Monday, December 18, 2017

Horoscope DEC2017 (Weekly December Horoscope: From Dec18 to Dec25)

Horoscope DEC2017 (Weekly December Horoscope: From Dec18 to Dec25)
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Nothing can negate or override your birth-time Horoscope but the following text can add or subtract from it to some extent and more so shows your own conscious or subconscious state and what YOU think how you are doing!
1.     All Timings are IST – Convert to whichever time zone you are in.
2.     Based ONLY on Moon Sign – Health could be more related to Ascendant. One can also check from Ascendant

Significant Planetary Changes:

ALL SIGNS will feel the adverse effect of Surya Shani together especially those who are in position of power/authority would see mass--employee etc unrest. Some surprise to people in power is almost a must in this week. People intensive businesses like IT industry needs to be more vigilant.

(1) Venus/Shukra enters Dhanu Sagittarius 18:07 PM Wednesday Dec 20th 2017. It stays in this sign till Jan 13th 2018. This is tough for Vrishabh Ascendant & Moon Sign for health as it is Rashi-Swami. It increases expenses for Makar and some defamation possible if not being careful with ladies/opposite sex.

(2) Venus will be in the first 3 degrees of Moola for the next 3 days until Dec23rd 10AM. This period, especially ladies need to careful and stay in known & comfortable environment.

(3) Mars / Mangal is in Tula and continues there till Jan 17th 2018. This is tough for moon signs of Scorpio and Pisces (Vrishchik & Meen) with vehicles, injury & accident etc etc. Get vehicles inspected & serviced et & drive with care and love and not with a negative sentiment or in an apprehensive manner deliberately slow! :) Adventure sports prepared well and use safety gear and stay within physical limits.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: After 2+ hectic and fatigue days, start of very good 6+ days ahead till Monday evening. Meeting with older & seniors people. Some conflicts with seniors & authorities & your juniors. Stand-off and need to mediate. Great income and pro-environment, Connect with people 9 hours away.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: More of the same, lot of work, productivity, happening, increasing influence at workplace, importance despite stress.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Multiple gains, income, support from environment, all work done from the past 6 days will be rewarded in some way.

VRISHABH / TAURUS: MUST HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff till Jan14th with utmost care and patience.
1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Tough time and peeda, sleep well, conflicts with authorities and seniors need to be handled without ego but enough self-esteem. Imp to be tactful and diplomatic. Krittika Nakshatra folks to especially have a tough time.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Start of relatively good 6 days ahead. Travels or connects with people 9 hrs away against your wish or without too much optimism but thy will help for sure. New opportunities possible.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Stress & happening but need to put in hard work and get things done regardless of what weekend or whatever - -need to sacrifice personal time to retain workplace influence.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Tussle with partnerships and spouse and group events and so on. Need to handle them well. Singles could have some less than perfect experience with partnerships, beware of older folks and seniors at workplace – handle them with diplomacy not allowing to take advantage but do not offend etc beyond a limit. Seniors could surprise but eventually agree with you at least on principles if not able to help you directly. Tussle of your juniors with your seniors possible and you would be caught in the middle. This is more so for MRIG Nakshatra.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Tough time with fatigue and some not to good news. Put in efforts but “Yukti” is more imp than “shakti” (planning better than just force). Take enough sleep for sure.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Start if very good 6+ days ahead. Income, Gains, Still partnerships would trouble and need to deal with. Good connects with people 9 hours away and some good results but still some compromises 50/50%.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Success over competition enemies but with toll on health, watch health, eat carefully and on time, eat lemon in meals (!?), maternal family connect highly likely – good & bad both aspects to it.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Collaborations and partnerships, spouse time, good group events, handle seniors with emotional intelligence, harsh truth to be delivered with care.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM; Fatigue, need enough sleep, tough time, misaligned efforts, any hurry or anger could cause more damage. Patience is the key.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Watch kids related aspects, education field controversy possible, good quick achievements, good for lawyers, law field. Sports etc use all safety gear.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Social events, celebrations or dinner with maternal folks, upset stomach possible. Enemies/Competitors might try to take advantage of your absence or other personal priorities.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Good collaborations and group events, well directed alliances and efforts, good time.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Rest & Rejuvenation which is much needed; BE CAREFUL WITH GOSSIP with unknown people, your word will be used against you and put out of context, meeting with seniors or older people in confrontational setup, conflicting interests of your seniors and juniors could affect everybody. Attention to domestic trouble and home front needed. Uttara Nakshatra to see specific domestic trouble.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Quick Achievements, Success and fulfillment but local and not huge etc – but still success is success. Kids will do well. Some inspirational tactical moves to achieve things.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Social events, maternal folks and mom connect, Watch health /stomach.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Presentations, Writing, publication, expression possible, travel likely or connect with distant people. Watch your choice of words, Chitra Nakshatra to see specific gains due to fights of other people.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Much needed rest & rejuvenation but continued leftover tussle of the past 2+ days of mgmt. and people. Mostly in your comfort zone and people you are comfortable with.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Quick achievements and success, good for kids and time spent with kids, speculative gains and inspirational work.

