Monday, January 8, 2018

Birth-Date Personality: January (AstroMNC)

Jan 1st
The first date of the year ruled by Sun shows individual brilliance or ability and a free spirit. The date ruled by Sun of course shows ability to entrepreneur or pioneer ability to start something new which nobody in the family did. They create a platform for other people to expand or build upon. There is of course certain air of aloofness or un-approachability (stiff) about them. The date of 1 is a pure date unlike other 1 dates such as 10, 19 or 28. This means they do not lose their childlike purity of Sun’s approach regardless of increasing age. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun shows a broad point of view which is lot more strategic than tactical. It shows Jupiter’s thought leadership. It is very difficult for these folks to take orders from others without independence to execute their ideas. Every now & then there is some inspirational move that keeps them going forward. Sagittarius Sun shows a robust bone structure and health. Broad forehead and longevity are given and regular gym is highly advised. These folks find it VERY difficult to lie; even a kid would tell when they are lying! There could be some spine and heart related minor issues later in life but apart from that it shows a great longevity too. Sports or gym related activities make them a much better person. If Mars is well placed in the horoscope, it is quite likely for them to run a gym themselves or become a very good sports-person. This is also a great date for career in academics. This is certainly a great birth-date for professors or principals who need to establish an institute from start. AstroMNC

Jan 2nd
The date of 2 a pure unlike compound numbers of 11, 20, 29. This means their childlike approach is not diluted with increase of age or maturity. A positive, optimistic, broad natured, truthful, idealistic Sagittarius Sun meets with the date ruled by Moon (2) which is sensitive, emotional and caring. This Jupiter & Moon combination is harmonious but philosophically conflicting. Moon wants to do things for friends & relatives which are not exactly say idealistic whereas Jupiter would not want things done for close folks that they can’t do for even strangers! This conflict however is not a self-destructing etc but the people around them could get confused by mix of two conflicting sides of their personality: emotions & sense-of-duty! The result is that, they might do those things that make them popular but not before declaring how bad & incorrect it is to do those things! J These folks are very popular in their sphere of influence & come across as approachable & friendly. They have natural ability of people leadership & people connect. There is broad nature and strategic thinking etc which helps their friends quite a bit. They are quite big hearted despite emotional & sensitive side of Moon ruled date. Any career with people connect is great for them. Although Sagittarius Sun is great for individual, idealistic achievements on their own (Scholarships, rankings, education, awards etc); their real fulfillment is through some people connect. Some of the most popular professors or school teachers are born under this date. Who would not love a dutiful, idealistic but approachable & warm hearted & friendly person as their class-teacher or mentor? J A great bone structure, broad forehead and longevity are given and regular gym is highly advised. These folks find it VERY difficult to lie; even a kid would tell when they are lying! J
Jan 3rd
This is a very harmonious date as both the date of 3 and Sun Sign of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. These folks have a great though leadership & a very high level of achievement orientation. There is great emphasis on personal achievements and lesser so on group & team level. The date of 3 is a pure number unlike compound numbers of 12, 21 or 30. This means their desire of achievements & fierce competitive nature is not diluted by increasing age or maturity. Sagittarius Sun’s broad nature, strategic thinking & idealistic nature if only enhanced by this date. However, at times there could be minor compromise with integrity for their personal priority. These folks in childhood are about scholarships, ranks and fierce competitors in any academic endeavor. They are a delight of their teachers or even their seniors as they always have an eye for achievements. There is an independent thought process which keeps them on the right path. Sagittarius Sun’s robust bone structure and great longevity is a given! Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it! This is a very good birth-date for preaching, teaching or an academic profession (professors, principal etc) after desire of individual achievement is fulfilled. These folks have a tendency to go deep in every subject and are a PhD sort of material. They are of course idealistic and extrovert & bold due to Sagittarius Sun.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 4th AstroMNC
The date ruled by Uranus (4) brings some interesting aspect to this otherwise traditional, thought leadership inclined Sagittarius Sun sign. Uranus brings in some unorthodox approach, a change agent attitude that challenges the status quo. Sagittarius Sun shows the fields of sports, gym or academics where these people try to bring in change and use modern ways and techniques. However, Uranus cannot mask the tried & tested approach of Sagittarius completely. The change aspect is more like a side dish than the main course as this Jupiter ruled Sagittarius will never disrespect older ritual or get rid of existing social precedence or order that easily.  The date of 4 is pure date which shows direct approach (unlike more complicated 13, 22 & 31). Their drive & childlike purity of approach is not diluted with increasing education, age or maturity. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust bone structure and great longevity. Sports or Gym activities are highly recommended as they make them a better person. A little bit of gym can show great improvements in muscle compared to other Sun Signs! These folks have a very broad vision and warm-hearted nature. This date shows overuse of muscle & more so of legs as Sagittarius sign rules legs. They obviously like to travel and meet new people and places. They are in a way “world-citizens”!
