Sunday, January 14, 2018

SHANI (SATURN) in the 9th House of a Horoscope (Natal Chart)

SHANI (SATURN) in the 9th House of a Horoscope
“Thinker, Dutiful, Broad thinking, Good Consumer mentality, Abroad, Exports / Imports, Dharma-Chikitsa”

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SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach

The 9th House: BHAGYA-STHAN, Legs, hips, Strategy, Broad thinking, higher education, diplomacy, Travel, Your Mentors & Teachers, Guidance to self and others, Achievements in a framework, Creation of framework for society, abroad connects, abroad travels, export/import of good or just simply thoughts, An auditor with a Sense of purpose, Deep thinking, Higher positions in career & life.

Shani being Shani the auditor and delivery of karma – regardless if which house it is – Drushti of Shani on any planet or any house shows lesser stuff with what that planets shows for your horoscope. Closer the degrees more the issues. Extra hard work is required to get thru the things those planets show. This can't be the topic of this article. Means, Shani drushti on L5 would show delayed kids or difficulty with kids regardless of whether 2nd or the 10th Shani! Shani drushti on Surya would show some tussle with the father/Govt no matter which house Surya owns or Shani owns.

The 9th House (not so) Random Thoughts (Mukta-Chintan):
1 5 9 are the “Dharma-trikon” houses. They mean performing specific duties. These are some office bearers who have definite daily weekly and monthly duties. Even in the most creative of fields like movies, they are like Directors or assistants who have definite daily and weekly targets to meet. Sense of duty is very high in these folks and hence all these houses “complete” or in complementing 180degrees positions of all free-lancing houses of 3 7 11. Without such people freelancers would be about “glorious failures”! :) Imagine not having a great director to get out the “Daaru Pine se lever” scene from Bachchan or “Aaj Khush to bohot hoge” etc. Also, financers (2, 6 10 houses dominated folks) folks who would fund these things. So 1 5 9 are increasing level of duties. 1 is daily needs, personal needs etc whereas 5th is putting a Lay (meter/length) to he tune that was churned out by the 3rd house or some inspirational move within a framework to achieve things - -tactical success using intelligence. The 9th house is about further higher level or the BIG PICTURE. This is the house which dominated people would allow an attack to happen on our own military base just to avoid showing enemy that they have broken their “code” (communication encryption etc). Trading of a Short-term loss for a long-term gain! So the 9th house is still dutiful and has daily weekly monthly responsibilities and a framework to follow but also refine the framework and change or HELP devise & rather implement a changed framework checking all change management aspects. They might not have some achievements to celebrate every week or month like 1 or 5 house folks but their frequency could be more yearly or more! That is why we have 5 man of the match in one series and 1 Man of the Series. You could have 5 different Man of the Match folks but one consistent man of the series could be completely different person. It is obvious that cricket captains have Mars in the 1st, 5th (Sunil) and the 9th (Dhoni) house of the chart and it shows reducing outright aggression and increasingly strategic thinking with 1 to 5 to 9. The folks in IT industry 5 and 9 house Surya or Guru or other planets show positions like TL PM and DMs and so on. 9th house folks tend to be onsite PMs or DMs.

HOW is tactics and WHY is strategy and hence these 9th house folks often seen asking the question WHY with more frequency than 1st and 5th house (they also ask WHY but lesser so.) 9th is NOT enjoying the journey as much as 1st and 5th house folks and CERTAINLY not as much as the 3rd 7th and 11th house folks (Kapil 7th house Mangal).

Connect that to Shani in the 9tn house:
SHANI is slow, steady, relentless like time itself, sincere and DIRGHODYOGI (long-term stuff), Shani is a natural fit in the broad thinking house like 9th. Any planet in the 9th house is WONDERFUL!! It hardly has ANY side-effects. It is obvious then that the 9th house is a natural fir to Shani just like Guru. Broad thinking, strategic thinking – WHY to do this and that. This is all liked by Shani quite a bit. Shani being Shani, it shows scrutiny of eveything and even the GURU and Mentors in the childhood. Where 9th GURU instinctively knows about a GURU being right, SHANI is suspicious and is evaluating their own Guru also. Guru will also ask questions but Shani will also want to see example and case studies before they trust it. TRUST will come to 9th Shani much later and with difficulty and after experience. But it would stay also forever as it is by hard-core earned by own experience. It is not EASY like 9th Chandra or Guru or Shukra or even 9th Surya but it does need EFFORTS to gain that level of knowledge and expertise. Eveything will be related to practice and ACTUAL reality. So it will be relentless and consistent. Every advice will be seriously taken, thought over and then implemented slowly on small level before accepting it at the higher level. No NOTEBANDHI (demonetization) pulling 85% currency in one shot for this Shani! :) It would know that cashless or less-cash his a roadmap of 5 or rather 7-10 years ahead pulling the currency slowly from the market. This 9th house Shani would show MUCH NEEDED but not necessarily desired or as per wish TRAVELS at the ages of running 15th 30th 45th 60th etc. It would show relocation which is not necessarily liked by you at these ages but it would be much needed and useful in the long run. It shows VERY HIGH places in your career and life at the ages of running 30th and 60th which brings in NEXT LEVEL of higher responsibilities. Nobody can deny them as they are earned by KARMA and hard-work.

