Sunday, January 7, 2018

December Birth-Date Personality (AstroMNC)

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 1st
This is harmonious combination of Sun ruled date of 1 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. Although this date does oppose some of the negative emotions of the Scorpio Sun sign and instills extrovert channels more than other Scorpio Sun sign dates. Scorpio’s vengeance or spiteful approach occurs less frequently due to positivity and extrovert nature of the date. Through initiative, inspirational moves, pioneering and entrepreneurial ability, this date creates its own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in it. They create a platform where next generations can thrive upon. They usually start something nobody in the family did earlier. There is originality & brilliance in this date which also comes with an air of un-approachability, stiff nature or downright aloofness. The date of 1 is not a compound number like 19, 28 or 10 and hence shows an un-adulterated or pure Sun dominated approach or childlike purity. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 2nd
This is a very harmonious combination of Moon ruled date of 2 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. The date of 2 shows very emotional, sensitive & moody nature more in childhood but also throughout their life. They have emotional intelligence and hence good people leadership. People connect is easy for these guys with hundreds of Facebook friends and real life friends. They love & are brilliant in team building or group activities. The date of 2 is a pure date unlike 20, 11 or 29 and hence shows uncomplicated approach. Passing criticism or negative feedback to someone is not their cup of tea! They are not the best people to run a business alone as they are careless with wealth / money; on the other hand they share wealth with others. This date is able to reduce some rough edge of the Scorpio energy, emotions & passion. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC

Dec 3rd
This is a harmonious combination of Jupiter ruled date of 3 and Mars ruled Sun Sign of Scorpio. Jupiter channels Scorpio energy and passion to constructive things which reduces negative side-effects of Scorpio such as vengeance, spiteful acts quite a bit. Jupiter helps them forgive & forget some of not so important insults or ignorance of un-important people. is date is a pure date unlike 12, 21 & 30 and hence shows a direct uncluttered approach. It shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” with friends for no reason is not their mentality. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign wants stability of position & thoughts. They love stability & power that the stability gives. They are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with arguments unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. They remember almost everything from their early childhood and especially any insults that might happen directly or indirectly. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 4th
This is a harmonious but very interesting & extreme combination of Uranus ruled date of 4 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. Uranus rules atomic energy and Mars also rules electricity. Combined together it means at the minimum these folks like modern stuff, latest electronic gadgets etc very much. Uranus is modern & unorthodox whereas Scorpio is a fixed sign so there is some check on both – change and stability pull! Uranus supports inquisitive Scorpio mind to probe making this a great date for detectives! Uranus brings some lateral thought process. The date of 4 is pure date which shows direct approach (unlike more complicated 13, 22 & 31). Their drive & childlike purity of approach is not diluted with increasing education, age or maturity. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. With Scorpio Sun’s fixed approach it is easier for them to manage change. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.
Dec 5th
This is a lucky birthdate but with a combination of 2 opposites! Mercury ruled date of 5 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun. Like Chanakya & Chandragupta or a politician and a warrior in the same mind/brain! Mercury shows expression, articulation, art-form, trading whereas Scorpio shows stability, power & introvert approach. This combination could also show deep lifelong interest in two things. The date of 5 is a pure date unlike dates of 14 & 23. This shows directness & childlike purity of approach. Their attitude does not get diluted by increasing age, education or maturity. It also shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.
Dec 6th
The combination of Venus and Mars is very youthful & vibrant. Scorpio drive, passion & aggression could get more constructive by Venus influence & lot more docile & predictable. Mars gives energy & aggression to artistic Venus. There is catch as Mars could drive Venus towards “socially unacceptable” behavior if not kept in check. The date of 6 ruled by Venus is a lucky birth-date. It shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life with full of luxuries. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can otherwise ruin or reduce magnitude of their success. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC

Dec 7th
The combination of Neptune ruled date of 7 & Mars ruled Scorpio Sun is very harmonious. Neptune aids or increases Scorpio’s positive characteristics while reducing negative emotions by typical “detachment despite high emotions” attitude which is seen more in Pisces moon or Sun Sign. Neptune is about sensing, perception and 6th sense, something that can be sensed but not expressed exactly. Neptune aids Scorpio’s probing, auditing or policing skills by bringing great imagination and innovation. Neptune influence also brings some calm, detached emotional approach & hence limits some excessively aggressive Scorpio side-effects. This date does have some lesson to be learnt in this life but in an un-harmful way. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.

