Wednesday, January 31, 2018

(Updated) Monthly Horoscope February2018

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1.      All Timings are Indian Standard Time – Convert to your time zone.
2.      Based on Moon Sign – Health could be more related to Ascendant. (One can also check from Ascendant)

Significant Planetary Changes:

MESH / ARIES: DRIVE CARFULLY & handle vehicles & sports with appropriate safety gear FROM Jan 17th to March8

Except Mangal in the 8th house which shows being careful with vehicles, land deal, tussle with friends and overall physical adventures all other planets are quite well placed for MESH rashi. That’s why you see Sharad Pawar and Farukh Abdulla again in news! :) I wonder by Gautam Gambhir and Anil Ambani lagging behind as they are also Moon Sign Mesh/Aries. 8th Mangal suggest to check vehicles and also use all safety gear at workplace and also driving and riding etc. GURU is going to expand what started from July2015 to July2016 and it is showing new collaborations and new partnerships and also good for spouse/marriage stuff. SHANI is adding NEW mass-base to you – the people who would support you till March2025 to reach increasing heights and increasing success. The 10th KETU with so many planets brings in high quality experts in your contact or people who are “saint-like” in their fields but still quite active and hands-on and still in the material world. Everything is maargi and good speed and hence you would see good speed ahead.

Right now, you have multiple planets in the 10th house in MAKAR rashi. These are giving you power and strength and boldness & high productivity with stress but happening feel. They are making you do a lot of hard-work and getting a lot of things done. They will unleash gains and results starting from Valentine’s day when Surya enters Kumbh and starts increasing your income and support from seniors & govt etc matters. Slowly these 10th planets would turn 11th and would give away all the gains for the work you have been doing since they were 8th to you!

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB 8 (Thursday) 8AM (morning) to FEB 10 (Saturday) 19:50PM (night).
(2)    FEB-18 06:30AM (Sunday morning) to FEB-20 14:00PM (Tuesday afternoon)

Despite SHANI & GURU both being “off” (sort of), rest all planets have aligned with you! They do show starting good things that span across months if not years like Guru and Shan. The 3rd Rahu is allowing you to express yourself and show your presentation skills and publishing stuff. The 9th house planets are a natural support which means some travels to meet influential people, use of tact & diplomacy and strategic thinking, broad thinking for betterment & gains of ALL stakeholders. Your actions would help a bi program and bot just day to day matters. Good acknowledgement and visibility is ensured despite Guru and Shani turning a blind eye on your growth. GURU warrants servicing, polishing, honing & working on things you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017. Make incremental increase in your surroundings & don’t try to get too cute like Harsha Bhogale – you can’t be better than the game you are covering! Check Richie Benaud commentary and you realize what is needed right now. SHANI Mandates to work alone as an SME and hence need to increase your skills so that you can lead and an army or a sea of people from 2020. Surya changing from valentines to the 10th house increases workplace influence and strength and power.

Right now, various planets in the 9th house start things and when they turn 10th in a few days they cause hell lot of work, stress and happening feel. This starts from mid Feb slowly and completes by Mid-March.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB 10 (Saturday night) 8PM to FEB13 (Tuesday morning) 9AM
(2)    FEB-20 14:00PM (Tuesday afternoon) to FEB-22 19:20PM (Thursday evening)

MITHUN / GEMINI: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff till Feb14 with care and patience till Feb14
Tough period indeed in Feb2018 and more so till Feb14th. But still the whole month is a test of patience It shows fatigue, unnecessary running around, correcting previous errors& omissions. It is an adverse period with seniors, Govt and legal matters and also spouse, relationships and partnerships. Some ill-aligned spend of time, efforts & money is possible. It is imp to keep patience and not act in anxiety. Meditation or simply SLOWING down a bit will help a lot. At times, slow work is better than fast wrong directed work! The direction of work might not be very straightforward and clear right now. The clarify will start to come from Feb14th and would start showing up by end of FEB2018 a lot.

GURU in in the 5th house is a dream come true success from Sep2017 to Sept2018 but right now in Feb it is getting very less support from surroundings. The wheel of karma needs to move ahead so that the folks benefitted in Feb could lend a helping hand to you in the month of March. SHANI 7th is teaching lessons with spouse, partnerships & relationships and also mom health needs attention. Maternal family & more so maternal elder folks need your help. The 6th house Mangal is a support which shows success over competition and some personal achievements.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB13 (Tuesday morning) 9AM to FEB-15 (Thursday night) 20:00 PM
(2)    FEB-22 19:20PM (Thursday evening) FEB-24 11PM (Saturday night)

KIRK / CANCER: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff till Feb14 with care and patience AFTER Feb14
The 4th house GURU continues stagnancy. Serve and protect what you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017! :) The 6th house SHANI is changing your social circle and adding NEW PEOPLE in your life and career which is out of comfort zone. Examine very person in details before you can trust and do micromanagement initially. 1st RAHU in your rashi is changing your personality, language and making you adopt new culture, language, accent etc as lot of people of different culture/language are coming in touch with you.