Jan 5th
The birth-date 5 is a lucky birth-date. The date of 5 is a pure date unlike dates of 14 & 23. This shows directness & childlike purity of approach. Their attitude does not get diluted by increasing age, education or maturity. It also shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). These folks can express a lot with a select few words. They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Of course, this date can’t mask the “almost” loud-mouth or rather warm hearted & extrovert nature of Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius Sun shows robust bone structure & great longevity regardless of how bad rest of the horoscope is. This combination of Mercury ruled date & Jupiter Ruled Sun Sign of Sagittarius however is a bit of a conflict as Mercury or 5 born tend to be all-rounder with interests in multiple subjects whereas Sagittarius Sun wants to pursue any subject (maybe 1 or two) with seriousness and depth! The 9th Sign wants to have a broad-minded view of any subject they study and do not limit themselves by superficial approach which 5 born folks could take for some of the insignificant (for them) subjects. The sports or gym side of these folks could be a bit reduced by the date of 5 and could turn more towards academics (reading, writing & expression/speech etc). Of course, if Mars is very strong in the horoscope, these folks WILL get involved in sports or military etc activities for sure. They find it very difficult to stop after one academic degree. Masters is always on their mind even if not able to go for it right away. Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it!
Jan 6th
6 is a very lucky birth-date, given to a soul who has done some great past karma in past life! The date of 6 ruled by Venus is a lucky birth-date. It shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxuries. It shows that the person is mild-mannered, respectful and does not have a rough edge to their personality. This is, despite Sagittarius Sun which is idealistic & straightforward and can’t tolerate injustice. 6 will always present Sagittarius Sun’s extrovert nature in a docile manner. However, if someone crosses their limit, they can forget or ignore that person for the rest of their lives! These folks find it very difficult to lie; even a kid would call their bluff! J They have robust bone structure & great health and longevity. These folks tend to have a “pahadi” voice and combined with Venus’s effect – it could be put to very good use in artistic endeavors. It is highly advisable to stay away from affairs as they could spoil otherwise spotless career and personality. People like to have these folks around and miss their presence sorely. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun’s bright, sunny & warm hearted side is presented with the beauty of Venus in this date. Despite Venus influence sports or gym could not be ruled out if Mars is very well placed in the horoscope. Sagittarius sun is EXTROVERT, loud-mouth, idealistic, forthright & positive! It is usually reflected in broad forehead showing thought leadership & and also broad shoulders indicating actions. Sagittarius shows love for freedom, broad mindset, strategic thinking, and air of positivity & a can-do attitude and distinct thought leadership. The fire sign shows action oriented inspirational approach than getting into emotions or “why me” syndrome! Sports or Gym is very natural to them & also makes them a better person. Their bone structure is prominent & longevity is extraordinary. Gym/sports show an immediate effect on their body! They can also tend to gain weight faster. Residing hairline is also a sign of Sagittarius Sun.
Jan 7th
Sagittarius sun is EXTROVERT, loud-mouth, idealistic, forthright & positive! It is usually reflected in broad forehead showing thought leadership & and also broad shoulders indicating actions. Sagittarius shows love for freedom, broad mindset, strategic thinking, and air of positivity & a can-do attitude and distinct thought leadership. The fire sign shows action oriented inspirational approach than getting into emotions or “why me” syndrome! Sports or Gym is very natural to them & also makes them a better person. Their bone structure is prominent & longevity is extraordinary. Gym/sports show an immediate effect on their body! They can also tend to gain weight faster. Residing hairline is also a sign of Sagittarius Sun. The date of 7 is ruled by Neptune which shows subtle side of this extrovert & bold Sagittarius Sun. Neptune shows imaginative, innovative side and also some sort of 6th sense. They read body language or even mind of people around them or even TV / Phone etc. They can easily perceive undercurrents of situations and get distinct “vibes” when they meet a new person or go to a new place. In a way, despite Neptune ruled date & Jupiter ruled Sun Sign of Sagittarius ‘oppose’ in this manner, it is not adverse or counterproductive as Sun (1) and Saturn (8). This is more at an intellectual level where these folks have friction in their mind and personality. Horoscope would decide the tilt of personality whether Neptune or Jupiter is strongly placed. If Jupiter is dominant they are more in to academics, professor etc thought leadership professions; whereas, Neptune directs their energy to more creative & imaginative things (poetry). All Neptune dates are great for sports activities especially if Mars is well placed. Sagittarius Sun only adds to their sports activities. Neptune & Jupiter combination could make people around them confused as to which “mode” is ruling them at what time and it is highly advised to be predictable for at least people around them. Neptune water runs deep & is creative / innovative regardless of very traditional, tried & tested or idealistic Sagittarius personality! Sagittarius would stop them getting affected by what they sense and also Neptune would stop them from being too rude or too idealistic by instilling emotional intelligence!