Saturn ruled date of 8 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun sign is combination of opposites. Scorpio is extreme emotions, passionate, intense whereas Saturn likes data, inertness, calculations & pure fact-based approach. This date certainly shows desire of the soul to pay off karmic burden and responsibility avoided in the past life(s). The date of 8 does show desire of soul to pay off some karmic debt. It is required to show patience and adjustment for things that do not compromise family values or integrity. This is a simple date unlike compound dates of 17 & 26 and hence shows directness & simplicity in personality approach which doesn’t get either diluted or complicated over time. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time & opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 9th AstroMNC
This is a very harmonious combination of Mars ruled date of 9 & Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. This date assists Scorpio Sun’s aggression and passion or rather adds to it. There is some directness/forthright approach in this date whereas Scorpio Sun tends to be secretive. This directness could be a bit too blunt at times combined with intensity or Scorpio Sun! People around them, especially juniors, could have fearful respect for them. The date of 9 is mostly a lucky date and has lesser rough edges than 18 if more than 27. It also shows purity of approach as it is simple date unlike 18 & 27. Their “Marsian spirit” is not diluted by increasing age, education or maturity. They have some significant karmic links which would result in some wars, fights and competition in this life. There are certainly specific karmic links with friends, siblings & some land related angle in the family. It is important to forgive & forget which goes a long way for progress & growth. Gym or sports activities make them a much better person. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy, commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being control freak, taking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 10th AstroMNC
This is harmonious combination of Sun ruled date of 1 and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. Although this date does oppose some of the negative emotions of the Scorpio Sun sign and instills extrovert channels more than other Scorpio Sun sign dates. Scorpio’s vengeance or spiteful approach occurs less frequently due to positivity and extrovert nature of the date. Through initiative, inspirational moves, pioneering and entrepreneurial ability, this date creates its own sphere of influence like the solar system with specific roles to people in it. They create a platform where next generations can thrive upon. They usually start something nobody in the family did earlier. There is originality & brilliance in this date which also comes with an air of un-approachability, stiff nature or downright aloofness. The date of 10 has some philosophical approach or rather baggage which comes from wisdom of previous births. This maturity or philosophical approach makes them less competitive once they grow up. However, Sun’s macro-level ability or brilliance can never die. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy, commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power-seeking Sun Sign shows being control freak, taking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 11th
This is a very harmonious combination of Moon ruled date of 11 (2) and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. The date of 11 shows emotional, sensitive & moody nature. They have emotional intelligence and hence good people leadership. People connect is easy for these guys. They love & are brilliant in team building or group activities. The number 11 is a master number. They have very active subconscious mind driven by their “higher-self”. There is mandate to the soul to balance two very different things like religion, culture or families in such a way that they keep them together with harmony but still their separate existence is not diminished. This is certainly a difficult lifelong task which they have to carry burden of!  Aligning to one side creates troubles for them. 11 makes them a bit aloof unlike 29 (again a master number) which is more friendly. There is desire for popularity and often they get it in their sphere of influence. Passing criticism or negative feedback to someone is not their cup of tea! They are not the best people to run a business alone as they are careless with wealth / money; on the other hand they share wealth with others. This date is able to reduce some rough edge of the Scorpio energy, emotions & passion. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 12th