IN FEBRUARY, with so many planets in the 7th house, it is all about group events, team events, collaborations and partnerships etc in Feb2018. More so till Feb15th with Surya also there. You will get to work on things you love or like to do. There is healthy competition and tussle but it is for moving ahead and not against each other. All these planets start moving to the 8th house making the month of March a bit to stressful and of fatigue. Handle seniors, Govt, legal stuff with tact & diplomacy from Feb14 to Matrch14. “Kaayadya-pudhe Shahaanpan chalat naahi”. The 5th house Mangal is about inspirational work, training & mentoring activities & quick achievements in Feb. Good for sports people.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB-15 (Thursday night) 20:00 PM to FEB-18 06:30AM (Sunday morning)
(2)    FEB-24 10:45PM (Saturday night) to FEB26 (Monday) Midnight – Expense, slow, recalculations and planning next 30 days

With so many planets including Surya in the 6th house means: Success over competition is the name of the game for you right now. At the same time, watch health and stomach and overall stress which could result in injury or physical fatigue. Need to sleep enough. Need to eat good food and with discipline. Surya changing to 7th house from Mid-Month shows change of attitude from war/competition to collaborations & “mandwalli”.

The 3rd GURU is going to give you work which you love or like to do. It will show presentations, publication and expression too. Quick travels will keep happening. The 5th Shani is about slow & steady “projects” – things that finish in some stipulated timeframe. 5th Shani is happening but it a SLOW effect of becoming relevant after Nov2014 to Oct2017 of being irrelevant in 4th Shani (Ask Uddhav Saheb Thackeray!). So, planets are aligning well now with 3rd GURU (work you love to do) and 5th Shani (lawyerly and tactically and slowly moving ahead). The 4th Mangal shows purchase or attention to electronic equipment in house or paying attention to domestic needs.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB-18 06:30AM (Sunday morning) to FEB-20 14:00PM (Tuesday afternoon)
(2)    MARCH-1st 01:43AM (Feb 28th midnight) to MAR-03 03:45AM (Saturday early morning)

Planets in the 5th house are making you grab opportunity and have some inspirational tactical moves to execute them quickly. Good achievements are seen by Feb14th. From Feb 14th Surya enters the 6th house which helps with success over competition and overpowering your opponents. All these planets that help achieve quick bucks in Feb will move 6th slowly by end of FEB which means in March there is stress & happening feel with over-worked situation. The 3rd house Mangal from Jan 17th to March 8 is helping with some energy and travels and presentations and use of friends & siblings and colleagues to achieve success. It is great for sports people especially like Dhoni.

2nd GURU is making environment realize your value again. You will increase your & family wealth by Sept2018. SHANI 4th is about domestic trouble (house/relatives, political party/MLAs or members etc) & infighting. It means doing things for house property and relatives and your circle which are much pending and needed from a long time. RAHU is helping with income and gains and Ketu is helping with success. Overall – it is 60/70% good environment for Kanya on all fronts.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB-20 14:00PM (Tuesday afternoon) to FEB-22 19:20PM (Thursday evening)
(2)    MARCH-1st 01:43AM (Feb 28th midnight) to MAR-03 03:45AM (Saturday early morning)

Despite being 1st Guru and 3rd Shani you are stagnant in by Mid-January and February as many things are not moving ahead with as much speed as expected. This changes from Feb14 as Surya changes to the 5th house of success & execution! Slowly all these 4th house planets which are making you stagnated and inaction will change to the 5th house by end of FEB and make you happening again. Surya 5th from Feb 14 increases income and gains. The 4th house planets is meeting good people, brainstorming, rejuvenation and getting ready to hit the tracks again in the 5th house movements from Feb 14th. So enjoy this free and sukoon time as the matters would start getting from mid-month,

