Sunday, December 3, 2017

#TULA in 2018 (#LIBRA in #2018) Moon Sign -- 2018 #Annual #Horoscope

TULA in 2018 (LIBRA in 2018) Moon Sign -- 2018 Annual Horoscope
“Zumata Mausam Masta Mahina (rather an year)”
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This article applies to Moon Sign LIBRA (TULA). Here we talk about the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope, palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known Moon sign Libra folks: RD Burman, Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Ratan Tata, Akshay Kumar, Curtly Ambrose, Reema Lagu, Ashok Chavan, Maruti-Suzuki, Probably Australia also Sun Sign Libra: Jawaharlal Nehru, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Leonardo de Caprio, Shah Rukh, Waqar Younis. This article also applies to some extent Libra Sun Sign i.e. people born from October16 to Nov16. (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

LIBRA Sign Characteristics
Charming, Well-mannered, all-rounder, easy going, positive, tall, trade-mark smile (they always smile: Madhuri Dixit is Tula ascendant and Julia Roberts Libra Sun 28th Oct). They try to balance whenever they see excess of anything. While they try to balance they become highly unbalanced before they settle! They are easily teased by Taurus’s ridicule and Virgo’s meticulousness. These folks are very pleasant and it feels good to have them around. It is a sign that likes to build partnerships & collaborations. 70% Film actors have at least 1 planet in Libra sign! J 50% are either Moon sign or Sun Sign Libra. Moon or Sun Libra is always successful regardless of the neech/debilitated Sun. They are also workaholic and try to do things one by one as it is a “char” rashi (“moving”). It is an interesting observation that large % of left-handed folks has either Moon or Sun in Libra. Libra sun sign folks born from 16th Oct to 16th Nov also show these characteristics. Folks born from May14 to June14 Taurus Sun oppose these characteristics (Calm, Stable, Ridicule); Folks born from Sept16 to Oct16 Virgo Sun also oppose Libra characteristics due to highly analytical, meticulous nature.

You were in sadesati phase from Sept2009 for 7.5 years till 26-Oct-2017. Shani from Nov2014 in the 2nd house started some new income for you while it uncovered earlier mistakes in investments. This time the Libra sadesati was balanced quite a bit by Guru’s support from Oct2009 (5th Guru). So this Guru is supported you quite a bit from June2013 to June2014 with higher position & for 3 years until July2016. This made you “feel-good” have positive sentiments of how you are doing despite Sadesati learnings. The 11th house Guru from July2015 to July2016 Guru gave you windfall gains from all sectors of life. It was the best year in the past 11 years despite Sadesati. GURU made you feel on the top of the world with wind-fall gains and some one-time payments and pay-offs and increased income etc. You cashed out in the 11th Guru from July2015 to July2016 when you got paid off for all the work you did in the past 3, 4 years. Suddenly, from Sept2016 to Sept2017 you were in the “political exile” of the 12th Guru! It was “WHAT NEXT” period and you were at wrong time wrong place and wondering what would happen to you now! A TOUGH period after glorious June2013 to July2016 period. This was a period for you to learn new things, acquire new contacts, figure out WHAT next and then HOW.

(Sadesati has been an interesting period: 2009 was especially slow when even Bachchan sahib had lost KBC for a year which again came back to him in 2010. Akshay Kumar had “Afalatoon” 2008 but 6 flops in 2009! He had to reinvent himself in action which kept him going. However, this sadesati was lot less problematic compared to the last one in the 80s when both Shani and Guru went “off” (12th). (RD Burman bat-patch, Bachchan (accident & politics etc)). You had a dream come true success which you call your own in 2010 which followed with some expansion of the same success from May2011 to May2012. You had some Bhagyoday or start of something very good, new & strategic position from June2013 to June2014 – you got an enviable position with great support from seniors.)