This is a harmonious combination of Jupiter ruled date of 12 (3) and Mars ruled Sun Sign of Scorpio. Jupiter channels Scorpio energy and passion to constructive things which reduces negative side-effects of Scorpio such as vengeance, spiteful acts quite a bit. Jupiter helps them forgive & forget some of not so important insults or ignorance of un-important people. The date of 12 is about thought leadership more than people leadership. It is less lucky than say 21 or 3 as it shows more importance to self (1) & then others (2). They are most comfortable with master & disciple relationships. They are “best fit” for a job in academic / education field where there is clear distinction between hierarchies.  It shows desire for individual achievement more than team achievements. They do not have “useless” connects or contacts for the sake of being popular like 2, 11, 29 or 20 born folks. Seating on a “katta” with friends for no reason is not their mentality. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign wants stability of position & thoughts. They love stability & power that the stability gives. They are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with arguments unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. They remember almost everything from their early childhood and especially any insults that might happen directly or indirectly. AstroMNC
Birth-Date Personality: Dec 13th
This is mostly harmonious but very interesting & extreme combination of Uranus ruled date of 13 (4) and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun Sign. Uranus rules atomic energy and Mars also rules electricity. Combined together it means at the minimum these folks like modern stuff, latest electronic gadgets etc very much. Uranus is modern & unorthodox whereas Scorpio is a fixed sign so there is some check on both – change and stability pull! Uranus supports inquisitive Scorpio mind to probe making this a great date for detectives! Uranus brings some lateral thought process. These folks are could be perceived as a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. With Scorpio Sun’s fixed approach, it is easier for them to manage change. However, the date of 13 shows 1 (Self, ego) before 3 (thought leadership, Individual achievements). That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sake of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and should be avoided as much as possible. Thoughts and achievements of self or groups need to be given more importance! Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power-seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings. AstroMNC
This is combination of 2 opposites! Mercury ruled date of 14 (5) and Mars ruled Scorpio Sun. Like Chanakya & Chandragupta or a politician and a warrior in the same mind/brain! Mercury shows expression, articulation, art-form, trading whereas Scorpio shows stability, power & introvert approach. This combination could also show deep lifelong interest in two things. This date of 14 however shows some karmic burden unlike the lucky date of 23; it could show some setbacks due to more importance to 1 (self / ego) than say the change (4) they want to bring in. That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sake of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and should be avoided as much as possible. It also shows ability to coin some very catchy phrases. It is a great date for any form of expression: oratory skills, writing or even singing, painting (caricatures / cartoons). They also have this trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect the dots and create a win-win situation for everybody. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power-seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.
Dec 15th
Sun in the last degree of Scorpio does show some mischievous effects either to self or father (kidney or overall renal system). However the date of 15 would minimize them a lot and intensity should be lesser. The combination of Venus and Mars is very youthful & vibrant. Scorpio drive, passion & aggression could get more constructive by Venus influence & lot more docile & predictable. Mars gives energy & aggression to artistic Venus. There is catch as Mars could drive Venus towards “socially unacceptable” behavior if not kept in check. The date of 15 is a highly lucky date and is a result of good karma in past multiple births which ensures good life. This is a birth-date of karmic reward; it shows great past karma which ensures good life regardless of bad planetary formations in the horoscope. There is a desire of the soul to have a tasteful, artistic & balanced life full of luxuries. It is advisable to stay away from affairs as they can ruin or reduce magnitude of success. Scorpio Sun is domineering, intense, passionate & rather extreme! Scorpio the 8th Signs shows tremendous intensity, desire for secrecy and keeping secrets, tremendous commitment to cause, ability to hibernate waiting for the right time and right opportunity, tremendous patience and perseverance. The negative side of this powerful power seeking Sun Sign shows being a control freak, melancholy, seeking revenge or getting even, possessive nature and tremendous nostalgia (not just later part of life but every now and then). This Sun Sign needs stability of position and thoughts and they are not the ones to jump around changing positions physically or even with argument unless there is tremendous Gemini influence. They love stability & power that the stability gives. Their memory, stare/eye-gaze is legendary & easily noticeable or even disturbing to others and hence they are often seen wearing eye-glasses not to let eyes give away their secrets of feelings.

