Tuesday, February 20, 2018

SHANI (SATURN) in the 10th House of a Natal Horoscope (Birth-Chart)

SHANI (SATURN) in the 10th House of a Horoscope
“Karma-Veer, Workaholic, serious, sincere, Workplace, Consumer Products, Large Group of customers”

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SHANI: SATURN, Shanai, Shanai – slowly slowly, Sincere, Serious, Hard-Work, Perseverance, covertly ambitions, Auditor, Police, Relentless delivery of good/bad karma, Channel for karma delivery just like ISO or CMMI Auditors or Financial Auditors, Poor People, Masses, Workers, Large group of Consumers, Cold Calculations, Devoid of emotions, numbers driven approach

The 10th House: KARMA-STTHA, PITRU-STHAN, Workplace, father, Knees, Production, Output, Govt Support, Workplace Seniors

Shani being Shani the auditor and delivery of karma – regardless if which house it is – Drushti of Shani on any planet or any house shows lesser stuff with what that planets shows for your horoscope. Closer the degrees more the issues. Extra hard work is required to get thru the things those planets show. This can't be the topic of this article. Means, Shani drushti on L5 would show delayed kids or difficulty with kids regardless of whether 2nd or the 10th Shani! Shani drushti on Surya would show some tussle with the father/Govt no matter which house Surya owns or Shani owns.

The 10th House (not so) Random Thoughts (Mukta-Chintan):
2 6 and 10 are “Artha-Trikon” means economic zone. Folks like Ambani and Birlas have multiple planets in these houses and certainly the most significant ones. Also, these houses are connected to the 11th house (gains) in some ways for them to get the money towards their bank accounts/profits and not just cash flow across their businesses! :) Without well placed 11th house the business might make huge turn-over but not so much of a profit or dividend! The 2nd house is the first level of economic zone – what one gets from the family and childhood wealth and so on (Dhirubhai had Shani so not much!). It also shows investments of the family and how a person raises money (Dhirubhai Shani from people IPOs). The 6th house is about loans, debts & earning money by providing service & consultancy and not products. The 10th house is the highest & the most imp of the economic zone as it shows products & production or manufacturing. It shows CHURN and churning out things from a machine or assembly line etc.  Of course, 10th Mars (or Mars’ signs in 10th) would show weapons, electronics or agriculture or sports equipment production and Mercury would show say press, daily papers or weekly monthly magazines or a website publication etc. But it IS about churning some stuff out on a regular basis. Without the 10th house churn there is not much to invest (2) and not much to service (6). Now you can appreciate how important & impactful the planets like Shani and Guru, Mangal, Rahu or so on are in the 10th house. They keep the GDP going. When 10th house effect reduces and focus is more on 2 and 6 – 2008 like situation happens where paper pushers have 70% share and creators have 30% only! :)

1 5 9 are the “Dharma-trikon” houses. They mean performing specific duties. These are some office bearers who have definite daily weekly and monthly duties. Even in the most creative of fields like movies, they are like Directors or assistants who have definite daily and weekly targets to meet. Sense of duty is very high in these folks and hence all these houses “complete” or in complementing 180degrees positions of all free-lancing houses of 3 7 11. Without such people freelancers would be about “glorious failures”! :) Imagine not having a great director to get out the “Daaru Pine se lever” scene from Bachchan or “Aaj Khush to bohot hoge” etc. Also, financers (2, 6 10 houses dominated folks) folks who would fund these things. The 10th house would be more in “Producers” category and 2nd house would be more in financer category.

Connect that to Shani in the 10th house:
SHANI is slow, steady, relentless like time itself, sincere and DIRGHODYOGI (long-term stuff), it is about law and order and relentless work like the clock. Discipline and higher sincere with reproducible results driven by a process & not personal charisma which is like a matchbox (temp). A company like Toyota is certainly ruled by 10th house Shani. Basic analysis:

The 10th Shani shows deficit of karma with the father and the seniors in workplace and also overall career. It shows some ignorance of the past life with your work and products. You would do something totally different in the long run compared to your father. You would have long term difference of opinion (& not a daily tussle) with your father. Your approach would be different than him. Or simply, his field or his expertise of his business is not much of a significance to your career. There is very less overlap of what you would do a career and what your father did. Yes, there is some obligation to help out your father from time to time as it does show ignorance to the father in the past birth. It is not that the father does not want to help you or won’t help you – just that you and he might not have many opportunities to do so! Bad planets in the 10th and the 4th house shows some intense events with parent’s health of overall well-being. The same is true when L4 or L10 is in the 4th 7th 10th or 12th house.