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 8th
The birth-date of 8 ruled by Saturn does show some karmic burden that the soul wants to pay-off in this life. This date shows great ability of review, scrutinize or audit. These folks are more like enforcer than initiators. There is a typical Saturn’s “khadus” or conservative, introvert nature. This nature when coupled with expressive, at times loud voice Sagittarius Sun forms an interesting (& confusing to others) combination. Saturn’s minor observations are delivered with a loud–mouth / thumping style! They could deliver dialogues that people around them always “need” to hear and not what they “want” to hear! J Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust physique and a good bone structure. This date does have connection with gym, play-grounds etc but with Saturn influence it could directed to coaching or sports-analysis, critique more than say becoming a sports-person. The date of 8 does show desire of soul to pay off some karmic debt. It is required to show patience and adjustment for things that do not compromise family values or integrity. This is a simple date unlike compound dates of 17 & 26 and hence shows directness & simplicity in personality approach which doesn’t get either diluted or complicated over time. Needless to say, Sagittarius Sun shows great longevity. These people would be the best fit for academic auditors or committees deciding curriculums, course content etc. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! Two mostly sincere or serious planets like Saturn & Jupiter can make person quite sincere or downright serious or a nerd! It is important not to control Jupiter/Sagittarian aggression or extroversion too much as it is unhealthy. Sagittarius will need (or must) to vent out emotions from time to time.
This is mostly a lucky date but a bit lesser than say the date of 27. This date certainly shows Mars’ aggression & positive attitude but also need for discipline! The date of 9 is mostly a lucky date and has lesser rough edges than 18 if more than 27. It also shows purity of approach as it is simple date unlike 18 & 27. Their “Marsian spirit” is not diluted by increasing age, education or maturity. They have some significant karmic links which would result in some wars, fights and competition in this life. This date does show tremendous importance to friends and a big friend circle; many of their important and big things happen with or due to friends. Also, karmic connections with siblings are very specific and significant. There is some land related angle also in the family that could show some sibling-rivalry but a healthy one! It is important to forgive & forget which goes a long way for progress & growth. The expressive Sagittarius Sun sign with at times loud mouth approach can be easily seen (heavy/loud voice). The bone structure is very good and regular gym, sports is highly recommended. Sagittarius Sun does instill idealistic and disciplined approach to this Mars’ energy but still it is always advised for these folks to channel their energy to correct causes. Sagittarius Sun and Mars combination makes it great date for sports activities or any physical/action prone career. Needless to say that the Sagittarius Sun & this lucky date shows a great longevity and life-force. This is a very good date that shows thought leadership in the fields shown by Mars such engineering, sports or even wars. The compound number of 27 shows people friendly or populist nature of moon (2) and imaginative, creative and innovative side of Neptune (7). Overall it is a very lucky date which tends to moves to charity later in their life. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person!

Jan 10th
The date of 10 (1) ruled by Sun shows individual brilliance & ability. Through initiative, inspirational moves, pioneering and entrepreneurial ability, this date creates its own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in it. They create a platform where next generations can thrive upon. They usually start something nobody in the family did earlier. There is originality & brilliance in this date which also comes with an air of un-approachability, stiff nature or downright aloofness. The date of 10 has some philosophical approach or rather baggage which comes from wisdom of previous births. This maturity or philosophical approach makes them less competitive once they grow up. However, Sun’s macro-level ability or brilliance can never die. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun shows a broad point of view which is lot more strategic than tactical. It shows Jupiter’s thought leadership. It is very difficult for these folks to take orders from others without independence to execute their ideas. Every now & then there is some inspirational move that keeps them going forward. Sagittarius Sun shows a robust bone structure and health. Broad forehead and longevity are given and regular gym is highly advised. These folks find it VERY difficult to lie; even a kid would tell when they are lying! There could be some spine and heart related minor issues later in life but apart from that it shows a great longevity too. Sports or gym related activities make them a much better person. If Mars is well placed in the horoscope, it is quite likely for them to run a gym themselves or become a very good sports-person. This is also a great date for career in academics. This is certainly a great birth-date for professors or principals who need to establish an institute from start.

Jan 11th
This is a very harmonious combination of Moon ruled date of 11 (2) and Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun Sign. The date of 11 shows emotional, sensitive & moody nature. They have emotional intelligence and hence good people leadership. People connect is easy for these guys. They love & are brilliant in team building or group activities. The date of 11 is a master number. It means these folks are guided by their subconscious mind quite a bit. Their personality is very good to balance two very different types of people, families or even caste or religions. Needless to say these people are perceived as great personality in any country with diverse cultural background. They exactly know how to balance two things so that they co-exist but also retain their independence! This tight rope act is possible to the folks born on 11 & 29 of any month. 11 makes them a bit aloof unlike 29 (again a master number) which is more friendly. There is desire of the soul for publicity / popularity; they also tend to be very popular anyways! Sagittarius Sun’s extrovert, bold and at times loud mouth nature is controlled by this emotional Moon ruled date. Passing criticism or negative feedback to someone is not their cup of tea! They are not the best people to run a business alone as they are careless with wealth / money; on the other hand they share wealth with others. However, one can’t hide this Sagittarius Sun for too long. They of course have Sagittarius robust physique / bone-structure and very good longevity too. They can easily put on weight & also muscle without much effort. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! Friends / friend-circle has a tremendous importance in their life as it is due to specific karmic links. There are certain karmic obligations also with some friends & also their mother which they have to pay in this life. AstroMNC
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 12th
This is a very harmonious date with both date of 12 (3) and Sun Sign of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. These folks have a great though leadership & a very high level of achievement orientation. There is great emphasis on personal achievements and lesser so on group & team level. The date of 12 is about thought leadership more than people leadership. It is less lucky than say 21 or 3 as it shows more importance to self (1) & then others (2). They are most comfortable with master & disciple relationships. They are “best fit” for a job in academic / education field where there is clear distinction between hierarchies.  It shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” with friends for no reason is not their mentality.  They will consciously or subconsciously choose company which helps them get ahead or progress in some way – this can’t be called as selfish as it is usually win-win. Sagittarius Sun’s broad nature, strategic thinking & idealistic nature if only enhanced by this date. However, at times there could be minor compromise with integrity for their personal priority. These folks in childhood are about scholarships, ranks and fierce competitors in any academic endeavor. They are a delight of their teachers or even their seniors as they always have an eye for achievements. There is an independent thought process which keeps them on the right path. Sagittarius Sun’s robust bone structure and great longevity is a given! Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it!