Dec 16th
Sun changes to Sagittarius sometime after 2 am on 16th Dec (IST). This change is a HUGE one from one highly karmic degree to another highly karmic one and they are SO different! It is in these details astrology seems glorious! From a power hungry, passionate, often revengeful / negative, domineering Scorpio Sun to EXTROVERT, loud-mouth, idealistic, forthright & positive Sagittarius Sun! Scorpio is about nostalgia & emotions whereas Sagittarius is about action. The soul wants to leave past the feelings of Scorpio like revenge, nostalgia and passion or EGO and align towards a bigger strategy, goals or pursuits. It is usually reflected in broad forehead showing thought leadership & and also broad shoulders indicating actions. Sagittarius shows love for freedom, broad mindset, strategic thinking, and air of positivity & a can-do attitude and distinct thought leadership. The fire sign shows action oriented inspirational approach than getting into emotions or “why me” syndrome! Sports or Gym is very natural to them & also makes them a better person. Their bone structure is prominent & longevity is extraordinary. Gym/sports show an immediate effect on their body! They can also tend to gain weight faster. Residing hairline is also a sign of Sagittarius Sun. The 1st degree does show some extreme stance & action oriented nature and some extreme good or bad things about their father (Sun represents father). The 1st degree of Moola nakshatra in Sagittarius is very powerful for male planets like Sun and Mars! The date of 16 is a bit unharmonious with Sagittarius loud mouth effect. The date ruled by Neptune (16:7) shows subtlety and ability to sense, read people, situations & unspecified emotions. This is in contrast with Sagittarius Sun which is not much into these things! J This date also shows innovation, creative thinking and some feminine side to otherwise robust Sagittarius Sun. AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 17th
The birth-date of 17 ruled by Saturn (8) does show some karmic burden that soul wants to pay-off in this life. This date shows great ability of review, scrutinize or audit. These folks are more like enforcer than initiators. There is a typical Saturn’s “khadus” or conservative nature. This nature when coupled with expressive, loud voice Sagittarius Sun forms an interesting combination. Saturn’s minor observations are delivered with a loud foot thumping style! They could deliver the dialogues that people around them always “need” to hear and not what they “want” to hear exactly! J Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust physique and a good bone structure & longevity that it offers. As Sun is in Aries (exalted for Sun) ‘navamansh’, it shows an accomplished father but also shows some spine, heart or leg related injury or pain to father later in life. This date does have connection with gm, play-grounds etc but with Saturn influence it could directed to coaching or sports-analysis, critique, writer more than say becoming a sports-person. The date of 17 also shows an in-borne desire to leave their name behind by some great deeds. With starting degrees of this fire sign, this desire is pronounced. This compound date of 17 shows brilliance of Sun (1) and innovation / imagination of Neptune (7). However, the areas or subjects of application of mind are mostly dominated by Saturn. Sagittarius Sun shows a great longevity. One thing that prominently stands out is that Saturn & Jupiter combination does show long-term goals, desires than quick success. It is important to obey Saturn’s mandate for hard-work which Sagittarius Sun tends to ignore by speaking or preaching more than working on those things.

This Mars ruled date of 18 (9) augments Sagittarius Sun quite well. This date tilts Sagittarius Sun’s inclination more towards sports or engineering than the field of academics / education. This date shows very aggressive temperament date due to Mars ruled date of 18 (9) & Sagittarius Sun which is a fire Sign. The date of 18 shows some bitter fights with some folks (relatives, friends or work-place) which indeed have some karmic / past-life connections. There is rather a desire of the soul to engage in some bitter wars. There is great positivity to this date which aggressively makes bold decisions and a great progress in lesser time. However, the sudden aggression & rough edge to personality can ruin hard-work of months! Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun is able to direct this energy in a good manner but still this physical & mental energy needs a conscious effort to channel to right causes. Regular exercise /gym, martial arts etc helps quite a bit & makes them a much better person. They have very good bone structure and great longevity which is a trademark of Sagittarius Sun. They tend to gain weight (both muscles and fat) much faster than the other signs. This helps with career in body building or anything to do with physical strength. Sagittarius Sun does show a broad mind and strategic thought process which help them avoid going too far with their fights unless their ideals are challenged or there is some injustice. They can’t tolerate injustice and in such case they are never in a mood for debates or group discussions! J AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 19th