This Shani also shows deficit of karma with the workplace. But, for the workplace it is more about LONG TERM programs and initiatives driven by cold numbers, facts and figures and not some glorious, quick, image kind of stuff. It tends to be more about BACK-OFFICE and not much of a flash in the pan! Like say, Actuaries (statistics) or an Insurance companies doing all the number crunching and coming up with HUGELY Complex models that drive the backbone of the company (12th house Shani more so or 12th house planets along with the 10th Shani). Or the finance folks who watch the whole cash-flow and ensure that end to end integration of company is in place to ensure cycle of supply & demand. They are supposed to do LONG-TERM things at the workplace & quick gratification attempts result in disappointment. Rather their work allows a lot of people to have quick gratification while they are still churning out stuff & talking next target consumer while attending a party for sales target success! :)

SHANI being RULER of masses and large group of consumers: You are advised or destined to sell mass-market products which are there for large number of people like Insurance, Investments, Banking and so on. It is about say 100cc commuter bikes in India than 600/900 cc superbikes. It is about Maruti-Suzuki more than BMW. Your consumers tend to be middle class or large in numbers. It is not about say, selling high priced paintings or artefacts. You are destined to STUDY such large consumer groups and shape and create products that are demanded and needed by these people. Folks born on 1 10 19 28 could use this 10th Shani to launch own products and services to consumers. Whereas folks born on 8 17 26 would use 10th Shani to AUDIT and “Watch” the factories and ensure compliance to process and procedures etc etc.  Regardless, the better and higher success is after the age of 30/32 when the 2nd cycle of Shani starts in your life. Shani gives success in any house after “Tapashcharya” and “hard-work” and consistency and focus. As SHANI always eyes bigger and higher success with large consumers groups, it is only common sense that their success is bigger but later in life. While 3rd house Shani folks run people’s causes and grab positions like MLA or Corporators etc etc, the 2 6 10th house Shani are like Dhoot of Videocon who use their business power and money to get in to upper house (Rajya Sabha).  While 3 and 11 Shani (Balasaheb, Modi) are playful and always connected to emotions and causes of people, the 6th (Pawar Saheb) and 10th house Shani are about ECONOMIC side of the politics. Using masses (Shani) for economic activities. This 10th Shani makes one curious about mass-mentality, consumer mentality as it relates to products and economic matters.

SHANI drushti on the 12th house shows some connection with abroad people, consumers or places. It is usually about exports and creating products for exports too. It shows necessary travels from time to time at the ages of running 13th, 20th 28th 35th etc etc which are highly useful. Bad planets in the 12th house could show losses in those Antardasha or the ages mentioned above. They can also show “political exile” which could include jail-time or bad-press also! Problems with ankle/feet are seen with 12th house bad planets and are more pronounced.  Some pending karma is seen with uncle or siblings of the father.

SHANI drushti on the 4th house shows some pending karma with the mother. This is lesser than the father but more pronounced if L4 is in the 4th or 7th 12th or the 10th house. It also shows lesser luck near native place.

Shani drushti on the 7th house shows delays in marriage as anyways self-business and career settlement takes some time. Rather a bit of a delay is recommended. Adverse planets in the 7th house or L7 or Shukra in 7th or 4 12 or 10th house only adds to these issues. Relationships at the ages of 23rd and 29th go for a toss. From 30/31 it is quite OK.  VERY well placed Shukra or L7 reduces the impact of this Shani considerably and also reduces the delays quite a bit. Shani drushti shows hormonal deficit at the respective houses but L7 or Shukra well placed compensates for that and makes one get into relationships earlier.

A badly placed Saturn shows that the person is not consistent and changes profession, workplace and focus frequently. This is a major problem for this 10th Shani. Need to be in the same field for a long time and need to look at mass-production with products for masses and not classes or specific people. More like Laxmikant-Pyarelal and lesser like Sajjad Husain! :) Shani mandate for any house is relentless, consistent, perseverant and focused effort for a long time. The 10th house being “what we do for a living” – this is all the more important.

Remedies if badly placed:
(1)    Help father always and your seniors earlier in career – Do not cross them unless common-sense issues! :)
(2)    Knees issues could be there… strengthen them and use support if playing some extreme stuff.
(3)    Knee or lungs issues to be taken seriously, if ankle/feet issues then use high quality footwear.
Neelam (Blue Sapphire) Gemstone is not easy to carry around as it is very difficult in the first few days as Shani expects hard-work and not haste. Neelam not advised “wholesale” for all people for sure!!

Important Configurations:
[A] The adverse or bad things mentioned above would be much lesser in intensity if Shani degree is not close to Ascendant degree. Or Shani is aspected by Guru, Shani is NOT aspected by Mars or with Raahu or Ketu. Or say Shani is not wakri or worse stambhi which gets ignored. Shani has good speed & is not with Surya (Astangat). Shani is Raajyogkarak of friendly with Lagna-Rashi or Chandra-Rashi. The owner of Shani’s rashi “well-placed” and or in Guru drushti.

[B] The above things will be lot worse if Shani is with Mangal or has Mangal drushti. No Guru drushti, Wakri Shani is with Rahu or Ketu or Surya. If it has very less speed. Owner of Shani is wakri or is 6 8 12 from Shani or in Mangal or even Shani’s drushti! (Recursion!) :)  The worse or better the karma the more & more acute planetary formations in a natal chart.


  1. I have Guru and Mars in 10th house and Shani in 5th house. How would it be.

  2. Great post, I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post. Thanks for sharing this useful information Vastu Shastra Expert

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi sir
    I have read that Shani 10th in the Moon Chart is bad for career. What are your views on this? Kindly reply. Thanks
