Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Shani in the 11th house of a Natal Horoscope (Birth-Chart)

SHANI (SATURN) in the 11th House of a Horoscope
“Gains from masses, large consumer groups, mass-mentality, consumer mentality, politics”

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SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach.

The 11th House: GAINS / Income, “Aay-sthan”, Legs, All sorts of “gains” monetary mostly, Past birth unpaid karma reflection, Past birth surplus karma (& to whom) reflection. Logically speaking daughter-in law as 7th house of the kids’ house (5th). Older siblings, Mostly older or higher placed friends.

Shani being Shani the auditor and delivery of karma – regardless if which house it is – Drushti of Shani on any planet or any house shows lesser stuff with what that planets shows for your horoscope. Closer the degrees more the issues. Extra hard work is required to get thru the things those planets show. This can't be the topic of this article. Means, Shani drushti on L5 would show delayed kids or difficulty with kids regardless of whether 2nd or the 10th Shani! Shani drushti on Surya would show some tussle with the father/Govt no matter which house Surya owns or Shani owns.

The 11th House (not so) Random Thoughts (Mukta-Chintan):
3-7-11 houses are called as “Kaam-Trikon”. They are usually freelancers and the blessed ones who can do things that they LOVE to do for a living! Most artists or cricketers or anyone who doesn’t fit into 9 to 5 job category falls under these houses. You would see Kapil Dev free spirit game as his 7th house Mangal (Tula lagna Mesh Mangal) and I suspect Viv Richards as 11th house Mangal (Dhanu Lagna, Tula Mangal in Makar Navamansh). Similarly, L10 in the 3rd house is Bhimsen Joshi. There is FREE FLOW and doing what they love to do aspect to their life and overall approach. They could be accused of not strictly fulfilling their duty. But just with the sense of duty, Kapil would not have won us the 1983 World Cup. It need FLAIR and extra commitment and desire for IMPACT on the surroundings and a FORCE to do that with the 3rd house Parakram sthan Sagittarius Surya (Dhanu Surya: 6thJanuary) and 7th house Mangal in firebrand Aries sign. 11th house Shani is Balasaheb Thackeray who had a deep bond with the masses, had an attraction for the masses and vice-versa. Modi has 11th house Shani too but Balasaheb was smart enough not to accept a 9 to 5 position and stayed with the masses. Now you have Modi Saahab connecting with masses all the times with elections and so on and forgetting the PM position, not projecting “presidential” personality. So this 11th house is a blessing to us and ANY planet in the 11th house is a boon. It shows gains in its Mahadasha Antardasha and Widasha and of course major transits. KP method uses 11th house Sub-Lord for EVERYTHING (if yes or no). KP gives 11th house sub-lord the utmost importance. I have 5th house Surya Vargottam (L10) which helps with predictions and forecasting but it is BUDH also in the 5th house which owns the 11th house which shows use of intelligence to earn a living.

It is obvious that these folks are a nightmare for people or organizations who want to follow “process”. These folks 3 7 11 don’t exactly fit in to a framework or a process. They always need to be adjusted for by coaches and captains and people who have a sense of a duty! That is why you have Gavaskar with 5th house Mangal and Don Bradman with 9th house planets and Mangal taking up positions of duty and responsibilities in organizations but we don’t see Kapil fitting in to a 9 to 5 job. The same might be the case with Viru. These folks get you the MALAI on Milk but you need folks who would being in milk and keep the milk intact. One needs some planets in 1 5 9 in own horoscope in order to unleash the full potential of the planets in the 3 7 11. Even Kapil had Surya in the 3rd house but in DHANU rashi which is about discipline, idealistic role model behavior and duty prone rashi itself.

1 5 9 are the “Dharma-trikon” houses. They mean performing specific duties. These are some office bearers who have definite daily weekly and monthly duties. Even in the most creative of fields like movies, they are like Directors or assistants who have definite daily and weekly targets to meet. Sense of duty is very high in these folks and hence all these houses “complete” or in complementing 180degrees positions of all free-lancing houses of 3 7 11. Without such people freelancers would be about “glorious failures”! :) Imagine not having a great director to get out the “Daaru Pine se lever” scene from Bachchan or “Aaj Khush to bohot hoge” etc. Also, financers (2, 6 10 houses dominated folks) folks who would fund these things. The 10th house would be more in “Producers” category and 2nd house would be more in financer category.