1st house Guru will keep increasing your physical & social weight. It is bringing you back from political exile of Sept2016 to sept2017 when you are in the danger of becoming nobody after glorious July2015 to July2016. The 3rd SHANI has completely away from your income and investments now and not affecting your wealth anymore. 3rd Shani will allow you to play your cards and maneuver your people and masses to achieve things and also do a SHOW OF STRENGTH! Your mass-base will be critical now which will propel you to newer posts and higher levels by end of 2019.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(3)    FEB-22 19:20PM (Thursday evening) FEB-24 11PM (Saturday night)
(4)    MARCH-03 03:45AM (Saturday early morning) to MARCH-05 08:10 AM (Monday morning)

The 3rd house multiple planets are GREAT for writing, publishing, expressions and also travel for presentations and meeting influential people. Abroad connect is also possible due to 12th Guru. You will make lot of ripples due to your expression and presentations. This Is great for artists. MANGAL in your rashi from Jan 17th is helping you with energy and positive force.  Surya changing 4th reduces some of the frantic activities and gives you some time for yourself. It also means meeting seniors and top-level people till March14th without much results or specific purpose/needs.

The 12th Guru is a political exile and WHAT NEXT period till Sept2018. This is VERY TROUBLING and TOUGH for most people and gift of time – people have NO CLUE what to do with it!! :) USE it for learning new things, reskilling and stuff. The 2nd house Shani will expose earlier mistakes in wealth management and investments. It will also START NEW income in your life from new things you are doing. Invest wisely and SLOWLY and for the long run – no theatrics and no unnecessary optimism against the popular current!

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB-24 10:45PM (Saturday night) to FEB26 (Monday) Midnight
(2)    MARCH-05 08:10 AM (Monday morning) to MARCH 7 16:00PM (Wednesday afternoon)

DHANU / SAGITTARIUS: DRIVE CARFULLY & handle vehicles & sports with appropriate safety gear
The 2nd house planets are giving good wealth and income & adding to the one time pay-offs and increased income of the 11th house GURU! The 2nd house is about family and mostly introvert stuff. Surya changes to the 3rd house from Feb14 which means the focus now turns to your impact on surroundings, expression, writing, presentations and travels (extrovert stuff). By end of Feb all these planets end up being in the 3rd house which increases this publishing and communication and presentation aspects.

The 12th house Mangal recommends being careful with driving, riding and adventure sports etc. Take all precautions and safety gear etc.  Avoid unnecessary physical risks. Sports people need to plan their game better and be more strategic than outright intuitive. Shani in your rashi continues to increase stress levels and recommends checking mom’s health. The 8th house Rahu could show hereditary health issues from the paternal family and paternal family elders not doing great leastwise.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    FEB26 (Monday) Midnight to March 1st 01:43AM (Feb 28th midnight)
(2)    FEB 8 (Thursday) 8AM (morning) to FEB 10 (Saturday) 19:50PM (night)

So many planets in your sign means 1st house is good for energy & optimism which is much needed in Sadesati first phase when Shani is also your rashi swami and being 12th house is no fun. These planets keep you in the hunt. The matters were VERY BAD from Dec 16 to Jan14 and not they are a BIT better but still some time to go and only in March things would look better. Surya changing to 2nd house from Feb 14 helps with income increase and help from Govt etc folks but only incremental and not revolutionary. The 11th house Mangal is helping with land property deals and vehicles etc and also help from colleagues and friends from Jan 17th to March 08. It will keep you going.

Shani 12th is forcing you to think WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life. Learning new things is a must. 10th GURU is about GADHE KE PAIR PADANA..!!! :) It is HIGH STRESS and high pressure especially due to Sadesati! You will need to adjust to and bow to less qualified and less educated /ability etc people – but this is TEMP till Sept2018 so go ahead with it!! :)

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    MARCH-1st 01:43AM (Feb 28th midnight) to MAR-03 03:45AM (Saturday early morning)
(2)    FEB 10 (Saturday night) 8PM to FEB13 (Tuesday morning) 9AM

KUMBH / AQUARIUS: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff Till Feb 14 with utmost care and patience.
Despite two heavyweights like GURU & SHANI supporting you, the current month is quite a tussle! Handle seniors legal and govt issues with patience and over respect! :) There is too much stress and part of it is correcting previous errors & omissions. As 2 major planets are with you – the folks complaining would not be complaining about the wholesale but about specific things and with some sympathy etc. The 10th Mangal adds to workplace power & strength and productivity. It shows good support from siblings, colleagues and friends to achieve things. Good for sports but more so for captains and coaches.

These 12th house planets slowly come to your rashi (1st) by end of February and start giving optimism energy and feel good. Surya moves to your rashi on Feb 14th which helps quite a bit. There is a lot of expense in the last week of Jan and the month of Feb for many things including expense of time, money and efforts.

