Thursday, January 25, 2018

Random Thoughts 28: NavaPancham, Lefty & Libra, Visible/Invisible Hemispheres in Chart

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Would help with posting more articles with objective analysis without fear mongering with purpose of de-mystifying astrology as a probabilistic science or better yet "art of probabilities".

[1] NavaPancham or Laabh -Yoga : Why they are important
We can use all the words and good vocab to impress folks how “energies” and cosmos and what not are aligned for some yogas and how they portray harmony. Use of eloquent language to appeal to the reader’s mind. However, NOTHING beats LOGIC and Case-Studies.

Nava-Pancham yoga is conserved the base of the Yogas for any planets to have – for friends and for enemies alike. They are most synchronous implementation of the attitude and energy and power and the “Governorship” of the two planets in the chart. One can easily comment looking at L4 (mother) and L10 (father) how they are placed by their Yoga but also how Chandra (water in body, emotions, mind & mother) & Surya (Ego, Esteem, Father, heart, spine) are placed. So quick examples how they are important.

Dhanu Rashi Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar, Maria Sharapova, Don Bradman (Dhanu Lagna), Kapil Dev (Dhanu Surya), VVS Laxman. DHANU Rashi is natural at ground, gym and sports and open area and running and what not. Dhanu lagna or Surya or Chandra – they usually have strong bone structure, positive happy extrovert mind without a lot of rough edges as they are idealistic too.

(1)    Sachin and Maria Sharapova Mangal (sports) is not in acute “sync” with their Moon. Sachin has Mars 2nd to Moon and Mariya Sharapova 6th to the moon. When Planetary alignment is GREAT to the desire (Moon) it might not be necessarily aligned exactly-well to the Mars (sports), So Sachin’s world cup highest of scores have come when GURU was in Water signs & Earth signs aspecting his Mangal (Guru in Kirk and Kanya Makar and so on). But at the same time his desire of wining the cup was not fulfilled. Or while chasing a score he does not have a double century or something huge. Of course, he was IMP and NECESSARY part of EVERY WIN we had. Don’t get me started in this! :) He WAS KEY to our all wins anyways but as you can see below with VVS Laxman.
(2)    VVS Laxman DHANU RASHI and MESH MANGAL NavaPancham yoga – His 281 got the glory – so personal glory (Desire moon) and sports achievement was very much in place at the same time. Imran Khan also MESH RASHI and DHANU Mangal.
(3)    Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer both have 9th Mangal to Moon. Rafa: Mesh Dhanu and Roger Libra Moon Gemini Mars. So NavaPancham results in personal glory and also sports glory and obviously they are not in group sports! :) Harmony begins there itself as NavaPancham doesn’t want to much of a sangharsh that other Yogas like or want!
(4)    Kapil has Dhanu Surya and Mesh Mangal - -NavaPancham. Warne has Dhanu Mangal and Singh Surya so again World cup wins align with their performances.
(5)    Rahul Dravid has Meen Rashi and Vrishchik Mangal so NavaPancham and hence his contribution is also higher in wins.
(6)    Mariya Sharapova as you can see Dhanu Moon and 6th house Mars in Vrishabh. It is not in sync. So personal success and sports alignment would require extra ordinary efforts which Sachin Tendulkar did successfully as he didn’t do anything else much. Sachin has Sun in NavaPancham with the Moon which helped him.
(7)    Don Bradman had 9th house Chandra Surya Mangal and Dhanu lagna! :) As you can see NavaPancham yoga multiplied several times!
(8)    Anil Kumble has 6th Mars (Kanya) to Moon (Mesh). Like Sharapova it is about success over competition but struggle and not a free flow display like NavaPancham folks like VVS or Roger or Nadal and so on. Gavaskar has DHANU moon and Vrishabh Mars – 6th to Moon but it is 5th to Lagna of Makar so some offset has been done. Else he would not have Benson and Hedges Cup!
(9)    Ganguley and Shastri have 3rd Mars to Moon – Ganguley In Cancer Mars and Shastri Aries Mars. They also have timely knocks and the things you would remember – mouke pe choukka.. timing of performances.

