocks, jewelry, bonds etc.
(9)    The 4th house aspect means home improvements, interior improvements and meeting with close-to-heart people.
(10)  The 12th house aspect means good expense which is an investment in yourself.
(11)  It is a very good Guru position for self-help and self-improvements.
(12)  If the birth-time chart is conductive to easy money or disproportionate income, this Guru results in some real GREAT income thru say lottery or employee stock-options or some insider information coming to you.
(13)  As 8th is the house of inheritance, it is a good time until Sept2018 to get something out of it.
(14)  Although the 8th house Guru doesn’t result in holistic success at career/business (recognition or position/designation) despite the money gain, it will pave the success of the 3 years of 9 10 11 house Guru starting from Oct2018!

The 9th house Guru from 12-Oct2018 to Oct2019:
(1)    MAJOR things happen or start when Guru is 9th. This Guru will increase image, helps get married & helps with promotions etc. Married folks have a great time w.r.t kids in the 9th Guru.
(2)    As you can see the 9th house is Bhagyasthan and Guru ensures that your BHAGYODAY happens as long as you have been working hard. There is a very good chance to change your location and travel to a place 9 to 12 hour away from the current one for a period of say 3 years.
(3)    Bhagya doesn’t change seating on a couch. One has to move their axx for that! :) Guru being owner of the career & self-house (rashi-swami) the 10th and the 1st– this Guru in the travel house of 9 for Meen is bound to make work-place changes at least!
(4)    Overall this Guru is of natural support to you from the surroundings. This 9th Guru starts something new which stays with you until 11th Guru is over which is until 2021. This shows increasing success by typical GURU fashion which is DYAN-Yoga – what you know will work for you a lot more in this period.

From Sept2017 for 18 months, RAHU moved to the 5th house (Buddhi, Kids, success, dreams, execution, speculation) and KETU to the 11th house (all sorts of gains, monthly/regular income). Rahu Ketu are always great in 11 / 5 or 5 /11. Yes Rahu 11th is better than Rahu 5th but still it is a favorable position for this axis.  The 5th Rahu shows some success in execution & achievements! Yes it could show some hereditary issues with your kids. As this is the house of duty – you will perform some tasks for the paternal family elders Any planet in the house of gains (11th) is a great thing! It will increase your monthly income. It will show gains if maternal family has left some good-will for you to exploit. Even if they have done some harms and left some nasty stuff even then the 11th Ketu movement is NOT the time to get those back to you! :) Overall – this axis for 18 months from Sept2017 only adds to your success, recognition and achievements in the favorable Shani and Guru movements...! You are IN for the long run! :)

MARS would be 12th from 06-Nov-2018 to 23-Dec-2018. This time-period indicates driving carefully. Ensure you make a round of the vehicle checking it’s all right. Check air pressure and oil level etc regularly. Avoid adventure sports or use all the safety gear etc in this period for sure. The Mars movement for most of the middle of the year is in the 11th house which shows great support from colleagues, friends & siblings. This Mars will try to reduce load/stress of 8th Guru quite a bit.

SUN: In the following two months: Handle seniors, Govt, Police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! J (Sun would support greatly for 3 months from Oct 16th!)
1.     Feb 15 to Mar 14 the 12th house Sun (expenses of time money and energy for seniors/Govt/authority)
2.     Oct 16 to Nov 16 – The 8th house – peeda and confrontations with Govt Police RTO etc authorities

Uranus (Harshal) in Aries/Mesh and 2nd to your sign which shows some investment gains and new income in your life due to slow but steady changes & rather investments done from 2010 in your life (modernity, technology, latest stuff) – However avoid very sudden investments at your whims and take some information decisions.

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh). Neptune in 12th house is great for spiritual connects. This Neptune helps with planning of next several years. It shows some expense of time & money on spiritual places, ashrams and even temples. Neptune helps with power of subconscious mind from time to time. This Neptune position is more significant to countries and organizations ruled by Pisces sign than individuals.

For all moon Signs and NOT just the Meen / Pisces Moon Sign:
FROM Nov2017 to Dec2019:
(1)    If you are born from Dec16th to Dec 20th of any year: From Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!
(2)    If you are born from Dec16 to Jan14 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(3)    Same with people born from SEPT 16th to Oct 16th of any year – Lesser issues than what you had from Sept2009 to August2012 period but similar and leftover effects.
(4)    Same with people born from JUNE16 to JULY15 of any year but Lesser till Sept2018. But mixed also.
(5)    Same with people born from FEB14 to MARCH13 of any year – lesser Extent and mixed one, Lesser till Sept2018.
(6)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year you need to check this more carefully.

If you are born from Dec 17th to Dec 20th of any year: From 26th, 2017 to June 21, 2017 and again from Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!

FROM Sept2017 to Sept2018
(1)    If you are born from APRIL 14th May 13th and OCT 16th to Nov15th of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

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