Jan 13th AstroMNC
The date ruled by Uranus (13:4) brings some interesting aspect to this otherwise traditional, thought leadership inclined Sagittarius Sun sign. Uranus brings in some unorthodox approach, a change agent attitude that challenges the status quo. Sagittarius Sun shows the fields of sports, gym or academics where these people try to bring in change and use modern ways and techniques. However, Uranus cannot mask the tried & tested approach of Sagittarius completely. The change aspect is more like a side dish than the main course as this Jupiter ruled Sagittarius will never disrespect older ritual or get rid of existing social precedence or order that easily. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. However, the date of 13 shows 1 (Self, ego) before 3 (thought leadership, Individual achievements). That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sake of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and should be avoided as much as possible. Thoughts and achievements of self or groups need to be given more importance! Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust bone structure and great longevity. Sports or Gym activities are highly recommended as they make them a better person. A little bit of gym can show great improvements in muscle compared to other Sun Signs! These folks have a very broad vision and warm hearted nature. This date shows overuse of muscle & more so of legs as Sagittarius sign rules legs. They obviously like to travel and meet new people and places. They are in a way “world-citizens”! AstroMNC
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 14th
The date marks the entry of Sun in Capricorn (Makar) Sign around 12:50 pm and hence it is called as “Makar-Sankranti”. Until 12:55 pm it is Sagittarius Sun. The entry in Capricorn sign changes approach from talkative, idealistic, expressive to introvert, industrious & conservative. It changes from bold, loudmouth Sagittarius Sun to shy but very serious, sincere, workaholic, productive and a busy approach. Their health is not the greatest in childhood which improves with passing day! The sign ruled by Saturn shows tremendous resolve & determination and some progress every day towards the ultimate goal/aim. This sign shows a very introvert or rather a very conservative nature. They like step by step approach as opposed to big bang approach of Sun dominated personalities. Capricorn sign being 10th shows a very high degree of hard-work & continuous improvement approach. I think the term “Kaizen” was coined by Capricorn ruled organization or person! J The date of 14 ruled by Mercury does bring in some ability to express or articulate. They are able to convey their thoughts in optimal word count! J The date of 14 does show some karmic burden though as they are not as lucky as say 23 (also ruled by Mercury) born folks. Combination of Saturn and Mercury is very good for consultancy services, auditing and more so in financial/banking field. Mercury does bring in much needed sense of humor or approachability to this otherwise serious personality! Sun being in “Vargottam Navamansh” only underscores Capricorn characteristics! Wealth creation, improvement of economic state of self, family, society is the primary motive of the soul. This is a very practical, pragmatic sun sign with middle of the street approach with covert ambitions. Giving credit to someone doesn’t come easily to them. Colleagues are also treated as competitors and they don’t tend to be most popular people around with their no-nonsense approach. They rather become more playful after the age of 30. Life after 30 is much better as until 30 it is about investments only.
Jan 15th
The Venus ruled date of 15 is probably the luckiest birth-date that shows a great past karma resulting in a successful life regardless of how bad some planets are placed in the horoscope! There is in-born harmony & balance to this Venus ruled date. This is further shown in the number of 15 which shows a harmonious combination of Sun (1) and Mercury (5). Sun shows individual brilliance, ability, pioneering ability and Mercury shows ability to express or propagate this ability to various subjects. Of course, Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun shows a very sincere, serious, hardworking approach. They are always onto something and can’t seat still, quiet for a long time. This is a very busy Sun Sign for sure. Eventually they become successful in life due to all this sheer talent of doing hard-work. (As Kasparov says, ability to hard work can’t be a separate entity but it is part of the talent itself.) This hard working approach is underscored by Sun being in the “Vargottam Navamansh” in Capricorn. These folks like step by step approach and not a big bang one. This combination of Venus and Saturn is again quite harmonious as they are “natural friends”. Saturn likes Venus’s non-controversial, tasteful, artistic and “do-good” attitude. However, the ambition of Capricorn Sun could make them do things that are selfish. This ambition could become greed at times. However, it is quite in control due to Venus’ (15) influence. Wealth creation, improvement of economic state of self, family, society is the primary motive of the soul. This is a very practical, pragmatic sun sign with middle of the street approach with covert ambitions. Giving credit to someone doesn’t come easily to them. Colleagues are also treated as competitors and they don’t tend to be most popular people around with their no-nonsense approach. They rather become more playful after the age of 30. Life after 30 is much better as until 30 it is more like an investment.