The date of 19 is a date of rulers and is a very lucky one! This Sun ruled date is a very harmonious compound number of 19 which shows brilliance / potential / individual-ability (1) of Sun propagated by energy or Mars (9). This birth-date does show great past karma for sure that ensures success in this life. There is desire to start / pioneer new things which nobody in the family did. It is difficult for them to follow others and take orders. They want to lead by example even in employment and they run their units like their own business! There is certain aloofness despite the broad-minded Sagittarius Sun. J Sagittarius Sun like to connect, wants to take broad / strategic positive decisions & wants to connect with people to convince them to come onboard, however, Sun’s 19 dominance does not allow them to compromise much. The date of 19 (Sun) reduces Sagittarius’ desire or ability to express or talk a lot! They will always deal on their terms and conditions & hence they are not very comfortable with new environments or surroundings where they do not have much control. They respect territories and guard their own fiercely! The Sagittarius Sun shows optimism, adds to entrepreneur approach of 19 and also reduces their ego a bit & presents it more as self-esteem by keeping it positive. Residing hairline is quite possible due to Sagittarius Sun in Moola nakshatra and also Sun dominated date of 19! J These folks find it VERY difficult to lie; even a kid would tell when they are lying! J Sagittarius Sun also shows robust bone structure, healthy & long life.
Birth-Date Personality: Dec 20th
A positive, optimistic, broad natured, truthful, idealistic Sagittarius Sun meets with the date ruled by Moon (20:2) which is sensitive, emotional and caring. This Jupiter & Moon combination is harmonious but philosophically conflicting. Moon wants to do things for friends & relatives which are not exactly say idealistic whereas Jupiter would not want things done for close folks that they can’t do for even strangers! This conflict however is not a self-destructing etc but the people around them could get confused by mix of two conflicting sides of their personality: emotions & sense-of-duty! The result is that, they might do those things that make them popular but not before declaring how bad & incorrect it is to do those things! J These folks are very popular in their sphere of influence & come across as approachable & friendly. They have natural ability of people leadership & people connect. There is broad nature and strategic thinking etc which helps their friends quite a bit. They are quite big hearted despite emotional & sensitive side of Moon ruled date. Any career with people connect is great for them. Although Sagittarius Sun is great for individual, idealistic achievements on their own (Scholarships, rankings, education, awards etc); their real fulfillment is through some people connect. Some of the most popular professors or school teachers are born under this date. Who would not love a dutiful, idealistic but approachable & warm hearted & friendly person as their class-teacher or mentor? J A great bone structure, broad forehead and longevity are given and regular gym is highly advised. These folks find it VERY difficult to lie; even a kid would tell when they are lying! :)
Dec 21st
This is a very harmonious date with both date of 21 (3) and Sun Sign of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. These folks have a great though leadership & a very high level of achievement orientation. There is great emphasis on personal achievements and lesser so on group & team level. However, 21 is a very lucky birth-date with great past karma. Although personal achievements & thought leadership are important there is a priority to others (2) and then self / ego (1). This makes them enough people friendly to make a win-win situation. However, they would not collect any people contact (like 20th born) or friends that do not align to their goals! They will consciously or subconsciously choose company which helps them get ahead or progress in some way – this can’t be called as selfish as it is usually win-win. Sagittarius Sun’s broad nature, strategic thinking & idealistic nature if only enhanced by this date. However, at times there could be minor compromise with integrity for their personal priority. These folks in childhood are about scholarships, ranks and fierce competitors in any academic endeavor. Unlike 30 and 12 born folks, their competitive spirit continues very much in later life also. They are a delight of their teachers or even their seniors as they always have an eye for achievements. There is an independent thought process which keeps them on the right path. Sagittarius Sun’s robust bone structure and great longevity is a given! Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it!

