Tuesday, December 5, 2017

KP Method Example: Long Running Laptop Patch! :)

KP Method Example: 
A LONG Running patch on my Laptop was showing 2% progress for a long long time! :) I was eager to get on with the work. Frustrated with progress, I used my iPhone to check KP Method LSRD. The patch was supposed to finish (yes) and also sometime in next few minutes so I looked at LSRD Kumbh lagna was at 22+ degrees. So LSRD were - Shani, Rahu, Budh, Mangal.

Lagna was in Guru's Nakshatra in Kumbh and Lagna movement thru LSRD showed that Rahu Lagna-Nakshatra was already over, Mangal Lagna-Nakshatra was over before that -- so I had Shani and BUDH in LSRD for my help! :) Shani Nakshatra was earlier in Meen lagna but the logical answer was BUDH's Revati lagna-Nakshatra as the Laptop fully functional! :) :)

Attached chart shows immediately after Laptop was available to me -- I was checking on iPhone about the progress and 2:10 was the time when Laptop did re-boot with 100% progress.

Amazing -- KP Method always amazes me for Prashna Kudali. How accurate it could be.

(The Prashna Kundali had Kumbh lagna 22 degrees and Shani 11th in gains house so YES the answer -- it is not going to crash! :) And also desire owner Chandra in the 5th house of success in Mithun/Ardra Nakshatra. SO YES is the answer Chandra Shani opposite SLOW as this patch was unusually longer in installation! And LSRD told me the timing I would have laptop back to me! :) :)


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