Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Random Thoughts 27: Mahadasha, Antardasha and Transits (Gochar) Synthesis

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2018 Annual Horoscope: http://astromnc.blogspot.com/2017/12/2018-annual-horoscope-all-signs-varshik.html

Mahadasha, Antardasha and Transits (Gochar) Combination
MAHADASHA is like an interstate highway in the USA and planetary Transits (Gochar) show how fast you are going and where you are slow and congested and where you need to take breaks and where you need to check maps/alternate routes if available, rest/stay-over etc etc. Mahadasha Antardasha would show if the interstate highway itself has faster and good 4 6 lanes or just 2 small lanes with bad patches on the roads with lots of speed-breakers or smooth ones or if it is going thru a city and hence slower speed limits etc etc -- so regardless of how good your transit is -- the state of the highway restricts your magnitude of success.

If the highway is HUGE/WIDE and free and your transits are not to good then the intensity would be not be FELT as much -- your mental state would be bad due to transits but other people looking at you would think you are doing great!! Same way it happened to me in this Sadesati (Chandra Mahadasha). In the past sadesati in the 80s I had part Ketu and part Shukra Maha and Ketu one was tough for maternal health (as Ketu different rashi but same nakshatra as Mangal Shani -- maternal grandmother passed away relatively young) -- so that time others also thought that we were not doing great as the father also in sadesati (Tula) and so on. This time Mahadasha of Surya and Chandra --- so sadesati -- others felt I was doing great -- whereas mental state is still transits. My 11th Guru in 4th house Shukra (Shukra with Guru) Mahadasha resulted in surprise (3rd rank) in engineering tough years. The 5th Guru in Shukra Mahadasha resulted in a good onsite position but again with GREAT company in the USA (great friends and group etc in 98/99 and we still remember the time spent there). But 5th Guru in Surya Mahadasha resulted (Surya 5th house Vargottam & L10) in a higher position in career, higher position due to the blog / website and also the FB etc stuff. So 5th Guru in Shukra Mahadasha was good material sukh and great company and vehicles (Shukra 4th with Guru) and 5th Guru in Surya Mahadasha was all about fierce CAREER centric force, The last sadesati in the 80s was about chaos & hard work and issues for and in the family (Shukra 4th), whereas this Sadesati from 2012 was and is about trying to get ahead in career and fighting out the headwind/resistance (Surya and Chandra Mahadasha which are about career and visibility in my chart).

Regardless of Mahadasha, the state of mind in the mid-80s and now in sadesati was similar and when 5th and 9th or 11th Guru were there the state of mind was HIGHLY jubilant too! Also 9 10 11 Shani I was right time right place whether I was a 3-year-old or 32 years old at the start of 9 10 11 Shani. Again the state of mind was very similar in those phases too. Got to keep things as logical and statistical based as possible and one day you will complete the journey or data, information, knowledge wisdom and intuition. Fantastic thinking is “fantasy PLUS statistics” (without stats it would be all about glorious mistakes as per Gary Kasparov!)

Mahadasha bad (Karmic debt) and Antardasha Great planet (Karmic reward)

Shani Maha is 19, Rahu is 18 and Budh is 17 and so on. It is obvious you won’t have complete period very bad consistently day in day out! :) It is against common sense. As you know it is like Mahadasha-Antardasha-Widasha (people call names such as Bhukti Pratyantar etc etc). Widasha sounds more logical to me. So Antardasha when it conflicts with the theme of Mahadasha it is like addition of two thing X + Y. Antardasha cannot negate Mahadasha effects but Mahadasha also can’t negate Antardasha effects. Like even in Jail you are allowed to meet family members once week or month etc etc. Or even when you are at a high in your career you will have some projects or some initiatives having biter failures. Like Bachchan Saab or Michael Jackson saab having Shani Mahadasha from 70s to late 80s approximately. They did have some nasty antardasha and also sadesati distractions etc in-between. So yes, a Mahadasha very very good or very very bad is VERY ACUTE in the initial Antardasha of the same planet and more so in the initial WIDASHA the effect is almost every day and current!! It starts tot fade a bit from 2nd Widasha in that mahadasha and more so in 2nd Antardasha as then you are to get FLABORS of different planets just as we eat an ice-cream cone.

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  1. How will Shani Mahadasha be for Kumbh Lagna ? since Shani is lagnesh and lord of 12th too.

  2. On the same theme as above question...For simha lagna, guru is both 5th and eigth lord. Assuming it is well placed ...will Mahadasha show effects of 5th lord or 8th lord.