Dec 22nd
This date shows an interesting combination of Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun Sign and Uranus ruled date of 22 (4). Sagittarius Sun shows mostly an orthodox person who likes to use tried & tested methods but of course with aggression and positivity and great optimism. Uranus (22) however shows an unorthodox, ‘change agent’ approach where the soul wants to bring change to the environment they are part of. This shows some minor inner-friction as Sagittarius Sun is a bit too powerful and strong to get over-ruled by the date of 22. It means, the person brings step by step change to the fields / areas where Sagittarius Sun folks are found the most, say, sports activities, gym (strong Mars in their horoscope), education societies, academic career, professor etc career (strong Jupiter in their horoscope). These are the folks who start using electronic gadgets or tools in sports or their sphere of influence. Uranus dominated folks always love to have latest gadgets in the market. The date of 22 is a master number. It means that these folks are guided by their higher self and always know what they need to do at the subconscious level. Sagittarius Sun helps them quite a bit to implement the change they want as their motive is not questioned by their environment as Sagittarius Sun shows an idealistic & straightforward or transparent way of working. This is a great date for any soul that wants to bring in some step by step change in big institutions in the field of education / academics or sports. Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it! AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 23rd
The birth-date 23 is a very lucky date as it shows great karma in past life(s). This date is ruled by Mercury (23:5) which shows good oratory skills and ability to express / articulate well. These folks can express a lot with a select few words. Of course, this date can’t mask the “almost” loud-mouth or rather warm hearted & extrovert nature of Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius Sun shows robust bone structure & great longevity regardless of how bad rest of the horoscope is. This combination of Mercury ruled date & Jupiter Ruled Sun Sign of Sagittarius however is a bit of a conflict as Mercury or 23 born tend to be all-rounder with interests in multiple subjects whereas Sagittarius Sun wants to pursue any subject (maybe 1 or two) with seriousness and depth! The 9th Sign wants to have a broad-minded view of any subject they study and do not limit themselves by superficial approach which 23 born folks could take for some of the insignificant (for them) subjects. The sports or gym side of these folks could be a bit reduced by the date of 23 and could turn more towards academics (reading, writing & some expression etc). Of course, if Mars is very strong in the horoscope, these folks WILL get involved in sports or military etc activities for sure. These folks find it very difficult to stop after one academic degree. Masters is always on their mind even if not able to go for it right away. Regular gym or some playground presence goes a long way & it makes them a better person! It is very difficult to lie for a Sagittarian as even a kid would identify it!

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 24th
24 is probably the luckiest birth-date of all birth-dates, given to a soul who has done some great past karma in multiple lives! This date is ruled by Venus (24:6) which shows a balanced & artistic approach. It shows that the person is mild-mannered, respectful and does not have a rough edge to their personality. This is, despite Sagittarius Sun which is idealistic & straightforward and can’t tolerate injustice. 24 will always present Sagittarius Sun’s extrovert nature in a docile manner. However, if someone crosses their limit, they can forget or ignore that person for the rest of their lives! These folks find it very difficult to lie; even a kid would call their bluff! J They usually have a robust bone structure & great health and longevity unless some sudden indications of heart related stuff shown by horoscope. These folks tend to have a “pahadi” voice and combined with Venus’s (24) effect – it could be put to a very good use artistic endeavors. It is highly advisable to stay away from affairs as they could spoil otherwise spotless career and personality. People like to have these folks around and miss their presence sorely. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius Sun’s bright, sunny & warm-hearted side is presented with the beauty of Venus in this date. Despite Venus influence sports or gym could not be ruled out if Mars is very well placed in the horoscope. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 25th
The date of 25 is ruled by Neptune (7) which shows subtle side of this extrovert & bold Sagittarius Sun. Neptune shows imaginative, innovative side and also some sort of 6th sense. They read body language or even mind of people around them or even TV / Phone etc. They can easily perceive undercurrents of situations and get distinct “vibes” when they meet a new person or go to a new place. In a way, despite Neptune ruled date & Jupiter ruled Sun Sign of Sagittarius ‘oppose’ in this manner, it is not adverse or counterproductive as Sun (1) and Saturn (8) or even Mars (9) and Saturn. This is more at an intellectual level where these folks have friction in their mind and personality, about being subtle or being bold / extrovert. Horoscope would decide the tilt of personality whether Neptune or Jupiter is strongly placed. If Jupiter is dominant they are more in to academics, professor etc thought leadership professions; whereas, Neptune directs their energy to more creative & imaginative things (poetry). All Neptune dates are great for sports activities especially if Mars is well placed. Sagittarius only adds to their sports activities. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! Neptune & Jupiter combination could make people around them confused as to which “mode” is ruling them at what time and it is highly advised to be predictable for at least people around them. Neptune water runs deep & is creative / innovative regardless of very traditional, tried & tested or idealistic Sagittarius personality! Sagittarius would stop them getting affected by what they sense and also Neptune would stop them from being too rude or too idealistic by instilling emotional intelligence! AstroMNC

