Monday, January 1, 2018

MONTHLY & WEEKLY Horoscope (Rashi-Bhavishya) JANUARY 2018 (Rashifal)

MONTHLY & WEEKLY Horoscope JANUARY-2018 (Happy New Year)
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(This would help write more & more detailed on the blog not just weekly / monthly but also the astrology articles.)

1.      All Timings are Indian Standard Time – Convert to whichever time zone you are in.
2.      Based ONLY on Moon Sign – Health could be more related to Ascendant. (One can also check from Ascendant)

Significant Planetary Changes:
(3)    RAHU KETU CHANGE SEPT2017 for 18 months:

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24 Adverse 2+ days with expense of time money and efforts to plan next 27 days but also correct past errors & omissions. Expense for partners and spouse. Drive carefully.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM is about good energy & optimism and back on track but need to sleep well and drive carefully. Well directed efforts, meeting experts and getting good advice and information.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28 to is about incremental gains, good gains due to information & people 9 hours away from your place. Travel to meet family and more so maternal family also possible.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) start of a very good 7-day period! These 2+ day show meeting new/older and good people and some brain storming but also debates and legal ones at that too. You would benefit by legal troubles of others. Good collaborations with friends/older friends too.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about a LOT of work and lot of happening feel but stress too. Great productivity and getting things done.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about GREAT income from all sectors, recognition and gains for all you did in the past 7 days or even past 25 days. Many things would fall in place.  Friends including older ones would help.

Monthly JAN2018:
Just like Anil Ambani (!) you will start to come back on track and rather start to shine with both Guru and Shani supporting you. Sun is going to support you till March14th and you should capitalize on it as much as possible. Sun takes Budh and Shukra in and around itself so they also help in this period. This is a good time of every year from Dec16 to March14. Just that, this year it is must better due to also Guru and Shani support. Mangal changes on Jan 17th to Vrishchik rashi which troubles with vehicles, injuries and accidents etc till March 8 2018. This period shows being careful with adventure sports and not taking huge physical risk. It is all good and trending upward. Shani support till March2025 slowly so don not expect daily good news from Shani – that’s not Shani’s job! :) New things are going to start by Jan14th for you and new or older good people are coming in touch with you till Jan 14th. Jan 14th to Feb14th it is about stress and happening and too much work and increasing power. Lot of work will be done by March 14th for sure. I am waiting for Gautam Gambhir to get back! :) Maybe he needs to be careful with injuries in the Mangal period mentioned above.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24 is about multiple gains, income and rewarding time. Providing service and gains from that.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM 24: Adverse 2+ days with expense of time money and efforts to plan next 27 days but also correct past errors & omissions. Expense for partners and spouse.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: good energy & optimism and back on track. Travels or telecons are possible to meet seniors or influential people.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about tough time, fatigue, arguments with older people, arguments with seniors and govt legal matters especially for MRIG Nakshatra. It is mental physical fatigue & stress. Changed Surya starts to help to Krittika right away.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM it starts good 7 days ahead. Favorable Chandra Shukra movement helps you forget adversity of Shani and Guru. Meeting new people, getting things done quickly etc happens quite a bit.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about stress & happening, debated with paternal family folks for inheritance/property, support from seniors at workplace and getting a lot of things done with a happening feel. A bit of a pressure cooker situation but good stuff too.

Monthly JAN2018:
Keep handling seniors, govt & legal aspects with patience, care and diplomacy till Jan 14th. From Jan14th you enter 3 good months ahead with increasing feel good and success despite Shani adversity and Guru not to great support. Mangal is helping win over competition and help with quarrels till Jan17th. After that it suggests to wrap up wars and get into “mandwalli” (negotiations) and collaborations as you have done show of strength in the 6th Mangal till Jan 17th. Continue to watch health as priority – healthy lifestyle and inheritance matters will keep raising their heads which would need dispassionate handling without emotions and only with practicality. Dil behelaane ke liye Surya Budh Shukra etc support is good enough from Jan14th for 3 months! :) Shani is forcing to work without mass-base and alone – capitalize on it to earn more money without worrying about political power or false sense of security that people saluting you gives! :)