As Shani is masses, your employees and customers are usually from upper or higher placed (classes) economically. As the 9th house also connects to abroad, your customers could be abroad or simply 9 to 12 hours away. You would be able to guess what they need from away but some proximity from time to time with customers would go a long long way for your own growth. As 9th house keeps SOME customers and you always away from you, meeting them at some frequency ensures both sides are aware of each other.

This Shani make one curious about mass-mentality, consumer mentality and it is great position to be a philosopher or even say psychiatrist. Again, it would be a case study based approach after initial education.

9th SHANI does take a person abroad and in the past 3 4 decades it has resulted in immigration and long term abroad stays as a rule. Earlier people used to settle or stay 9 to 12 hours away from native for higher positions. Travel is ALWAYS a RULE is REWARDING to 9th Shani and should NEVER be avoided. Every travel make this person strong.

Shani drushti on the 3rd house shows some obligations with the siblings that you have. This is more true when some intense planets like Mars or Sun or even Chandra/Moon are in the 3rd house. Especially when L3 is in 3rd house opposite Shani. Or L3 is in the 6th, 9th or 11th house in Shani drushti. Shani drushti on the 3rd house makes one talk sincerely with data and facts and slowly and with articulation and factual without too much fanfare. Need to help siblings as much as possible which in turn would help you pay back karmic burdens and grow more.

SHANI drushti on the 6th house is both good and bad. Good for wealth, powerful economic or political contacts but some health issues and mostly ignored aspects of your health. Bad planets in the 6th or 12th house increases health issues and also your obligations with your mama mousi or maternal cousins. Always need to help mama mousi (aunt/mom’s siblings) or your maternal cousins is the mandate from this Shani.

Shani drushti on the 11th house shows income and also some minor obligation with older siblings especially when there are intense planets in the 11th or 5th house. 11th house is gains and hence this Shani shows great income - -cash flow, monthly income etc due to your knowledge of consumers customer or simply mass-mentality. As a rule it is a great position of Shani for hgher career positions and higher income.

Remedies if badly placed:
(1)    Help Mama mousi and maternal cousins and your own Siblings as much as possible.
(2)    LEGS a whole or majorly hip & hip joint related stuff is seen with 9th Shani or even Shani in DHANU rashi if with Mangal etc. need to be AWARE of this and base your actions or not taking such actions later older life stage etc.
(3)    Stomach issues to be taken seriously – HONEY every day 3 times one tea spoon and LEMON in each meal is a MUST.
(4)    Walk for 3 Km per day at least for stomach health.
Neelam (Blue Sapphire) Gemstone is not easy to carry around as it is very difficult in the first few days as Shani expects hard-work and not haste. Neelam not advised wholesale for sure!!

Important Configurations:
[A] The adverse or bad things mentioned above would be much lesser in intensity if Shani degree is not close to Ascendant degree. Or Shani is aspected by Guru, Shani is NOT aspected by Mars or with Raahu or Ketu. Or say Shani is not wakri or worse stambhi which gets ignored. Shani has good speed & is not with Surya (Astangat). Shani is Raajyogkarak of friendly with Lagna-Rashi or Chandra-Rashi. The owner of Shani’s rashi “well-placed” and or in Guru drushti.

[B] The above things will be lot worse if Shani is with Mangal or has Mangal drushti. No Guru drushti, Wakri Shani is with Rahu or Ketu or Surya. If it has very less speed. Owner of Shani is wakri or is 6 8 12 from Shani or in Mangal or even Shani’s drushti! (Recursion!) :)  The worse or better the karma the more & more acute planetary formations in a natal chart.


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  2. Nice blog, it provides many informative and helpful articles. Thanks for sharing the information. Looking for more updates in future.

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  3. Doesn't Shani drushti on 3rd and 11th houses affect hearing? I have Shani and Guru in 9th and during 7.5 yrs Shani started experiencing hearing problem and is quite severe