VRISHCHIK / SCORPIO: DRIVE CARFULLY & handle vehicles & sports with appropriate safety gear till Jan 17th
1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Incremental income, gains, Wealth Mgmt., New income in life and more so Vishakha nakshatra, Watch investments, do not be TOO BOLD with investments, Do not promise things outside your control – “Eating” of words possible.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Good expression, publishing, travel, meeting people.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Comfort zone, Near Native place, Meeting near and dear people, party or gettogether with friends.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Back on track after hectic 3 days of expense of time money and effort and too much fatigue, Good energy & execution and positive outlook, Take care of stuff in travel/transit and more so important documents. Avoid arguments with authorities in travel - -just keep repeating your correct points :) Meeting senior & older (difficult) people is possible – need to handle with maturity and patience. Quick moves and actions could derail even easiest of achievements.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Income, Gains, Family time and good food. Good investments.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Travel, Expressions, Publishing, visibility due to spoke & written word / presentations. White papers etc etc. Complex calculations and patience testing work content (attention to details needed)

MAKAR / CAPRICORN:  MUST HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff till Jan14th with utmost care and patience.
1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: TOUGH 2.5 days! Expense of time money and effort needed – too much adversity from Govt, Authorities and all-around people with power. Need to deal with sincerity and good positive and humble body language. Don’t react to the worst of the comments in a hurry – respond later. Handle with patience and 80% of the adversity will be done with!!
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Back on track with some energy but still leftover issues from the past 3 days.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Incremental gains, some recovery of issues that happened from Monday thru Wednesday.

1.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Multiple gains and income, tussle of seniors and juniors but still giving you edge and pro-environment! Workplace conflicts will increase your importance. Capitalize without being opportunistic in a dutiful manner.
2.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: A bit tough 2+ days, need to check errors and omissions of the past 6 days and check pending stuff. Cover earlier omissions and plan the next month ahead well. Spend some time on brainstorming and do not jump into action right away. Use words carefully.
3.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM: Back on track with energy & optimism, good visibility publicity.

MEEN / PISCES: DRIVE CARFULLY & handle vehicles & sports with appropriate safety gear till Jan 17th
4.     From Monday morning 07:07AM Dec18th 2017 to Wednesday night 20:01PM: Stress and happening at the same time.- Workplace conflicts with hierarchies etc and you could become sandwiched. Need to use BOTH force and intellect (Chandragupta & Chanakya) at the same time. TRICKY situation at workplace.  Be JUST and truthful as that’s the only way!
5.     From Wednesday night 20:02PM to Saturday morning 08:29AM: Solace & incremental gains, income and mostly a pro-environment but issues from the past 3 days linger around.

6.     From Saturday morning 08:30AM to Monday evening 18:52PM:  Tough 2+ days with adversity, correct previous mistakes & omissions and sacrifice personal time for workplace image and reputation. Plan next month well and avoid jumping in to action on any NEW things.

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