MITHUN / GEMINI: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff FROM Jan14th with care and patience.
Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: High productivity, stress due to too much work, getting things done, workplace success, mentoring and training activities. Happening!!
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Great gains, income and success over competition due to good higher placed friends. Support from colleagues and friends. PRO period. Well directed efforts & alignment.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Slow and saturation of 2+days. Need to calculate well and take less risks, fatigue possible, need to sleep enough. Health hazard possible.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about spouse time, collaborations and partnerships – merger acquisition headaches.  Difficult decisions about partnerships.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM shows TOUGH time for health both physical and mental. Stress & fatigue. Tussle with seniors especially for MRIG. Need to show patience dealing with Govt, legal or authorities etc.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) start of very good 7 days ahead. Well directed travel or abroad connects, good advice and meeting high knowledge people. Strategic thinking & part of high connect meetings. Good quick Travels possible,

Monthly JAN2018:
Shani tests partnerships and collaborations, spouse etc while Guru is trying to give you a great career position which you always desired. Mars/Mangal helps with sports achievements and group events with friends or team events till Jan17th. After that Mars helps conquer over competition and success over competition, sort of a Shatru-Nash. From Mid JAN to MID Feb need to handle seniors and govt or legal and traffic police and rules etc carefully without fail. Show patience with seniors and check what they need from you. Respond carefully and do not react right away! :) Maternal family elders’ health could be an issue which needs attention if close.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24 start of great 7 days ahead. Very good week ahead. Get things done. Connect with maternal people, quick travels, start of new things. Pro env.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM:  stress but happening & well directed efforts, meeting Guru type people at workplace and getting new knowledge and information.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28:  Gains and gains! Collaborations and partnerships, team events and activities to bring in success and feel good.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about new people/customers, new social circles, brand new employees etc coming your way, Upset health, meeting older & older maternal people and social events with upset stomach. Take enough sleep.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about group activities for common goals, collaborations and partnerships etc. Good spouse time.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about fatigue and misaligned efforts with too much fatigue and upset health and mental frame. SLEEP well and take B-Complex! :)

Monthly JAN2018:
Shani is changing your circle from Feb2017 and now Nov2017, brand new folks in your career and life and social circle. Guru is stagnating you but giving you good proximity with experts, advice, “Saint-Samaagam” and good books and new knowledge. Read and learn, treat every new person with care and scrutinize before putting trust completely. Micro-management needed. Surya keeps competition at bay till Jan14th. Mangal changing to the 5th house from JAN 27th starts helping with group/team events, sports success or some inspirational, tactical moves for quick achievements. Rahu in your rashi will change your personality and bring in some image aspect to it. In the company of people who are different caste culture or language.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Fatigue and stress – sleep well. Don’t drive without sleep. Travel for presentations but good news could be delayed by 3 days.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM:  GREAT 7 days ahead. Travel, presentations and meeting well placed people and very good direction. Start of new things. Connection to the maternal or native place – cousins possible.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: more of the same – more work and lot of work. Watch health aspects.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about tactical success, quick moves to en-cash opportunities, legal arguments and debates win, kids need attention especially for Magha. Success over competition too.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about social events with seniors and evolved people. Enjoyment but also influential connects and exchanging thoughts. Great brain storing with higher placed people.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about spouse time, collaborations and partnerships, some tough decisions too or EARLY indicator of future issues with partnerships.

Monthly JAN2018:
Guru is giving you the work you love to do and eventually will do at least “half-Bhagyoday” by Sept2018. Quick travels and presentations, white papers will happen from time to time. Till JAN17th Surya helps with quick achievements and tactical success with some inspirational moves. Great for artists indeed and also sportspeople who will “express” themselves better. Surya from Jan 14th shows success over competition but also health need to watch a bit till Feb14. Mangal changing on Jan17th to March8th is about some stagnancy but shows good use of land, property & vehicles – mostly for leisure and less for work. Mid Jan to Mid Feb some higher placed and “mentally evolved” folks will come in touch with you (career/higher level folks). Company of such folks would give knowledge but also great contacts.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Collaborations, team events, partnerships to give quick wealth gains and income, good food and family time, good image and happening.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Adverse 2+ days. STRESS & Fatigue in travel and unnecessary at that! Sleep well, avoid driving without enough sleep. Some misaligned efforts possible.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Start of very good 7 days ahead. Success and completion of various things, credit and visibility.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) much needed rest and rejuvenation, mom needs attention, some domestic trouble possible, check safety security of the land property etc
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about quick moves to achieve, good execution and tactical success, good speculation and kids doing well. Good display of knowledge and intelligence to actual work.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about some celebration, social event and maternal family connect and issues too.