NOW, the 1st house Guru in your rashi from 12-Sept-2017 to 12-Oct-2018 brings you back on track and out of the woods. The danger zone is not totally over but it is 80% over. You will now see good image & recognition, increase in social and physical weight, improvement in mom health and some higher responsibilities and the work that you always wanted. Specific daily, weekly, monthly responsibilities now will come your way and MOSTLY they are a bit higher level than July2016 but not too much. The 3rd House Shani is “almighty”. Folks like Shivaji Maharaj and Balasaheb Thackeray have it in their birth-chart and you are going to get it for 2.5 years till Jan2020. It gives you tactical advantage, an able mass-base that you can leverage, a team which will propel you thru and get you the power you always wanted. It is YOUR TIME despite Guru not being the most favorable position. Your people will ensure your increasing importance. You are all set for 23 years of Shani’s life-cycle which will give you good life ahead until the next Sadesati hits! :)

2018 Projections:
The 3rd SHANI from 26-OCT-2017 to JAN2020:
(1)    The end of Sadesati is the biggest news here! Bravo, you came out of Sadesati now! Indeed, an ERA would be over with the end of Sadesati.
(2)    You are now lean, mean and ready to take on the world for next 23 years!
(3)     Sadesati got rid of excess fat from you, forced to you to pay back your errors & omissions, forced to learn new skills and new maturity level.
(4)    Shani positions in the chart and also Gochar/transit are great in 3 6 11 houses and also good in 9 10 houses followed by OK in the 1st and the 5th houses. The 4 8 12 are the worst movements. So you are going to get a GREAT 3rd position after 11th Shani got over in Sept2009! 
(5)    The house of expression, parakram, travel, and making a visible impact on the surroundings!
(6)    Shivaji Maharaj had 3rd Shani in uchcha rashi in his birth-chart whereas Balasaheb Thackeray had 3rd Shani to the moon and 11th to the ascendant. This aptly shows that this Shani gives power to the person and this power is delivered by and thru the people who follow you!
(7)    Your mass-base, your employees and your workers are not perfectly placed and you are perfectly placed to leverage them to the fullest extent. You will be able to play the king-maker. You will play your cards & deliver karma (good/bad) to the deserving people.
(8)    You could become the police and the judge together! :)
(9)    Needless to say, politicians, police and lawyers make the most out of this Shani. Employees will win the office politics.
(10)  The 3rd house is Kaam-Trikon house so it shows you will get the work what you love to do and not have to do!
(11)  You will get assignments that are matching your interest quite a bit. The first Guru will only add to the power of this Shani!! Your word will have some great weight now!
(12)  The 3rd Shani drushti is on all travel houses like 3 9 12 hence political travel is imminent, at times against your wishes.
(13)  The 3rd house means siblings so you need to check what your siblings need. Spend time with them to understand what their plans are and what they are actually doing.
(14)  Shani drushti is also on the 5th house which means education needs attention for students. Practical application of theory is needed as the 5th house is about execution and “applied” anything.
(15)  As the 5th house means kids – please do watch their needs and keep aside time for them deliberately. Don’t give quick fixes to kids as they will backfire – understand what they need by deep assessment.
(16)  If you have planets in Dhanu, Mithun or Kanya rashi apart from Guru – this Shani will show some issues here and there and wouldn’t be all gung-ho. (For example: Bachchan Sahab has 6 planets in Kanya rashi so he will have some tough time with health/stomach despite Sadesati being over.)
(17)  This is life and when some area of life becomes strong, some other area becomes neglected. Means the 3rd Shani will not allow 4th house activation to much which means quality time with family and near and dear folks.
(18)  It is great for personal achievements and achievements with your workplace but the family might not get enough time from you.
(19)  The 3rd Shani is especially great for lawyers and police and not to mention politicians. Big things happen to these folks who have interaction with masses and law for a living!
(20)  As Tula is predominantly a sign of artists – It is an all-round good news for the world as you would again start to get quality products from every artistic sector! :)