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 26th
The birth-date of 26 ruled by Saturn (8) does show some karmic burden (mostly related to relationships) that soul wants to pay-off in this life. This date shows great ability of review, scrutinize or audit. These folks are more like enforcer than initiators. There is a typical Saturn’s “khadus” or conservative nature. This nature when coupled with expressive, at times loud voice Sagittarius Sun forms an interesting (& confusing to others) combination. Saturn’s minor observations are delivered with a loud–mouth / thumping style! They could deliver dialogues that people around them always “need” to hear and not what they “want” to hear! J Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust physique and a good bone structure. This date does have connection with gym, play-grounds etc but with Saturn influence it could directed to coaching or sports-analysis, critique more than say becoming a sports-person. This compound date of 26 shows outwards a friendly (2) nature along with lazy good mannered approach of Venus (6) but this is related to their style (how) & not the subjects of their choice (what). That is, the areas or subjects of application of mind are mostly dominated by Saturn. Needless to say, Sagittarius Sun shows great longevity. These people would be the best fit for academic auditors or committees deciding curriculums, course content etc. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! Two mostly sincere or serious planets like Saturn & Jupiter can make person quite sincere or downright serious or a nerd! It is important not to control Jupiter/Sagittarian aggression or extroversion too much as it is unhealthy. Sagittarius will need (or must) to vent out emotions from time to time. AstroMNC

Dec 27th
This is very lucky date & as much or a maybe a bit lesser than say the date of 24. The date shows very good past karma which ensures success in this life. This date certainly shows Mars’ aggression & positive attitude but also need for discipline! The expressive Sagittarius Sun sign with at times loud mouth approach can be easily seen (heavy/loud voice). The bone structure is very good and regular gym, sports is highly recommended. Sagittarius Sun does instill idealistic and disciplined approach to this Mars’ energy but still it is always advised for these folks to channel their energy to correct causes. This date does show tremendous importance to friends and a big friend circle. There are certainly various great karmic links to friends/friend circle and many of their important and big things happen with or due to friends. Also, karmic connections with siblings are very specific and significant. There is some land related angle also in the family that could show some sibling-rivalry but a healthy one! Sagittarius Sun and Mars combination makes it great date for sports activities or any physical/action prone career. Needless to say that the Sagittarius Sun & this lucky date shows a great longevity and life-force. This is a very good date that shows thought leadership in the fields shown by Mars such engineering, sports or even wars. The compound number of 27 shows people friendly or populist nature of moon (2) and imaginative, creative and innovative side of Neptune (7). Overall it is a very lucky date which tends to moves to charity later in their life. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person!

Birth-Date Personality: Dec 28th
The date of 28 ruled by Sun (28:10:1) shows individual brilliance. This date shows a bit of aloofness and loner attitude. This is despite their ability to connect with friends (2) and masses/workers (8) very well. Despite being Sun ruled date, it has an air of approachability which is lacking in other Sun ruled dates of 1, 10, 19. The date of 28 is not about classes but more about masses. They create products or services that are targeted more at the bottom of the pyramid than say classes or ultra-rich. Extrovert, bold, idealistic Sagittarius Sun adds to the qualities of Sun’s brilliance, pioneer side. Sagittarius Sun reduced egotist side of 28 born folks quite a bit & gives more importance to thought leadership than importance to individuals. However, these folks do tend to collect overzealous people around them who end up hurting them with the complete intention of helping! Their over-enthusiasm or desire to please these folks could get them in trouble. It is advisable to make it clear to the fan club that they can’t matters beyond certain limit even with the best of the intentions. i.e. the methods are equally important as the goals or destination! This date shows great bone structure & tremendous longevity, heart & spine could be areas of worry and also overuse of legs is possible later in life leading to some wear & tear. It is also important not to control Jupiter / Sagittarian aggression or extroversion too much as it is unhealthy. Sagittarius will need (or must) to vent out emotions from time to time. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person!
