Monday, February 5, 2018

Is Future already defined?

#ASTROMNC : Is future defined!!?
Future can be changed by altering attitudes and thought process. A Horoscope shows SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) yes sure -- the birth-time chart does show UNALTERABLE past life karma and its "probable" ramifications in this life BUT we can by reading right books, advice from elders and GURU like people or simply seniors, older friends and same age friends with higher ability (Say Sachin AR Rehman) etc etc can CHANGE our future for sure.
I have case studies. So don't let ANYONE fool you in the name of astrology. YES, your past life karma WILL interfere and you will at times have to fight it off or just go thru it patiently. BUT there is no substitute for right attitude and hard-work. Talent is nothing but interest earned on hard-work.
So a Horoscope can help understand SWOT -- and help us change our attitude and hence change our life. (Else why would astrology suggest remedies at all...) If things were hard-coded in a chart ---- astrology would NOT have had a division of remedies at all..!! :)
Remember, all remedies try to alter your behavior and make stronger the good side of your attitudes and try to bring down the weaker side of your attitudes -- a Horoscope is NOTHING but a BUNCH of attitudes a chart throws out. A psychological configuration mirrors in our DNA. BUT WE are the ones who can make the change slowly but surely.
NO FATE BUT WHAT WE MAKE.. As today's fate is yesterday's work only..!

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  1. Excellent portrayal of चेष्टा बल.

  2. Interesting topic
    I have a question from my 16yo son, he said if major things in life like death are predetermined then what is fault of someone who commits suicide ? Why should he be shunned with lots of bad karma as a result(as per Hindu belief) isn’t death by suicide predetermined?
    I could not give him satisfactory answer and my son doesn’t believe in astrology but he sees me reading astrology books and hence his question probably just to shake my belief :)

    He stunned me at the age of 10 by saying consciesness is just a result of body being alive and there is nothing after death

    1. (1) Thats the points -- major things of life are NOT predefined...!! The Karma continues. Same for suicide. Taking a life is not allowed unless you are doing it from someone from stop taking multiple lives... So of course every karma matters... Rather it should be easy to explain using ANY theory your son believes! :) :)

  3. Thanks for the reply, it was then my misunderstanding that time/place and manner of death is fixed when one is born. Don’t know what my son believes but he studied Buddhism in school

    From the theory of karma book you recommended there is mention of different types of karma and one type of it was something you can’t change ,prarabdha karma . So I thought death was one of them? Although few astrologers can predict death accurately and even fewer will entertain such question, I thought it was fixed along with the total lifespan ?