Monthly JAN2018:
Guru is helping with very good investments and wealth management aspects. It is also increasing your income slowly and your values to the surroundings is again being proven. Shani 4th exposes domestic troubles and issues and infighting within house or relatives or say a political party etc etc as per your sphere of influence. Specially till Jan 14th it is tough with workplace environment and getting sandwiched between seniors and juniors. Handle with care. Surya will help with inspirational & go getter moves from Jan14th onwards. It will help you achieve quickly and prove your worth. Mangal changing to 3rd house from JAN17th to March 8th will allow you to show visible changes in your surroundings & assert your power and presence and your self-worth. Don’t misuse your power. Rahu is helping hugely with increasing your income or finding new ways to get your income. Ketu will help prove your intelligence and know-how & any good karma done earlier will now be paid back to you. Check house/property safety requirement and audit the house property for safety.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Slow saturation, responsibility towards maternal family & cousins which does not happen a lot. Giving good service & direction to them. Slow period.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Partnerships collaborations to give some wealth gains, good for land aspects and investment aspects.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Adverse 2+ days. Fatigue and stress, some attention needed at mom or native place stuff (land or house etc). Patience needed.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) quick travel with or against your wish, presentations or white papers etc work. Good tactics and use of networking. Meeting older people. Siblings need attention for Chitra specifically.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM much needed rest & rejuvenation, spend on home décor and luxury items, use of good stuff at home.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about quick achievement, inspirational moves and great display of knowledge and presence of mind.

Monthly JAN2018:
Back on track slowly but surely by Sept2018 completely! Back with some 9 to 5 duties and specific position and power. Good image & recognition and increase in workplace power and influence. Back to comfort zone. 3rd Shani has entered 23 good years ahead slowly but surely. Gives you political power and mass-base which you can rally-around. Do not misuse power. Visible impact on surroundings till Jan14th is seen. You would be beneficiary due to some fights and tussles around you. Chaos and conflicts affected you till 2017 but not now – they will help you now! :) Mangal changing to 2nd house from JAN17th would increase income and give some real estate or land or vehicle related leads thru friends and also spouse’s family reference. Sun changing to the 4th house does not help with achievements from Jan14 to Feb14 but gives good quality time with your seniors & people with power.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Some schedule slippage but getting things done. Quick achievements, good planning & expense of efforts and money etc for kids (or next education).
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Social events, party etc, energy etc but upset stomach possible.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Collaborations and partnerships, meeting someone interesting in travel, good travel and picnics and such peripheral events. Things you love to do!

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about incremental benefits, good income, start of new income to Vishakha. Good speech & also food.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM shows quick travels, expression, publishing, connect with siblings, writing and blogging etc
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) much needed rest & rejuvenation, meeting near & dear folks, partying or dinner etc with friends.

Monthly JAN2018:
Mangal changing to your sign is a major boost for energy & optimism and action. Great for sports and engineers and rather all folks with extra dose of energy. Shani 2nd is trying to start new income for you SLOWLY. NO GREED with investments please. Avoid “insider information” in share markets etc sort of playing around. Travels till Jan17th should be handled with careful and patient driving and vehicles handled with love and care! :) Quick travels for workplace and career related presentations and imp meetings or meeting imp people highly likely from Jan14th to Feb14th. GURU is forcing to plan for next 12 years of life. Do not start brand-new things without proper planning and even if when started start with 10%/25% stuff and do not jump in with 100%. Follow your instinct and not just advice of others seemingly successful people.