Connect that to Shani in the 11th house:
SHANI is slow, steady, relentless like time itself, sincere and DIRGHODYOGI (long-term stuff), it is about law and order and relentless work like the clock. Discipline and higher sincere with reproducible results driven by a process & not personal charisma which is like a matchbox (temp). So you would have some highly successful free-lance lawyers and politicians with the 11th house Shani. They might not fit in to a framework but would always represent their mass-base and take the cause of masses in their hands. It is about knowing your consumer base or mass-mentality to cater to it. 11th Shani shows that the past life a lot of unpaid karma was done to people/masses and large group of people and now these people want to pay you back in some manner. Also, the 11th house Shani would show desire of the soul to earn from masses by providing them products/services which they love and like and not just “need”. It is the karma-delivery mechanism where the masses pay back the recognition or money or by votes or buying tickets of movies etc etc.

This Shani gives great sense mass-mentality but still shows a need and rather inbuilt attitude of understanding masses.  Slide and dice of demographics and careful understanding of each slice of the demographic. Their needs, their life style and so on. It is obvious that such study & 360-degree awareness about masses start coming by the age of 30 and more. By that age, they are fully aware of their “masses” or customers and are ready to take on challenges or responsibilities and leverage this acute mass-mentality knowledge for personal achievements but also giving what these people really want! It is always about masses and not as much about classes. Yes, Shani in some specific degrees like first degrees of Fire signs would show some very specific customers and very specific effects. Some specificity and quirk would be there with the masses/customers depending on navamansh and degree of Shani and owner of Shani house placement etc but PREDOMINANTLY it is about masses and not classes. The gains from masses might be cash monetary etc but also as mentioned votes in elections or show of strength in the bad times and so on. It is support from the masses as masses know that these folks take care of their interests and represent them in many ways. That is why middle-class is surprised with election results at times as corrupt people are seen elected. They might be selected by masses despite being corrupt and not because they are corrupt as they understand these masses well and would take care of their interest well.

SHANI being RULER of masses and large group of consumers: Just like the 10th Shani, you are advised or destined to sell mass-market products which are there for large number of people like Insurance, Investments, Banking and so on. It is about say 100cc commuter bikes in India than 600/900 cc superbikes. It is about Maruti-Suzuki more than BMW. Your consumers tend to be middle class or large in numbers. It is not about say, selling high priced paintings or artefacts. You are destined to STUDY such large consumer groups and shape and create products that are demanded and needed by these people. However, the 11th house Shani folks would know this at the level of the soul itself unlike 10th Shani who would haves some friction. 11th Shani “knows” their affinity with the masses as they are made aware of this by their destiny right from childhood.

Folks born on 1 10 19 28 could use this 11th Shani to launch own products and services to consumers. Whereas folks born on 8 17 26 would use 11th Shani for finance and wealth management which helps large group of people or they could be astute mass-leaders too like 26 born Modi. Regardless, the better and higher success is after the age of 30/32 when the 2nd cycle of Shani starts in your life. Shani gives success in any house after “Tapashcharya” and “hard-work” and consistency and focus. As SHANI always eyes bigger and higher success with large consumers groups, it is only common sense that their success is bigger but later in life. While 3rd house Shani folks run people’s causes and grab positions like MLA or Corporators etc etc, the 2 6 10th house Shani are like Dhoot of Videocon who use their business power and money to get in to upper house (Rajya Sabha).  While 3 and 11 Shani (Balasaheb, Modi) are playful and always connected to emotions and causes of people, the 6th (Pawar Saheb) and 10th house Shani are about ECONOMIC side of the politics. Using masses (Shani) for economic activities.

The 11th Shani shows some deficit of karma with the siblings and mostly older ones. Most of the times they don’t have older siblings. It shows some ignorance of the past life with your siblings & also friends. You would have friends from completely different fields and areas compared to your own. Yes, there is some obligation to help out your siblings from time to time as it does show ignorance to them in the past birth. It is not that the siblings don’t want to help you or won’t help you – just that you and they might not have many opportunities to do so! Bad planets in the 11th and the 5th house shows some intense events with elder siblings or even miscarriages to your mom before your birth. The same is true when L3 or L11 is in the 5th 8th or 11th (or even the 1st) house. The 8th Mangal especially shows major issues with siblings and cousins etc and inheritance matters.