In short, desires and ego/elf-esteem-worth- (Moon/Sun) other planets being in NavaPancham shows that when the desire is high the outright success is also high & is aligned to a greater cause and bigger picture! NavaPancham gives NATURAL alignment to the surroundings and a strong sense of purpose and well-aligned efforts which help other planets to get more strength either thru tactics (5th to one planets – doing the things right) and strategy and big picture/right things (9th to other planets – doing the right things).

Note: Any planet in the 5th house to any others planet X shows doing things right for that planet X and any planets which is 9th to other planet Y shows doing the right things for the planet Y. 5th tactics and 9th strategy.

[2] Horoscope Udit Golardha / Anudit Golardha (Visible Hemisphere: Houses 8 to 12 and Invisible Hemisphere houses 2 to 6)
Observe this: If you are writing say "Said": You have written till only "Sa" and suddenly you want to write "Saying" instead of "said" -- Do you quickly delete SA and restart from S or keep SA as is and type ahead with "ying" ?? (Hope I am writing this clearly).

If you restart from S then most likely you have more planets in the left side of the chart (invisible hemisphere: 1 3 5) and if you continue ahead with "ying" without deleting SA then you have planets on the right side of the chart (9 10 11 12 visible hemisphere).) The later gives good planning ability and former gives you force, execution ability. Former is more seen near native and later away from native. The Later is more strategic and former is more tactical and operational! :) :)

The later folks have longer middle phalanx on thumb (logic) and the former ones have longer upper phalanx of thumb (force and willpower). There is nothing good / bad with it -- this is the way it is!

You need Shani aspecting your Budh closely to observe these things! ;)

[3] Left - Left Handed folks and Libra Connection
There is something about Planets in Libra / Tula and being LEFTY. Also planets in the visible hemisphere has some association with being lefty. Then it struck me when I was reading an article that lefty people have some bridge strong with connects the part of the Brian that controls left and right side of the body and Libra is the sign that likes to balance!! So I tried to put it together and tried to find case studies in hostel from 1991 to 1995. Found many lefty folks with Libra planets either moon sun or Lagnesh or rashi Swami or Surya Swami and Brain kaarak Budh.

I also observed that most lefty folks have very similar lines on both the palms! As I often got the question which palm to check for lefty folks!

P.S. not all having Libra planets would be lefty, but out of 100 lefty people even if 20/30% have Libra planets then it will establish the connection as 100/12 = 8.xx folks should only have Libra dominance for 12 signs.
Astrology has no start and no end - you can connect it from weather to stocks to electronics and more so health and psychology and everything under the Sun! :) Let us just keep eyes and ears open! ;)

[3] Arms & Legs from Jan17th 2018 to March 8 2018 but more so Jan2018 and Feb first week.
Arms and legs under attack: right now BOTH Shani (Saturn) AND Mangal (mars) aspect KUMBH (Aquarius: legs below knees) And MITHUN (Gemini: Arms) signs so arms and legs of people around the globe are under scanner for minor injuries. It is more like fender bender sort of injuries and minor stuffZ More chaotic time is for Kumbh and Mithun moon or Sun (real one) with these two planets aspecting mother or the father of your or your temper! :) patience helps!!
This is technically from Jan17 to March8 but as Shani is in Moola nakshatra it is more about January and first week of Feb only.
Guru drushti on mithun and Kumbh saves the day and keeps things in check and on track.

[4] Nice “Sher”
मंज़िलों से ही गुमराह कर देते हैं कुछ लोग,
हर किसी से रास्ता पूछना अच्छा नहीं होता...
Isn’t this applicable to the astrologers the most? :) unless you trust someone don’t consult them else they will put doubts and fear in your head and your brain has enough power to make them true!! :) :) also don’t trust anyone beyond a point except God - “anaadi anant” “Nirgun Nirankaar or, Sagun Saakar”


  1. also don’t trust anyone beyond a point except God - “anaadi anant” “Nirgun Nirankaar or, Sagun Saakar”

    May their(Gurus/Astrologers) inner soul also guide them about the truth

    Salute to you <^> <^> <^>

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