Jan 16th
The date of 16 (7) ruled by Neptune shows an innovative mind with power of intuition and ability to read mind of others. They are able to interpret body language of others easily. This also makes them a good people leader with emotional intelligence. This intuitive mind shows a bit of contrast to sincere, serious, hard-numbers (facts & figures) driven Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun! Capricorn Sun shows that these folks are very industrious and keep themselves busy with some or other thing. They are ambitious with specific goals and objectives that they want to achieve. There is always a long term plan which they pursue every day with some incremental growth continuously. They like a step by step approach and never a “big bang” one. Their tomorrow is always better than today. Capricorn Sun shows introvert nature which is in synch with usually shy Neptune ruled date of 16. The date of 16 does shows power of subconscious mind or a 6th sense that helps them from time to time. However, Capricorn Sun will always want to have numbers their side. Their physique is not that robust especially in childhood. However they do gain strength with every passing day. Life after the age of 30 is much better for Capricorn Sun as their long term plans and efforts until then start showing fruits! Material or practical success is always more important for these folks. There is a great determination to achieve success and reach destination just like a mountain goat which keep on going up no matter what!’ Wealth creation, improvement of economic state of self, family, society is the primary motive of the soul. This is a very practical, pragmatic sun sign with middle of the street approach with covert ambitions. Giving credit to someone doesn’t come easily to them. Colleagues are also treated as competitors and they don’t tend to be most popular people around with their no-nonsense approach. They rather become more playful after the age of 30. Life after 30 is much better as until 30 it is about investments only.

Jan 17th
This is the birth-date of a double Saturn impact due to Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun and also the date of 17 (8)! They are hard-working, sincere, traditional, conservative and family loving people. There is Saturn’s self-control when in excess could lead to depression or too much introversion which is not healthy to achieve success in this modern world. There is great determination & ability to keep working hard until they achieve their goals. The date of 17 does show personal brilliance (1) coupled with intuition & innovation (7). However, these are just the undercurrents to the date that results into overall Saturn’s conservatism. This date also shows desire of the soul to leave their name behind after they are gone! These are very covert folks with very long term plans and specific objectives. They can do anything to achieve them. They are not at all populist and do not worry much of acceptance by people around them when compared to their individual goals. It’s obvious that they do not easily share their stuff & are better suited in an independent job which is not a group activity. Double impact of Saturn means that there is enough progress or modernity in the family already and they need to now continue on this modernized path without changing it much! Material success is more important than just the good-will their work gets them. Their health is not great in childhood but improves day by day! Life after 30 is a lot better as their efforts of first 30 years start bearing fruits thereafter! Wealth creation, improvement of economic state of self, family, society is the primary motive of the soul. This is a very practical, pragmatic sun sign with middle of the street approach with covert ambitions. Giving credit to someone doesn’t come easily to them. Colleagues are also treated as competitors and they don’t tend to be most popular people around with their no-nonsense approach. They rather become more playful after the age of 30. Life after 30 is much better as until 30 it is about investments only.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 18th
The date of 18 (9) ruled by Mars bring some spice to this otherwise sincere, meticulous, serious, hard-working Capricorn Sun Sign! There is some rough edge or aggression hidden in these folks that come out once in a while. Of course, the frequency of it is very low and reasons very serious as Capricorn sun would always keep away any “waste’ i.e. things that do not add value in their life/career etc. Mars influence shows love for speed, cars, friends and engineering subjects which otherwise are lesser in % in Capricorn Sun folks. The date of 18 shows some karmic links with friends and also enemies from past birth. There are some bitter incidents with some folks which could become quite ugly if not controlled by patience. Capricorn Sun shows slow but steady continuous improvement as their tomorrow is always better than today/yesterday. There is ability to hard-work which ensures success. Slow but steady means the life after age of 30 is lot more successful than until 30. Saturn and Mars combination is although somewhat contractor works very well in fields where masses/works and engineering comes together! This could mean big plants or even mining stuff. Even contractors or builders would benefit by folks born on this date. Mars effect of aggression (18) is more apparent in their early years, sometime in their teens Capricorn Sun takes over and even they are surprised with some of the violent or aggressive stuff they did in the past! J Wealth creation, improvement of economic state of self, family, society is the primary motive of the soul. This is a very practical, pragmatic sun sign with middle of the street approach with covert ambitions. Giving credit to someone doesn’t come easily to them. Colleagues are also treated as competitors and they don’t tend to be most popular people around with their no-nonsense approach. They rather become more playful after the age of 30. Life after 30 is much better as until 30 it is about investments only.