GURU 1st from 12-Sept2017 to 12-Oct-2018: Execution, Action, 9 to 5 duties, position, designation
(1)    This is where most of the folks are comfortable. As this Guru gives success which is treated as success by your family, friends, relatives! :) Socially acceptable behavior is what everybody desperately looking for (Sad but true for geniuses!).
(2)    Guru in your sign improves your image, visibility and gives you a feel good. You are guided by experts that are now easy to access. You will get good books to read which are about “applied” knowledge and directly useful in your job.
(3)    Guru starts new endeavors for you where you get to execute your plans that you did until Sept2017 This execution will be now successful which was not the case until Sept2017.
(4)    Of course, Guru in your sign is also some sort of an exam or a test. This Guru gives your big responsibilities you always wanted. This means some designation or some office of specific duties – daily, weekly and monthly.
(5)    Most people are very comfortable with the 1st Guru support except the ones who are in wealth creation/stock markets. This Guru is not the most natural for investments it in a way opposes the 2nd house (mutual funds, stocks, FDs etc) and the 6th house (service sector)!
(6)    Yes, it is OK for the 10th house (production) but not the best. But folks in jobs, employment will see better and better prospects. You are coming back on track and in form.
(7)    Guru drushti on the kids’ house (5th house) ensures good progress on kids front – santati labh, kids doing well in their life etc. Also, you would be acknowledged in the education field or intellectual circles. You could be called by education institutes to share your experience, knowledge etc.
(8)    Guru Drishti on the 9th house could show some minor travels that increase your sphere. Increase your business and overall bhagya. The more you are willing to travel the more the success until Oct2018.
(9)    Those who looking to get married have great blessings from this Guru as Guru’s full-force 7th drushti is on the 7th house – the house of marriage/partners/collaborations!
(10)  Overall, this Guru will increase your social and physical weight too by Oct2018! :)

Guru would move 2nd from Oct2018 to Oct2019:
(1)   Overall it will make surroundings realize your value again which they had forgotten from Sept2016.
(2)   This Guru is all about wealth creation or rather wealth expansion. This 2nd Guru until Oct2019 would start some new income from new method/job/business etc in your life which is the result of the exposure & self-investments from Sept2016.
(3)   New endeavors will open for you now. You will invest wisely & focus on wealth creation. It will be a very good time to make some investments.
(4)   You will also come across with new mentors/Gurus (mild & not hard-core) in your life (more so in investments).
(5)   The 2nd house Guru even would show increasing wealth for families & even expansion in the family.
(6)   Good time to have kids for couples.
(7)   For those in the field of education, this period is of some great success. You could start or expand your tuitions or business related to education, education material and all the related aspects.
(8)   Inheritance matters would be resolved and resolved in your favor (of course greed is not good!).
(9)   This Guru overall makes your economic-zone very powerful.
(10) Traditional astrology treats 2nd Guru as a great and a huge Bhagyoday. My analysis shows that it is true to a large extent however in the feel good, 5th and 9th and 11th Guru trump the 2nd house Guru.

RAHU changing to Kirk (10th house) from Sept2017 for 18 months ahead: You will get some image projects at the workplace. You will get or need to work with people from different caste and culture in this period and they will love you mostly and create some aura & charisma for you. However, working with such diverse people can cause discomfort as it needs lot of learning with man-management and multi-cultural aspects. 10th and 6th Raahu means increase in clout due to people that are lower in the food-chain society or economically. You will give them leadership and together you would make the progress. As Rahu would be in a fast-moving planet’s rashi (Moon-Kirk) – this Raahu wouldn’t show complex pattern as else it shows in a rashi owned by Guru or Shani! This Rahu is alone able to produce effects for you and not have to depend on Rashi Swami all the times! :)

KETU moving to the 4th house (Makar rashi) from Sept2017: This is insignificant for career aspects but good for inner peace, religious or spiritual pursuits, meeting with close to heart people and more so from the maternal side of the family. Visits to temples, ashrams or with pious people is quite possible. This Ketu is good for students in higher education.

In the following two months handle seniors, Govt, Police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods. Handle them carefully in the following periods.
a.     September 16 to Oct 16: The 12th house Sun
b.     May 14 to June 14  à The 8th house Sun

Uranus (Harshal) in Aries in the 7th house to Tula rashi. This Uranus would show some sudden events with partnerships. Possible to get some unorthodox even weird people in marriage /engagement matters. It is advised to do proper due-diligence and background check etc before getting in to personal of business partnerships!