Birth-Date Personality: Dec 29th
The date of 29 is a master number as it adds to 11. It means these folks are guided by their subconscious mind quite a bit. Their personality is very good to balance two very different types of people, families or even caste or religions. Needless to say these people are perceived as great personality in any country with diverse cultural background. These folks exactly know how to balance two things so that they co-exist but also retain their independence! This tight rope act is possible to the folks born on 29 and 11. There is desire of the soul for publicity / popularity; they also tend to be very popular anyways! Sagittarius Sun’s extrovert, bold and at times loud mouth nature is controlled by this emotional Moon ruled date. However, one can’t hide this Sagittarius Sun for too long. They of course have Sagittarius robust physique / bone-structure and very good longevity too. They can easily put on weight & also muscle without much effort. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person! Friends / friend-circle has a tremendous importance in their life as it is due to specific karmic links. However, there is tendency of 29 (which is not seen in 11) to collect nasty friends who can get them in trouble. It is almost impossible for them to detach from such friends but then they should try to stop their friends from doing something stupid knowingly or unknowingly. There are certain karmic obligations also with some friends & also their mother which they have to pay in this life. AstroMNC
Birth-Date Personality: Dec 30th
This is a date of great harmony as both Sagittarius Sun and the date of 30 (3) are ruled by Jupiter. These folks are thought leaders more than say people leaders. The 0 in the date shows a maturity or wisdom carried over from the past life. After early years of a typical 3 dominated behavior of individual achievements, fierce competition in academics etc, these folks take a back seat from at least overt competition. They realize the folly behind the rat-race and settle in their own thought process. This is probably one of the best dates for preaching, teaching or plain simply for academic profession (professors, principal etc). These folks have a tendency to go deep in every subject and are a PhD sort of material. They are of course idealistic and extrovert & bold due to Sagittarius Sun but the date of 30 reduces the frequency of their bold displays. They are mostly selfless except for early childhood years when personal achievement is important to make a point or two. However, too much of a maturity or wisdom could result in lack of action! This should be avoided at any cost as the intelligence or wisdom has to be applied for some cause. These folks have a vision and it is just a matter of acting on it for betterment of the surroundings. Their actions only help others and can never hurt anyone. There is robust Sagittarian bone structure and longevity to support any long term or broad plans. They can easily put on weight & also muscle without much effort. Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person!

The date ruled by Uranus (31:4) brings some interesting aspect to this otherwise traditional, thought leadership inclined Sagittarius Sun sign. Uranus brings in some unorthodox approach, a change agent attitude that challenges the status quo. Sagittarius Sun shows the fields of sports, gym or academics where these people try to bring in change and use modern ways and techniques. However, Uranus cannot mask the tried & tested approach of Sagittarius completely. The change aspect is more like a side dish than the main course as this Jupiter ruled Sagittarius will never disrespect older ritual or get rid of existing social precedence or order that easily.  31 is the luckiest of the 4 dates (4, 13, 22, 31). It shows priority to thought leadership and personal achievements (3) more than self or ego (1). However, this compound number does show traces of both 3 (thought leadership, achiever) and 1 (Brilliance, originality). Sagittarius Sun also shows a robust bone structure and great longevity. Sports or Gym activities are highly recommended as they make them a better person. A little bit of gym can show great improvements in muscle compared to other Sun Signs! These folks have a very broad vision and a warm hearted nature. This date shows overuse of muscle & more so of legs as Sagittarius sign rules legs. These folks obviously like to travel and meet new people and places. They are in a way world-citizens! Regular gym or some playground presence is essential and rather goes a long way & it makes them a better person!

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