DHANU / SAGITTARIUS: DRIVE CARFULLY & handle vehicles & sports with appropriate safety gear FROM Jan 17th
Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Slow but good gains near native and good time with mom. Good income and sukoon too.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Quick Achievements but expense for kids & education.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Good for Wealth management, Social events and dinner, Family wealth related activities, and good for income overall.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) Back on track after expense of past 2 days. Relief but also complex work and need for sincere and hard work.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about good speech and income and good investment opportunity. Good food too. Lunch with seniors possible.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about good expression, writing, connecting with distant people, presentations and travel. Siblings need attention too.

Monthly JAN2018:
Attend to mother and mother’s need carefully. Keep patience with relatives as your temper will be tested. Micromanagement in work is needed as you will be given complex work. GURU is blessing you till Sept2018 as you will ne paid-off for your work you did from June2014. One-time payoff and some windfall gains would happen by Sept2018. Each contact from past 4 and more so 9 years will help you in some ways. Surya in your rashi till Jan14th gives energy and brilliance and quick inspirational moves. Surya from Jan 14th gives some incremental income and benefits for the past 2 months’ work. Paternal family elders might need attention to health. MANGAL changing to the 12th house from Jan17th and hence need to drive with care, patience. Get vehicles inspected and serviced if due and pending. Check oil level or air pressure etc regularly – keep space fuel in tank especially when approaching Fridays.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Travel for workplace, presentations, meeting people mostly senior and high knowledge/experts.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Much needed rest & rejuvenation, income and gains from native place and older friends or cousins/siblings’ blessings,
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Good achievements, good for kids, Good for academic success, workplace trainings.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) VERY HECTIC and slow..!! Expense of time money and energy to plan the next month, too much hectic stuff. Patience and step by step slow approach only helps.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM bring you back on track with optimism and energy. Still some expense and covering earlier pending tasks occupies your mind-space.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) is about incremental benefits, good food, good family environment etc abroad or income investment in or from abroad.

Monthly JAN2018:
Handle seniors with patience & care till Jan14th. Obey law & legal stuff carefully without fail. Mangal from Jan 17th increases income, help from friends and some real estate or land related matters. Good for sports or team activities too till March 8th. Shani in the 12th house first phase of sadesati is asking you to plan for next 30 years of life. Do not jump into huge things without planning. 10th Guru might make you report to someone of equal or less ability or experience – handle with patience and hard-work while making upper level folks aware of your displeasure. Stress but happening period. Some reduction of mass-base, employee base and revenue base possible and maybe forced to work alone for some time which should be used for your own good – learning new things and investing time money and energy into yourself. Time for WHAT and not execution right now for something brand-new.

KUMBH / AQUARIUS: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff FROM Jan14th with utmost care and patience.
Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Good events, incremental gains due to work done in the past 5 days - -some solace as 17 18 was very tough.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Travel, expressions presentations etc for workplace. Workplace power increase
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Much needed rest and rejuvenation and meeting near and deal folks. Some expense for them.

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about various gains and income & natural support from environment, blessings from older people. DHANISHTHA needs to watch with seniors the whole week.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM shows some expense, covering some previous errors & omissions in the past 6 or 25 days and planning the next one month ahead with patience.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) you come back on track with optimism and energy and execution of the plan. Good energy and quick actions to achieve.

Monthly JAN2018:
It’s my life – it’s now or never! :) It IS your time! 9th Guru and 11th Shani indicates the best of the times in your life. New opportunities, higher position and strategic initiatives by 9th Guru by Sept2018. 11th Shani to pay you off for all what you did from Sepr2009 of 8th Shani. Wind-fall gains and huge income or one-time pay-offs will come your way. Surya from Jan14th to Feb14th suggests to take care of seniors and govt or legal matters with patience and care. Check what seniors want carefully. Handle tussle or confrontation with diplomacy & reason. Mangal changing to 10th house from Jan 17th increases your power, influence and strength and gets help from colleagues and friends and siblings.

Weekly 22 to 28:
MONDAY Early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) to WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:33AM JAN-24: Back on track & feel good after 2+ tough days. Still, some misaligned efforts are possible. Evaluate options well.
WEDNESDAY MORNING 08:34AM JAN-24 to FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:11PM: Good gains, good support from family and friends, good food.
FRIDAY AFTERNOON JAN-26 13:12PM to SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14:55PM JAN-28: Gains due to presentations, writing, expression and income. Lot of gains despite 8th Guru misaligned efforts and 10th Shani stress (but happening).