SHANI drushti on the 1st house shows some health issues and weakness in the childhood. They gain health and resilience in a step by step manner. Bad planets in the 1st house or intense drushti on the 1st house by Mangal could show some injury to head/face in the childhood. This could happen at the ages of 5th 13th 23rd and 30th 35th etc. This usually happens if Mars is in the 1st or 6th, 7th or 10th house. In such cases it is advised to watch them in the childhood or use some safety gear when playing some games which could show injuries at times.

SHANI drushti on the 5th house shows delayed kids and lesser number of kids compared to the family norms. It shows some obligations that you have with kids. Need to pay attention but it is often not possible as you are taking care of large group of people and their interests, your own kids are ignored. It is quite common to see 11th Shani folks having troubles with at least one of the kids! Awareness of this helps to ensure kids get good family values etc by some other means if not self. Bad planets in the 5th house or acute Mangal drushti on the 5th house could show miscarriages or troubles with the fist kid (before the age of 30). It also shows interruptions with education too. This is experienced a lot more when L5 is & or Guru also in Shani drushti.

Shani drushti on the 8th house shows some issues with inheritance. Need to stay away from it as you would get much more from masses. This is more applicable when Mangal is in the 8th house of Mangal drushti is on the 8th house or Rahu or Ketu in the 8th house affect more with hereditary health and inheritance issues. These issues are seen acutely at the ages of running 8th and 23rd and 30th 38th etc.

A badly placed Saturn shows that the person is not consistent and changes profession, workplace and focus frequently. Need to be in the same field for a long time and need to look at mass-production with products for masses and not classes or specific people. Shani mandate for any house is relentless, consistent, perseverant and focused effort for a long time.

The Rashi/Sign of Shani and the owner of the Shani house/Rashi and also Nakshatra-Swami would of course bring in major variations and also direction & focus of HOW and WHAT and Where. The detailing for the things mentioned in this article would depend on these factors. Like Shani in Aries is great for engineering. Shani in Makar for wealth mgmt. finance and politics, Shani in Rahu Nakshatra great for image and publicity, Shani in Guru Nakshatra for knowledge and knowledge-based earnings.

Remedies if badly placed:
(1)    Help siblings as much as possible
(2)    Legs below knees need attention and workout of muscles etc.
(3)    Kids need special attention
(4)    Stay away from inheritance matters! Take what you get and do not fight for it.
Neelam (Blue Sapphire) Gemstone is not easy to carry around as it is very difficult in the first few days as Shani expects hard-work and not haste. Neelam not advised “wholesale” for all people for sure!!

Important Configurations:
[A] The adverse or bad things mentioned above would be much lesser in intensity if Shani degree is not close to Ascendant degree. Or Shani is aspected by Guru, Shani is NOT aspected by Mars or with Raahu or Ketu. Or say Shani is not wakri or worse stambhi which gets ignored. Shani has good speed & is not with Surya (Astangat). Shani is Raajyogkarak of friendly with Lagna-Rashi or Chandra-Rashi. The owner of Shani’s rashi “well-placed” and or in Guru drushti.

[B] The above things will be lot worse if Shani is with Mangal or has Mangal drushti. No Guru drushti, Wakri Shani is with Rahu or Ketu or Surya. If it has very less speed. Owner of Shani is wakri or is 6 8 12 from Shani or in Mangal or even Shani’s drushti! (Recursion!) :)  The worse or better the karma the more & more acute planetary formations in a natal chart.


  1. What if you have shani and guru in 11th house for kumbha rasi and the 11th house is virgo?? what do you read about the person's profession??

  2. Hi
    I have Shani in 11th in Aries and my old brother is in extreme poverty by his choice
    Any help I provide he turns into disaster and waste of money/time /effort etc. I tried to give him money at home and food and he refuses as he is used to travel selling small items
    How do u help sibling that can not be helped
    His chart is much worse and often astros say that there is nothing good in his chart and he is born to suffer
    His chart sag assendent ,Virgo moon sat/Ketu/sun in 2nd ,jup in 3rd, mars/Rahu in 8th and Venus in 12th
    Is there any hope for such person?

    17/jan/1963 born

    1. What is his birth time & birthplace?

  3. Thanks for sharing this content, I really appreciate your hard work and intelligence which is clearly seen through your content.
    Saturn in 11th House Saturn Remedies