Birth-Date Personality: Jan 19th
19 is the birth-date of Rulers! This date is dominated by Sun shows individual brilliance combined with pioneering ability. They are born entrepreneurs as they build their own sphere of influence with people with different skills necessary to achieve their goals. The date 19 is harmonious with Sun (1) and Mars (9) combination. This compound numbers shows importance to friends, colleagues or even siblings due to Mars’ presence. However, Jan 19th shows a contradiction of Sun dominated date and very opposite (of Sun) Saturn dominated Capricorn Sun Sign! Capricorn Sun likes step by step approach, sincerity, hard-working nature & dislikes the big-bang or extrovert displays of their skills. Capricorn folks are introvert whereas the date of 19 shows an extrovert nature! 19 borns love big bang too! This combination hence shows a person thoroughly sincere and hardworking who comes up with some inspirational moves/ideas from time to time! The frequency is lesser than say April 19th or August 19th born folks but they tend to take their own ideas very seriously and put efforts behind it than just giving orders! J They thoroughly work their numbers and get their facts & figures correct before they start implementing their own idea! This ensures certain amount of success and reduces risk of big failures but this also removes possibility of getting highly lucky in something. Capricorns make their own luck and hence do not want to depend on others! A successful date but a bit difficult for others to adjust to due to unpredictability of Sun and Saturn influence just like Sept 8th, August 17th or even Jan 28th, Feb 1st or Feb 10th birth-dates! Life until 30 usually is more of an investment without dramatic results whereas the life after 30 shows reaping benefits of this hard-work. These people have lofty goals & always aligned to them.

Birth-Date Personality: Jan 20th
This Moon ruled date of (20:2) shows a kid hidden behind sincere, serious & hard-working Capricorn Sun Sign! This Moon ruled date shows some emotional, sentimental and sensitive side despite a very practical Capricorn Sun Sign! There are some mood swings from time to time. Although they are not very comfortable in big groups, they like group activities a lot more than other Capricorn Sun sign dates. Friend circle/colleagues have a special place in their life due to influence of Moon. They behave like a pure 2 born in their childhood; however that changes to a sudden matured approach in their teens. The 0 in the date shows some wisdom and also some philosophical approach or rather baggage from the past birth. This makes them a lot more serious/matured than other 2 born people (2, 11, 29). There is contradiction in this date with emotional Moon and number-driven/objective Saturn owned Capricorn Sun Sign. This could make it a bit difficult for people except family members to interact with them. Any profession that has a combination of both number crunching and people connect (say HR) is a great fit for them. Capricorn Sun Sign shows a hard-working individual who keeps some long term goals & objectives. Most of their moves are aligned to these goals. This is a very industrious sign which shows a busy person and almost ensures material success even if it is a bit delayed. Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. Life until 30 usually is more of an investment without dramatic results whereas the life after 30 shows reaping benefits of this hard-work. These people have lofty goals with long term plans & always aligned to them. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 21st
Jupiter ruled date 21 (3) is a very luck birth-date that shows very good past karma. There is a desire of the soul to achieve individual success. The date of 21 shows more importance to others (2) than self/ego (1) which helps them achieve more than say 12 or 30 born 3s. They are lot friendlier than other 3s but collect friends that are in some way aligned to their achievements. They will not collect friends the way 2 born would do. There will be some definite use or purpose or a thought consciously or subconsciously behind their friend circle. Jupiter influence shows thought leadership more than people leadership. It also shows optimism and positive outlook towards life. Capricorn Sun bestows upon them the typical hardworking, sincere approach. They are quite conservative and traditional in their approach. Continuous improvement and efforts ensures certain minimum level of success in their life. Capricorn Sun Sign keeps some long term goals & objectives. Most of their moves are aligned to these goals. This is a very industrious sign which shows a busy person and almost ensures material success even if it is a bit delayed. Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. Life until 30 usually is more of an investment without dramatic results whereas the life after 30 shows reaping benefits of this hard-work. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. The 2nd cycle of Saturn’s movement of 29/30 years is very successful due to all the hard-work and seriousness they put in first 30 years of life! This Jupiter & Saturn combination does show respect for seniority and age.

Jan 22nd
The date of 22 (4) ruled by Uranus shows an unorthodox, unconventional person which is in contrast with Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun Sign’s sincere, traditional, methodical approach. This date does reduce this typical conservative side of Capricorn Sun Sign. They mostly belong to a conservative or a traditional family and are supposed to take them ahead in time. They tend to change or adopt or even remove old customs that do not make sense in the modern world. The date of 22 is a master number which means they are guided by their subconscious mind quite a bit. They seldom need advice of other folks except for some hard-core skills they need help on. This Uranus effect however does not change practical, mostly material way of Capricorn Sun. However, this Capricorn side helps them to do a methodical change management by taking care of affected parties by the change they are bringing in. However, they should always keep in mind that they could be perceived as a threat by established folks who do not want change for the sake of it! Capricorn Sun bestows upon them the typical hardworking, sincere approach. Continuous improvement and efforts ensures certain minimum level of success in their life. Capricorn Sun Sign keeps some long term goals & objectives. Most of their moves are aligned to these goals. This is a very industrious sign which shows a busy person and almost ensures material success even if it is a bit delayed. Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. Life until 30 usually is more of an investment without dramatic results whereas the life after 30 shows reaping benefits of this hard-work. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. The 2nd cycle of Saturn’s movement of 29/30 years is very successful due to all the hard-work and seriousness they put in first 30 years of life!