Weekly 14 to 21:
From afternoon SUDNAY-JAN-14th 13:15pm to WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:07 HOURS (AM) is about POWER increase and networking increase but too much work, stress and productivity.  Meeting with both older and younger folks.
From early-morning WEDNESDAY-JAN-17th 02:00 HOURS (AM) to afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:17PM is about gains and recognition for all you did in the past 6 days. Good time despite fatigue by Guru and tests by Shani at workplace.
From afternoon FRIDAY-JAN-19th 14:18PM to (midnight Sunday) early-morning JAN-22nd 00:46 house (AM) you need to cover the past mistakes and correct them and plan the next month ahead. Investment of time money and energy in yourself needed. Abroad connect (12 hours away) for workplace is highly possible.

Monthly JAN2018:
Drive carefully till Jan17th. Surya till Jan14th is increasing your strength. From Jan14th to Feb14th it will increase your income and gains from seniors. Mangal changing to 9th house from Jan17th is a GREAT NEWS which shows energy and optimism will go in the right direction. The 10th Shani is stress but happening – too much work and pressure. Satva-Pariksha at workplace. Need to consult older & seniors people. 8th Guru gives mission impossible work. Too much hard-work but misaligned efforts possible. “Kelyaane Hot aahe re kelechee paahije” is the mantra – You have right only by your karma. It is time to put steam in the engine or pressure cooker which will start giving HUGE success from Oct2018.

1.     Sun changes to Capricorn / MAKAR on Jan 14th 13:18PM India time & stay there till Feb 13th 02:18 hours! ;) This is adverse for KUMBH / AQUARIUS moon sign and the GEMINI / MITHUN moon signs. Need to manage seniors, father and police or any person with authority with tact & diplomacy. Check what they want & if something they need is missing. Check for omissions & errors with the law or the process etc (compliance matters). This movement ends the troubles with seniors and police etc for MAKAR / Capricorn and VRISHABH / Taurus moon signs.

2.     The RED planet (Mars/Mangal) changes to Vrishchik from Jan17th 2018 to March8 2018. This is adverse for MESH (Aries) and DHANU (Sagittarius) Moon & ascendant signs especially. IT means some troubles with vehicles, sports, physical adventures and anything in motion – the remedy is to ensure safety and servicing and timely DEKHBHAAL /care of your rides. Also, enough safety equipment for sports and adventures would help. The feeling of “love” and “caring” attitude towards self and others IS MAGIC for these things as the care and love won’t allow you to load 40 18 years olds in a boat with capacity of the 10 (typical 3rd world country syndrome). It won’t allow you to drive recklessly above 80/90 with 6 body-builders/wrestlers looking at their life ahead and so on. The DEVIL wins it with anger, ignorance and rage – the God is driven out with this which need LOVE and CARE in your mind to help you! This Mangal change is great for Vrishchik as at least reduces adversity. Great for Meen as it enters great period of 9 10 11 Mangal which helps a LOT. It is about success over competition for Mithun. Singh is about domestic sukh of vehicles and property. Tula is about increased income. Kanya is about fruitful travels to meet friends and cousins. Kirk is about achievements and inspirational moves and kids time. Vrishabh is about activities that they love along with friends. Makar is about increased income and some luck coming from friends when Shani is adverse and Guru is taking your exams.

3.     DEC16 to Jan14: I had posted following (#AstroMNC) last week rashi-Bhavishya: "ALL SIGNS will feel the adverse effect of Surya Shani together especially those who are in position of power/authority would see mass--employee etc unrest. Some surprise to people in power is almost a must in this week. People intensive businesses like IT industry needs to be more vigilant." Surya Shani Yuti usually results in mass-unrest and Govt/Police and masses tussle. This current tussle in Maha started when Surya Shan in D9 also are in Kendra. So Yuti in main chart and Kendra in the NAVAMANSH chart. This Navamansh tussle continues till Jan 4th 5:50 pm and cools down after that. So we should expect calm 4th Jan and more so from evening 5:50pm onward.