Monday, January 15, 2018

Friends & Astrology / Numerology

You would be surprised to notice that your best friends have Mangal (Mars) where you have Chandra (Moon) or otherwise. The “chemistry” or “frequency” match happens when you have such exchange of Mars and Moon between the chart. Person X with Mars in the house N feels very comfortable and natural in the company of person Y with Moon in the house N. Similarly, Mars and Moon could be replaced above. But the REAL comfort for you comes with a person having Moon in the house where you have Mars.

This happens even when the moon or Moon-Mars signs are 6-8 means not friends. It is amazing how Moon Mars chemistry sets aside all caste cultures religions and all differences aside!!

Of course, good friends are also formed when Person X has Moon in the house N and Person Y has Mars or Moon in the same trikon – means houses X or X+4 or X+8. Means their moon mars are “Nava-Pancham” to each other. Naturally it happens to Moon – Mars and less with Moon-Moon or Mars-Mars. Example Person X has Moon in the 1st house and Person Y has Mars in the 5th or the 9th house. (or say Person X mars is in the 4th house and Person Y Moon in the 12th or the 8th house – again Nava-Pancham).

Similarly, Laabh-Yog also work out. Person X with Moon in the 4th house and Person Y Mars in the 6th or 2nd house.

The same applies with numerology too – Folks born on 2 11 20 29 are natural friends with 9 18 27 born folks.

Additional numerological angle is of course omni-present. It is not a surprise that my cousins who is born on the 28th has THE BEST friend (from other religion) born on the 10th. Similarly, my most of close friends are born on 29 or 11th (& 2 and 11).

If you “observer” and not worry about “Phaladesh” and so called “future predictions” - -astrology will mesmerize you and you would not even realize how these observations help consciously or subconsciously like intuition in your predictions too!

All others ruled of course will co-exist like Water signs comfortable with earth signs (“Padaraat lapataat” as per one of my Satara friends of Kanya rashi) & Fire Signs liking Air Signs. Water Signs a bit uncomfortable with fire signs & Air and Water signs ignore each other just the way rain ignores the air around (but they are affected nonetheless).


  1. Moon Mars perfectly here with my best friends. Numerology does not work.

  2. Had been thinking more on moon mars combination - apparently it seems to work. Can you elaborate more on the rational behind it ?