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    MARCH-03 03:45AM (Saturday early morning) to MARCH-05 08:10 AM (Monday morning)
(2)    FEB13 (Tuesday morning) 9AM to FEB-15 (Thursday night) 20:00 PM

MEEN / PISCES: HANDLE Seniors, Father, Govt and legal stuff FROM Feb 14 with utmost care and patience.
The 8th Guru is causing a lot of fatigue and misaligned efforts BUT still rest all planets are helping you have a very good profile and Izzat! :) The 10th Shani is STRESS and happening and too much work!! Older people troubling you but you needing them! The 11th house multiple planets show gains and recognition for ALL you did from past 3 months. There will be some positive recency effect which will help you gain. Surya changes to the 12th house from Feb 14th which means for a month need to handle seniors with tact & diplomacy. Govt & Legal issues need to be careful with. The 9th house Mangal shows good support from younger colleague, friends and siblings.

All these planets move slowly to the 12th house by end of FEB which means March would be of correcting any errors & omissions but also planning rest of the year carefully too. DO NOT make HUGE changes in career in the 8th Guru as it tends to be misaligned one and the situation changes after Oct2018 and you would find yourself high & dry without fault of others as situation changed!

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    MARCH-05 08:10 AM (Monday morning) to MARCH 7 16:00PM (Wednesday afternoon)
(2)    FEB-15 (Thursday night) 20:00 PM to FEB-18 06:30AM (Sunday morning)

1.     The RED planet (Mars/Mangal) changes to Vrishchik from Jan17th 2018 to March8 2018. This is adverse for MESH (Aries) and DHANU (Sagittarius) Moon & ascendant signs especially. IT means some troubles with vehicles, sports, physical adventures and anything in motion – the remedy is to ensure safety and servicing and timely DEKHBHAAL /care of your rides. Also, enough safety equipment for sports and adventures would help. The feeling of “love” and “caring” 1.     The RED planet (Mars/Mangal) changes to Vrishchik from Jan17th 2018 to March8 2018. This is adverse for MESH (Aries) and DHANU (Sagittarius) Moon & ascendant signs especially. IT means some troubles with vehicles, sports, physical adventures and anything in motion – the remedy is to ensure safety and servicing and timely DEKHBHAAL /care of your rides. Also, enough safety equipment for sports and adventures would help. The feeling of “love” and “caring” attitude towards self and others IS MAGIC for these things as the care and love won’t allow you to load 40 18 years olds in a boat with capacity of the 10 (typical 3rd world country syndrome). It won’t allow you to drive recklessly above 80/90 with 6 body-builders/wrestlers looking at their life ahead and so on. The DEVIL wins it with anger, ignorance and rage – the God is driven out with this which need LOVE and CARE in your mind to help you! This Mangal change is great for Vrishchik as at least reduces adversity. Great for Meen as it enters great period of 9 10 11 Mangal which helps a LOT. It is about success over competition for Mithun. Singh is about domestic sukh of vehicles and property. Tula is about increased income. Kanya is about fruitful travels to meet friends and cousins. Kirk is about achievements and inspirational moves and kids time. Vrishabh is about activities that they love along with friends. Makar is about increased income and some luck coming from friends when Shani is adverse and Guru is taking your exams.
2.     Sun (Surya) changes to KUMBH (Aquarius) from Feb 13th around 02:20 hours (AM). This means till March 14 midnight (23:15pm) the moon signs of MEEN (Pisces) and KIRK (Cancer) need to watch-out what seniors want, avoid any illegal activity, obey all traffic laws and pay respect too authority etc. More imp, check if you have something that's pending with your seniors. What they might be expecting from you. if any confrontation, handle it with tact & diplomacy. Moon signs of Kumbh (Aquarius) and Mithun (Gemini) are relieved by Surya.


  1. Kumbh Rashi/lagna ...moon in Dhanistha 2 far no major breakthrough :-( Still feel like it is eight house effects. A mission impossible project had closure in December, but the big breakthrough hasn't yet come. There were two big possibilities but they both seem to have fizzled out or delayed at least till July. In Shani budh dasha. Budh in leo well placed. Though my chandra and lagna are both early kumbh, the effects of both seventh house and eight house came with a lag - when guru had already spent seven months in the house. Fifth house effect was as soon as guru entered the Rashi and stayed throughout the transit. Any thoughts on it ?

  2. Some good hope for Tula rashi now... Tahank you!

  3. What about Kumbha regarding the current Mars transit? You may have omitted us while giving effects on other eleven Rashi. please advise

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  5. Thanks for the wonderful post. Best astrologer in India. Astrology is the answer of any problem.

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