Jan 23rd
This is a very lucky date which shows great karma of multiple past births! The date of 23 (5) ruled by Mercury shows great ability to express or articulate well. It also shows ability of trading by demanding supply & demand gaps around! They are very well read and multifaceted. Mercury blesses them with an all-round persona. The date of 23 shows 2 (others, people) before 3 (personal achievements, thought leadership). It shows success through other people. Capricorn Sun ruled by Saturn shows sincere, hard-working, conservative, traditional approach. It adds a lot of “clarity” to the articulation of Mercury in the date of 23. Capricorn Sun shows long term goals & objectives and also tremendous ambition & perseverance to achieve it. They are very industrious and always keep themselves busy. Continuous improvement and efforts ensures certain minimum level of success in their life. They are quite serious even in childhood. Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. Their life after the age of 30 is especially successful as life until 30 is kind of an investment in their very long term goals or broad ideas of success! Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. Mercury influence does show some acute sense of humor which compliments with Saturn’s ability to observe everything. They have an ability to coin some phrases or term that is very useful in advertising or media. They are able to influence very well through written or spoken word. They have a great flair for short-writing and Saturn allows them to write fluently and easily even on some of the complex subjects! AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Jan 24th
The date of 24 is probably the luckiest of the birth-dates that shows great past karma of multiple births. This results into a successful life in this birth. This date is ruled by Venus (24:6) which shows a very balanced individual with mild mannered approach. They dislike extreme thoughts or actions and try to balance any rough edge or extreme approach they see around them. This date brings some pleasant smile to this otherwise very serious, sincere, hard-working Capricorn Sun Sign ruled by Saturn! Saturn influence shows worldly ambitions, long term goals & objectives. It also shows tremendous ambition and perseverance to achieve them. Capricorn Sun Sign keeps some long-term goals & objectives. Most of their moves are aligned to these goals. This is a very industrious sign which shows a busy person and almost ensures material success even if it is a bit delayed. Continuous improvement and efforts ensures certain minimum level of success in their life. They love their families and spend a lot for their kids which are in contrast to their otherwise conservative ways! Although usually lucky, their life after 30 is a lot more successful compared to earlier phase. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. Life until 30 is a sort of an investment into their long term & big goals! Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Venus and Saturn combination is very harmonious as they are true friends. This makes these people predictable and easier to collaborate with.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 25th AstroMNC
This birth-date is an interesting combination of creative, innovative, imaginative Neptune ruled date of 25 (7) with Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun sign that shows practical, orthodox, material, conservative nature! The desire of the soul is to bring some innovation or creativity to some of the most serious subjects! Although these traits of Neptune and Saturn are contradictory, if balanced well, they can certainly show great advantage in today’s world that need a bit of both, forward vision and good things from the past! Capricorn Sun shows a serious, sincere and hard-working no-nonsense person who takes everything around very seriously. It also shows a busy nature who always like to work on something no matter what! Neptune adds some people-management ability due to its power of subconscious mind that allows them to read people or undercurrents of various situations well. Neptune can interpret body language or even read minds of other people. This certainly helps with people management with emotional intelligence. However there is a contradiction of Neptune ways that are not always data driven and more perception driven. Saturn likes data, facts-n-figures and hard numbers to take decisions whereas Neptune has inner voice or hunch or so called 6th sense which they should trust from time to time. Of course, Neptune side of the personality should be used less frequently than Saturn dominated data driven decision making! Capricorn Sun shows desire to uplift material success or economic status of self or family. They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. Life until 30 is a sort of an investment into their long term & big goals!
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 26th
A very harmonious date due to double-dhamaka of Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun and Saturn ruled date of 26 (8). Although this is a Saturn ruled date with seriousness, sincerity and even somewhat subdued approach, the date 26 does show less conservatism due to 2 (Moon) and 6 (Venus) effects in it. It shows milder front-end than other 8 dates (8 & 17). However, this hard-working, sincere, serious, orthodox, busy nature of this Saturn date is only augmented by Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun Sign! This could lead to a person who is a bit too conservative, old fashioned but keeping very busy! There could be too much self-control due to double Saturn effect. These folks are especially serious etc until the age of 30 and after that they tend to become more open and friendlier. They don’t seem to be very approachable and party or social events is not their cup-of-tea unless they are born in a very modern family! Even then, they are a bit out of place in these events! There is a great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. There is certain Karmic debt associated with date of 26th and more so with relationships! They are advised to be careful with relationships especially early in their 20s. Relationships with 4 born folks (except Jan 22, Jan 31st, Feb 4 & Feb 13) could lead to some chaos as Saturn approach directly conflicts with change agent Uranus ruled dates of 4, 22, 13, and 31.