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! Neptune is about spiritual and metaphysical matters. The 5th house Neptune is good for inspiration. It is very good for artists or creative folks. Some visionary work could happen as Guru is bang opposite to this Neptune until July2016. You could also get some 6th sense from time to time. Dreams would be significant and they could convey some things to you. Your subconscious mind would be active from time to time.

For all folks with all Moon Signs and NOT just MESH / ARIES Moon Sign:
FROM Nov2017 to Dec2019:
(1)    If you are born from Dec16th to Dec 20th of any year: From Oct26 to Dec31st 2017 -- Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy!
(2)    If you are born from Dec16 to Jan14 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(3)    Same with people born from SEPT 16th to Oct 16th of any year – Lesser issues than what you had from Sept2009 to August2012 period but similar and leftover effects.
(4)    Same with people born from JUNE16 to JULY15 of any year but Lesser till Sept2018. But mixed also.
(5)    Same with people born from FEB14 to MARCH13 of any year – lesser Extent and mixed one, Lesser till Sept2018.
(6)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year you need to check this more carefully.

FROM Sept2017 to Sept2018
(1)    If you are born from APRIL 14th May 13th and OCT 16th to Nov15th of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.


  1. Sir,,,,,,you have bit time please answer. .. ........
    Tula rashi..
    I will trying to job in police (si ) .. when I will get it sir,,???
    This month new psi notification out.
    May have chance to get this time.??

  2. Namaste Guruji,
    You have mentioned that for Libra (Mine Moonsign) "this Guru is supported you quite a bit from June2013 to June2014 with higher position & for 3 years until July2016. This made you “feel-good” have positive sentiments of how you are doing despite Sadesati learnings. The 11th house Guru from July2015 to July2016 Guru gave you windfall gains from all sectors of life. It was the best year in the past 11 years despite Sadesati"
    My job rocked starting From April 2010 upto 2014 Sep, I was enjoying comfort despite odds But most unfortunately starting from 1st Sep 2014 to April 2016, I was jobless and whatever savings I earned I lost upto Zero balance in my Bank, post which I got a job which in a big company which had no ethics and dealt and managed very unprofessional way (Salary were a their discretion!and had to literally beg) In Nov 2016 got married and In hope of future job prospects, I suppressed myself and I was forced to be patient despite all odd in job only to look for other job while all of a sudden I was diagnosed for Slip Disc which again put me jobless now.
    I wonder despite my Saturn Dasha started from Oct 2015 and currently with Saturn Bhukti and Venus Antra Bhukti and having Taurus as Ascendent, Moon in Libra(Swathi1) and Saturn being Exalted (Swathi4), I am being pushed towards unstable Job and feeling insecure due to finances disability.

    My question to you is if Fate is Fixed, how can Destiny change?

    1. Brother if possible, plz arrange for a professional meeting with Milind Ji ... he is not some ponga pundit .... he have very good in depth knowledge of planets, and his predictions r 101% correct... believe me

  3. Ur predictions for me Tula rashi r almost 100% true

  4. The background for Tula Rashi Sade Sati resonates well with my real life experiences as a TULA Rashite. Very succinct Milind, keep it up.

  5. Dear Mr Milind,

    I shall indeed be obliged if you could spare sometime to examine my horoscope as since last so many years I am passing through very hard times, to the extent that I dont feel like to live any more. My horoscope details are:
    D.O.B 25th Dec, 1951
    T.O.B 09.50 AM
    Pl tell me if I would ever have any happy moment in my lifetime?

  6. Dear Milind,

    Please give me your number or email, i would like to meet you. Santosh - 9967642282

  7. I very much like the way you have provided some very useful information about tula, libra, moon sign 2018 annual predictions. The overall detailing is really fascinating.I have found the post extremely useful, informative and effective. Thanks for sharing. By the way let me inform you that I recently came across a website: Numerology which I found very authentic since it did a very accurate numerological analysis. It’s quite amazing. I think you can also try it out at once.

  8. The effects will be diminishing after 2018 .problems will start to heal