This is an interesting combination of date ruled by Mars (27) and Capricorn Sun Sign ruled by Saturn! Mars and Saturn do show some conflict in their approach. Mars shows aggression, initiative, extrovert nature and even fights or wars or warriors whereas Saturn shows workers, masses, sincere, serious, orthodox and introvert, conservative approach. However, the date of 27 is a lucky one which shows some very good past karma that results in success in this life. There is some harmony and some constructive side to this Mars ruled date compared to the other dates ruled by Mars (9, 18). However, aggression of Mars does come out from time to time especially when they are convinced that they are right! J Detailed or long Debates, arguments etc is not their cup of tea as they want to act on the information they have. Friends & siblings have significant importance (past life karmic links) in their life and there is some land related angle in the family too. Saturn ruled Capricorn of course adds some good direction and also control to this anger & aggression. Saturn instills hard-work, sincere and serious approach which benefits these people however, too much control on Mars’ in-built positivity or optimism is not healthy! Although this is a very good date for sports activities it is more to do with sports advisor, administrative officer or coaching etc. Saturn shows number crunching and data driven decision making. These people could help coaches or sports players with a lot of good data and related analysis for further improvements. They can bring a lot of order and structure to aggressive things ruled by Mars like war & sports & even engineering sector. There is a great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other things. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 28th
This is a birth-date of some interesting conflicts! The date itself is ruled by Sun (28:1) which shows big bang, extrovert approach with pioneer, entrepreneur ability. Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun however shows a conservative, introvert, step-by-step growth & a hard working person. The combination results in some conflicts in the personality and makes it difficult for people around to deal with them. They could surprise you with their different shades. The date of 28 itself shows combination of 2 (Moon) & 8 (Saturn) which means they are good at dealing with friends, colleagues or “classes” and also workers or “masses”. This date has something to do with mass-production or large-scale production. They like to create products or services for masses and not very specifically for the classes. Their fortune lies at the bottom of the pyramid and in the volume segment. Capricorn Sun certainly shows attention to detail, sincere and serious approach towards the big things that this date of 28 might spawn. Capri Sun also shows much better quality of life after the age of 30. Their desires are practical, material and money matters are always on their minds. They are sometimes hurt by their own near & dear ones despite their best intentions. This happens due to overzealous nature of their supporters to do something good which might not fit in the law or norms. There is great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Jan 29th
The birth-date of 29 is a master number as it adds to 11. These folks are consciously or subconsciously guided by their higher self & seldom need advice of others. However, the date ruled by Moon (29) does show some sentimental, emotional side to their personality. However, their tears are not seen easily due to 11 (29) influence which shows certain maturity or indirectly spiritual approach of the soul without their own conscious awareness! Capricorn Sun however shows some worldly ambitions, desire for practical or material success. It also shows a hardworking, sincere or rather serious person who takes things a bit too seriously in their childhood than other kids. These folks warm up a lot in their teens and more so after age of 30 when they become approachable and friendlier. Rather, they even become quite populist at stage and show desire of some publicity too. They often get it too! Combination of Moon ruled date and Saturn ruled Sun Sign of Capricorn does show some conflict in their personality or emotions versus practicality. It could be a bit difficult for people around them to deal with them at times. However, when these two sides are balanced, it becomes a great blessing for them. They are great in any profession which requires both – people connect and number crunching/statistics or facts-n-figures! There is great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. AstroMNC
Jan 30th
The date of 30 ruled by Jupiter (3) shows great thought leadership and maturity. They are not particularly leader of people but more so leading with their knowledge and thoughts. The date of 30 shows pure 3 born like competitive spirit in the early years (exam scores, scholarships, ranks etc) which gets a bit subdued as they grow up. They see futility in such head-on competition and follow a more mature and aloof/lonely path of their own. This is a great date for career in academics/education sector. Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun shows great financial acumen. It also shows great focus on number crunching, facts & figures & a practical approach towards life. Slow but steady wins the race is their motto! They have some very long term goals and objectives. Capricorn Sun instills some greed or ambition in this otherwise matured/stable date of 30. Capricorn Sun Sign also shows a highly sincere, serious approach. Usually life until age of 30 is investment and they reap great benefits for next 30 years. They always improve their material status by each passing day and keep working very hard regardless of how much they earn or achieve! Combination of Jupiter and Saturn does make it a very sincere and serious combination which could lack some spunk or aggression or energy unless the birth time horoscope shows some fire sign or Marsian influence! There is great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30.
Birth-Date Personality: Jan 31st AstroMNC

The date ruled by Uranus (31:4) shows some panache or spice to this otherwise serious sincere Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun. Although born in a conservative environment or a family, this Uranus ruled date shows desire to bring some change & challenge the status quo. They try to get rid of time barred customs, rituals while changing or enhancing useful ones that are still relevant in the modern world. 31 is the luckiest of 4 dates (4, 13, 22, 31) as it shows more importance to thought leadership & individual achievement than ego! Capricorn Sun shows a sincere, traditional, conservative, practical approach. It shows ability to work very hard with continuous day by day improvement. They are quite industrious and always like to keep busy. They mostly like to use tried and tested methods which goes against the Uranus influence in this date. Although there is a contradiction in this date of modernity and conservatism, when balanced it shows very good results. These people can put highly conservative families on the progressive front, if not revolutionary, at least incrementally. Being Capricorn Sun Sign they will never forget their conservative roots and make sure their environment benefits by their change agent approach. This is more playful & youthful Capricorn Sun Sign date overall. Money matters are very important as this sign belongs to “economic zone” (“arth-trikon”). There is great desire of the soul to get material success and increase the economic state of self or family or even society! They are highly industrious and keep themselves always busy with some or other thing. They like a step by step approach with some improvements every day than a big bang one. Tremendous determination, hard-work starts giving them visible gains after the age of 30. AstroMNC

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